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Yaş Üzümde Pestisit Kalıntılarının GC [Çoklu-Dedektörlere(µ-ECD, MSD, Dual-FPD) sahip gaz kromatografisi] ile Çoklu Kalıntı Tayini için Analiz Yönteminin Geliştirilmesi

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 60, 876 - 889, 15.09.2018


Ülkemizde yaş üzümdeki pestisit kalıntılarının tayini
için hızlı, ucuz, kolay, güvenli, etkili, kesin sonuç veren  ekstraksiyon
ve analiz yöntemi geliştirilmiştir. Geliştirilen metotta, örnekler basınç
altında sıvı TFE çözgeni kullanılarak ekstrakte edilmektedir. Elde edilen
ekstraktlar GC [Çoklu-Dedektörlere(µ-ECD, MSD, Dual-FPD) sahip gaz
kromatografisi] ile analiz edilmektedir. Bu metot, isomerleri ile birlikte 61
aktif maddenin GC [Çoklu-Dedektörlere(µ-ECD, MSD, Dual-FPD) sahip gaz
kromatografisi]’de doğrulama ve kantitatif analizine imkan vermektedir. Metot,
geçerli kılınmış (valide edilmiş) ve sonuçlar kabul edilir aralıklarda
bulunmuştur. Pestisitlerin gözlenebilme sınırı (LOD) ve tayin sınırı (LOQ),
Maksimum Kalıntı Limitleri (MRL)’nden düşük, matrikste hazırlanan
kalibrasyonlardan elde edilen korelasyon katsayıları (R2) 0.99’dan yüksek, geri
kazanımlar % 70-120 arasında ve relatif standart sapmaları (% RSD, doğruluk ve
tekrarlanabilirlik) %20’den düşük bulunmuştur.


