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Yıl 2015, , 389 - 407, 26.02.2016


Bu çalışma, İran rejiminin son yıllarda Orta Doğu'yu sarsan isyanlar ve istikrarsızlıklara-Batı'daki beklentilerin aksine- geçmişten, özellikle 1979'daki devrimden miras kalan sosyal yapı ve politikaların etkisiyle direnebildiğini iddia ediyor. Tunus ve Mısır'daki halk isyanları, temel aktör olan alt sınıflar ve onların neo-liberal ekonomik politikalara muhalefetiyle yayılırken, İran’da devrim sonrası gelişen sosyal devlet mekanizması hala halk ile rejimin tamamen birbirine yabancılaşmasını önlemekte. Ancak son yıllarda ortaya çıkan yeni gerilimler ve İran'ın uyguladığı ekonomi politikaları rejimin krizini derinleştirebilir. Bu nedenledir ki Orta Doğu'yu ve özelde İran'ı anlamak için hegemonik blokların tarihsel değişimini inceleyen ucu açık bir analiz elzemdir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: İran, Arap Baharı, Hegemonya, Ekonomi Politik, İslam.



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  • Abrahamian, E. (1980). Structural causes of the Iranian revolution. Middle East Report, 87 (5): 21-26.
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  • Amuzegar, J. (1997). Iran's economy under the Islamic Republic. London: IB Tauris.
  • Anderson, P. (2007). Gramsci, Doğu-Batı hegemonya sorunu ve strateji. İstanbul: Salyangoz Yayınları.
  • Ansari, A. (2008). Iran under Ahmadinejad: Populism and its malcontents. International Affairs, 84 (4): 683-700.
  • Arjomand, S. A. (2009). After Khomeini: Iran under his successors. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Arjomand, S. A. (2000). Civil society and the rule of law in the constitutional politics of Iran under Khatami. Social Research, 3 (1): 283-301.
  • Behdad, Noumani,F.(2002). Workers, peasants and peddlers: A Study of labor stratification in post-revolutionary Iran. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 34 (4): 667-690.
  • Bruno, G. ve Bajoria, J. (2011). Iran's revolutionary guards (12 Ekim 2011)., (15.05.2013).
  • Cox, R. W.(1993). Gramsci,hegemony and International relations: An essay in method. S. Gill (Ed.) Gramsci, historical materialism and international relations: İçinde 49-67. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Clawson, P., Eisenstadt, M., Kanovsky, E., Menashri, D. (1998).” Iran under Khatami: A political, economic, and military assessment” (A Washington Institute Monograph). Washington: Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
  • The Economist.(2009). Iran's revolutionary guards: Showing who's boss (27 Ağustos 2009). =14327633, (15.05.2013).
  • Ehsani, K. (2006). Iran: The populist threat to democracy. Middle East Report, 241 (4): 4-9.
  • Esfahani, H. S. ve Taheripour, F. (2002). Hidden public expenditures and economy in Iran. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 34 (4): 691-718.
  • Ehteshami, A. (2002). Failure of Khatami reformers, not the reform movement (20 Kasım 2002), 20%2018.2.6%20Ehteshami%20November%202002.pdf, (15.05.2013).
  • Gibreel, G. (2001). The ulema: Middle Eastern power brokers. Middle East Quarterly, 8 (4): 15-23.
  • Hoogland, E. (2009). Thirty years of İslamic revolution in rural Iran. Middle East Report, 250 (3): 34-39.
  • Keddie, N. R. (2003). Modern Iran: Roots and results of revolution. London: Yale University Press.
  • Marx, K. (1994). The 18th brumaire of Louise Bonaparte. New York: International Publishers.
  • Nasr, V. (2007). The Shia revival: how conflicts within Islam will shape the future. NewYork: WW Norton & Company.
  • Pew Research Center (2009). Iran and the “Twitter revolution”. PEJ new media index June 15-19 2009., (15.11.2014).
  • Roger, H. (1980). Origins of the Iranian revolution. International Affairs, 56 (4): 673-677.
  • Tafesh, A. Q. (2012). Iran's green movement: Reality and its aspirations., (15.05.2013).
  • Taheri, A. (2010). The Persian night: Iran under the Khomeinist revolution. London: Encounter books.
  • Wells, M. C. (1999). Thermidor in the İslamic republic of Iran: The rise of Muhammad Khatami. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 26 (1): 27-39.
  • Zubaida, S. (1993). Islam the people&the state. London: I.B Tauris.
  • Zonis, M. (1985). The rule of the clerics in the Islamic republic of Iran. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 482 (3): 85-108.


