Yıl 2018,
, 559 - 586, 26.12.2018
Enver Çakın
Aslı Özdemir
It is becoming difficult for enterprises to compete by
producing classical products and services in the markets that turn into a
dynamic structure with the rapid increase of technological developments. For
this reason, R&D and innovation activities in recent years have an
important issue for the development of enterprises. In this study, it was aimed
to determine the factors affecting innovation activities in SMEs and to
determine the importance level of the factors using Fuzzy Dematel Based
Analytical Network Process (BDANP) method. As a result of the analysis, it was
determined that the variables of cooperation with the financial institutions
and the cooperation with the universities are the most important criteria and
the variables of the age and organizational structure of the enterprises have
the least importance.
- Abetti, P.A. (2000). Critical success factors for radical technological innovation: A five case study. Creativity and Innovation Management, 9(4), 208-221.
- Babalola, O.O., Amiolemen, S.O., Adegbite, S.A. & Ojo-Emmanuel, G. (2015). Evaluation of factors influencing technological innovations of small and medium enterprises in Nigerian industrial estates. International Journal of Innovation Science, 7(1), 39-53.
- Bagherinejad, J. (2006). Cultivating technological innovations in middle eastern countries. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 13(4), 361-380.
- Brasliņa, L.,Viksne, K., Upenieks, A. & Batraga, A. (2015). Innovation process affecting factors in Latvian companies. Regional Formation and Development Studies, 3(17), 16-26.
- Burmaoğlu, S. & Şeşen, H. (2011). Türk firmalarının organizasyonel inovasyon yeteneğini etkileyen faktörler üzerine bir araştırma. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 66(4), 1-20.
- Caiazza, R. (2015). Explaining innovation in mature industries: Evidences from italian SMEs. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 27(8), 975-985.
- Caiazza, R. & Stanton, J. (2016). The effect of strategic partnership on innovation: An empirical analysis. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 54, 208-212.
- Choi, Y. S. & Lim, U. (2017). Contextual factors affecting the innovation performance of manufacturing SMEs in Korea: A structural equation modeling approach. Sustainability. 9(7), 1-15.
- Çalıpınar, H. & Baç, U. (2007). KOBİ’lerde inovasyon yapmayı etkileyen faktörler ve bir alan araştırması. Ege Akademik Bakış, 7(2), 445-458.
- Efstathiades, A., Boustras, G., Bratskas, R. & Michaelides, A. (2007). Factors affecting the innovation process in the cypriot food and beverage industry. European Research Studies, 10 (1-2), 23-42.
- Falatoonitoosi, E., Leman, Z., Sorooshian, S. & Salimi, M. (2013). Decision-Making trial and evaluation laboratory. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 5(13), 3476-3480.
- Genis-Grube, A. & Öğüt, H. (2014). Environmental factors affecting innovation strategies of companies: Customers and suppliers effect. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 150, 718-725.
- Hardie, M. & Newell, G. (2011). Factors influencing technical ınnovation in construction SMEs: An australian perspective. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 18(6), 618-636.
- Haryani, S. & Gupta, V.B. (2016). Factors affecting innovatıon capability of Indian software firms (with special reference to Indore city). International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 3(12), 1213-1219.
- Heimonen, T. (2012). What are the factors that affect innovation in growing SMEs?. European Journal of Innovation Management, 15(1), 122-144.
- Ho, C. & Yang, Y.F. (2012). The key success factors of small business innovation and research of taiwan automotive electronics industry. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 3(5), 521-524.
- Hu, S.K., Lu, M.T. & Tzeng, G.H. (2015). Improving mobile commerce adoption using a new hybrid fuzzy MADM model. International Journal of Fuzzy System, 17(3), 399-413.
- James, O. & Alexander, N. (2017). Factors affecting startup innovations and growth. International Journal of Business Management and Leadership. 8(1), 11-21.
- Jege de, O.O., Ilori, M.O., Sonibare, J.A., Oluwale, B.A. & Siyanbola, W.O. (2012). Factors influencing innovation and competitiveness in the service sector in nigeria: A sub-sectoral approach. Management, 2(3): 69-79.
- Kabasheva I.A., Rudaleva I.A., Bulnina I.S. & Askhatova L.I. (2015). Organizational factors affecting employee innovative behavior. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1), 435-439.
- Kalay, F., Tuncer, C.O., Kızıldere, C. & Arslan Kalay, C. (2015). Stratejik inovasyon yönetimi uygulamalarının firma inovasyon performansı üzerindeki etkileri. Bilgi Ekonomisi ve Yönetimi Dergisi, 10(2), 67-77.