  • [1] Yücel, Ü., 2007. Pestisitlerin İnsan ve Çevre Üzerine Etkileri. Nükleer Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi, Nükleer Kimya Bölümü. Ankara. (Online) tler.doc (17 Ekim 2009).
  • [2] Fosu P.O., Donkor A., Ziwu C., Dubey B, Adaboh R.K., Asante I., Nyarko S., Tawiah R., Nazzah N., 2017, Surveillance of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetable from Accra Metropolis markets, Ghana, 2010–2012: a case study in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • [3] Guedes J.A.C, Silva R.O., Lima C.G., Milhome M.A.L, Nascimento R.F., 2016, Matrix effect in guava multiresidue analysis by QuEChERS method and gas chromatography coupled to quadrupole mass spectrometry, Food Chemistry 199, 380–386.
  • [4] Anonymous, 1991, European Commission, Council Directive of 15 July 1991 (91/414/EEC) concerning the placing of plant protection
  • [5] 1253-1259 available from: ISI:000222925400025
  • [6] Dejonckheere, W., Steurbaut, W., Drieghe, S., Verstraeten, R., Braeckman, H., 1996, Pesticide residue concentrations in the Belgian total diet, 1991-1993. Journal of AOAC International, 79, (2) 520-528 available from: ISI:A1996UD26800026
  • [7] Elkins, E., R.,1989. Effect of Commercial Processing on Pesticide-Residues in Selected Fruits and Vegetables. Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 72, (3) 533-535 available from: ISI:A1989U556600036
  • [8] Krol, W., J., Arsenault, T., L., Pylypiw, H., M., Mattina, M., J., I., 2000. Reduction of pesticide residues on produce by rinsing. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 48, (10) 4666-4670 available from: ISI:000089957200034
  • [9] Schattenberg, H., J., Geno, P., W., Hsu, J., P., Fry, W., G., Parker, R., P. 1996. Effect of household preparation on levels of pesticide residues in produce. Journal of AOAC International, 79, (6) 1447-1453 available from: ISI:A1996VU05000028.
  • [10] Golge O, Kabak B., 2018, Pesticide Residues in Table Grapes and Exposure Assessment, J. Agric. Food Chem. 66, 1701−1713.
  • [11] Anonymous, 2007, Tarım İlaçları Kongre ve Sergisi Bildiriler Kitabı, p. 60
  • [12] Demircan, V., ve Yılmaz, H., 2005 Isparta ili elma üretiminde tarımsal ilaç kullanımının çevresel duyarlılık ve ekonomik açıdan analizi, Ekoloji, 14, 57, 15-25
  • [13] Çiçek, A. ve Erkan, O., 1996, Tarım ekonomisinde araştırma ve örnekleme yöntemleri, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, No:12, Tokat
  • [14] Ferna´ndez-Alba, A., R., 2004, Chromatographic-Mass Spectrometric Food Analysis for Trace Determination of Pesticide Residues, Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, Vol. XLIII, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • [15] Anonymous, 2006, - Identification Pesticides with Full Scan, SIM, μ-ECD, and FPD From a Single Injection. Agilent Technologies, Application , Food Safety, Environmental. 2850 Centerville Road, Wilmington, DE 19808-1610, USA
  • [16] European Commission SANTE, 2017. Guidance document on analytical quality control and method validation procedures for pesticide residues and analysis in food and feed. Document SANTE/11813/2017, Supersedes SANTE/11945/2015. 1 January 2018.
  • [17] Luke, M., Froberg, J. A., And Masumoto,H., T, 1975, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 58; 1020-1026
  • [18] Stan, H., J., Linkerhägner,M., 1996, Pesticide residue analysis in foodstuffs applying capillary gas chromatography with atomic emission detection State-of-the-art use of modified multimethod S19 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and automated large-volume injection with programmed-temperature vaporization and solvent venting, Journal of Chromatography A, Vol.750, p. 369-390
  • [19] Gamon, M., Lleo, C., 2001, Multiresidue Determination of Pesticides in Fruit and Vegetables by Gas Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry, J. AOAC Int., Vol. 84, No: 4, p. 1209-1216
  • [20] Gelsomino, A., Petrovicová, B., Tiburtini, S., Magnani, E., Felici, M., 1997, Multiresidue analysis of pesticides in fruits and vegetables by gel permeation chromatography followed by gas chromatography with electron-capture and mass spectrometric detection, Journal of Chromatography A, Vol.782, p. 105-122