Yıl 2015, , 389 - 407, 26.02.2016


This article argues that contrary to the expectations of the Western World, Iranian regime successfully resisted the revolutionary tides of the Arab Spring. Most important determinant of this process for Iran was the legacy of the 1979 revolution and it's associated structures that relatively protects the most vulnerable parts of the population against the wide spread neo-liberal economic policies in the Middle East. So with that feature Iran differs from the Tunisian and the Egyptian examples. In order to understand these features further this essay adapts a historical analysis of changes in hegemonic blocs in Iran since 1979.

Keywords: Iran, Arab Spring, Hegemony, Political Economy, Islam.



  • Abrahamian, E. (1982). Iran between two revolutions. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Abrahamian, E. (1980). Structural causes of the Iranian revolution. Middle East Report, 87 (5): 21-26.
  • Alfoneh, A. (2011). Iran's revolutionary guards strike oil. Middle East Quarterly, 19 (1): 75-78.
  • Amuzegar, J. (1997). Iran's economy under the Islamic Republic. London: IB Tauris.
  • Anderson, P. (2007). Gramsci, Doğu-Batı hegemonya sorunu ve strateji. İstanbul: Salyangoz Yayınları.
  • Ansari, A. (2008). Iran under Ahmadinejad: Populism and its malcontents. International Affairs, 84 (4): 683-700.
  • Arjomand, S. A. (2009). After Khomeini: Iran under his successors. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Arjomand, S. A. (2000). Civil society and the rule of law in the constitutional politics of Iran under Khatami. Social Research, 3 (1): 283-301.
  • Behdad, Noumani,F.(2002). Workers, peasants and peddlers: A Study of labor stratification in post-revolutionary Iran. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 34 (4): 667-690.
  • Bruno, G. ve Bajoria, J. (2011). Iran's revolutionary guards (12 Ekim 2011)., (15.05.2013).
  • Cox, R. W.(1993). Gramsci,hegemony and International relations: An essay in method. S. Gill (Ed.) Gramsci, historical materialism and international relations: İçinde 49-67. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Clawson, P., Eisenstadt, M., Kanovsky, E., Menashri, D. (1998).” Iran under Khatami: A political, economic, and military assessment” (A Washington Institute Monograph). Washington: Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
  • The Economist.(2009). Iran's revolutionary guards: Showing who's boss (27 Ağustos 2009). =14327633, (15.05.2013).
  • Ehsani, K. (2006). Iran: The populist threat to democracy. Middle East Report, 241 (4): 4-9.
  • Esfahani, H. S. ve Taheripour, F. (2002). Hidden public expenditures and economy in Iran. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 34 (4): 691-718.
  • Ehteshami, A. (2002). Failure of Khatami reformers, not the reform movement (20 Kasım 2002), 20%2018.2.6%20Ehteshami%20November%202002.pdf, (15.05.2013).
  • Gibreel, G. (2001). The ulema: Middle Eastern power brokers. Middle East Quarterly, 8 (4): 15-23.
  • Hoogland, E. (2009). Thirty years of İslamic revolution in rural Iran. Middle East Report, 250 (3): 34-39.
  • Keddie, N. R. (2003). Modern Iran: Roots and results of revolution. London: Yale University Press.
  • Marx, K. (1994). The 18th brumaire of Louise Bonaparte. New York: International Publishers.
  • Nasr, V. (2007). The Shia revival: how conflicts within Islam will shape the future. NewYork: WW Norton & Company.
  • Pew Research Center (2009). Iran and the “Twitter revolution”. PEJ new media index June 15-19 2009., (15.11.2014).
  • Roger, H. (1980). Origins of the Iranian revolution. International Affairs, 56 (4): 673-677.
  • Tafesh, A. Q. (2012). Iran's green movement: Reality and its aspirations., (15.05.2013).
  • Taheri, A. (2010). The Persian night: Iran under the Khomeinist revolution. London: Encounter books.
  • Wells, M. C. (1999). Thermidor in the İslamic republic of Iran: The rise of Muhammad Khatami. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 26 (1): 27-39.
  • Zubaida, S. (1993). Islam the people&the state. London: I.B Tauris.
  • Zonis, M. (1985). The rule of the clerics in the Islamic republic of Iran. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 482 (3): 85-108.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Özgür Üşenmez

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Şubat 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Ocak 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015

Kaynak Göster

APA Üşenmez, Ö. (2016). İRAN VE REJİM İSTİKRARI. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 17(3), 389-407.