The main focal point in this study analyzing the change of Turkey-Syria
relations during the Arab Spring is the agent-structure problem. The change
that took place in Turkey-Syria relations is analyzed in the light of “the
beginning of the demonstrations in Daraa and the Siege of Hama”, “shooting down
of Turkish RF-4E reconnaissance aircraft”, “violation of rules of engagement”,
and “Operation Euphrates Shield” in the framework of Dynamic Foreign Policy
Analysis Model (DFPAM) developed by Carlsnaes based on Margaret Archer’s
Morphogenetic Approach. It is concluded that Turkey’s Syria policy changed in
the process as a result of the interaction with the “structure” and that these
foreign policy actions led to a new structuring at the same time.
Aktürk, Ş. (2017). Turkey’s role in the Arab spring and the Syrian conflict. Turkish Policy Quarterly, 15 (4), 87-96.
Altunişik, M.B. (2016). Turkey at crossroads, the inflexibility of Turkey’s policy in Syria. Mediterranean Yearbook, 2016, 57-62.
Altunişik, M. B. & Lenore G. M. (2011). Making sense of Turkish foreign policy in the Middle East under AKP. Turkish Studies, 12 (4), 569-587.
Aras, B. Rabia K.P. (2008). From conflict to cooperation: desecuritization of Turkey’s relations with Syria and Iran. Security Dialogue, 39 (5), 495-515.
Archer, M. (1995). Realist social theory: the morphogenetic approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Archer, M. S. (1985). Structuration versus morphogenesis. S. N. Eisenstadt & H. J. Helle (ed.), Macro-sociological theory: perspectives on sociological theory içinde (58-87). Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Archer, M. S. (2010). Morphogenetic versus structuration: on combining structure and action. The British Journal of Sociology, 455-483.
Aytürk, İ. (2011). The Coming of an ice age? Turkish –Israeli relations since 2002. Turkish Studies, 12 (4) Aralık, 675-687.
“Blatant violation of sovereignty’: Damascus condemns Turkish operation in Jarablus”,, 24 August 2016 (Accessed: 25 April 2018).
Carlsnaes, W. (1992). The Agency-structure problem in foreign policy analysis. International Studies Quarterly, 36 (3), 245-270.
Carlsnaes, W. (2007). How should we study the foreign policies of small European states?. Outono-Inverno, 118 (3), 7-20.
Cohen, I. J. (1989). Structuration theory: Anthony Giddens and the constitution of social life. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Doty, R. L. (1997). Aporia: a critical exploration of the agent-structure problematique in international relations theory. European Journal of International Relations, 3 (3): 365-392.
Duran, B. (2009). Türk dış politikası ortadoğulaşıyor mu?. Kemal İnat, Muhittin Ataman & Burhanettin Duran (Der.), Ortadoğu yıllığı 2008 içinde
(ss. 385-402). İstanbul: Küre Yayınları.
“Erdoğan: “Suriye iç meselemiz, gereğini yapmak durumundayız”,, 7 August 2011, (Accessed: 25 April 2018)
“Erdoğan: zalim Esed’in hükümdarlığına son vermek için Suriye'ye girdik”,, 29 November 2016 (Accessed: 26 March 2018).
“Erdoğan’dan çok tartışılacak sözler: Suriye'ye Esed'in hükümdarlığına son vermek için girdik”, Cumhuriyet, 29 November 2016 (Accessed: 26 March 2018).
Ereker, F. (2010). Dış politika ve kimlik: İnşacı perspektiften dış politika analizi. (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
Erkmen, S. (2005). 1990’lardan günümüze Türkiye-İsrail stratejik işbirliği. Uluslararası İlişkiler, 2 (7), 157-185.
Giddens, A. (1979). Central problems in social theory: action, structure and contradiction in social analysis. Londra: Macmillan.
Giddens, A. (1984). The Constitution of society: outline of the theory of structuration. Cambridge, Polity Press.
“Gül: Suriye'deki olaylara sessiz kalamayız”,, 1 August 2011 (Accessed: 15 March 2018).
Hollis, M. and Steve S. (1994). Two stories about structure and agency. Review of International Studies, 20 (3), 241-253.
“Houla massacre: UN blames Syria troops and militia”,, 15 August 2012 (Accessed: 8 May 2018).