  • [21] Krijgsman, W., Van De Kamp, C., G., 1976, Analysis of organophosphorus pesticides by capillary gas chromatography with flame photometric detection, Journal of Chromatography A, Vol.117, p. 201-205
  • [22] Stan, H., J., Goebel, H., 1983, Automated capillary gas chromatographic analysis of pesticide residues in food, Journal of Chromatography A, Vol.268, p. 55-69
  • [23] Holstege, D., Scharberg, D., L., Tor, E., R., 1994, A rapid multiresidue screen for organophosphorus, organochlorine and N-methyl-carbamates in plant and animal tissues, J. AOAC Int, Vol. 77, p.1263-1274
  • [24] Obana, H., Akutsu, K., Okihashi, M., Kakimoto, S., Hori, S., 1999, Multiresidue analysis of pesticides in vegetables and fruits using a high capacity absorbent polymer for water, Analyst, 124, p. 1159-1165
  • [25] Obana, H., Akutsu, K., Okihashi, M., Kakimoto, S., Hori, S., 2001, Multiresidue analysis of pesticides in vegetables and fruits using two-layered column with graphitized carbon and water absorbent polymer, Analyst, 126, p. 1529-1534
  • [26] Aguera, A., Contreras, M., Crespo, J., Fernández-Alba, A., R., 2002, Multiresidue method for the analysis of multiclass pesticides in agricultural products by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, Analyst, 127, p. 347-354
  • [27] Machado I, Gérez N., Pistón M., Heinzen H., Cesio M.V., 2017, Determination of pesticide residues in globe artichoke leaves and fruits by GCMS and LC-MS/MS using the same QuEChERS procedure, Food Chemistry, PII: S0308-8146(17)30025-0
  • [28] Liao W, Joe T, Cusick WG. 1991. Multiresidue screening method for fresh fruits and vegetables with gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric detection. J Assoc Off Anal Chem, 74, p. 554-565.
  • [29] Anastassiades, M., Lehotay, S.J., Štajnbaher, D. and Schenck, F.J., 2002, Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe (QuEChERS) Approach for the Determination of Pesticide Residues. Florida Pesticide Residue Workshop.
  • [30] Fillion, J., Hindle, R., Lacroix, M. and Selwyn, J., 1995, Multiresidue determination of pesticides in fruit and vegetables by gas chromatpgraphy – mass selective detection and liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection, Journal of AOAC International, Vol. 78, No. 5, 1252 – 1266.
  • [31] Fillion, J., Saure, F. and Selwyn, J., 2000, Multiresidue methods for the determination of residues of 251 pesticides in fruits and vegetables by gas chromatography with florescence detection. J. AOAC Int., Vol. 83: 698-713
  • [32] Pang, G.F., T.S. Zhao, Y.Z. Chao And C.L. Fan. 1994. Cleanup with two florisil columns for gas chromatographic determination of multiple pyrethroid insecticides in products of animal origin, J. of AOAC Intemational, Vol. 77, p. 1634 - 1638.
  • [33] Pang, G., F., Chao,Y., Z., Lıv, X., S., Fan, C., 1995, Multiresidue liquid chromatographic method for simultaneous determination of pyrethroid insecticides in fruits and vegetables.J. of AOAC International, Vol. 78, p. 1474 - 1480.
  • [34] Pang, G.F., Chao, Y.Z., Fan, C., L.., Zhang, J.J., Li, X., M., 1999, Multiresidue Gas Chromatographic Method for Determining Synthetic Pyrethroid Pesticides in Agricultural Products: Collaborative Study, Journal of AOAC International, Vol. 82, pags. 186-212
  • [35] Anonymous, 2000, European Commission Working Document on“Residues: Guidance for generating and reporting methods of analysis in support of pre-registration data requirements for Annex II (part A, Section 4) and Annex III (part A, Section 5) of Directive 91/414”, EC SANCO/3029/99, 11/07/2000, 26 pages
  • [36] AOAC, 2002, AOAC International Methods Committee Guidelines for validation of Qualitative and Quantitative Food Official Methods of Analysis, Journal of AOAC International, 85 (5): 1187 – 1200.
  • [37] IUPAC, 2002, Harmonized guidelines for single-laboratory validation of methods of analysis. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (Pure Appl. Chem.), Vol. 74, No. 5, 835–855.
  • [38] Anonymous, 2000, European Commission Working Document on“Residues: Guidance for generating and reporting methods of analysis in support of pre-registration data requirements for Annex II (part A, Section 4) and Annex III (part A, Section 5) of Directive 91/414”, EC SANCO/3029/99, 11/07/2000, 26 pages