- Kılıç, R. & Keklik, B. (2012). KOBİ’lerde genel firma özelliklerinin inovasyon uygulamalarına etkisi: Balıkesir ilinde bir araştırma. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 39, 93-118.
KOSGEB KOBİ Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı (2015-2018)., (Erişim Tarihi: 10.10.2016).
- Kuşat, N. & Kösekahyaoğlu, L. (2012). Gıda sektöründe firmaların inovasyon kararlarını olumsuz yönde etkileyen faktörler üzerine bir inceleme: Batı Akdeniz bölgesi örneği. NEÜ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 1, 180-205.
- Lau, A.K.W., Yam, R.C.M. & Tang, E.P.Y. (2010). The impact of technological innovation capabilities on innovation performance. Journal of Science and Technology Policy in China, 1(2), 163-186.
- Lidewey E.C. & Van der Sluis (2004). Designing the workplace for learning and innovation. Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal, 18(5), 10-13.
- Lin, C.Y. (2006). Factors affecting the innovation in logistic information systems for logistic service providers in taiwan. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 27(3), 629-648.
- Lu, M.T., Tzeng, G.H. & Tang, L.L. (2013). Environmental strategic orientations for improving green innovation performance in fuzzy environment - Using new fuzzy hybrid MCDM model. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 15(3), 297-316.
- Nagy, A. & Băbăiță, C. (2016). Factors influencing the orientation towards innovation in the hospitality industry – The case of romanian hotels. Annals of the University of Oradea, Economic Science Series, 25(1), 584-595.
- Oturakçı (2018). İşletmelerde inovasyon faaliyetlerini etkileyen parametrelerin belirlenmesi ve önceliklendirilmesi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(2), 1-8.
- Prajogo, D.I., Laosirihongthong, T., Sohal, A. & Boon-itt, S. (2007). Manufacturing strategies and innovation performance in newly industrialised countries. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 107(1), 52-68.
- Saaty, T.L. (1999). Fundamentals of the analytic network process. ISAHP, 12-14 August 1999, Kobe-Japan.
- Savaş, H. (2015). Ürün inovasyonunu etkileyen faktörler üzerine bir literatür taraması. ISITES2015 3rd Internatıonal Symposium on Innovative Technologies in Engineering And Science, 3-5 June 2015, Valencia –Spain.
- Schuh, G., Riesener, M. & Arnoscht, J. (2012). Critical success factors in medium-sized pharmaceutical enterprises. The 5th ISPIM Innovation Symposium - Stimulating Innovation:Challenges for Management, Science & Technology , 12 December 2012, Seoul, Korea.
- Smith, M., Busi, M. & Ball, P. (2008). Factors influencing an organisation’s ability to manage innovation: A structured literature review and conceptual model. International Journal of Innovation Management, 12(4), 655-676.
- Talebi, K., Ghavamipour, M. & Irandust, A. (2012). Innovation in Iran’s small and medium size enterprises (SMEs): Prioritize influence factors affecting innovation of SMEs, using analytic network process (ANP) Method. African Journal of Business Management, 6(43), 10775-10785.
- TÜİK (2015). Küçük ve Orta Büyüklükteki Girişim İstatistikleri, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.05.2016).
- Vieites, A.G. & Calvo, J.L. (2011). A study on the factors that influence innovation activities of spanish big firms. Technology and Investment, 2, 8-19.
- Weerawardena, J. (2003). The role of marketing capability in innovation-based competitive strategy. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 11(1), 15-35.
- Xie, X, Zeng, S. Peng, Y. & Tam, C. (2013). What affects the innovation performance of small and medium-sized enterprises in china?. Innovatıon: Otganization and Management, 15(3), 271-286.
Yachmeneva, & Vol’s’ka, G. (2014). Factors influencing the enterprise innovation. Econtechmod. An Internatıonal Quarterly Journal, 1(1), 133-138.
- Yang, W.T., Liu, W.H., Liu, H.H. & Lanasari (2013). Evaluating influential factors in event quality using DEMATEL method. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 4(3), 92-97.
- Yiğit, S. (2014). Kültür, örgüt kültürü ve inovasyon ilişkisi bağlamında “inovasyon kültürü”. KMÜ Sosyal ve Ekonomı̇k Araştırmalar Dergı̇si, 16 (27), 1-7.
- Zakić, N., Jovanović, A. & Stamatović, M. (2008). External and internal factors аffеcting the product and business process innovation. Series: Economics and Organization, 5(1), 17-29.
