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Yıl 2024, , 1063 - 1091, 15.09.2024


The global impact of digital transformation is leading to significant changes across various fields. This impact has been further accelerated by the influence of the Metaverse in 2021. The Metaverse is altering how users perceive, experience, and evaluate the world, including its potential to significantly impact universities and appear to have the potential for complete differentiation in the future. Beyond eliminating time and space constraints, the Metaverse offers unlimited possibilities for structuring education content and environments with meta-assets, which are highly valuable for university education quality. This study aims to measure university students' perceptions regarding the meta education ecosystem that universities need to structure in their journey towards becoming Metaversities. University students were divided into two groups for this purpose, focus group discussions were conducted with a total of 16 participants and content analysis was conducted. Additionally, based on the information gathered through literature review, the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed meta-education ecosystem model were examined, aiming to explore its inputs and outputs considering research findings. The study identified differences in perceptions between students who are knowledgeable about the metaverse and those who are not. Furthermore, the model was enhanced with elements such as metaverse transition orientation, interaction with digital identity and socialization guidance, operational internship simulation, global meta interaction, and elements of meta introduction from past to future. Essentially, the Metaversity learning environment, enriched with elements like meta-assets, immersive technologies, types of reality, network quality, and virtual experience design, can be structured to deliver high-quality meta education through digital experiences such as virtual classrooms and virtual libraries.


  • Aktaş. E., Egeli, G. Z. & Kurgun, O. A. (2023). Meta kampüste eğitim. S. Bertan (Ed.) 23. Ulusal Turizm Kongresi (13-15 Ekim 2023) Bildirileri Kitabı içinde (ss.684-699), Denizli: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Al-Salman S. & Haider A. S. (2021). Jordanian university students’ views on emergency online learning during COVID-19. Online Learning. 25, 286–302. https://
  • Ariyadewa, P., Wathsala, V., Pradeepan, V., Perera, R., & Atukorale, A. (2010). Virtual learning model for metaverses. In 2010 International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer) (pp. 81–85). IEEE. https://
  • Azmat, M. (2023). Higher education in high gear: revolutionizing the future of learning and teaching with metaverse. Higher Education Digest., (Erişim Tarihi: 06.03.2024).
  • Cairns, R. (2023). Could the ‘metaversity’ be the college campus of the future? CNN., (Erişim Tarihi: 05.02.2024).
  • Council of Europe (2021). Meta-University Report., (Erişim Tarihi: 21.02.2024)
  • Çavaş, B., Çavaş, P. H., & Can, B. T. (2004). Eğitimde sanal gerçeklik. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 3(4), 110-116.
  • Çicek, I., Bernik, A. & Tomicic, I. (2021). Student thoughts on virtual reality in higher education—a survey questionnaire. Information, 12, 151. https://
  • Dengel, A., Steinmaurer, A., Müller, L. M., Platz, M., Wang, M., Gütl, C., Pester, A., & Morgado, L. (2024). Research agenda 2030: The great questions of immersive learning research. In M-L. Bourguet, J. M. Krüger, D. Pedrosa, A. Dengel, A. Peña-Rios, & J. Richter (Eds.), Immersive Learning Research Network - 9th International Conference, iLRN 2023, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 161-172). (Communications in Computer and Information Science; Vol. 1904 CCIS). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
  • Diaz, J.E.M., Saldana, C.A.D. & Avila, C.A.R. (2020). Virtual world as a resource for hybrid education. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15 (15), 94-109.
  • Dreimane, L. F., & Zalite-Supe, Z. (2022). Teaching and learning immersive technology in education sciences. In 2022 8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) (s.1-5). Vienna, Austria.
  • Ergüney, M. & Tepe, N. (2023). Metaverse: Bir metafor çalışması. İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12 (2), 1178-1195.
  • Erofeeva, M., & Klowait, N. O. (2021). The impact of virtual reality, augmented reality, and interactive whiteboards on attention management in secondary school STEM teaching. In Proceedings of the 2021 7th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) (pp. 17 May–10 June 2021). Eureka, CA, USA.
