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Yıl 2019, , 517 - 531, 26.06.2019


This paper is written in the belief that the European
Union uses different instruments in order to maintain a permanent peace
environment in the post-conflict regions. To answer the question of what those
instruments are, we begin by taking a closer look at Macedonia and Kosovo cases
which clarify the peace-building conception of the Union. In accordance with
the aims of this study, the concept of human security will be regarded to mean
a circumstance that the European Union has officially recognized as a basic
policy to evaluate the peace-building instruments. The major instrument that
the European Union uses at the nation and state building processes of
post-conflict regions is the Stabilization and Association Process. Under that
process, the European Union signed several agreements with the Western Balkans
countries known as Stabilization and Association Agreements. We found a significant
correlation between Stabilization and Association Agreements and the
reconstruction of the Western Balkan countries’ economic and political
conditions, which have gained their independency after the disunification of
Yugoslavia but experienced serious state-building problems. These consequences
of the Stabilization and Association Agreements with Macedonia and Kosovo
complement each other and help to illuminate the phenomenon of the success of
Stabilization and Association Process of the European Union.


  • Ağır, B. S. (2017). State, state-building and security in the western Balkans. Security Dialogues, 8 (1-2): 59-73.
  • Ağır, B. S. & Akçay, E. Y. (2017). An evaluation of the structural violence in the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia’s human security in the post-Ohrid era, 3rd International Conference on Human Security. Svetlana Stanarevic, Ivica Dordevic and Vanja Rokvic (Eds). Belgrade: University of Belgrade.
  • Anastasakis, O & Bechev, D. (2003). EU conditionality in southeast Europe: bringing commitment to the process. south east European studies programme. Oxford: St Anthony’ College.
  • Boutros-Ghali, B. (1992). An agenda for peace, report of the secretary-general un document A/47/277-S/24111., (10.01.2018).
  • Council of the European Union. (2000). Council regulation., (12.02.2018).
  • Council of the European Union. (2003a). Council joint action 2003/92/CFSP of 27 january 2003 on the European Union military operation in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. publication-detail/-/publication/c8ed68c8-d69f-44dd-a608-5d755725ad43/ language-en, (22.02.2018).
  • Council of the European Union. (2003b). European security strategy a secure europe in a better world Brussels 12 December 2003., (13.04.2018).
  • Council of the European Union. (2015). Stabilisation and association agreement (SAA) between the European Union and Kosovo signed., (01.02.2018).
  • Dursun-Özkanca, O. (2010). Does it take four to tango? a comparative analysis of ınternational collaboration on peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies. 12 (4): 437-456.
  • Dzihic, V. & Kramer, H. (2009). Kosovo after independence: is the EU’s EULEX mission delivering on its promises?. International Policy Analysis. 1-28.
  • European Commission. (2004). Conflict prevention and crisis management unit rapid reaction mechanism end of programme report former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. http:// external_realtions/cpcm/rrm, (12.02.2018).
  • European Commission. (2007). CARDS assistance programme to the western Balkans regional strategy paper 2002-2006. assistance/cards/publications/regional_strategy_paper_en.pdf, (12.02.2018).
  • European Commission. (2008). The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2008 progress report. the_former_yugoslav_republic_of_macedonia_progress_report_en.pdf, (27.02.2018).
  • European Commission. (2010a). Speech of Catherine Ashton., (26.02.2018).
  • European Commission. (2010b). The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2010 progress report., (04.03.2018).
  • European Commission. (2012a). Commission communication on a feasibility study for a stabilisation and association agreement between the European Union and Kosovo. files/pdf/key_documents/2012/package/ks_analytical_2012_en.pdf, (07.02.2018).
  • European Commission. (2012b). Document delivering the single market act: state of play., (17.02.2018).
  • European Commission. (2012c.). Enlargement strategy and main challenges 2012-2013. package/strategy_paper_2012_en.pdf, (23.02.2018).
  • European Commission. (2012d). The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2012 progress report. (03.02.2018).
  • European Commission. (2014). Kosovo 2014 progress report. documents/2014/20141008-kosovo-progress-report_en.pdf, (25.02.2018).
  • European Commission. (2015). Kosovo 2015 progress report. documents/2015/20151110_report_kosovo.pdf, (25.02.2018).
  • European Commission. (2016). The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2016 progress report., (01.03.2018).
  • European Commission. (2018). The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2018 progress report. (26.02.2018).
  • European Peace-Building Liaison Office. (2007). Partners in conflict prevention and crisis management: EU and NGO cooperation final report., (07.03.2018).
  • Georgieva, L. (2008). Recognizing human dimension of security: challenges and perspectives of the concept in Macedonia. Strenghtening Regional Stability through Human Security. Skopje: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
  • International Crisis Group. (2011). North Kosovo: dual sovereignty in practice. Europe Report, (211): 1-27.
  • Ker-Lindsay, J. & Economides, S. (2012). Standards before status before accession: kosovo’s eu perspective. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 14 (1): 77-92.
  • Kostovicova, D. (2008). State weakness in the western Balkans as a security threat: the european union approach and a global perspective. Western Balkans Security Observer, (7-8): 10-15.
  • Krastev, I. (1999). Human security in south-east Europe. UNDP Special Report. Skopje.
  • Rrecaj, B. T. (2017). A relationship in limbo: challenges, dynamics and perspectives of Kosovo’s integration into NATO. Croatian International Relations Review, (23): 211-232.
  • Savkovic, M. (2013). How Serbia over calculated itself on EULEX., (12.03.2018).
  • Schneckener, U. (2002). “Developing and applying EU crisis management: test case Macedonia”. ECMI Working Paper. (14): 1-47.
  • Skara, G. (2014). The role of the EU as a peacebuilder in the western Balkans. Romanian Journal of European Affairs, 14 (4): 1-18.
  • Solana, J. (2008). EU high representative for the CFSP UN reconfiguration of the civilian presence in Kosovo., (04.04.2018).
  • Şahin, Y. (2013). Batı Balkanlar ve AB yolunda. İktisadi Kalkınma Vakfı Yayınları. (267): 1-88. The Barcelona Report of the Study Group on European Security Capabilities. (2004). A human security doctrine for europe., (14.04.2018).
  • United Nations Development Programme. (2008). Human development report 2008. Priština.
  • Zornaczuk, T. (2013). Pulling the rope: the question of the north of Kosovo. Panorama of Global Security Environment. Bratislava.