Yıl 2018,
, 559 - 586, 26.12.2018
Enver Çakın
Aslı Özdemir
gelişmelerin hızla artmasıyla birlikte dinamik bir yapıya dönüşen pazarlarda
klasik ürün ve hizmet üreterek rekabet edebilmek işletmeler için zor bir hal
almaktadır. Bu nedenle son yıllarda Ar-Ge ve inovasyon faaliyetleri
işletmelerin gelişmesinde önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bu çalışmada KOBİ’lerde
inovasyon faaliyetlerini etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi ve Bulanık Dematel
Tabanlı Analitik Ağ Süreci (BDANP) yöntemi kullanılarak faktörlerin önem
derecesinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Analiz sonucunda, finans kurumları ile
işbirliği ve üniversiteler ile işbirliği değişkenlerinin en önemli kriterler
olduğu, işletme yaşı ve örgütsel yapı değişkenlerinin de en az öneme sahip
olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
- Abetti, P.A. (2000). Critical success factors for radical technological innovation: A five case study. Creativity and Innovation Management, 9(4), 208-221.
- Babalola, O.O., Amiolemen, S.O., Adegbite, S.A. & Ojo-Emmanuel, G. (2015). Evaluation of factors influencing technological innovations of small and medium enterprises in Nigerian industrial estates. International Journal of Innovation Science, 7(1), 39-53.
- Bagherinejad, J. (2006). Cultivating technological innovations in middle eastern countries. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 13(4), 361-380.
- Brasliņa, L.,Viksne, K., Upenieks, A. & Batraga, A. (2015). Innovation process affecting factors in Latvian companies. Regional Formation and Development Studies, 3(17), 16-26.
- Burmaoğlu, S. & Şeşen, H. (2011). Türk firmalarının organizasyonel inovasyon yeteneğini etkileyen faktörler üzerine bir araştırma. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 66(4), 1-20.
- Caiazza, R. (2015). Explaining innovation in mature industries: Evidences from italian SMEs. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 27(8), 975-985.
- Caiazza, R. & Stanton, J. (2016). The effect of strategic partnership on innovation: An empirical analysis. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 54, 208-212.
- Choi, Y. S. & Lim, U. (2017). Contextual factors affecting the innovation performance of manufacturing SMEs in Korea: A structural equation modeling approach. Sustainability. 9(7), 1-15.
- Çalıpınar, H. & Baç, U. (2007). KOBİ’lerde inovasyon yapmayı etkileyen faktörler ve bir alan araştırması. Ege Akademik Bakış, 7(2), 445-458.
- Efstathiades, A., Boustras, G., Bratskas, R. & Michaelides, A. (2007). Factors affecting the innovation process in the cypriot food and beverage industry. European Research Studies, 10 (1-2), 23-42.
- Falatoonitoosi, E., Leman, Z., Sorooshian, S. & Salimi, M. (2013). Decision-Making trial and evaluation laboratory. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 5(13), 3476-3480.
- Genis-Grube, A. & Öğüt, H. (2014). Environmental factors affecting innovation strategies of companies: Customers and suppliers effect. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 150, 718-725.
- Hardie, M. & Newell, G. (2011). Factors influencing technical ınnovation in construction SMEs: An australian perspective. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 18(6), 618-636.
- Haryani, S. & Gupta, V.B. (2016). Factors affecting innovatıon capability of Indian software firms (with special reference to Indore city). International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 3(12), 1213-1219.
- Heimonen, T. (2012). What are the factors that affect innovation in growing SMEs?. European Journal of Innovation Management, 15(1), 122-144.
- Ho, C. & Yang, Y.F. (2012). The key success factors of small business innovation and research of taiwan automotive electronics industry. International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology, 3(5), 521-524.
- Hu, S.K., Lu, M.T. & Tzeng, G.H. (2015). Improving mobile commerce adoption using a new hybrid fuzzy MADM model. International Journal of Fuzzy System, 17(3), 399-413.
- James, O. & Alexander, N. (2017). Factors affecting startup innovations and growth. International Journal of Business Management and Leadership. 8(1), 11-21.
- Jege de, O.O., Ilori, M.O., Sonibare, J.A., Oluwale, B.A. & Siyanbola, W.O. (2012). Factors influencing innovation and competitiveness in the service sector in nigeria: A sub-sectoral approach. Management, 2(3): 69-79.
- Kabasheva I.A., Rudaleva I.A., Bulnina I.S. & Askhatova L.I. (2015). Organizational factors affecting employee innovative behavior. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1), 435-439.
- Kalay, F., Tuncer, C.O., Kızıldere, C. & Arslan Kalay, C. (2015). Stratejik inovasyon yönetimi uygulamalarının firma inovasyon performansı üzerindeki etkileri. Bilgi Ekonomisi ve Yönetimi Dergisi, 10(2), 67-77.