Development of Multi Residue Analysis Method in Determining Pesticide Residues on Grapes Simultaneously by GC [Gas Chromatography Having Multi-Detector (µ-ECD, MSD, Dual-FPD)]

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 60, 876 - 889, 15.09.2018


Determination of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables for giving
fast, cheap, easy, safe, effective, rugged results of the extraction and
analysis methods have been developed. In developed method, the samples were
extracted using pressurized fluid solvent (1,1,1,2-TFE) and extracts were
analysed by GC [having multi-detector 
(μ-ECD, MSD, Dual-FPD)] with gas chromatography]. This method gives the
chance for verifing and quantitation for together isomers of 61 active
substance by using GC. Method was validated and the results were accepted in
normal ranges. Limit of detection (LOD) and quantitation (LOQ) values of active
substances were found lower than Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) and  correlation coefficients (R2) were higher
than 0.99 with matrix matched calibration and recoveries were found between
70-120 % and relative standart deviations were lower than  20 % (RSD %, for accuracy and repeatability).


  • [1] Yücel, Ü., 2007. Pestisitlerin İnsan ve Çevre Üzerine Etkileri. Nükleer Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi, Nükleer Kimya Bölümü. Ankara. (Online) tler.doc (17 Ekim 2009).
  • [2] Fosu P.O., Donkor A., Ziwu C., Dubey B, Adaboh R.K., Asante I., Nyarko S., Tawiah R., Nazzah N., 2017, Surveillance of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetable from Accra Metropolis markets, Ghana, 2010–2012: a case study in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • [3] Guedes J.A.C, Silva R.O., Lima C.G., Milhome M.A.L, Nascimento R.F., 2016, Matrix effect in guava multiresidue analysis by QuEChERS method and gas chromatography coupled to quadrupole mass spectrometry, Food Chemistry 199, 380–386.
  • [4] Anonymous, 1991, European Commission, Council Directive of 15 July 1991 (91/414/EEC) concerning the placing of plant protection
  • [5] 1253-1259 available from: ISI:000222925400025
  • [6] Dejonckheere, W., Steurbaut, W., Drieghe, S., Verstraeten, R., Braeckman, H., 1996, Pesticide residue concentrations in the Belgian total diet, 1991-1993. Journal of AOAC International, 79, (2) 520-528 available from: ISI:A1996UD26800026
  • [7] Elkins, E., R.,1989. Effect of Commercial Processing on Pesticide-Residues in Selected Fruits and Vegetables. Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 72, (3) 533-535 available from: ISI:A1989U556600036
  • [8] Krol, W., J., Arsenault, T., L., Pylypiw, H., M., Mattina, M., J., I., 2000. Reduction of pesticide residues on produce by rinsing. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 48, (10) 4666-4670 available from: ISI:000089957200034
  • [9] Schattenberg, H., J., Geno, P., W., Hsu, J., P., Fry, W., G., Parker, R., P. 1996. Effect of household preparation on levels of pesticide residues in produce. Journal of AOAC International, 79, (6) 1447-1453 available from: ISI:A1996VU05000028.
  • [10] Golge O, Kabak B., 2018, Pesticide Residues in Table Grapes and Exposure Assessment, J. Agric. Food Chem. 66, 1701−1713.
  • [11] Anonymous, 2007, Tarım İlaçları Kongre ve Sergisi Bildiriler Kitabı, p. 60
  • [12] Demircan, V., ve Yılmaz, H., 2005 Isparta ili elma üretiminde tarımsal ilaç kullanımının çevresel duyarlılık ve ekonomik açıdan analizi, Ekoloji, 14, 57, 15-25
  • [13] Çiçek, A. ve Erkan, O., 1996, Tarım ekonomisinde araştırma ve örnekleme yöntemleri, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, No:12, Tokat
  • [14] Ferna´ndez-Alba, A., R., 2004, Chromatographic-Mass Spectrometric Food Analysis for Trace Determination of Pesticide Residues, Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, Vol. XLIII, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • [15] Anonymous, 2006, - Identification Pesticides with Full Scan, SIM, μ-ECD, and FPD From a Single Injection. Agilent Technologies, Application , Food Safety, Environmental. 2850 Centerville Road, Wilmington, DE 19808-1610, USA
  • [16] European Commission SANTE, 2017. Guidance document on analytical quality control and method validation procedures for pesticide residues and analysis in food and feed. Document SANTE/11813/2017, Supersedes SANTE/11945/2015. 1 January 2018.
  • [17] Luke, M., Froberg, J. A., And Masumoto,H., T, 1975, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 58; 1020-1026
  • [18] Stan, H., J., Linkerhägner,M., 1996, Pesticide residue analysis in foodstuffs applying capillary gas chromatography with atomic emission detection State-of-the-art use of modified multimethod S19 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and automated large-volume injection with programmed-temperature vaporization and solvent venting, Journal of Chromatography A, Vol.750, p. 369-390