Yıl 2019, , 517 - 531, 26.06.2019


Bu makale, Avrupa
Birliği’nin çatışma sonrası bölgelerde kalıcı bir barış ortamı sağlamak için
farklı araçlar kullandığı inancıyla yazılmıştır. Bu araçların ne olduğu
sorusuna cevap vermek için, Makedonya ve Kosova örneklerine daha yakından
bakarak başlıyoruz. Bu iki örnek, Birliğin barış inşası anlayışına açıklık
getirebilecektir. Bu makalenin amaçları doğrultusunda, insan güvenliği kavramı,
Avrupa Birliği’nin barış inşası için kullandığı araçları değerlendirmek için
resmi bir politika olarak resmen tanındığı bir durum anlamına gelecektir.
Avrupa Birliği’nin çatışma sonrası bölgelerin ulus ve devlet inşası
süreçlerinde kullandığı başlıca araç İstikrar ve Ortaklık Süreci’dir. Bu
süreçte Avrupa Birliği, Batı Balkanlar’daki ülkeler ile İstikrar ve Ortaklık
Anlaşması olarak adlandırılan çeşitli anlaşmalar imzalamıştır. Biz İstikrar ve
Ortaklık Anlaşmaları ile Yugoslavya’nın dağılmasından sonra bağımsızlıklarını
kazanmış, ancak ciddi devlet-inşa problemleri yaşayan Balkan Devletleri’nin
ekonomik ve politik koşulların yeniden yapılandırılması arasında anlamlı bir
ilişki bulduk. Makedonya ve Kosova ile İstikrar ve Ortaklık Anlaşmaları’nın bu
sonuçları birbirini tamamlar ve Avrupa Birliği’nin İstikrar ve Ortaklık
Süreci’nin başarısını aydınlatmaya yardımcı olacak niteliktedir.


