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Odak Grup Görüşmeleri ve Kültürel Bakım Farklılık-Evrensellik Teorisi İlişkisi

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3, 172 - 175, 01.08.2013


Bireylerin kültürel inançları meme kanseri erken tanı uygulamalarına yönelik yarar ve engel algısını, dolayısı ile erken tanı davranışlarını sürdürmelerini etkilemektedir. Bireylerin kültürel özelliklerini, gereksinimlerini saptamak ve bakım vermek hemşirelikte değişik modeller ve teorilerle açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı meme kanseri erken tanı davranışlarına yönelik yapılan odak grup görüşmelerinde kültürün etkisini açıklamak ve bunu Leininger’in Kültürel Bakım Farklılık ve Evrensellik Teorisi ile ilişkilendirmektir.


  • Aksit, B.T. (1992). “Medikal arastırmalarda etik sorunlar”, Türk Tabipler Birliği Sağlık Kongresi. 8–11 Mart 1992. Shareton Oteli. Ankara.
  • Alligoog, M.R., & Tomey, M. (2006). Nursing Theory Utilization&Application. Mosby Comp, Third Edition Angel, R.J., Williams, K. (2000). Cultural models of health and illness. In Handbook of Multicultural Mental Health, Cuellar I, Paniagua FA (eds). Academic Press: San Diego, CA, 27– 44.
  • Ay, F. (2008). Uluslararası alanda kullanılan hemşirelik tanıları ve uygulamaları sınıflandırma sistemleri. Türkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci. 555-561.
  • Baltas, Z. and Steptoe, A. (2000) Migration, culture conflict and psychological well-being among Turkish-British married couples. In Ethnicity & Health, 5,173-180.
  • Birol, L. (2000). Hemşirelik Süreci. İzmir, Bozkaya Matbaacılık. Borrayo E.A., Buki L.P., & Feigal B.M. (2005). Breast cancer detection among older Latinas: is it worth the risk?. Qualitative Health Research, 15, 1244-1263
  • Baron-Epel, O., Granot, M., Badarna, S., & Avrami, S. (2004). Perception of breast cancer among Arab Israeli women. Women Health, 40, 101–116.
  • Champion, V.L., & Skinner, C.S. (2008). The Health Belıef Model. In: Glanz K., Rimer B.K., Viswanath K.V., eds.
  • Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research and Practice. 4th ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc. 46-65
  • Degazon, C. (1996). Cultural diversity and community health nursing practice. In: Stanhope M, Lancoster J (Eds.). Community Health Nursing. Mosby-year Book, Baltimore. s.117-134.
  • Dhillon, H.S. & Philip, L. (1994). Health Promotion and Community Action for Health in Developing Countries, World Health Organization, Geneva. Duffy, M.E. (2001). A critique of cultural education in nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 36, 487- 495.
  • Elnekave, E., & Gross, R. (2004). The healthcare experiences of Arab Israeli women in a reformed healthcare system. Health Policy, 69, 101–116.
  • Ersin, F., & Bahar, Z., (2011). Inhibiting and Facilitating Factors Concerning Breast Cancer Early Diagnosis Behavior in Turkish Women: A Qualitative Study According to the Health Belief and Health Development Models. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 12, 1849-54.
  • Fawcett, J., & Gigliotti, E. (2001). Using conceptual models of nursing to guide nursing research: the case of the Neuman Systems Model. Nursing Science Quarterly, 14(4), 339-345.
  • Giger, J.N., & Davidhizar, R. (2002). Culturally competent care: emphasis on understanding the people of Afghanistan, Afghanistan Americans, and Islamic culture and religion. International Nursing Review, 9, 79-86.
  • Glanz, K., Rımer, B.K., & Vıswanath, K. (2008). Health behavıor and health education theory, research, and practice. (Ed. Orleans, T.). 4 th Edition, Jossey Bass, 45-62.
  • Kleinman, A. (1988). The Illness Narratives: Suffering, Healing and the Human Condition. Basic Books: New York.
  • Lee, EE, Tripp-Reimer, T., Miller, A., Sadler, G., & Lee, S. (2007). Korean American women’s beliefs about breast and cervical cancer and associated symbolic meanings. Oncology Nursing Forum, 34(3): 713-720.
  • Remennick, L. (2006). The challenge of early breast cancer detection among immigrant and minority women in multicultural societies. The Breast Journal, 12, 103-110.
  • .Ogedegbe, G., Cassells, A.N., Robinson, C.M., DuHamel, K., Tobin, J.N., Sox, C.H., et al. (2005). Perceptions of barriers and facilitators of cancer early detection among low-income minority women in community health centers. Journal of the National Medical Association, 97, 162-170.
  • Tomey, M., & Alligood, M.R. (1998). Nursing Theorists And Their Work. Mosby Comp, Fourth Edition, U.S.A.
  • Yıldırım A., & Şimşek H. (2006). Qualitative research methods in social sciences. Seçkin Publishing, Ankara.
  • Kağıtçıbaşı, Ç. (1999). “Türkiye'de Kadının Konumu: İnsanca Gelişme Düzeyi, Eğitim, İstihdam, Sağlık ve Doğurganlık”, Bilânço 1923–1998: “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin 75 Yılına Toplu Bakış” Uluslararası Kongresi, II. Cilt: EkonomiToplum- Çevre (Tarih Vakfı Yayınları, İstanbul)
  • Kroll, T., Barbour, R., & Haris, J. (2007). Using focus groups in disability research. Qualitative Health Research, 17, 690– 698.
  • Lamyian, M., Hydarnia, A., Ahmadi, F., Faghihzadeh, S., & Aguilar-Vafaie, M.E. (2007). Barriers to and factors facilitating breast cancer screening among Iranian women: a qualitative study. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 13, 1160-9
  • Leininger, M. (1995). Overview of Leininger’s culture care theory. In Transcultural Nursing: Concepts, Theories, Research and Practices. McGraw-Hill: New York, 93– 111.25.
  • Lawrence, P., & Rozmus, C. (2001). Culturally sensitive care of Muslim patients. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 12, 228– 233.
  • Leininger, M. (2002). Culture care theory, research, and practice. Nursing Science Quarterly, 9, 71-78.
  • Maxwell, A.E., Bastani, R., Vida, P., & Warda, U.S. (2003). Result of randomized trail to increase breast and cervical cancer screening among Filipino American women. Preventive Medicine, 37, 102-109.
  • Rajaram, S.S., & Rashidi, A. (1999). Asian-Islamic women and breast cancer screening: a socio-cultural analysis. Women Health, 28, 45–58.
  • WHO, (1988). Education for Health Amanual of Health Education inprimary health care, World Health Organization, Geneva.
  • WHO, (1990). The Introduction of a Mental Health Component into Primary Health Care,World Health Organization, Geneva

