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Yıl 2023, , 61 - 92, 15.03.2023


Agenda setting theory argues that the frequently repeated issues in the news media and their narrative styles can affect the public, media and political agendas. This thesis has been repeatedly confirmed by studies in the field. Agenda setting, together with the framing theory, is one of the most important theories of media effects. These theories emphasize that the agenda topics in the news media are formed by selection. Selected public issues or any other news object carefully narrated can shape the public's view of events and phenomena.
In this study, the presentations of the Russia-Ukraine war by the news agencies at the top of the news media were investigated within the scope of agenda setting and framing theories. The Russian news agency TASS and the Ukrainian news agency Ukrinform were chosen as the agencies of the warring countries. The first hundred news published on the first day of the war were examined. Content analysis method was u sed in the research. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that the agencies conveyed the war-related issues with different stories.


  • Alyukov, M. (2022). Making sense of the sews in an authoritarian regime: Russian television viewers’ reception of the Russia–Ukraine Conflict. Europe-Asia Studies, 74 (3), 337-359.
  • Aruguete, N. (2017). The agenda setting hypothesis in the new media environment. Comunicación y Sociedad, (28), 35-58.
  • Bengi, S. H. (2019). Ülkelerin bağımsızlık mücadeleleri ve haber ajansları ilişkisi–Anadolu Ajansı öneği. Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi, 35 (100), 449-478.
  • Bengtsson, M. (2016). How to plan and perform a qualitative study using content analysis. NursingPlus Open, 2, 8-14.
  • Berelson, B. (1952), Content analysis in communication Research, Free Press.
  • Berger, B. K. (2001). Private issues and public policy: Locating the corporate agenda in agenda-setting theory. Journal of Public Relations Research, 13 (2), 91-126.
  • Besova, A. A. & Cooley, S. C. (2009). Foreign news and public opinion: Attribute agenda-setting theory revisited. Ecquid Novi, 30 (2), 219-242.
  • Cheng, Z., Golan, G. J. & Kiousis, S. (2016). The second-level agenda-building function of the Xinhua news agency: Examining the role of government-sponsored news in mediated public diplomacy. Journalism Practice, 10 (6), 744-762.
  • Cui, Z. & Fan, W. (2021). The role positioning and political function of Russian news media. Гуманитарные науки. Вестник Финансового университета, 11 (4), 92-101.
  • Çakır, H. & Okyay, Z. (2019). ABD’nin Kudüs’ ü İsrail’in başkenti olarak tanıma kararını, Rus haber ajansı TASS ile okumak. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 6 (1), 35-58.
  • Damstra, A., Jacobs, L., Boukes, M. & Vliegenthart, R. (2021). The impact of immigration news on anti-immigrant party support: unpacking agenda-setting and issue ownership effects over time. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 31 (1), 97-118.
  • Du, Y. R. (2012). Intermedia agenda-setting in the age of globalization: A multinational agenda-setting test. Global Media and Communication, 9 (1), 19-36.
  • Gadimov, j. (2014). Rusya’da devlet ve özel haber ajansları: İtar-Tass, Ria Novosti ve İnterfaks. Global Media Journal: Turkish Edition, 5 (9), 133-147.
  • Gilardi, F., Gessler, T., Kubli, M. & Müller, S. (2022). Social media and political agenda setting. Political Communication, 39 (1), 39-60.
  • Girgin, A. (2002). Haber ajansı. Selçuk İletişim, 2 (2), 107-116.
  • Grzywinska, I. & Borden, J. (2012). The impact of social media on traditional media agenda setting theory: The case study of Occupy Wall Street movement in USA. Agenda setting: old and new problems in old and new media, Wroclaw.
  • Guo, L. & Vargo, C. J. (2017). Global intermedia agenda setting: A big data analysis of international news flow. Journal of Communication, 67 (4), 499-520.
  • Kamyanets, A. (2022). Ideological shifts in the BBC headlines translated into Ukrainian and Russian. Perspectives, 30 (1), 86-102.
  • Kazun, A. (2017). Agenda-setting in Russian media. Higher School of Economics Research Paper No. WP BRP, 49.
  • Küçükvardar, M. (2021). Haber ajanslarının anlık mesajlaşma servisi kullanımı üzerine bir inceleme: Telegram örneği. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 20 (4), 1757-1778.
  • Langer, A. I. & Gruber, J. B. (2021). Political agenda setting in the hybrid media system: Why legacy media still matter a great deal. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 26 (2), 313-340.
  • Lim, J. (2011). First-level and second-level intermedia agenda-setting among major news websites. Asian Journal of Communication, 21 (2), 167-185.
  • Lippmann, W. (2020). Kamuoyu. (Çev: Orhan Doğuş Yılmaz). Kabalcı Yayınevi.
  • McCombs, M. E. & Shaw, D. L. (1972). The agenda-setting function of mass media. Public opinion Quarterly, 36 (2), 176-187.
  • McCombs, M. & Valenzuela, S. (2007). The agenda-setting theory. Cuadernos de Información, (20), 44-50.
  • McCombs, M. E., Shaw, D. L. & Weaver, D. H. (2014). New directions in agenda-setting theory and research. Mass Communication and Society, 17 (6), 781-802.
  • Rieger, A.R., Keiley, P.J., Hathaway, L.M., Walker, B.T. & Sweetser, D.K. (2021). Don’t say ı didn’t warn you: an intermedia agenda-setting experiment of public diplomacy. Public Relations Journal, 14 (2).
  • Roberts, M., Wanta, W. & Dzwo, T. H. (2002). Agenda setting and issue salience online. Communication Research, 29 (4), 452-465.
  • Russell Neuman, W., Guggenheim, L., Mo Jang, S. A. & Bae, S. Y. (2014). The dynamics of public attention: Agenda-setting theory meets big data. Journal of Communication, 64 (2), 193-214.
  • Şahin, M. (2013). Ajans gazeteciliği ve medya sektöründe haber ajanslarının etkinliği. İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi, 37, 196-210.
  • TASS [@tass_agency]. (2022).
  • Ukrinform [@UKRINFORM]. (2022).
  • Ukrinform.(2022).about_agency.
  • Vargo, C. J. & Guo, L. (2017). Networks, big data, and intermedia agenda setting: An analysis of traditional, partisan, and emerging online US news. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 94 (4), 1031-1055.
  • Vargo, C. J., Guo, L. & Amazeen, M. A. (2018). The agenda-setting power of fake news: A big data analysis of the online media landscape from 2014 to 2016. New Media & Society, 20 (5), 2028-2049.
  • Vu, H. T., Guo, L. & McCombs, M. E. (2014). Exploring “the world outside and the pictures in our heads” A network agenda-setting study. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 91 (4), 669-686.
  • Weber, R. P. (1989), Basic content analysis, Sage, London.
  • Yanardağoğlu, E. (2014). Uluslararası iletişim ve kamu diplomasisi: BBC Dünya Servisi Haber Merkezi örneği. İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi, 2014 (38), 115-131.


