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Granitik Kayaçlarda Patlatılabilirlik Üzerindeki Mineralojik Etkinin İstatistiksel İncelenmesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 78, 426 - 432, 27.09.2024


Bu çalışmada farklı lokasyonlardan temin edilen granit kayaçlarından alınan karot numunelerinin fiziko-mekanik ve mineralojik özelliklerinin patlatılabilirliğe etkisi istatistiksel olarak incelenmiştir. Kayaçların mineral içeriklerinin ve kaya mekaniği parametrelerinin birbirleriyle olan ilişkisi değerlendirilmiştir. Sonrasında patlatılabilirlik formüllerinde kullanılan parametreleri içeren güçlü ilişkilere (R2>0,700) sahip en iyi regresyon eşitlikleri elde edilmiştir. Bu eşitlikler beş farklı patlatılabilirlik indeksine göre incelenmiş ve yapılan tahmin doğruluğu analizlerinin sonuçları (RMSE= 0,000-0,085 ve MAPE= 0,06-1,82) modellerin oldukça başarılı olduğunu göstermiştir. En iyi uyum analiz sonuçlarına göre özgül şarj hesabında dikkate alınacak olan parametreler; Mineral içeriği, tek eksenli basınç dayanımı, çekme dayanımı, görünür porozite, yoğunluk ve ultrasonik P-dalga hızıdır. Çalışmalar sonucunda, kayaçların mineralojik bileşimlerinin patlatılabilirlik parametrelerine önemli etkisinin olduğu ve minerallerin dikkate alınması durumunda daha düşük özgül şarj değerlerine ulaşılmaktadır.


