Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster


Yıl 2024, , 862 - 890, 15.06.2024


The continuous expansion of the internet usage network has provided many opportunities for social media users. The cultural effects of social media are reflected in people's activities. Social media culture has transformed into new platforms where individuals with different cultural characteristics interact with their cultural values. The research aims to include the keywords that the authors emphasize most in social media culture research and the relationship power of these words. Within the scope of the purpose of the research, social media culture studies from Turkey and France were examined separately. The research sample consisted of social media culture publications in the Web of Science database. The bibliometric analysis method was used in the application. In the research, authors, publications, growth rates, and highlighted keywords in social media culture research are included. As a result of the analysis, the words most emphasized by the authors in the social media culture research on Turkey were social media, culture, Turkey, media, popular culture, covid-19, Twitter, Facebook, new media, social, gender, multiculturalism, religiosity, and sustainability. In research on France, the words social media, culture, media, social, covid-19, communication, gender, France, journalism, religion, trust, Twitter, advertising, body image, and networks were emphasized. In research on Turkey, the strongest relationships were between the words social media, Turkey, culture, and media. In studies based in France, strong relationships were found between the words social media, culture, media, and social.

Proje Numarası

projeden türetilmemiştir


  • Alnaghaimshi, N.I. & Pearson, E. (2023). Empowering Arab tribal culture in the twenty-first century: social media use in the Gulf States, Information, Communication & Society, 26 (6), 1087-1105.
  • Alsharif, A.H., Salleh, N.Z.M. & Baharun, R. (2020). Research trends of neuromarketing: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 98 (15), 2948-2962.
  • Ambirajan, S. (2000). Globalisation, Media and Culture. Economic and Political Weekly, 35 (25), 2141-2147.
  • Aria, M., & Cuccurullo, C. (2017). Bibliometrix: An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis. Journal of Informetrics, 11 (4), 959-975.
  • Biały, B. (2017). Social media—from social exchange to Battlefield. The Cyber Defense Review, 2(2), 69-90.
  • Cao, X., Guo, X., Vogel, D. & Zhang, X. (2016). Exploring the influence of social media on employee work performance. Internet Research, 26 (2), 529-545.
  • Charmarkeh, H. (2013). Social media usage, tahriib (migration), and settlement among Somali Refugees in France. Refuge, 29 (1), 43-52.
  • Chen, L. & Tsoi, K. (2011). Privacy concern and trust in using social network sites: A Comparison between French and Chinese Users. 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT), Lisbon, Portugal, 234-241,
  • Cobo, M.J., López-Herrera, A.G., Herrera-Viedma, E. & Herrera F. (2011). An approach for detecting, quantifying, and visualizing the evolution of a research field: A practical application to the Fuzzy Sets Theory field. Journal of Informetrics, 5, 146–166.
  • Cobo, M.J., Martinez, M.A., Gutierrez-Salcedo, M., Fujita, H. & Herrera-Viedma, E. (2015). 25 years at Knowledge-Based Systems: A bibliometric analysis. Knowledge-Based Systems, 80, 3–13.
  • Culnan, M.J., Mchugh, P.J. & Zubillaga, J.I. (2010). How large U.S. companies can use Twitter and other social media to gain business value. MIS Quarterly Executive, 9 (4), 243-259.
  • Derviş, H. (2019). Bibliometric analysis using bibliometrix an R package. Journal of Scientometric Res., 8 (3), 156-160.
  • Ephraim, P.E. (2013). African youths and the dangers of social networking: A culture-centered approach to using social media. Ethics Inf Technol, 15, 275–284.
  • Fuchs, C. (2014). Social Media and the Public Sphere. TripleC, 12 (1), 57-101.
  • Fuchs, C. (2015). Baidu, Weibo and Renren: The global political economy of social media in China, Asian Journal of Communication, 1-28.
  • Gambetti, R.C. & Biraghi, S. (2023). Branded activism: Navigating the tension between culture and market in social media. Futures, 145, 1-21.
  • Ginsburg, F. (1994). Culture/media: A (mild) polemic. Anthropology Today, 10 (2), 5-15.
  • Greenwood, D.N. (2013). Fame, Facebook, and Twitter: How attitudes about fame predict frequency and nature of social media use. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 2 (4), 222–236.
  • Hallinan, B., Kim, B., Mizoroki, S. Scharlach, R. vd. (2023). The value(s) of social media rituals: A cross-cultural analysis of New Year’s resolutions, Information, Communication & Society, 26 (4), 764-785.
  • Jenkins-Guarnieri, M.A., Wright, S.L. & Johnson, B. (2013). Development and validation of a social media use integration scale. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 2 (1), 38-50.