  • [19] Gamon, M., Lleo, C., 2001, Multiresidue Determination of Pesticides in Fruit and Vegetables by Gas Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry, J. AOAC Int., Vol. 84, No: 4, p. 1209-1216
  • [20] Gelsomino, A., Petrovicová, B., Tiburtini, S., Magnani, E., Felici, M., 1997, Multiresidue analysis of pesticides in fruits and vegetables by gel permeation chromatography followed by gas chromatography with electron-capture and mass spectrometric detection, Journal of Chromatography A, Vol.782, p. 105-122
  • [21] Krijgsman, W., Van De Kamp, C., G., 1976, Analysis of organophosphorus pesticides by capillary gas chromatography with flame photometric detection, Journal of Chromatography A, Vol.117, p. 201-205
  • [22] Stan, H., J., Goebel, H., 1983, Automated capillary gas chromatographic analysis of pesticide residues in food, Journal of Chromatography A, Vol.268, p. 55-69
  • [23] Holstege, D., Scharberg, D., L., Tor, E., R., 1994, A rapid multiresidue screen for organophosphorus, organochlorine and N-methyl-carbamates in plant and animal tissues, J. AOAC Int, Vol. 77, p.1263-1274
  • [24] Obana, H., Akutsu, K., Okihashi, M., Kakimoto, S., Hori, S., 1999, Multiresidue analysis of pesticides in vegetables and fruits using a high capacity absorbent polymer for water, Analyst, 124, p. 1159-1165
  • [25] Obana, H., Akutsu, K., Okihashi, M., Kakimoto, S., Hori, S., 2001, Multiresidue analysis of pesticides in vegetables and fruits using two-layered column with graphitized carbon and water absorbent polymer, Analyst, 126, p. 1529-1534
  • [26] Aguera, A., Contreras, M., Crespo, J., Fernández-Alba, A., R., 2002, Multiresidue method for the analysis of multiclass pesticides in agricultural products by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, Analyst, 127, p. 347-354
  • [27] Machado I, Gérez N., Pistón M., Heinzen H., Cesio M.V., 2017, Determination of pesticide residues in globe artichoke leaves and fruits by GCMS and LC-MS/MS using the same QuEChERS procedure, Food Chemistry, PII: S0308-8146(17)30025-0
  • [28] Liao W, Joe T, Cusick WG. 1991. Multiresidue screening method for fresh fruits and vegetables with gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric detection. J Assoc Off Anal Chem, 74, p. 554-565.
  • [29] Anastassiades, M., Lehotay, S.J., Štajnbaher, D. and Schenck, F.J., 2002, Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe (QuEChERS) Approach for the Determination of Pesticide Residues. Florida Pesticide Residue Workshop.
  • [30] Fillion, J., Hindle, R., Lacroix, M. and Selwyn, J., 1995, Multiresidue determination of pesticides in fruit and vegetables by gas chromatpgraphy – mass selective detection and liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection, Journal of AOAC International, Vol. 78, No. 5, 1252 – 1266.
  • [31] Fillion, J., Saure, F. and Selwyn, J., 2000, Multiresidue methods for the determination of residues of 251 pesticides in fruits and vegetables by gas chromatography with florescence detection. J. AOAC Int., Vol. 83: 698-713
  • [32] Pang, G.F., T.S. Zhao, Y.Z. Chao And C.L. Fan. 1994. Cleanup with two florisil columns for gas chromatographic determination of multiple pyrethroid insecticides in products of animal origin, J. of AOAC Intemational, Vol. 77, p. 1634 - 1638.
  • [33] Pang, G., F., Chao,Y., Z., Lıv, X., S., Fan, C., 1995, Multiresidue liquid chromatographic method for simultaneous determination of pyrethroid insecticides in fruits and vegetables.J. of AOAC International, Vol. 78, p. 1474 - 1480.
  • [34] Pang, G.F., Chao, Y.Z., Fan, C., L.., Zhang, J.J., Li, X., M., 1999, Multiresidue Gas Chromatographic Method for Determining Synthetic Pyrethroid Pesticides in Agricultural Products: Collaborative Study, Journal of AOAC International, Vol. 82, pags. 186-212
  • [35] Anonymous, 2000, European Commission Working Document on“Residues: Guidance for generating and reporting methods of analysis in support of pre-registration data requirements for Annex II (part A, Section 4) and Annex III (part A, Section 5) of Directive 91/414”, EC SANCO/3029/99, 11/07/2000, 26 pages
  • [36] AOAC, 2002, AOAC International Methods Committee Guidelines for validation of Qualitative and Quantitative Food Official Methods of Analysis, Journal of AOAC International, 85 (5): 1187 – 1200.
  • [37] IUPAC, 2002, Harmonized guidelines for single-laboratory validation of methods of analysis. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (Pure Appl. Chem.), Vol. 74, No. 5, 835–855.
  • [38] Anonymous, 2000, European Commission Working Document on“Residues: Guidance for generating and reporting methods of analysis in support of pre-registration data requirements for Annex II (part A, Section 4) and Annex III (part A, Section 5) of Directive 91/414”, EC SANCO/3029/99, 11/07/2000, 26 pages
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Gözde Türköz Bakırcı Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-9910-3314