  • [1] Dey. K. ve Sen, P., 2003. Concept of Blastability – An Update. The Indian Mining and Engineering Journal, 42, 8-9, 24 – 31.
  • [2] Fraenkel, K.H., 1954. Handbook in rock blasting technique, Part-1, Esselte AB, Stockholm.
  • [3] Gokhale, B.V., 2011. Rotary Drilling and Blasting in Large Surface Mines, CRCPress London.
  • [4] Hino, K., 1959. Theory and Practice of Blasting, Nippon Kayaku Co. Ltd., Asa, Yamaguchi-Ken, Japan
  • [5] Hansen, D. W., 1967. Drilling And Blasting Techniques For Morrow Point Power Plant. The 9th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (USRMS), 17-19 April, Golden, Colorado.
  • [6] Sassa K. ve Ito I., 1974. On the relation between the strength of a rock and the pattern of breakage by blasting, Proc. 3rd Int. Congrees Rock Mechanics Denver, II-B, 1501-1505.
  • [7] Heinen R. H. ve Dimock R.R., 1976. The Use of Sonic Measurements to Determine The Blastability of Rocks, Proceedings Second Conference on Explosive and Blasting Techniques, Luisville, Kentucky, 234-248.
  • [8] Langefors, U., 1978. The Modern Technology of Rock Blasting”, John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York, 438.
  • [9] Praillet, R., 1980. A new approach to blasting.
  • [10] Jimeno C.L., Jimeno, E.L. ve Carcendo, F.J.A., 1995. Drilling and Blasting of Rocks, AA-Balkema, Rotterdam, Brookfield.
  • [11] Borquez, G.V., 1981. Estimating Drilling and Blasting Costs and Analysis and Prediction Model. EEMJ. January, 83-89.
  • [12] Ashby, J.P., 1981. Production blasting and the development of pit slopes, Proceeding of the 3rd. International Conference on stability in open pit mining, Vancouver, B.C
  • [13] Leighton, J.C., Brawner, C.O. ve Stewart, D., 1982. Development of a correlation between rotary drill performance and controlled blasting powder factors, Can. Inst. Min. Bull., 844, 67-73.
  • [14] Mathis, C., 1975. Proposal of a report on Rock Quality Index based on rotary drill Performances, Unpublished paper, University of Alberta, March.
  • [15] Rakishev, B.R., 1982. A New Characteristics of the Blastability of Rock in Quarries, Soviet Mining Science, 17, 248-251.
  • [16] Lopez Jimeno, E. ve Lopez Jimeno, C., 1984. Las Voladuras en Crater y su Aplicacion ala Mineria, VII Congress International de Mineria y Metalurgia, Barcelona
  • [17] Lilly P., 1986. An Empirical Method pf Assessing Rockmass blastability, Large Open Pit Mine Conference, Newman, Australia, 89-92.
  • [18] Ghose A.K., 1988. Design of drilling and blasting subsystems – A rockmass classification approach, Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, Balkema.
  • [19] Gupta, V. ve Sharma, R., 2012. Relationship between textural, petrophysical and mechanical properties of quartzites: A case study from northwestern Himalaya, Engineering Geology, 135-136, 1–9.
  • [20] JKMRC, 1996. Open pit blast design analysis and optimisation, Julius Kruttchnitt Mineral Research Centre, Indooropilly, Australia, 338.
  • [21] Pal Roy, P., 2005. Rock blasting effects and operations, Rotterdam: Balkema, 223–240.
  • [22] Han, J., Weiya, X. ve Shouyi, X., 2000. Artificial neural network method of rock mass blastability classification. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Geo Computation, London, UK, 23–25.
  • [23] Rustan, A., Cunninggham, C., Fourney, W., Spathis, A. ve Simha, K.R.Y., 2010. Mining and Rock Construction Technology Desk Reference: Rock Mechanics, Drilling & Blasting, Technology & Engineering, 466.
  • [24] Sawmliana, C. ve Pal Roy, P., 2012. A New Blastability Index for Hard Roof Management in Blasting Gallery Method, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 30, 6, 1357–1367.
  • [25] Ersoy, H. ve Acar, S., 2016. Influences of petrographic and textural properties on the strength of very strong granitic rocks, Environ Earth Sci, 75,1461.
  • [26] Kantarcı, O. 2017. Investigation of the effect of physico-mechanical and mineralogical properties on the blastability of granitic rocks. PhD Thesis, Technical Univercity, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Trabzon (in Turkish).
  • [27] ISRM., 2007. The complete ISRM suggested methods for rock characterization, testing and monitoring: 1974–2006. In: Ulusay, Hudson (Eds.), Suggested methods prepared by the commission on testing methods, International Society for Rock Mechanics. ISRM Turkish National Group, Ankara, Turkey, 628.
  • [28] ASTM D2845, 1983. Standard Test Method for Laboratory Determination of Pulse Velocities and Ultrasonic Elastic Constants of Rock.
  • [29] Bayazıt, M. and Yeğen Oğuz, E.B., 2005. Statistics for Engineers, Birsen Publishing House, Istanbul, 197p.
  • [30] Kılıç, E., 2007 Statistical analysis of consolidation parameters, Master Thesis, İstanbul Technical Univercity, Institute of Science, İstanbul.
  • [31] Dursun, A.E., 2012. Cutability of Limestones Located in the Northwest of Konya City Center, T.C. Selçuk Univercity, Institute of Science, Konya
  • [32] Karaman, K., Kaya, A. ve Kesimal, A., 2015. Effect of the specimen length on ultrasonic P-wave velocity in some volcanic rocks and limestones, A Journal of African Earth Sciences, 112, 142-149.
  • [33] Lewis, C.D., 1982. International and Business Forecasting Methods. Butterworths, London.
  • [34] Dyno Nobel, 2010. Blasting and Explasives Quick Referance Guide.

Statistical Investigation of the Mineralogical Effect on Blastability in Granitic Rocks

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 78, 426 - 432, 27.09.2024


In this study, the effect of physico-mechanical and mineralogical properties of core samples taken from granite rocks obtained from different locations on blastability was statistically analyzed. The relationship between the mineral content of the rocks and rock mechanics parameters was evaluated. The best regression equations with strong relationships (R2>0.700) involving the parameters used in the blastability formulas were then obtained. These equations were analyzed for five different blastability indices and the results of the forecasting accuracy analyses (RMSE= 0.000-0.085 and MAPE= 0.06-1.82) showed that the models were quite successful. According to the results of the best forecasting accuracy analysis, the parameters to be considered in the specific charge calculation were mineral content, uniaxial compressive strength, tensile strength, apparent porosity, density and ultrasonic P-wave velocity. As a result of the studies, it was concluded that the mineralogical composition of the rocks had a significant effect on the blastability parameters and lower specific charge values were achieved if the minerals are taken into account.