Yıl 2023, , 61 - 92, 15.03.2023


Gündem belirleme teorisi, haber medyasında sıklıkla tekrarlanarak öne çıkarılan konuların ve bu konuların anlatım tarzlarının kamuoyu, medya ve siyaset gündemlerini etkileyebildiğini ileri sürmektedir. Bu tez, alanda yapılmış çalışmalarla defalarca doğrulanmıştır. Gündem belirleme, çerçeveleme teorisiyle birlikte, medya etkilerinin en önemli teorilerindendir. Bu teoriler haber medyasında gündem konularının seçilerek oluşturulduğunu vurgulamaktadır. Seçilerek aktarılan kamu sorunları veya özenle hikâyeleştirilen diğer herhangi bir haber nesnesi, kamuoyunun olay ve olgulara ilişkin bakışını şekillendirebilmektedir.
Bu çalışmada, haber medyasının en tepesinde yer alan haber ajanslarının Rusya-Ukrayna savaşını sunumları gündem belirleme ve çerçeveleme teorileri kapsamında araştırılmıştır. Rus haber ajansı TASS ve Ukrayna haber ajansı Ukrinform savaşan ülkelere ait ajanslar olarak seçilmiştir. Savaşın ilk günü yayınladıkları ilk yüz haber incelenmiştir. Araştırmada içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda, ajansların savaşla ilgili konuları farklı hikâyelerle aktardıkları tespit edilmiştir.