Ifantis K. & Ioannis G. (2017). Turkey’s foreign policy towards Syria, 2011-2017. Ioannis Galariotis & Kostas Ifantis (Ed.), The Syrian imbroglio: international and regional strategies in (pp. 27-36). European University Institute.
Ilgit, A. & Rochelle D. (2013). The Many roles of Turkey in the Syrian crisis. Middle East Research and Information Project.
Joseph, J. (2008). Hegemony and the structure-agency problem in international relations: a scientific realist contribution. Review of International Studies, 34(1): 109-128.
Karaosmanoğlu, A. & Behice Ö.G. (2010). Türkiye’de sivil-asker ilişkisinin unutulan boyutları. Uluslararası İlişkiler, 7 (27), Güz, 29-50.
King, A. (1999). Against structure: a critique of morphogenetic social theory. The Editorial Board of the Sociological Review,47 (2), 199-227.
“Moscow: Euphrates Shield Operation put the unity of Syrian territory as doubtful”, Russia Today, 7 September 2016 (Accessed: 11 June 2018).
“Muallim: Türkiye, yaşadığımız sorunun bir parçası”, Radikal, 10 April 2012 (Accessed: 15 March 2018).
Nachmani, A. (1999). A Tringular relationship: Turkish Israeli cooperation and its implications for Greece. Chaiers, d’etudes sur la Mediterranee orientale et le monde turco-iranism, N.28.
Oktav, Ö.Z. (2009). Transition from enmity to ‘common fate’ rhetoric: water issue in Turkish-Iraqi-Syrian relations. The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations, 40, 71-90.
Özpek, B. B. & Yelda D. (2014). Turkish foreign policy after the ‘Arab Spring’: from agenda-setter state to agenda-entrepreneur state. Israel Affairs, 20 (3), 328-346.
“Suriye’ye gözdağı”, Cumhuriyet, 27 June 2012 (Accessed: 10 January 2018).
“Suriye’ye uyarı ateşi”, Cumhuriyet, 4 October 2012 (Accessed: 10 January 2018).
“Suriye”, (Accessed: 14 April 2018).
“Syria war: Russian 'friendly fire' kills Turkish soldiers”,”, 9 February 2017 (Accessed: 14 April 2018).
“The Russian aviation assist Euphrates shield in the battle of Al-Bab”, Russia Today, 30 December 2016 (Accessed: 9 May 2018).
“TSK’dan Suriye sınırına ilk ateş”¸, Haber Türk, 3 October 2012 (Accessed: 10 January 2018).
“TSK’dan Rus uçağı ile ilgili yeni açıklama”,, 25 November 2015 (Accessed: 9 May 2018).
“Turkey fires back after Syrian shelling kills 5 civilian”, New York Times, 3 October 2012 (Accessed: 20February 2018).
“Turkey says shot down helicopter, while Syrian TV says it was drone”, Reuters, 17 May 2015(Accessed: 15 March 2018).
“Turkey shoots down Syrian helicopter”, Al Jazeera, 17 September 2013 (Accessed: 25 April 2018).
“Turkey, seeking weapons, forces Syrian jet to land”. New York Times. 10 October 2012 (Accessed: 16 June 2018).
“Turkey’s parliament approves further military action against Syria”, The New York Times, 4 October 2012 (Accessed: 10 January 2018).
“Turkish armed forces shot down Syrian jet”, BBC Turkish. 23 March 2014 (Accessed: 25 December 2017).
“Türk uçağı nasıl düşürüldü”, Hürriyet, 10 July 2012 (Accessed: 10 January 2018).
“Ülkelere göre ihracat”,, 10 August 2017 (Accessed: 16 June 2018).
Wallerstein, I. (2004). World system analysis: an introduction. Darham, Londra: Duke University Press.
Waltz, K. N. (1979). Theory of international politics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.
Wendt, A. E. (1987). The Agent-structure problem in international relations theory. International Organization, 41 (3), 335-370.
Wight, C. (1999). They shoot dead horses don't they? Locating agency in the agent-structure problematique. European Journal of International Relations, 5 (1): 109-142.