  • Khan, I., Dongping, H. & Wahab, A. (2016). Does culture matter in effectiveness of social media marketing strategy? An investigation of brand fan pages. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 68 (6), 694-715.
  • Kırık, A.M., Arslan, A., Çetinkaya, A. & Gül, M. (2015). A Quantitative Research on the Level of Social Media Addiction among Young People in Turkey. International Journal of Science Culture and Sport, 3 (3), 10.14486/IntJSCS444
  • Kirdemir, B. (2020). Turkey’s Digital News Landscape Polarization, Social Media, And Emerging Trends. Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies, 1-36.
  • Kozinets, R.V., Dolbec, P-Y. & Earley, A. (2014). Netnographic Analysis: Understanding Culture through Social Media Data, in Uwe Flick, ed. Sage Handbook of Qualitative Data Analysis, Sage: London, 262-275.
  • Leftheriotis, I. & Giannakos, M.N. (2014). Using social media for work: Losing your time or improving your work? Computers in Human Behavior, 31, 134-142.
  • Marbun, D.S., Juliandi, A. & Effendi, S. (2020). The effect of social media culture and knowledge transfer on performance. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal, 3 (3), 2513-2520.
  • Miller, D., Costa, E., Haynes, N., Mcdonald, T., Nicolescu, R., Sinanan, J., Spyer, J., Venkatraman, S. & Wang, X. (2016). How the World Changed Social Media. University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UCL Press. ISBN: 978- 1- 910634- 47- 9, 111.9781910634493
  • Miller, V. (2015). Phatic culture and the status quo: Reconsidering the purpose of social media activism. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 1–19.
  • Moral-Muñoz, Jose A., Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Antonio Santisteban-Espejo & Manuel J. Cobo. 2020. “Software Tools for Conducting Bibliometric Analysis in Science: An up-to-date Review.” El Profesional de la Información, 29 (1), 1-20.
  • Oluwoye, O., Whembolua, G-L. S. & Merianos, A.L. (2017). Extending the reach: The influence of social media and culture on substance use among African and African American male college students. A Journal on Black Men, 6 (1), 59-75.
  • Poster, M. (2008). Global media and culture. New Literary History, 39 (3), 685-703.
  • Postill, J. (2018). Populism and social media: A global perspective. Media, Culture & Society, 40 (5) 754–765.
  • Powers, M. & Vera-Zambrano, S. (2017). How journalists use social media in France and the United States: Analyzing technology use across journalistic fields. New Media & Society, 1-17.
  • Preston, P. & Kerr, A. (2001). Digital media, nation-states and local cultures: The case of multimedia. Media Culture Society, 23, 109-131.
  • Rampersad, G. & Althiyabi, T. (2020). Fake news: Acceptance by demographics and culture on social media, Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 17 (1), 1-11.
  • Reilly, A., & Weirup, A. (2012). Sustainability initiatives, social media activity, and organizational culture: An exploratory study. Journal of Sustainability and Green Business, 1, 1-15.
  • Rotman, D., Preece, J., Vieweg, S. vd. (2011). From slacktivism to activism: Participatory culture in the age of social media. CHI, 819-822.
  • Santana, M. & Lopez-Cabrales, A. (2019). Sustainable development and human resource management: A science mapping approach. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26, 1171–1183.
  • Sefton-Green, J. (2006). Youth, Technology, and Media Cultures. Review of Research in Education, Special Issue on Rethinking Learning: What Counts as Learning and What Learning Counts, 30, 279-306.
  • Shi, Y., Blainey, S., Sun, C. & Jing, P. (2020). A literature review on accessibility using bibliometric analysis techniques. Journal of Transport Geography, 87, 1-12.
  • Sinclair, G. & Jordan, D.G. (2023). Generation onlyfans: Examining the effects of “raunch culture” on depression via social media use and social comparisons. Sexuality & Culture, 27, 517–538.
  • Spitulnik, D. (1999). Media. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 9 (1/2), 148-151.
  • Trainor, K.J., Andzulis, J., Rapp, A. & Agnihotri, R. (2014). Social media technology usage and customer relationship performance: A capabilities-based examination of social CRM. Journal of Business Research, 67, 1201-1208.
  • Uldam, J. (2018). Social media visibility: Challenges to activism. Media, Culture & Society, 40 (1) 41–58.
  • Uluç, G. & Yarcı, A. (2017). Sosyal medya kültürü. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (52), 88-102.
  • Van Dijck, J. & Poell, T. (2013). Understanding social media logic. Media and Communication, 1 (1), 2-14.
  • Wang, X. (2016). Social media and social relationships. Social Media in Industrial China, 97-126.
  • Waters, R.D. & Lo, K.D. (2012). Exploring the impact of culture in the social media sphere: A content analysis of nonprofit organizations’ use of Facebook, Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 41 (3), 297-319.
  • White, L.A. (1959). The concept of culture. American Anthropologist, 61 (2), 227-251.
  • Yorgancılar, S. (2018). Kültürün yeniden üretim aracı olarak sosyal medya’nin gençliğe etkisi. OPUS–Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9 (16), 2511-2532.