  • [1] Dey. K. ve Sen, P., 2003. Concept of Blastability – An Update. The Indian Mining and Engineering Journal, 42, 8-9, 24 – 31.
  • [2] Fraenkel, K.H., 1954. Handbook in rock blasting technique, Part-1, Esselte AB, Stockholm.
  • [3] Gokhale, B.V., 2011. Rotary Drilling and Blasting in Large Surface Mines, CRCPress London.
  • [4] Hino, K., 1959. Theory and Practice of Blasting, Nippon Kayaku Co. Ltd., Asa, Yamaguchi-Ken, Japan
  • [5] Hansen, D. W., 1967. Drilling And Blasting Techniques For Morrow Point Power Plant. The 9th U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics (USRMS), 17-19 April, Golden, Colorado.
  • [6] Sassa K. ve Ito I., 1974. On the relation between the strength of a rock and the pattern of breakage by blasting, Proc. 3rd Int. Congrees Rock Mechanics Denver, II-B, 1501-1505.
  • [7] Heinen R. H. ve Dimock R.R., 1976. The Use of Sonic Measurements to Determine The Blastability of Rocks, Proceedings Second Conference on Explosive and Blasting Techniques, Luisville, Kentucky, 234-248.
  • [8] Langefors, U., 1978. The Modern Technology of Rock Blasting”, John Wiley & Sons Inc, New York, 438.
  • [9] Praillet, R., 1980. A new approach to blasting.
  • [10] Jimeno C.L., Jimeno, E.L. ve Carcendo, F.J.A., 1995. Drilling and Blasting of Rocks, AA-Balkema, Rotterdam, Brookfield.
  • [11] Borquez, G.V., 1981. Estimating Drilling and Blasting Costs and Analysis and Prediction Model. EEMJ. January, 83-89.
  • [12] Ashby, J.P., 1981. Production blasting and the development of pit slopes, Proceeding of the 3rd. International Conference on stability in open pit mining, Vancouver, B.C
  • [13] Leighton, J.C., Brawner, C.O. ve Stewart, D., 1982. Development of a correlation between rotary drill performance and controlled blasting powder factors, Can. Inst. Min. Bull., 844, 67-73.
  • [14] Mathis, C., 1975. Proposal of a report on Rock Quality Index based on rotary drill Performances, Unpublished paper, University of Alberta, March.
  • [15] Rakishev, B.R., 1982. A New Characteristics of the Blastability of Rock in Quarries, Soviet Mining Science, 17, 248-251.
  • [16] Lopez Jimeno, E. ve Lopez Jimeno, C., 1984. Las Voladuras en Crater y su Aplicacion ala Mineria, VII Congress International de Mineria y Metalurgia, Barcelona
  • [17] Lilly P., 1986. An Empirical Method pf Assessing Rockmass blastability, Large Open Pit Mine Conference, Newman, Australia, 89-92.
  • [18] Ghose A.K., 1988. Design of drilling and blasting subsystems – A rockmass classification approach, Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, Balkema.
  • [19] Gupta, V. ve Sharma, R., 2012. Relationship between textural, petrophysical and mechanical properties of quartzites: A case study from northwestern Himalaya, Engineering Geology, 135-136, 1–9.
  • [20] JKMRC, 1996. Open pit blast design analysis and optimisation, Julius Kruttchnitt Mineral Research Centre, Indooropilly, Australia, 338.
  • [21] Pal Roy, P., 2005. Rock blasting effects and operations, Rotterdam: Balkema, 223–240.
  • [22] Han, J., Weiya, X. ve Shouyi, X., 2000. Artificial neural network method of rock mass blastability classification. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Geo Computation, London, UK, 23–25.
  • [23] Rustan, A., Cunninggham, C., Fourney, W., Spathis, A. ve Simha, K.R.Y., 2010. Mining and Rock Construction Technology Desk Reference: Rock Mechanics, Drilling & Blasting, Technology & Engineering, 466.
  • [24] Sawmliana, C. ve Pal Roy, P., 2012. A New Blastability Index for Hard Roof Management in Blasting Gallery Method, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 30, 6, 1357–1367.
  • [25] Ersoy, H. ve Acar, S., 2016. Influences of petrographic and textural properties on the strength of very strong granitic rocks, Environ Earth Sci, 75,1461.
  • [26] Kantarcı, O. 2017. Investigation of the effect of physico-mechanical and mineralogical properties on the blastability of granitic rocks. PhD Thesis, Technical Univercity, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Trabzon (in Turkish).
  • [27] ISRM., 2007. The complete ISRM suggested methods for rock characterization, testing and monitoring: 1974–2006. In: Ulusay, Hudson (Eds.), Suggested methods prepared by the commission on testing methods, International Society for Rock Mechanics. ISRM Turkish National Group, Ankara, Turkey, 628.
  • [28] ASTM D2845, 1983. Standard Test Method for Laboratory Determination of Pulse Velocities and Ultrasonic Elastic Constants of Rock.
  • [29] Bayazıt, M. and Yeğen Oğuz, E.B., 2005. Statistics for Engineers, Birsen Publishing House, Istanbul, 197p.
  • [30] Kılıç, E., 2007 Statistical analysis of consolidation parameters, Master Thesis, İstanbul Technical Univercity, Institute of Science, İstanbul.
  • [31] Dursun, A.E., 2012. Cutability of Limestones Located in the Northwest of Konya City Center, T.C. Selçuk Univercity, Institute of Science, Konya
  • [32] Karaman, K., Kaya, A. ve Kesimal, A., 2015. Effect of the specimen length on ultrasonic P-wave velocity in some volcanic rocks and limestones, A Journal of African Earth Sciences, 112, 142-149.
  • [33] Lewis, C.D., 1982. International and Business Forecasting Methods. Butterworths, London.
  • [34] Dyno Nobel, 2010. Blasting and Explasives Quick Referance Guide.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Kaya Mekaniği ve Tahkimat, Kaya Mühendisliği Yapılarında Delme ve Patlatma, Madencilik Yöntemleri ve Maden Sistem Analizi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Orkun Kantarcı 0000-0001-7985-6431