  • Ertürk, M., & Şahin, G. (2019). Second Life oyununun sosyal bilgiler öğretiminde deneyimsel öğrenmeye yönelik bir model olarak kullanılması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 34 (2), 434-459. https://
  • Garrido-Iñigo, P., & Rodríguez-Moreno, F. (2015) The reality of virtual worlds: pros and cons of their application to foreign language teaching. Interactive Learning Environments, 23 (4), 453-470.
  • Getchell, K., Oliver, I., Miller, A. & Allison, C. (2010). Metaverses as a Platform for Game Based Learning. In 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (pp.1195-1202), Perth, Avustralya.
  • Häfner, P. (2020). Categorisation of the benefits and limitations of immersive technologies for education. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation, (ss.154-159).
  • Hassanzadeh, M. (2022). Metaverse, metaversity, and the future of higher education. Sciences and Techniques of Information Management, 8 (2), 7-22.
  • Hunvik, S., & Lindseth, F. (2021). Making use of virtual reality for artificial ıntelligence education. In Bridges and Mediation in Higher Distance Education. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Ifdil, I., Situmorang, D. D. B., Firman, F., Zola, N., Rangka, I. B., & Fadli, R. P. (2022). Virtual reality in Metaverse for future mental health-helping profession: an alternative solution to the mental health challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Public Health, 45 (1), e142-e143.
  • Kahla, K. B. (2021). University, multiversity, technoversity and metaversity Should the old institution be buried? Presented at the Snposium “Is There a Tunisian University?” (13 March 2021). Tunis, Tunus. (Erişim Tarihi: 05.02.2024).
  • Krueger, R.A. & Casey, M.A. (2000). Focus groups: A practical guide for applied research. California: Sage Pub
  • Kuhail, M., A., ElSayary, A., Farooq, S. & Alghamdi, A. (2022). Exploring immersive learning experiences: A survey. Informatics, 9 (75).
  • Laurens-Arredondo, L. A., & Laurens, L. (2023). Metaversity: Beyond emerging educational technology. Sustainability, 15 (22), 15844.
  • Lee, J., Surh, J., Choi, W., & You, B. (2021). Immersive virtual-reality-based streaming distance education system for solar dynamics observatory: a case study. Applied Sciences, 11, 8932.
  • Lombardi, M.M. (2007). Authentic learning for the 21st century: An overview. educause learning initiative. (Erişim Tarihi: 28.02.2024).
  • Marsaulina, R. M. (2022). perspectives of software engineering class as gen Z learners on the sustainability of online learning in new normal towards metaversity students. In 2022 IEEE International Conference of Computer Science and Information Technology (ICOSNIKOM) (pp. 01-07). Laguboti, North Sumatra, Indonesia.
  • Marshall, C., & Rossman, G. B. (2014). Designing qualitative research. New York: Sage.
  • Masso, N., & Grace, L. (2011). Shapemaker: A game-based introduction to programming. In Proceedings of the 201116th International Conference on Computer Games (CGAMES) (pp. 27–30 July 2011). Louisville, KY, USA.
  • Mughal, M. Y., Andleeb, N., Khurram, A. F. A., Khurram, A., Ali, M., Aslam, M., & Saleem, M. (2022). Perceptions of teaching-learning force about metaverse for education: A qualitative study. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6 (9), 1738-1745
  • Ning, H., Wang, H., Lin, Y., Wang, W., Dhelim, S., Farha, F., Ding, J. & Daneshmand, M. (2023). A survey on the Metaverse: The state-of-the-art, technologies, applications, and challenges. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
  • Patton, M.Q. (2002). Qualitative research and evaluation methods (3rd Ed.). Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Pimentel, D., Fauville, G., Frazier, K., McGivney, E., Rosas, S. & Woolsey, E. (2022). An introduction to learning in the Metaverse. Meridian Treehouse. (Erişim tarihi: 28.02.2024)
  • PwC (2022). PwC 2022 US metaverse survey, (Erişim Tarihi: 11.03.2024).