Yaşar Hışıl 0000-0002-3652-5074

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Eylül 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 20 Sayı: 60

Kaynak Göster

APA Türköz Bakırcı, G., & Hışıl, Y. (2018). Yaş Üzümde Pestisit Kalıntılarının GC [Çoklu-Dedektörlere(µ-ECD, MSD, Dual-FPD) sahip gaz kromatografisi] ile Çoklu Kalıntı Tayini için Analiz Yönteminin Geliştirilmesi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 20(60), 876-889.
AMA Türköz Bakırcı G, Hışıl Y. Yaş Üzümde Pestisit Kalıntılarının GC [Çoklu-Dedektörlere(µ-ECD, MSD, Dual-FPD) sahip gaz kromatografisi] ile Çoklu Kalıntı Tayini için Analiz Yönteminin Geliştirilmesi. DEUFMD. Eylül 2018;20(60):876-889.
Chicago Türköz Bakırcı, Gözde, ve Yaşar Hışıl. “Yaş Üzümde Pestisit Kalıntılarının GC [Çoklu-Dedektörlere(µ-ECD, MSD, Dual-FPD) Sahip Gaz Kromatografisi] Ile Çoklu Kalıntı Tayini için Analiz Yönteminin Geliştirilmesi”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi 20, sy. 60 (Eylül 2018): 876-89.
EndNote Türköz Bakırcı G, Hışıl Y (01 Eylül 2018) Yaş Üzümde Pestisit Kalıntılarının GC [Çoklu-Dedektörlere(µ-ECD, MSD, Dual-FPD) sahip gaz kromatografisi] ile Çoklu Kalıntı Tayini için Analiz Yönteminin Geliştirilmesi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 20 60 876–889.
IEEE G. Türköz Bakırcı ve Y. Hışıl, “Yaş Üzümde Pestisit Kalıntılarının GC [Çoklu-Dedektörlere(µ-ECD, MSD, Dual-FPD) sahip gaz kromatografisi] ile Çoklu Kalıntı Tayini için Analiz Yönteminin Geliştirilmesi”, DEUFMD, c. 20, sy. 60, ss. 876–889, 2018.
ISNAD Türköz Bakırcı, Gözde - Hışıl, Yaşar. “Yaş Üzümde Pestisit Kalıntılarının GC [Çoklu-Dedektörlere(µ-ECD, MSD, Dual-FPD) Sahip Gaz Kromatografisi] Ile Çoklu Kalıntı Tayini için Analiz Yönteminin Geliştirilmesi”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 20/60 (Eylül 2018), 876-889.
JAMA Türköz Bakırcı G, Hışıl Y. Yaş Üzümde Pestisit Kalıntılarının GC [Çoklu-Dedektörlere(µ-ECD, MSD, Dual-FPD) sahip gaz kromatografisi] ile Çoklu Kalıntı Tayini için Analiz Yönteminin Geliştirilmesi. DEUFMD. 2018;20:876–889.
MLA Türköz Bakırcı, Gözde ve Yaşar Hışıl. “Yaş Üzümde Pestisit Kalıntılarının GC [Çoklu-Dedektörlere(µ-ECD, MSD, Dual-FPD) Sahip Gaz Kromatografisi] Ile Çoklu Kalıntı Tayini için Analiz Yönteminin Geliştirilmesi”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, c. 20, sy. 60, 2018, ss. 876-89.
Vancouver Türköz Bakırcı G, Hışıl Y. Yaş Üzümde Pestisit Kalıntılarının GC [Çoklu-Dedektörlere(µ-ECD, MSD, Dual-FPD) sahip gaz kromatografisi] ile Çoklu Kalıntı Tayini için Analiz Yönteminin Geliştirilmesi. DEUFMD. 2018;20(60):876-89.

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi Dekanlığı Tınaztepe Yerleşkesi, Adatepe Mah. Doğuş Cad. No: 207-I / 35390 Buca-İZMİR.