Ayhan Kesimal 0000-0002-9890-8273

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 17 Eylül 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Aralık 2023
Kabul Tarihi 29 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 26 Sayı: 78

Kaynak Göster

APA Kantarcı, O., & Kesimal, A. (2024). Statistical Investigation of the Mineralogical Effect on Blastability in Granitic Rocks. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 26(78), 426-432.
AMA Kantarcı O, Kesimal A. Statistical Investigation of the Mineralogical Effect on Blastability in Granitic Rocks. DEUFMD. Eylül 2024;26(78):426-432. doi:10.21205/deufmd.2024267808
Chicago Kantarcı, Orkun, ve Ayhan Kesimal. “Statistical Investigation of the Mineralogical Effect on Blastability in Granitic Rocks”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi 26, sy. 78 (Eylül 2024): 426-32.
EndNote Kantarcı O, Kesimal A (01 Eylül 2024) Statistical Investigation of the Mineralogical Effect on Blastability in Granitic Rocks. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 26 78 426–432.
IEEE O. Kantarcı ve A. Kesimal, “Statistical Investigation of the Mineralogical Effect on Blastability in Granitic Rocks”, DEUFMD, c. 26, sy. 78, ss. 426–432, 2024, doi: 10.21205/deufmd.2024267808.
ISNAD Kantarcı, Orkun - Kesimal, Ayhan. “Statistical Investigation of the Mineralogical Effect on Blastability in Granitic Rocks”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 26/78 (Eylül 2024), 426-432.
JAMA Kantarcı O, Kesimal A. Statistical Investigation of the Mineralogical Effect on Blastability in Granitic Rocks. DEUFMD. 2024;26:426–432.
MLA Kantarcı, Orkun ve Ayhan Kesimal. “Statistical Investigation of the Mineralogical Effect on Blastability in Granitic Rocks”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, c. 26, sy. 78, 2024, ss. 426-32, doi:10.21205/deufmd.2024267808.
Vancouver Kantarcı O, Kesimal A. Statistical Investigation of the Mineralogical Effect on Blastability in Granitic Rocks. DEUFMD. 2024;26(78):426-32.

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi Dekanlığı Tınaztepe Yerleşkesi, Adatepe Mah. Doğuş Cad. No: 207-I / 35390 Buca-İZMİR.