  • Rojas, E., Hülsmann, X., Estriegana, R., Rückert, F. & Garcia-Esteban, S. (2023). Students’ perception of metaverses for online learning in higher education: Hype or hope? Electronics, 12, 1867.
  • Ruwodo, V., Pinomaa, A., Vesisenaho, M., Ntinda, M. & Sutinen, E. (2022). Enhancing Software Engineering Education in Africa through a Metaversity. In IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (08-11 October 2022), Uppsala, İsveç.
  • Ryu, S. (2022). An exploratory study on the possibility of metaverse-based korean language subject design. Korean Journal of General Education, 16 (2), 289-305
  • Saad, N., Gedikbey, S. & Bayrakcı, M.(2023). Teachers’ opinions on the use of metaverse. International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education, 3 (2), 1-14.
  • Said, G.R.E. (2023). Metaverse-based learning opportunities and challenges: a phenomenological metaverse human–computer ınteraction study. Electronics. 12,1379. https://
  • Serçek, S. & Korkmaz, M. (2023). Turizm sektöründe Metaverse’ün kullanımına ilişkin sistematik bir literatür çalışması. Sosyal, Beşerî ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi. 6 (5): 701-721.
  • Son, N.D. (2022). Integrating e-learning in metaverse for sustainable development of higher education and training. Presented in International conference on research in management & technovation (16-17 January 2022), Da Nang City, Vietnam.
  • Stephenson, N. (1992). Snow Crash: A Novel. New York, Bantam Books.
  • Sutikno, T. & Aisyahrani, A.I.B. (2023). Non-fungible tokens, decentralized autonomous organizations, Web 3.0, and the metaverse in education: From university to metaversity. Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 17 (1), 1-15.
  • Tang, M., Y., Chau, K., Y, Kwok, A., P., K., Zhu, T.& Ma, X. (2022). A systematic review of immersive technology applications for medical practice and education - Trends, application areas, recipients, teaching contents, evaluation methods, and performance, Educational Research Review, 35, 1-22.
  • Turan, Z. ve Karabey, S., C. (2023). The use of immersive technologies in distance education: A systematic review, Education and Information Technologies, 28, 16041–16064.
  • Vernaza, A., Armuelles, I. & Ruiz, I. (2012). Towards to an open and ınteroperable virtual learning enviroment using metaverse at University of Panama. Technologies Applied to Electronics Teaching (TAEE), (13-15 June 2012), Vigo, İspanya.
  • VictoryXR. (2023). Learning in the Metaverse.
  • Virbela. (2023). UCSD Launches its international micro-MBA program.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2016) Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri (10. Baskı). Seçkin Yayınevi: Ankara
  • Yue, K. (2022). Breaking down the barrier between teachers and students by using metaverse technology in education: based on a survey and analysis of Shenzhen city, China. In 2022 13th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E- Management, and E-Learning (IC4E) (pp. 40-44).
  • Zhao, Y., Jiang, J., Chen, Y., Liu, R., Yang, Y., Xue, X., & Chen, S. (2022). Metaverse: Perspectives from graphics, interactions and visualization. Visual Informatics, 6 (1): 56-67.
  • Zuckerberg, M. (2021). Founders letter, 2021. Meta, (Erişim Tarihi: 09.03.2024).