  • Ağır, B. S. (2017). State, state-building and security in the western Balkans. Security Dialogues, 8 (1-2): 59-73.
  • Ağır, B. S. & Akçay, E. Y. (2017). An evaluation of the structural violence in the former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia’s human security in the post-Ohrid era, 3rd International Conference on Human Security. Svetlana Stanarevic, Ivica Dordevic and Vanja Rokvic (Eds). Belgrade: University of Belgrade.
  • Anastasakis, O & Bechev, D. (2003). EU conditionality in southeast Europe: bringing commitment to the process. south east European studies programme. Oxford: St Anthony’ College.
  • Boutros-Ghali, B. (1992). An agenda for peace, report of the secretary-general un document A/47/277-S/24111., (10.01.2018).
  • Council of the European Union. (2000). Council regulation., (12.02.2018).
  • Council of the European Union. (2003a). Council joint action 2003/92/CFSP of 27 january 2003 on the European Union military operation in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. publication-detail/-/publication/c8ed68c8-d69f-44dd-a608-5d755725ad43/ language-en, (22.02.2018).
  • Council of the European Union. (2003b). European security strategy a secure europe in a better world Brussels 12 December 2003., (13.04.2018).
  • Council of the European Union. (2015). Stabilisation and association agreement (SAA) between the European Union and Kosovo signed., (01.02.2018).
  • Dursun-Özkanca, O. (2010). Does it take four to tango? a comparative analysis of ınternational collaboration on peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies. 12 (4): 437-456.
  • Dzihic, V. & Kramer, H. (2009). Kosovo after independence: is the EU’s EULEX mission delivering on its promises?. International Policy Analysis. 1-28.
  • European Commission. (2004). Conflict prevention and crisis management unit rapid reaction mechanism end of programme report former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. http:// external_realtions/cpcm/rrm, (12.02.2018).
  • European Commission. (2007). CARDS assistance programme to the western Balkans regional strategy paper 2002-2006. assistance/cards/publications/regional_strategy_paper_en.pdf, (12.02.2018).
  • European Commission. (2008). The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2008 progress report. the_former_yugoslav_republic_of_macedonia_progress_report_en.pdf, (27.02.2018).
  • European Commission. (2010a). Speech of Catherine Ashton., (26.02.2018).
  • European Commission. (2010b). The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2010 progress report., (04.03.2018).
  • European Commission. (2012a). Commission communication on a feasibility study for a stabilisation and association agreement between the European Union and Kosovo. files/pdf/key_documents/2012/package/ks_analytical_2012_en.pdf, (07.02.2018).
  • European Commission. (2012b). Document delivering the single market act: state of play., (17.02.2018).
  • European Commission. (2012c.). Enlargement strategy and main challenges 2012-2013. package/strategy_paper_2012_en.pdf, (23.02.2018).
  • European Commission. (2012d). The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2012 progress report. (03.02.2018).
  • European Commission. (2014). Kosovo 2014 progress report. documents/2014/20141008-kosovo-progress-report_en.pdf, (25.02.2018).
  • European Commission. (2015). Kosovo 2015 progress report. documents/2015/20151110_report_kosovo.pdf, (25.02.2018).
  • European Commission. (2016). The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2016 progress report., (01.03.2018).
  • European Commission. (2018). The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2018 progress report. (26.02.2018).
  • European Peace-Building Liaison Office. (2007). Partners in conflict prevention and crisis management: EU and NGO cooperation final report., (07.03.2018).
  • Georgieva, L. (2008). Recognizing human dimension of security: challenges and perspectives of the concept in Macedonia. Strenghtening Regional Stability through Human Security. Skopje: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
  • International Crisis Group. (2011). North Kosovo: dual sovereignty in practice. Europe Report, (211): 1-27.
  • Ker-Lindsay, J. & Economides, S. (2012). Standards before status before accession: kosovo’s eu perspective. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 14 (1): 77-92.
  • Kostovicova, D. (2008). State weakness in the western Balkans as a security threat: the european union approach and a global perspective. Western Balkans Security Observer, (7-8): 10-15.
  • Krastev, I. (1999). Human security in south-east Europe. UNDP Special Report. Skopje.
  • Rrecaj, B. T. (2017). A relationship in limbo: challenges, dynamics and perspectives of Kosovo’s integration into NATO. Croatian International Relations Review, (23): 211-232.
  • Savkovic, M. (2013). How Serbia over calculated itself on EULEX., (12.03.2018).
  • Schneckener, U. (2002). “Developing and applying EU crisis management: test case Macedonia”. ECMI Working Paper. (14): 1-47.
  • Skara, G. (2014). The role of the EU as a peacebuilder in the western Balkans. Romanian Journal of European Affairs, 14 (4): 1-18.
  • Solana, J. (2008). EU high representative for the CFSP UN reconfiguration of the civilian presence in Kosovo., (04.04.2018).
  • Şahin, Y. (2013). Batı Balkanlar ve AB yolunda. İktisadi Kalkınma Vakfı Yayınları. (267): 1-88. The Barcelona Report of the Study Group on European Security Capabilities. (2004). A human security doctrine for europe., (14.04.2018).
  • United Nations Development Programme. (2008). Human development report 2008. Priština.
  • Zornaczuk, T. (2013). Pulling the rope: the question of the north of Kosovo. Panorama of Global Security Environment. Bratislava.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Bülent Sarper Ağır 0000-0003-4774-7438

Murat Necip Arman 0000-0002-6873-206X

Ekrem Yaşar Akçay 0000-0001-9157-6133

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Haziran 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 24 Temmuz 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Ağır, B. S., Arman, M. N., & Akçay, E. Y. (2019). THE PEACE-BUILDING EFFORTS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION IN THE WESTERN BALKANS: THE CASES OF MACEDONIA AND KOSOVO. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 21(2), 517-531.