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Yıl 2014, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 4, 607 - 637, 16.03.2015


Bu araştırmanın amacı, yüksek performanslı insan kaynakları yönetimi boyutlarının psikolojik güçlendirme ve örgütsel bağlılık üzerine etkilerinin incelenmesidir. Araştırma kapsamındaki bağımlı ve bağımsız değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiler, korelasyon ve regresyon analizleri ile ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırma ile yüksek performanslı insan kaynakları yönetimi boyutlarından kapsamlı eğitim verilmesi, duyarlılık içerisinde personel seçimi, katılım ve iletişimin teşvik edilmesi ile içsel kariyer fırsatları sunulmasının psikolojik güçlendirmeyi %1 anlamlılık düzeyinde ve pozitif yönde etkilediği anlaşılmaktadır. Elde edilen araştırma sonuçları, yüksek performanslı insan kaynakları yönetimi boyutlarının, duygusal bağlılık üzerindeki etkisinin psikolojik güçlendirme üzerindeki etkisinden daha kuvvetli olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: İnsan Kaynakları, Yüksek Performanslı İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi Uygulamaları, Psikolojik Güçlendirme, Duygusal Bağlılık.


  • Appelbaum, E., Bailey, T., Berg, P. ve Kalleberg, A. (2000). Manufacturing advantage: Why high performance work systems pay-off. Ithaca, New York: ILR Press.
  • Armstrong, M. (2000). Strategic human resource management: A guide to action. London: Kogan Page.
  • Arthur, J. B. (1992). The link between business strategy and industrial relations systems in American steel minimills. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 45 (3): 488-506.
  • Bae, J., ve Lawler, J. J. (2000). Organizational and HRM strategies in Korea: Impact on firm performance in an emerging economy. Academy of Management Journal, 43 (3): 502-517.
  • Bamberger, P. ve Meshoulam, I. (2000) Human resource management strategy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Becker, B. E. ve Gerhart, B. (1996). The impact of human resource management on organizational performance: Progress and prospects. Academy of Management Journal, 39 (4): 779-801.
  • Becker, B., Huselid, M., Pinckus, P. ve Spratt, M. (1997). HR as a source of shareholder value: Research and recommendations. Human Resource Management, 36 (1): 39-48.
  • Becker, B. E. ve Huselid, M. A. (1998). High performance work systems and firm performance: A synthesis of research and managerial implications. Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management, 16 (1): 53-101.
  • Bowen, D. E. ve Lawler, E. E. (1992). The empowerment of service workers: What, why, how and when? Sloan Management Review, 33 (3): 31-39.
  • Bowen, D. E. ve Ostroff, C. (2004). Understanding HRM-firm performance linkages: The role of the “strength” of the HRM system. Academy of Management Review, 29 (2): 203-221.
  • Bowler, W. M. ve Brass, D. J. (2006). Relational correlates of interpersonal citizenship behavior: A social network perspective. Journal of applied Psychology, 91(1): 70-82.
  • Browning, V. (2006). The relationship between HRM practices and service behaviour in South African service organizations. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17 (7):1321-1338.
  • Brymer, R. (1991). Empowerment: A guest-driven leadership strategy. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 32 (1): 58-68.
  • Chan, Y. H. (2004). An ontological network approach to the study of antecedents, moderator, mediators and outcomes of psychological empowerment. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 64 (10-A): 37-49.
  • Chow, I. H., Sha, Z. ve Hong, J. (2006). The impact of developmental experience, empowerment and organizational support on catering service staff performance. Hospitality Management, 25 (3): 478-495.
  • Conger, J. A. ve Kanungo, R. N. (1988). The empowerment process: Integration theory and practice. Academy of Management Journal, 13 (3): 471-482.
  • De Cicco, J., Laschinger, H. ve Kerr, M. (2006). Perceptions of empowerment and respect: Effect on nurses organizational commitment in nursing homes. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 32 (5): 49-56.
  • De Kok, J. M. P., Uhlaner, L. M. ve Thurik, A. R. (2006). Professional HRM practices in family owned-managed enterprises. Journal of Small Business Management, 44 (3): 441-460.