Yıl 2024, , 1063 - 1091, 15.09.2024


Dijital dönüşümün küresel etkisi birçok alanda büyük değişimler yaratmaktadır. 2021 yılında bu etkinin yepyeni bir deneyime dönüştüğü Metaverse ise değişimin hızını daha da arttırmaktadır. Metaverse kullanıcıların dünyayı algılama, yaşama ve değerlendirme biçimini değiştirmektedir. Bu değişim üniversiteleri de etkilemekte ve gelecekte tamamen farklılaştırma potansiyeline sahip görünmektedir. Metaverse zaman ve mekân sınırlarını ortadan kaldırmanın çok ötesinde üniversite eğitim kalitesi için çok değerli olan eğitim içeriği ve eğitim ortamının meta varlıklarla yapılandırılmasında sınırsız olanaklar sunmaktadır. Çalışma, üniversitelerin Metaversity olma sürecinde yapılandırmaları gereken meta eğitim ekosistemi için üniversite öğrencilerinin algılarını ölçmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Buna yönelik olarak üniversite öğrencilerini iki gruba ayırarak toplamda 16 katılımcıyla odak grup görüşmeleri yapılarak içerik analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Aynı zamanda alanyazın taraması sonucu elde edilen bilgilerden hareketle ortaya konan meta eğitim ekosistem modelinin avantaj ve dezavantajları incelenerek girdi ve çıktılarının araştırma bulgularıyla keşfedilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda metaverse hakkında bilgisi olan ve olmayan öğrencilerin algıları arasında farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir. Aynı zamanda modele metaverse geçiş oryantasyonu, dijital kimlikle etkileşim ve sosyalleşme rehberliği, operasyonel staj simülasyonu, küresel meta etkileşim ve geçmişten geleceğe meta tanıtım unsurları eklenmiştir. Temel olarak meta varlıklar, sürükleyici teknolojiler, gerçeklik türleri, ağ kalitesi ve sanal deneyim tasarımı gibi öğelerle zenginleştirilecek Metaversity öğrenme ortamı, sanal sınıflar ve sanal kütüphane gibi dijital deneyimlerle yüksek kalitede meta eğitim sunabilecek biçimde yapılandırılabilecektir.


  • Aktaş. E., Egeli, G. Z. & Kurgun, O. A. (2023). Meta kampüste eğitim. S. Bertan (Ed.) 23. Ulusal Turizm Kongresi (13-15 Ekim 2023) Bildirileri Kitabı içinde (ss.684-699), Denizli: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Al-Salman S. & Haider A. S. (2021). Jordanian university students’ views on emergency online learning during COVID-19. Online Learning. 25, 286–302. https://
  • Ariyadewa, P., Wathsala, V., Pradeepan, V., Perera, R., & Atukorale, A. (2010). Virtual learning model for metaverses. In 2010 International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer) (pp. 81–85). IEEE. https://
  • Azmat, M. (2023). Higher education in high gear: revolutionizing the future of learning and teaching with metaverse. Higher Education Digest., (Erişim Tarihi: 06.03.2024).
  • Cairns, R. (2023). Could the ‘metaversity’ be the college campus of the future? CNN., (Erişim Tarihi: 05.02.2024).
  • Council of Europe (2021). Meta-University Report., (Erişim Tarihi: 21.02.2024)
  • Çavaş, B., Çavaş, P. H., & Can, B. T. (2004). Eğitimde sanal gerçeklik. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 3(4), 110-116.
  • Çicek, I., Bernik, A. & Tomicic, I. (2021). Student thoughts on virtual reality in higher education—a survey questionnaire. Information, 12, 151. https://
  • Dengel, A., Steinmaurer, A., Müller, L. M., Platz, M., Wang, M., Gütl, C., Pester, A., & Morgado, L. (2024). Research agenda 2030: The great questions of immersive learning research. In M-L. Bourguet, J. M. Krüger, D. Pedrosa, A. Dengel, A. Peña-Rios, & J. Richter (Eds.), Immersive Learning Research Network - 9th International Conference, iLRN 2023, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 161-172). (Communications in Computer and Information Science; Vol. 1904 CCIS). Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
  • Diaz, J.E.M., Saldana, C.A.D. & Avila, C.A.R. (2020). Virtual world as a resource for hybrid education. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15 (15), 94-109.
  • Dreimane, L. F., & Zalite-Supe, Z. (2022). Teaching and learning immersive technology in education sciences. In 2022 8th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) (s.1-5). Vienna, Austria.
  • Ergüney, M. & Tepe, N. (2023). Metaverse: Bir metafor çalışması. İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12 (2), 1178-1195.