The Relation Between Focus Group Discussions and The Cultural Care: Diversity And Universality Theory

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3, 172 - 175, 01.08.2013


Cultural beliefs of individuals affect their perceptions of benefit and obstacle aimed at the early diagnosis applications of breast
cancer and consequently the sustainment of early diagnosis behaviours. The determination of cultural features and needs of
individuals and procurement of care were tried to be explained through different models and theories in nursing. The objective
of this study is to explain the effect of culture upon focus group discussions aimed at the early diagnosis behaviours of breast
cancer and associate this with Leininger’s Cultural Care: Diversty and Universality Theory


  • Aksit, B.T. (1992). “Medikal arastırmalarda etik sorunlar”, Türk Tabipler Birliği Sağlık Kongresi. 8–11 Mart 1992. Shareton Oteli. Ankara.
  • Alligoog, M.R., & Tomey, M. (2006). Nursing Theory Utilization&Application. Mosby Comp, Third Edition Angel, R.J., Williams, K. (2000). Cultural models of health and illness. In Handbook of Multicultural Mental Health, Cuellar I, Paniagua FA (eds). Academic Press: San Diego, CA, 27– 44.
  • Ay, F. (2008). Uluslararası alanda kullanılan hemşirelik tanıları ve uygulamaları sınıflandırma sistemleri. Türkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci. 555-561.
  • Baltas, Z. and Steptoe, A. (2000) Migration, culture conflict and psychological well-being among Turkish-British married couples. In Ethnicity & Health, 5,173-180.
  • Birol, L. (2000). Hemşirelik Süreci. İzmir, Bozkaya Matbaacılık. Borrayo E.A., Buki L.P., & Feigal B.M. (2005). Breast cancer detection among older Latinas: is it worth the risk?. Qualitative Health Research, 15, 1244-1263
  • Baron-Epel, O., Granot, M., Badarna, S., & Avrami, S. (2004). Perception of breast cancer among Arab Israeli women. Women Health, 40, 101–116.
  • Champion, V.L., & Skinner, C.S. (2008). The Health Belıef Model. In: Glanz K., Rimer B.K., Viswanath K.V., eds.
  • Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research and Practice. 4th ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc. 46-65
  • Degazon, C. (1996). Cultural diversity and community health nursing practice. In: Stanhope M, Lancoster J (Eds.). Community Health Nursing. Mosby-year Book, Baltimore. s.117-134.
  • Dhillon, H.S. & Philip, L. (1994). Health Promotion and Community Action for Health in Developing Countries, World Health Organization, Geneva. Duffy, M.E. (2001). A critique of cultural education in nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 36, 487- 495.
  • Elnekave, E., & Gross, R. (2004). The healthcare experiences of Arab Israeli women in a reformed healthcare system. Health Policy, 69, 101–116.
  • Ersin, F., & Bahar, Z., (2011). Inhibiting and Facilitating Factors Concerning Breast Cancer Early Diagnosis Behavior in Turkish Women: A Qualitative Study According to the Health Belief and Health Development Models. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 12, 1849-54.
  • Fawcett, J., & Gigliotti, E. (2001). Using conceptual models of nursing to guide nursing research: the case of the Neuman Systems Model. Nursing Science Quarterly, 14(4), 339-345.
  • Giger, J.N., & Davidhizar, R. (2002). Culturally competent care: emphasis on understanding the people of Afghanistan, Afghanistan Americans, and Islamic culture and religion. International Nursing Review, 9, 79-86.