Yıl 2024, , 862 - 890, 15.06.2024


İnternet kullanım ağının sürekli genişlemesi, sosyal medya kullanıcılarına birçok olanak sağlamıştır. Sosyal medyanın kültürel etkileri, insanların faaliyetlerine yansımıştır. Sosyal medya kültürü, farklı kültürel özelliklere sahip bireylerin, kültürel değerleri ile etkileşim oluşturduğu yeni platformlara dönüşmüştür. Araştırmada sosyal medya kültürü araştırmalarında, yazarların en fazla vurgu yaptıkları anahtar kelimelere ve bu kelimelerin ilişki gücüne yer verilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın amacı çerçevesinde Türkiye ve Fransa adresli sosyal medya kültürü araştırmaları ayrı ayrı incelenmiştir. Araştırma örneklemi Web of Science veri tabanında yer alan sosyal medya kültürü yayınlarından oluşmuştur. Uygulamada bibliyometrik analiz yönteminden faydalanılmıştır. Araştırmada sosyal medya kültürü araştırmalarında, yazarlara, yayınlara, büyüme oranlarına ve vurgulanan anahtar kelimelere yer verilmiştir. Analiz sonucunda Türkiye adresli sosyal medya kültürü araştırmalarında yazarların en fazla vurguladığı kelimeler arasında, sosyal medya, kültür, Türkiye, medya, popüler kültür, covid-19, Twitter, Facebook, yeni medya, sosyal, cinsiyet, çok kültürlülük, dindarlık ve sürdürülebilirlik yer almıştır. Fransa adresli araştırmalarda ise, sosyal medya, kültür, medya, sosyal, covid-19, iletişim, cinsiyet, Fransa, gazetecilik, din, güven, Twitter, reklam, beden imajı ve ağlar kelimelerine vurgu yapılmıştır. Türkiye adresli araştırmalarda en güçlü ilişkiler, sosyal medya, Türkiye, kültür ve medya kelimeleri arasında olmuştur. Fransa adresli araştırmalarda ise, sosyal medya, kültür, medya ve sosyal kelimeleri arasında güçlü ilişkilere rastlanılmıştır.

Etik Beyan

Araştırma etik kurul kararı zorunluluğu kapsamında değildir. Araştırmada etik dışı herhangi bir eylem söz konusu değildir.

Destekleyen Kurum

Destekleyen kurum yoktur.