  • Erofeeva, M., & Klowait, N. O. (2021). The impact of virtual reality, augmented reality, and interactive whiteboards on attention management in secondary school STEM teaching. In Proceedings of the 2021 7th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) (pp. 17 May–10 June 2021). Eureka, CA, USA.
  • Ertürk, M., & Şahin, G. (2019). Second Life oyununun sosyal bilgiler öğretiminde deneyimsel öğrenmeye yönelik bir model olarak kullanılması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 34 (2), 434-459. https://
  • Garrido-Iñigo, P., & Rodríguez-Moreno, F. (2015) The reality of virtual worlds: pros and cons of their application to foreign language teaching. Interactive Learning Environments, 23 (4), 453-470.
  • Getchell, K., Oliver, I., Miller, A. & Allison, C. (2010). Metaverses as a Platform for Game Based Learning. In 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (pp.1195-1202), Perth, Avustralya.
  • Häfner, P. (2020). Categorisation of the benefits and limitations of immersive technologies for education. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation, (ss.154-159).
  • Hassanzadeh, M. (2022). Metaverse, metaversity, and the future of higher education. Sciences and Techniques of Information Management, 8 (2), 7-22.
  • Hunvik, S., & Lindseth, F. (2021). Making use of virtual reality for artificial ıntelligence education. In Bridges and Mediation in Higher Distance Education. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Ifdil, I., Situmorang, D. D. B., Firman, F., Zola, N., Rangka, I. B., & Fadli, R. P. (2022). Virtual reality in Metaverse for future mental health-helping profession: an alternative solution to the mental health challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Public Health, 45 (1), e142-e143.
  • Kahla, K. B. (2021). University, multiversity, technoversity and metaversity Should the old institution be buried? Presented at the Snposium “Is There a Tunisian University?” (13 March 2021). Tunis, Tunus. (Erişim Tarihi: 05.02.2024).
  • Krueger, R.A. & Casey, M.A. (2000). Focus groups: A practical guide for applied research. California: Sage Pub
  • Kuhail, M., A., ElSayary, A., Farooq, S. & Alghamdi, A. (2022). Exploring immersive learning experiences: A survey. Informatics, 9 (75).
  • Laurens-Arredondo, L. A., & Laurens, L. (2023). Metaversity: Beyond emerging educational technology. Sustainability, 15 (22), 15844.
  • Lee, J., Surh, J., Choi, W., & You, B. (2021). Immersive virtual-reality-based streaming distance education system for solar dynamics observatory: a case study. Applied Sciences, 11, 8932.
  • Lombardi, M.M. (2007). Authentic learning for the 21st century: An overview. educause learning initiative. (Erişim Tarihi: 28.02.2024).
  • Marsaulina, R. M. (2022). perspectives of software engineering class as gen Z learners on the sustainability of online learning in new normal towards metaversity students. In 2022 IEEE International Conference of Computer Science and Information Technology (ICOSNIKOM) (pp. 01-07). Laguboti, North Sumatra, Indonesia.
  • Marshall, C., & Rossman, G. B. (2014). Designing qualitative research. New York: Sage.
  • Masso, N., & Grace, L. (2011). Shapemaker: A game-based introduction to programming. In Proceedings of the 201116th International Conference on Computer Games (CGAMES) (pp. 27–30 July 2011). Louisville, KY, USA.
  • Mughal, M. Y., Andleeb, N., Khurram, A. F. A., Khurram, A., Ali, M., Aslam, M., & Saleem, M. (2022). Perceptions of teaching-learning force about metaverse for education: A qualitative study. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6 (9), 1738-1745
  • Ning, H., Wang, H., Lin, Y., Wang, W., Dhelim, S., Farha, F., Ding, J. & Daneshmand, M. (2023). A survey on the Metaverse: The state-of-the-art, technologies, applications, and challenges. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
  • Patton, M.Q. (2002). Qualitative research and evaluation methods (3rd Ed.). Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Pimentel, D., Fauville, G., Frazier, K., McGivney, E., Rosas, S. & Woolsey, E. (2022). An introduction to learning in the Metaverse. Meridian Treehouse. (Erişim tarihi: 28.02.2024)
  • PwC (2022). PwC 2022 US metaverse survey, (Erişim Tarihi: 11.03.2024).