  • Glanz, K., Rımer, B.K., & Vıswanath, K. (2008). Health behavıor and health education theory, research, and practice. (Ed. Orleans, T.). 4 th Edition, Jossey Bass, 45-62.
  • Kleinman, A. (1988). The Illness Narratives: Suffering, Healing and the Human Condition. Basic Books: New York.
  • Lee, EE, Tripp-Reimer, T., Miller, A., Sadler, G., & Lee, S. (2007). Korean American women’s beliefs about breast and cervical cancer and associated symbolic meanings. Oncology Nursing Forum, 34(3): 713-720.
  • Remennick, L. (2006). The challenge of early breast cancer detection among immigrant and minority women in multicultural societies. The Breast Journal, 12, 103-110.
  • .Ogedegbe, G., Cassells, A.N., Robinson, C.M., DuHamel, K., Tobin, J.N., Sox, C.H., et al. (2005). Perceptions of barriers and facilitators of cancer early detection among low-income minority women in community health centers. Journal of the National Medical Association, 97, 162-170.
  • Tomey, M., & Alligood, M.R. (1998). Nursing Theorists And Their Work. Mosby Comp, Fourth Edition, U.S.A.
  • Yıldırım A., & Şimşek H. (2006). Qualitative research methods in social sciences. Seçkin Publishing, Ankara.
  • Kağıtçıbaşı, Ç. (1999). “Türkiye'de Kadının Konumu: İnsanca Gelişme Düzeyi, Eğitim, İstihdam, Sağlık ve Doğurganlık”, Bilânço 1923–1998: “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin 75 Yılına Toplu Bakış” Uluslararası Kongresi, II. Cilt: EkonomiToplum- Çevre (Tarih Vakfı Yayınları, İstanbul)
  • Kroll, T., Barbour, R., & Haris, J. (2007). Using focus groups in disability research. Qualitative Health Research, 17, 690– 698.
  • Lamyian, M., Hydarnia, A., Ahmadi, F., Faghihzadeh, S., & Aguilar-Vafaie, M.E. (2007). Barriers to and factors facilitating breast cancer screening among Iranian women: a qualitative study. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 13, 1160-9
  • Leininger, M. (1995). Overview of Leininger’s culture care theory. In Transcultural Nursing: Concepts, Theories, Research and Practices. McGraw-Hill: New York, 93– 111.25.
  • Lawrence, P., & Rozmus, C. (2001). Culturally sensitive care of Muslim patients. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 12, 228– 233.
  • Leininger, M. (2002). Culture care theory, research, and practice. Nursing Science Quarterly, 9, 71-78.
  • Maxwell, A.E., Bastani, R., Vida, P., & Warda, U.S. (2003). Result of randomized trail to increase breast and cervical cancer screening among Filipino American women. Preventive Medicine, 37, 102-109.
  • Rajaram, S.S., & Rashidi, A. (1999). Asian-Islamic women and breast cancer screening: a socio-cultural analysis. Women Health, 28, 45–58.
  • WHO, (1988). Education for Health Amanual of Health Education inprimary health care, World Health Organization, Geneva.
  • WHO, (1990). The Introduction of a Mental Health Component into Primary Health Care,World Health Organization, Geneva
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Research Article

Fatma Ersin Bu kişi benim

Zuhal Bahar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Ersin, F., & Bahar, Z. (2013). Odak Grup Görüşmeleri ve Kültürel Bakım Farklılık-Evrensellik Teorisi İlişkisi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 6(3), 172-175.

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi ULAKBİM Türk Tıp Dizini, Türk Medline, Türkiye Atıf Dizini, Şubat 2021 tarihinden beri EBSCO Host ve 26 Ekim 2021 tarihinden itibaren DOAJ ve 18 Ocak 2022 tarihinden beri Index Copernicus tarafından indekslenmektedir.

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