Proje Numarası

projeden türetilmemiştir




  • Alnaghaimshi, N.I. & Pearson, E. (2023). Empowering Arab tribal culture in the twenty-first century: social media use in the Gulf States, Information, Communication & Society, 26 (6), 1087-1105.
  • Alsharif, A.H., Salleh, N.Z.M. & Baharun, R. (2020). Research trends of neuromarketing: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 98 (15), 2948-2962.
  • Ambirajan, S. (2000). Globalisation, Media and Culture. Economic and Political Weekly, 35 (25), 2141-2147.
  • Aria, M., & Cuccurullo, C. (2017). Bibliometrix: An R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis. Journal of Informetrics, 11 (4), 959-975.
  • Biały, B. (2017). Social media—from social exchange to Battlefield. The Cyber Defense Review, 2(2), 69-90.
  • Cao, X., Guo, X., Vogel, D. & Zhang, X. (2016). Exploring the influence of social media on employee work performance. Internet Research, 26 (2), 529-545.
  • Charmarkeh, H. (2013). Social media usage, tahriib (migration), and settlement among Somali Refugees in France. Refuge, 29 (1), 43-52.
  • Chen, L. & Tsoi, K. (2011). Privacy concern and trust in using social network sites: A Comparison between French and Chinese Users. 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT), Lisbon, Portugal, 234-241,
  • Cobo, M.J., López-Herrera, A.G., Herrera-Viedma, E. & Herrera F. (2011). An approach for detecting, quantifying, and visualizing the evolution of a research field: A practical application to the Fuzzy Sets Theory field. Journal of Informetrics, 5, 146–166.
  • Cobo, M.J., Martinez, M.A., Gutierrez-Salcedo, M., Fujita, H. & Herrera-Viedma, E. (2015). 25 years at Knowledge-Based Systems: A bibliometric analysis. Knowledge-Based Systems, 80, 3–13.
  • Culnan, M.J., Mchugh, P.J. & Zubillaga, J.I. (2010). How large U.S. companies can use Twitter and other social media to gain business value. MIS Quarterly Executive, 9 (4), 243-259.
  • Derviş, H. (2019). Bibliometric analysis using bibliometrix an R package. Journal of Scientometric Res., 8 (3), 156-160.
  • Ephraim, P.E. (2013). African youths and the dangers of social networking: A culture-centered approach to using social media. Ethics Inf Technol, 15, 275–284.
  • Fuchs, C. (2014). Social Media and the Public Sphere. TripleC, 12 (1), 57-101.
  • Fuchs, C. (2015). Baidu, Weibo and Renren: The global political economy of social media in China, Asian Journal of Communication, 1-28.
  • Gambetti, R.C. & Biraghi, S. (2023). Branded activism: Navigating the tension between culture and market in social media. Futures, 145, 1-21.
  • Ginsburg, F. (1994). Culture/media: A (mild) polemic. Anthropology Today, 10 (2), 5-15.
  • Greenwood, D.N. (2013). Fame, Facebook, and Twitter: How attitudes about fame predict frequency and nature of social media use. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 2 (4), 222–236.
  • Hallinan, B., Kim, B., Mizoroki, S. Scharlach, R. vd. (2023). The value(s) of social media rituals: A cross-cultural analysis of New Year’s resolutions, Information, Communication & Society, 26 (4), 764-785.
  • Jenkins-Guarnieri, M.A., Wright, S.L. & Johnson, B. (2013). Development and validation of a social media use integration scale. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 2 (1), 38-50.
  • Khan, I., Dongping, H. & Wahab, A. (2016). Does culture matter in effectiveness of social media marketing strategy? An investigation of brand fan pages. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 68 (6), 694-715.
  • Kırık, A.M., Arslan, A., Çetinkaya, A. & Gül, M. (2015). A Quantitative Research on the Level of Social Media Addiction among Young People in Turkey. International Journal of Science Culture and Sport, 3 (3), 10.14486/IntJSCS444
  • Kirdemir, B. (2020). Turkey’s Digital News Landscape Polarization, Social Media, And Emerging Trends. Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies, 1-36.
  • Kozinets, R.V., Dolbec, P-Y. & Earley, A. (2014). Netnographic Analysis: Understanding Culture through Social Media Data, in Uwe Flick, ed. Sage Handbook of Qualitative Data Analysis, Sage: London, 262-275.
  • Leftheriotis, I. & Giannakos, M.N. (2014). Using social media for work: Losing your time or improving your work? Computers in Human Behavior, 31, 134-142.
  • Marbun, D.S., Juliandi, A. & Effendi, S. (2020). The effect of social media culture and knowledge transfer on performance. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal, 3 (3), 2513-2520.