  • Rojas, E., Hülsmann, X., Estriegana, R., Rückert, F. & Garcia-Esteban, S. (2023). Students’ perception of metaverses for online learning in higher education: Hype or hope? Electronics, 12, 1867.
  • Ruwodo, V., Pinomaa, A., Vesisenaho, M., Ntinda, M. & Sutinen, E. (2022). Enhancing Software Engineering Education in Africa through a Metaversity. In IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (08-11 October 2022), Uppsala, İsveç.
  • Ryu, S. (2022). An exploratory study on the possibility of metaverse-based korean language subject design. Korean Journal of General Education, 16 (2), 289-305
  • Saad, N., Gedikbey, S. & Bayrakcı, M.(2023). Teachers’ opinions on the use of metaverse. International Journal of Trends and Developments in Education, 3 (2), 1-14.
  • Said, G.R.E. (2023). Metaverse-based learning opportunities and challenges: a phenomenological metaverse human–computer ınteraction study. Electronics. 12,1379. https://
  • Serçek, S. & Korkmaz, M. (2023). Turizm sektöründe Metaverse’ün kullanımına ilişkin sistematik bir literatür çalışması. Sosyal, Beşerî ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi. 6 (5): 701-721.
  • Son, N.D. (2022). Integrating e-learning in metaverse for sustainable development of higher education and training. Presented in International conference on research in management & technovation (16-17 January 2022), Da Nang City, Vietnam.
  • Stephenson, N. (1992). Snow Crash: A Novel. New York, Bantam Books.
  • Sutikno, T. & Aisyahrani, A.I.B. (2023). Non-fungible tokens, decentralized autonomous organizations, Web 3.0, and the metaverse in education: From university to metaversity. Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 17 (1), 1-15.
  • Tang, M., Y., Chau, K., Y, Kwok, A., P., K., Zhu, T.& Ma, X. (2022). A systematic review of immersive technology applications for medical practice and education - Trends, application areas, recipients, teaching contents, evaluation methods, and performance, Educational Research Review, 35, 1-22.
  • Turan, Z. ve Karabey, S., C. (2023). The use of immersive technologies in distance education: A systematic review, Education and Information Technologies, 28, 16041–16064.
  • Vernaza, A., Armuelles, I. & Ruiz, I. (2012). Towards to an open and ınteroperable virtual learning enviroment using metaverse at University of Panama. Technologies Applied to Electronics Teaching (TAEE), (13-15 June 2012), Vigo, İspanya.
  • VictoryXR. (2023). Learning in the Metaverse.
  • Virbela. (2023). UCSD Launches its international micro-MBA program.
  • Yıldırım, A. & Şimşek, H. (2016) Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri (10. Baskı). Seçkin Yayınevi: Ankara
  • Yue, K. (2022). Breaking down the barrier between teachers and students by using metaverse technology in education: based on a survey and analysis of Shenzhen city, China. In 2022 13th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E- Management, and E-Learning (IC4E) (pp. 40-44).
  • Zhao, Y., Jiang, J., Chen, Y., Liu, R., Yang, Y., Xue, X., & Chen, S. (2022). Metaverse: Perspectives from graphics, interactions and visualization. Visual Informatics, 6 (1): 56-67.
  • Zuckerberg, M. (2021). Founders letter, 2021. Meta, (Erişim Tarihi: 09.03.2024).
Toplam 52 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Pazarlama (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Güzide Zeynep Egeli Çankaya 0000-0002-3236-1121

Erdem Aktaş 0000-0002-7439-8918

Avşar Kurgun 0000-0002-2092-5292

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 13 Haziran 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Egeli Çankaya, G. Z., Aktaş, E., & Kurgun, A. (2024). META EĞİTİM EKOSİSTEMİ MODELİ: ÜNİVERSİTE ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN UYGULAMAYA YÖNELİK ALGILARI. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 26(3), 1063-1091.