Türkiye-Suriye ilişkilerinin Arap Baharı sürecinde değişime uğramasını analiz eden bu çalışmada temel dayanak noktası aktör-yapı sorunudur. Carlsnaes’in, Margaret Archer’ın Morfogenetik Yaklaşımını baz alarak geliştirdiği Dinamik Dış Politika Analizi Modeli (DDPAM) çerçevesinde, Türkiye-Suriye ilişkilerinde meydana gelen değişim, “Dera’da gösterilerin başlaması ve Hama Kuşatması”, “RF-4E keşif uçağının düşürülmesi ile angajman kurallarının değiştirilmesi” ve “Fırat Kalkanı Harekatı” ışığı altında analiz edilmiştir. Türkiye’nin Suriye politikasının, süreç içerisinde “yapı” ile karşılıklı etkileşimi neticesinde değiştiği ve bu dış politika eylemlerinin aynı zamanda yeni bir yapılandırmaya yol açtığı sonucuna varılmıştır.
Aktürk, Ş. (2017). Turkey’s role in the Arab spring and the Syrian conflict. Turkish Policy Quarterly, 15 (4), 87-96.
Altunişik, M.B. (2016). Turkey at crossroads, the inflexibility of Turkey’s policy in Syria. Mediterranean Yearbook, 2016, 57-62.
Altunişik, M. B. & Lenore G. M. (2011). Making sense of Turkish foreign policy in the Middle East under AKP. Turkish Studies, 12 (4), 569-587.
Aras, B. Rabia K.P. (2008). From conflict to cooperation: desecuritization of Turkey’s relations with Syria and Iran. Security Dialogue, 39 (5), 495-515.
Archer, M. (1995). Realist social theory: the morphogenetic approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Archer, M. S. (1985). Structuration versus morphogenesis. S. N. Eisenstadt & H. J. Helle (ed.), Macro-sociological theory: perspectives on sociological theory içinde (58-87). Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Archer, M. S. (2010). Morphogenetic versus structuration: on combining structure and action. The British Journal of Sociology, 455-483.
Aytürk, İ. (2011). The Coming of an ice age? Turkish –Israeli relations since 2002. Turkish Studies, 12 (4) Aralık, 675-687.
“Blatant violation of sovereignty’: Damascus condemns Turkish operation in Jarablus”,, 24 August 2016 (Accessed: 25 April 2018).
Carlsnaes, W. (1992). The Agency-structure problem in foreign policy analysis. International Studies Quarterly, 36 (3), 245-270.
Carlsnaes, W. (2007). How should we study the foreign policies of small European states?. Outono-Inverno, 118 (3), 7-20.
Cohen, I. J. (1989). Structuration theory: Anthony Giddens and the constitution of social life. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Doty, R. L. (1997). Aporia: a critical exploration of the agent-structure problematique in international relations theory. European Journal of International Relations, 3 (3): 365-392.
Duran, B. (2009). Türk dış politikası ortadoğulaşıyor mu?. Kemal İnat, Muhittin Ataman & Burhanettin Duran (Der.), Ortadoğu yıllığı 2008 içinde
(ss. 385-402). İstanbul: Küre Yayınları.
“Erdoğan: “Suriye iç meselemiz, gereğini yapmak durumundayız”,, 7 August 2011, (Accessed: 25 April 2018)
“Erdoğan: zalim Esed’in hükümdarlığına son vermek için Suriye'ye girdik”,, 29 November 2016 (Accessed: 26 March 2018).
“Erdoğan’dan çok tartışılacak sözler: Suriye'ye Esed'in hükümdarlığına son vermek için girdik”, Cumhuriyet, 29 November 2016 (Accessed: 26 March 2018).
Ereker, F. (2010). Dış politika ve kimlik: İnşacı perspektiften dış politika analizi. (Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi). Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
Erkmen, S. (2005). 1990’lardan günümüze Türkiye-İsrail stratejik işbirliği. Uluslararası İlişkiler, 2 (7), 157-185.
Giddens, A. (1979). Central problems in social theory: action, structure and contradiction in social analysis. Londra: Macmillan.
Giddens, A. (1984). The Constitution of society: outline of the theory of structuration. Cambridge, Polity Press.
“Gül: Suriye'deki olaylara sessiz kalamayız”,, 1 August 2011 (Accessed: 15 March 2018).
Hollis, M. and Steve S. (1994). Two stories about structure and agency. Review of International Studies, 20 (3), 241-253.