  • Miller, D., Costa, E., Haynes, N., Mcdonald, T., Nicolescu, R., Sinanan, J., Spyer, J., Venkatraman, S. & Wang, X. (2016). How the World Changed Social Media. University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UCL Press. ISBN: 978- 1- 910634- 47- 9, 111.9781910634493
  • Miller, V. (2015). Phatic culture and the status quo: Reconsidering the purpose of social media activism. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 1–19.
  • Moral-Muñoz, Jose A., Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Antonio Santisteban-Espejo & Manuel J. Cobo. 2020. “Software Tools for Conducting Bibliometric Analysis in Science: An up-to-date Review.” El Profesional de la Información, 29 (1), 1-20.
  • Oluwoye, O., Whembolua, G-L. S. & Merianos, A.L. (2017). Extending the reach: The influence of social media and culture on substance use among African and African American male college students. A Journal on Black Men, 6 (1), 59-75.
  • Poster, M. (2008). Global media and culture. New Literary History, 39 (3), 685-703.
  • Postill, J. (2018). Populism and social media: A global perspective. Media, Culture & Society, 40 (5) 754–765.
  • Powers, M. & Vera-Zambrano, S. (2017). How journalists use social media in France and the United States: Analyzing technology use across journalistic fields. New Media & Society, 1-17.
  • Preston, P. & Kerr, A. (2001). Digital media, nation-states and local cultures: The case of multimedia. Media Culture Society, 23, 109-131.
  • Rampersad, G. & Althiyabi, T. (2020). Fake news: Acceptance by demographics and culture on social media, Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 17 (1), 1-11.
  • Reilly, A., & Weirup, A. (2012). Sustainability initiatives, social media activity, and organizational culture: An exploratory study. Journal of Sustainability and Green Business, 1, 1-15.
  • Rotman, D., Preece, J., Vieweg, S. vd. (2011). From slacktivism to activism: Participatory culture in the age of social media. CHI, 819-822.
  • Santana, M. & Lopez-Cabrales, A. (2019). Sustainable development and human resource management: A science mapping approach. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26, 1171–1183.
  • Sefton-Green, J. (2006). Youth, Technology, and Media Cultures. Review of Research in Education, Special Issue on Rethinking Learning: What Counts as Learning and What Learning Counts, 30, 279-306.
  • Shi, Y., Blainey, S., Sun, C. & Jing, P. (2020). A literature review on accessibility using bibliometric analysis techniques. Journal of Transport Geography, 87, 1-12.
  • Sinclair, G. & Jordan, D.G. (2023). Generation onlyfans: Examining the effects of “raunch culture” on depression via social media use and social comparisons. Sexuality & Culture, 27, 517–538.
  • Spitulnik, D. (1999). Media. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 9 (1/2), 148-151.
  • Trainor, K.J., Andzulis, J., Rapp, A. & Agnihotri, R. (2014). Social media technology usage and customer relationship performance: A capabilities-based examination of social CRM. Journal of Business Research, 67, 1201-1208.
  • Uldam, J. (2018). Social media visibility: Challenges to activism. Media, Culture & Society, 40 (1) 41–58.
  • Uluç, G. & Yarcı, A. (2017). Sosyal medya kültürü. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (52), 88-102.
  • Van Dijck, J. & Poell, T. (2013). Understanding social media logic. Media and Communication, 1 (1), 2-14.
  • Wang, X. (2016). Social media and social relationships. Social Media in Industrial China, 97-126.
  • Waters, R.D. & Lo, K.D. (2012). Exploring the impact of culture in the social media sphere: A content analysis of nonprofit organizations’ use of Facebook, Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 41 (3), 297-319.
  • White, L.A. (1959). The concept of culture. American Anthropologist, 61 (2), 227-251.
  • Yorgancılar, S. (2018). Kültürün yeniden üretim aracı olarak sosyal medya’nin gençliğe etkisi. OPUS–Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9 (16), 2511-2532.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları (Diğer), Kültürel çalışmalar (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

İbrahim Durmuş 0000-0002-3872-2258

Proje Numarası projeden türetilmemiştir
Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi 4 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Durmuş, İ. (2024). SOSYAL MEDYA KÜLTÜRÜNE KAVRAMSAL BAKIŞ: TÜRKİYE VE FRANSA KARŞILAŞTIRMASI. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 26(2), 862-890.