  • Alyukov, M. (2022). Making sense of the sews in an authoritarian regime: Russian television viewers’ reception of the Russia–Ukraine Conflict. Europe-Asia Studies, 74 (3), 337-359.
  • Aruguete, N. (2017). The agenda setting hypothesis in the new media environment. Comunicación y Sociedad, (28), 35-58.
  • Bengi, S. H. (2019). Ülkelerin bağımsızlık mücadeleleri ve haber ajansları ilişkisi–Anadolu Ajansı öneği. Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Dergisi, 35 (100), 449-478.
  • Bengtsson, M. (2016). How to plan and perform a qualitative study using content analysis. NursingPlus Open, 2, 8-14.
  • Berelson, B. (1952), Content analysis in communication Research, Free Press.
  • Berger, B. K. (2001). Private issues and public policy: Locating the corporate agenda in agenda-setting theory. Journal of Public Relations Research, 13 (2), 91-126.
  • Besova, A. A. & Cooley, S. C. (2009). Foreign news and public opinion: Attribute agenda-setting theory revisited. Ecquid Novi, 30 (2), 219-242.
  • Cheng, Z., Golan, G. J. & Kiousis, S. (2016). The second-level agenda-building function of the Xinhua news agency: Examining the role of government-sponsored news in mediated public diplomacy. Journalism Practice, 10 (6), 744-762.
  • Cui, Z. & Fan, W. (2021). The role positioning and political function of Russian news media. Гуманитарные науки. Вестник Финансового университета, 11 (4), 92-101.
  • Çakır, H. & Okyay, Z. (2019). ABD’nin Kudüs’ ü İsrail’in başkenti olarak tanıma kararını, Rus haber ajansı TASS ile okumak. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 6 (1), 35-58.
  • Damstra, A., Jacobs, L., Boukes, M. & Vliegenthart, R. (2021). The impact of immigration news on anti-immigrant party support: unpacking agenda-setting and issue ownership effects over time. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 31 (1), 97-118.
  • Du, Y. R. (2012). Intermedia agenda-setting in the age of globalization: A multinational agenda-setting test. Global Media and Communication, 9 (1), 19-36.
  • Gadimov, j. (2014). Rusya’da devlet ve özel haber ajansları: İtar-Tass, Ria Novosti ve İnterfaks. Global Media Journal: Turkish Edition, 5 (9), 133-147.
  • Gilardi, F., Gessler, T., Kubli, M. & Müller, S. (2022). Social media and political agenda setting. Political Communication, 39 (1), 39-60.
  • Girgin, A. (2002). Haber ajansı. Selçuk İletişim, 2 (2), 107-116.
  • Grzywinska, I. & Borden, J. (2012). The impact of social media on traditional media agenda setting theory: The case study of Occupy Wall Street movement in USA. Agenda setting: old and new problems in old and new media, Wroclaw.
  • Guo, L. & Vargo, C. J. (2017). Global intermedia agenda setting: A big data analysis of international news flow. Journal of Communication, 67 (4), 499-520.
  • Kamyanets, A. (2022). Ideological shifts in the BBC headlines translated into Ukrainian and Russian. Perspectives, 30 (1), 86-102.
  • Kazun, A. (2017). Agenda-setting in Russian media. Higher School of Economics Research Paper No. WP BRP, 49.
  • Küçükvardar, M. (2021). Haber ajanslarının anlık mesajlaşma servisi kullanımı üzerine bir inceleme: Telegram örneği. Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 20 (4), 1757-1778.
  • Langer, A. I. & Gruber, J. B. (2021). Political agenda setting in the hybrid media system: Why legacy media still matter a great deal. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 26 (2), 313-340.
  • Lim, J. (2011). First-level and second-level intermedia agenda-setting among major news websites. Asian Journal of Communication, 21 (2), 167-185.
  • Lippmann, W. (2020). Kamuoyu. (Çev: Orhan Doğuş Yılmaz). Kabalcı Yayınevi.
  • McCombs, M. E. & Shaw, D. L. (1972). The agenda-setting function of mass media. Public opinion Quarterly, 36 (2), 176-187.
  • McCombs, M. & Valenzuela, S. (2007). The agenda-setting theory. Cuadernos de Información, (20), 44-50.
  • McCombs, M. E., Shaw, D. L. & Weaver, D. H. (2014). New directions in agenda-setting theory and research. Mass Communication and Society, 17 (6), 781-802.
  • Rieger, A.R., Keiley, P.J., Hathaway, L.M., Walker, B.T. & Sweetser, D.K. (2021). Don’t say ı didn’t warn you: an intermedia agenda-setting experiment of public diplomacy. Public Relations Journal, 14 (2).
  • Roberts, M., Wanta, W. & Dzwo, T. H. (2002). Agenda setting and issue salience online. Communication Research, 29 (4), 452-465.
  • Russell Neuman, W., Guggenheim, L., Mo Jang, S. A. & Bae, S. Y. (2014). The dynamics of public attention: Agenda-setting theory meets big data. Journal of Communication, 64 (2), 193-214.
  • Şahin, M. (2013). Ajans gazeteciliği ve medya sektöründe haber ajanslarının etkinliği. İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi, 37, 196-210.
  • TASS [@tass_agency]. (2022).
  • Ukrinform [@UKRINFORM]. (2022).
  • Ukrinform.(2022).about_agency.
  • Vargo, C. J. & Guo, L. (2017). Networks, big data, and intermedia agenda setting: An analysis of traditional, partisan, and emerging online US news. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 94 (4), 1031-1055.
  • Vargo, C. J., Guo, L. & Amazeen, M. A. (2018). The agenda-setting power of fake news: A big data analysis of the online media landscape from 2014 to 2016. New Media & Society, 20 (5), 2028-2049.
  • Vu, H. T., Guo, L. & McCombs, M. E. (2014). Exploring “the world outside and the pictures in our heads” A network agenda-setting study. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 91 (4), 669-686.
  • Weber, R. P. (1989), Basic content analysis, Sage, London.
  • Yanardağoğlu, E. (2014). Uluslararası iletişim ve kamu diplomasisi: BBC Dünya Servisi Haber Merkezi örneği. İletişim Kuram ve Araştırma Dergisi, 2014 (38), 115-131.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Emircan Tokgöz 0000-0002-0138-2894

Nural İmik Tanyıldızı 0000-0002-9177-759X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Mart 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Ocak 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

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