“Houla massacre: UN blames Syria troops and militia”,, 15 August 2012 (Accessed: 8 May 2018).
Ifantis K. & Ioannis G. (2017). Turkey’s foreign policy towards Syria, 2011-2017. Ioannis Galariotis & Kostas Ifantis (Ed.), The Syrian imbroglio: international and regional strategies in (pp. 27-36). European University Institute.
Ilgit, A. & Rochelle D. (2013). The Many roles of Turkey in the Syrian crisis. Middle East Research and Information Project.
Joseph, J. (2008). Hegemony and the structure-agency problem in international relations: a scientific realist contribution. Review of International Studies, 34(1): 109-128.
Karaosmanoğlu, A. & Behice Ö.G. (2010). Türkiye’de sivil-asker ilişkisinin unutulan boyutları. Uluslararası İlişkiler, 7 (27), Güz, 29-50.
King, A. (1999). Against structure: a critique of morphogenetic social theory. The Editorial Board of the Sociological Review,47 (2), 199-227.
“Moscow: Euphrates Shield Operation put the unity of Syrian territory as doubtful”, Russia Today, 7 September 2016 (Accessed: 11 June 2018).
“Muallim: Türkiye, yaşadığımız sorunun bir parçası”, Radikal, 10 April 2012 (Accessed: 15 March 2018).
Nachmani, A. (1999). A Tringular relationship: Turkish Israeli cooperation and its implications for Greece. Chaiers, d’etudes sur la Mediterranee orientale et le monde turco-iranism, N.28.
Oktav, Ö.Z. (2009). Transition from enmity to ‘common fate’ rhetoric: water issue in Turkish-Iraqi-Syrian relations. The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations, 40, 71-90.
Özpek, B. B. & Yelda D. (2014). Turkish foreign policy after the ‘Arab Spring’: from agenda-setter state to agenda-entrepreneur state. Israel Affairs, 20 (3), 328-346.
“Suriye’ye gözdağı”, Cumhuriyet, 27 June 2012 (Accessed: 10 January 2018).
“Suriye’ye uyarı ateşi”, Cumhuriyet, 4 October 2012 (Accessed: 10 January 2018).
“Suriye”, (Accessed: 14 April 2018).
“Syria war: Russian 'friendly fire' kills Turkish soldiers”,”, 9 February 2017 (Accessed: 14 April 2018).
“The Russian aviation assist Euphrates shield in the battle of Al-Bab”, Russia Today, 30 December 2016 (Accessed: 9 May 2018).
“TSK’dan Suriye sınırına ilk ateş”¸, Haber Türk, 3 October 2012 (Accessed: 10 January 2018).
“TSK’dan Rus uçağı ile ilgili yeni açıklama”,, 25 November 2015 (Accessed: 9 May 2018).
“Turkey fires back after Syrian shelling kills 5 civilian”, New York Times, 3 October 2012 (Accessed: 20February 2018).
“Turkey says shot down helicopter, while Syrian TV says it was drone”, Reuters, 17 May 2015(Accessed: 15 March 2018).
“Turkey shoots down Syrian helicopter”, Al Jazeera, 17 September 2013 (Accessed: 25 April 2018).
“Turkey, seeking weapons, forces Syrian jet to land”. New York Times. 10 October 2012 (Accessed: 16 June 2018).
“Turkey’s parliament approves further military action against Syria”, The New York Times, 4 October 2012 (Accessed: 10 January 2018).
“Turkish armed forces shot down Syrian jet”, BBC Turkish. 23 March 2014 (Accessed: 25 December 2017).
“Türk uçağı nasıl düşürüldü”, Hürriyet, 10 July 2012 (Accessed: 10 January 2018).
“Ülkelere göre ihracat”,, 10 August 2017 (Accessed: 16 June 2018).
Wallerstein, I. (2004). World system analysis: an introduction. Darham, Londra: Duke University Press.
Waltz, K. N. (1979). Theory of international politics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.
Wendt, A. E. (1987). The Agent-structure problem in international relations theory. International Organization, 41 (3), 335-370.
Wight, C. (1999). They shoot dead horses don't they? Locating agency in the agent-structure problematique. European Journal of International Relations, 5 (1): 109-142.