- Kılıç, R. & Keklik, B. (2012). KOBİ’lerde genel firma özelliklerinin inovasyon uygulamalarına etkisi: Balıkesir ilinde bir araştırma. Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 39, 93-118.
KOSGEB KOBİ Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı (2015-2018)., (Erişim Tarihi: 10.10.2016).
- Kuşat, N. & Kösekahyaoğlu, L. (2012). Gıda sektöründe firmaların inovasyon kararlarını olumsuz yönde etkileyen faktörler üzerine bir inceleme: Batı Akdeniz bölgesi örneği. NEÜ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 1, 180-205.
- Lau, A.K.W., Yam, R.C.M. & Tang, E.P.Y. (2010). The impact of technological innovation capabilities on innovation performance. Journal of Science and Technology Policy in China, 1(2), 163-186.
- Lidewey E.C. & Van der Sluis (2004). Designing the workplace for learning and innovation. Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal, 18(5), 10-13.
- Lin, C.Y. (2006). Factors affecting the innovation in logistic information systems for logistic service providers in taiwan. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 27(3), 629-648.
- Lu, M.T., Tzeng, G.H. & Tang, L.L. (2013). Environmental strategic orientations for improving green innovation performance in fuzzy environment - Using new fuzzy hybrid MCDM model. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 15(3), 297-316.
- Nagy, A. & Băbăiță, C. (2016). Factors influencing the orientation towards innovation in the hospitality industry – The case of romanian hotels. Annals of the University of Oradea, Economic Science Series, 25(1), 584-595.
- Oturakçı (2018). İşletmelerde inovasyon faaliyetlerini etkileyen parametrelerin belirlenmesi ve önceliklendirilmesi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 33(2), 1-8.
- Prajogo, D.I., Laosirihongthong, T., Sohal, A. & Boon-itt, S. (2007). Manufacturing strategies and innovation performance in newly industrialised countries. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 107(1), 52-68.
- Saaty, T.L. (1999). Fundamentals of the analytic network process. ISAHP, 12-14 August 1999, Kobe-Japan.
- Savaş, H. (2015). Ürün inovasyonunu etkileyen faktörler üzerine bir literatür taraması. ISITES2015 3rd Internatıonal Symposium on Innovative Technologies in Engineering And Science, 3-5 June 2015, Valencia –Spain.
- Schuh, G., Riesener, M. & Arnoscht, J. (2012). Critical success factors in medium-sized pharmaceutical enterprises. The 5th ISPIM Innovation Symposium - Stimulating Innovation:Challenges for Management, Science & Technology , 12 December 2012, Seoul, Korea.
- Smith, M., Busi, M. & Ball, P. (2008). Factors influencing an organisation’s ability to manage innovation: A structured literature review and conceptual model. International Journal of Innovation Management, 12(4), 655-676.
- Talebi, K., Ghavamipour, M. & Irandust, A. (2012). Innovation in Iran’s small and medium size enterprises (SMEs): Prioritize influence factors affecting innovation of SMEs, using analytic network process (ANP) Method. African Journal of Business Management, 6(43), 10775-10785.
- TÜİK (2015). Küçük ve Orta Büyüklükteki Girişim İstatistikleri, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.05.2016).
- Vieites, A.G. & Calvo, J.L. (2011). A study on the factors that influence innovation activities of spanish big firms. Technology and Investment, 2, 8-19.
- Weerawardena, J. (2003). The role of marketing capability in innovation-based competitive strategy. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 11(1), 15-35.
- Xie, X, Zeng, S. Peng, Y. & Tam, C. (2013). What affects the innovation performance of small and medium-sized enterprises in china?. Innovatıon: Otganization and Management, 15(3), 271-286.
Yachmeneva, & Vol’s’ka, G. (2014). Factors influencing the enterprise innovation. Econtechmod. An Internatıonal Quarterly Journal, 1(1), 133-138.
- Yang, W.T., Liu, W.H., Liu, H.H. & Lanasari (2013). Evaluating influential factors in event quality using DEMATEL method. International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, 4(3), 92-97.
- Yiğit, S. (2014). Kültür, örgüt kültürü ve inovasyon ilişkisi bağlamında “inovasyon kültürü”. KMÜ Sosyal ve Ekonomı̇k Araştırmalar Dergı̇si, 16 (27), 1-7.
- Zakić, N., Jovanović, A. & Stamatović, M. (2008). External and internal factors аffеcting the product and business process innovation. Series: Economics and Organization, 5(1), 17-29.