Yıl 2001,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 59 - 69, 01.05.2001
Ertan Buyruk
Ahmet Fertelli
In the present paper numerical analysis of heat transfer and laminar flow structures are
studied for staggered tube bundle in crossflow. This study consists of two parts. At the first
part isoterms and streamlines are shown for both only single tube heated and all tubes heated
cases. At the second part effect of Reynolds number is examined. The stream functionvorticity
formulation is used to solve the laminar, steady state Navier-Stokes equations and
energy equation by applying Gauss-Seidel over-relaxation technique. Transverse and
longitudinal tube spacing is fixed as 1.75x1.5 and results are found for Re=325 and 650.
- Baughn J.W., Elderkin M.J., Mckillop A.A. (1986): “Heat Transfer from a Single Cylinder, Cylinders in Tandem and Cylinders in the Entrance Region of a Tube Bank with a Uniform Heat Flux”, Trans. ASME, J. Heat Transfer, 108, pp 386-391.
- Buyruk E. (1996): “An Investigation Into the Effects of Fouling on the Heat Transfer in Tubular Heat Exchangers”, PhD Thesis, The University of Liverpool.
- Buyruk E., Johnson M.W., Owen I. (1998): “Numerical and Experimental Study of Flow and Heat Transfer Around a Tube in Cross-flow at Low Reynolds Number”, Int. J. Heat & Fluid Flow, 19, pp 223-232.
- Buyruk E., Owen I., Johnson M.W. (2000): “Laminar Flow and Heat Transfer in a Staggered Tube Bank”, Turkish Journal of Eng. And Environmental Science dergisine gönderildi.
- Chen C.K., Wong K.L., Cleaver J.W. (1986): “Finite Element Solutions of Laminar Flow, and Heat Transfer of Air in a Staggered and an In-line Tube Bank”, Int. J. Heat & Fluid Flow, 7, 4, pp 291-300.
- Jain P.C., Goel B.S. (1976): “A Numerical Study of Unsteady Laminar Forced Convection from a Circular Cylinder”, Trans. ASME, J. Heat Transfer, pp. 303-307.
- Johnson M.W. (1990): “Computation of Flow in a Vortex - Shedding Flow-meter”, Flow Meas. Instrument., 1, pp 201-208.
- Murray D.B., Fitzpatrick J.A. (1988): “Local Heat Transfer Coefficients for a Tube Array Using a Micro-Foil Heat Flow Sensor”, Proc. 2nd U.K. Nat. Conf. on Heat Transfer, 2, pp 1635-1649.
- Paolino M.A., Kinney R.B., Cerutti E.A. (1986): “Numerical Analysis of the Unsteady Flow and Heat Transfer to a Cylinder in Cross-Flow”, Trans. ASME, J. Heat Transfer, 108, pp. 742-748.
- Thom A. (1933): “The Flow Past Circular Cylinders at Low Speeds”, Proc. Roy. Soc., A141, pp. 651-669.
- Thompson J.F., Thomes F.C., Mastin C.W. (1974): “Automatic Numerical Generation of Body Fitted Curvilinear Co-ordinate System for Field Containing Any Number of Arbitrary Two Dimensional Bodies”, J. Of Computational Physics, 15, pp 299-319.
- Zdrovistch F., Fletcher A.C., Behnio M. (1995): “Numerical Laminar and Turbulent Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Predictions in Tube Banks”, Int. J. Num. Meth. Heat and Fluid Flow, 5, pp. 717-733.
- Zukauskas A. (1972): “Heat Transfer from tubes in Cross-flow”, Advances in Heat Transfer, 8, pp 93-160.
Yıl 2001,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 2, 59 - 69, 01.05.2001
Ertan Buyruk
Ahmet Fertelli
studied for staggered tube bundle in crossflow. This study consists of two parts. At the first part isoterms and streamlines are shown for both only single tube heated and all tubes heated cases. At the second part effect of Reynolds number is examined. The stream function- vorticity formulation is used to solve the laminar, steady state Navier-Stokes equations and energy equation by applying Gauss-Seidel over-relaxation technique. Transverse and longitudinal tube spacing is fixed as 1.75x1.5 and results are found for Re=325 and 650
- Baughn J.W., Elderkin M.J., Mckillop A.A. (1986): “Heat Transfer from a Single Cylinder, Cylinders in Tandem and Cylinders in the Entrance Region of a Tube Bank with a Uniform Heat Flux”, Trans. ASME, J. Heat Transfer, 108, pp 386-391.
- Buyruk E. (1996): “An Investigation Into the Effects of Fouling on the Heat Transfer in Tubular Heat Exchangers”, PhD Thesis, The University of Liverpool.
- Buyruk E., Johnson M.W., Owen I. (1998): “Numerical and Experimental Study of Flow and Heat Transfer Around a Tube in Cross-flow at Low Reynolds Number”, Int. J. Heat & Fluid Flow, 19, pp 223-232.
- Buyruk E., Owen I., Johnson M.W. (2000): “Laminar Flow and Heat Transfer in a Staggered Tube Bank”, Turkish Journal of Eng. And Environmental Science dergisine gönderildi.
- Chen C.K., Wong K.L., Cleaver J.W. (1986): “Finite Element Solutions of Laminar Flow, and Heat Transfer of Air in a Staggered and an In-line Tube Bank”, Int. J. Heat & Fluid Flow, 7, 4, pp 291-300.
- Jain P.C., Goel B.S. (1976): “A Numerical Study of Unsteady Laminar Forced Convection from a Circular Cylinder”, Trans. ASME, J. Heat Transfer, pp. 303-307.
- Johnson M.W. (1990): “Computation of Flow in a Vortex - Shedding Flow-meter”, Flow Meas. Instrument., 1, pp 201-208.
- Murray D.B., Fitzpatrick J.A. (1988): “Local Heat Transfer Coefficients for a Tube Array Using a Micro-Foil Heat Flow Sensor”, Proc. 2nd U.K. Nat. Conf. on Heat Transfer, 2, pp 1635-1649.
- Paolino M.A., Kinney R.B., Cerutti E.A. (1986): “Numerical Analysis of the Unsteady Flow and Heat Transfer to a Cylinder in Cross-Flow”, Trans. ASME, J. Heat Transfer, 108, pp. 742-748.
- Thom A. (1933): “The Flow Past Circular Cylinders at Low Speeds”, Proc. Roy. Soc., A141, pp. 651-669.
- Thompson J.F., Thomes F.C., Mastin C.W. (1974): “Automatic Numerical Generation of Body Fitted Curvilinear Co-ordinate System for Field Containing Any Number of Arbitrary Two Dimensional Bodies”, J. Of Computational Physics, 15, pp 299-319.
- Zdrovistch F., Fletcher A.C., Behnio M. (1995): “Numerical Laminar and Turbulent Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Predictions in Tube Banks”, Int. J. Num. Meth. Heat and Fluid Flow, 5, pp. 717-733.
- Zukauskas A. (1972): “Heat Transfer from tubes in Cross-flow”, Advances in Heat Transfer, 8, pp 93-160.