  • Delaney, J. T. ve Huselid, M. A. (1996). The impact of human resource management practices on perceptions of organizational performance. Academy of Management Journal, 39 (4): 949-969.
  • Delery, J. E. ve Doty, D. H. (1996). Modes of theorizing in strategic human resource management: Tests of universalistic, contingency, and configurational performance predictions. Academy of Management Journal, 39 (4): 802-835.
  • Dyer, L. ve Reeves, T. (1995). Human resource strategies and firm performance: What do we know and where do we need to go? International Journal of Human Resource Management, 6 (3): 656-670.
  • George, J. M. ve Brief, A. P. (1992). Feeling good-doing good: A conceptual analysis of the mood at work-organizational spontaneity relationship. Psychological Bulletin, 112 (2): 310-329.
  • Guthrie, J. P. (2001). High-involvement work practices, turnover, and productivity: Evidence from New Zealand. Academy of Management Journal, 44 (1): 180-190.
  • Huselid, M. A. (1995). The impact of human resource management practices on turnover, productivity, and corporate financial performance. Academy of Management Journal, 38 (3): 635-672.
  • Jacques, E. ve Clement, S. D. (1994). Executive leadership: A practical guide to managing complexity. Cambridge: Blackwell.
  • Janssen, O. (2004). The barrier effect of conflict with superiors in the relationship between employee empowerment and organizational commitment. Work & Stress,18 (1): 56-65.
  • Kanter, R. M. (1968). Commitment and social organization: A study of commitment mechanism in utopian communities. American Sociological Review, 33 (4): 499-517.
  • Koch, R. L. ve Steers, R. M. (1978). Job attachment, satisfaction, and turnover among public sector employees. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 12 (1): 119-128.
  • Konovsky, M. A. ve Cropanzano, R. (1991). Perceived fairness of employee drug testing as a predictor of employee attitudes and job performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 76 (5): 698-707.
  • Laschinger, H. K. S., Finegan, J. E., Shamian, J. ve Wilk, P. (2004). A longitudinal analysis of the impact of workplace empowerment on work satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25 (4): 527-545.
  • Lee, J. ve Peccei, R. (2007). Perceived organizational support and affective commitment: The mediating role of organization-based self-esteem in the context of job insecurity. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 28 (6): 661-685.
  • Liao, H., Toya, K., Lepak, D. P. ve Hong, Y. (2009). Do they see eye to eye? Management and employee perspectives of high performance work systems and influence processes on service quality. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94 (2): 371-391.
  • Liden, R. C., Wayne, S. J. ve Sparrowe, R. T. (2000). An examination of the mediating role of psychological empowerment on the relations between the job, interpersonal relationships and work outcome. Journal of Applied Psychology, 85 (3): 407-416.
  • Luthans, F. (1992). Organizational behavior. 6. Baskı. New York: McGrawHill Inc.
  • Mathieu, J. Zajac, D. (1990). A review and meta-analysis of the antecedents, correlations, and consequences of organizational commitment. Psychological Bulletin, 108 (2): 171-194.
  • McCormack, D., Casimir, G., Djurkovic, N. ve Yang, L. (2006). The concurrent effects of workplace bullying, satisfaction with supervisor and satisfaction with co-workers on affective commitment among schoolteachers in China. International Journal of Conflict Management, 17 (4): 316-331.
  • McElroy, J. C. (2001). Managing workplace commitment by putting people first. Human Resource Management Review, 11 (3): 327-335.
  • Menon, S. T. (2001). Employee empowerment: An integrative psychological approach. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 50 (1): 153-180.
  • Meyer, J. P. ve Allen, N. J. (1997). Commitment in the workplace: Theory, research, and application. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Meyer, J. P., Stanley, D. J., Herscovitch, L. ve Topolnytsky, L. (2002). Affective, continuance, and normative commitment to the organization: A meta-analysis of antecedents, correlates, and consequences. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 61 (1): 20-52.
  • Meyer, J. P. ve Allen, N. J. (1991). A three-component conceptualization of organizational commitment. Human Resource Management Review, 1 (1): 61-89.
  • Meyer, J. P. ve Herscovitch, L. (2001). Commitment in the workplace: Toward a general model. Human Resource Management Review, 11 (3): 299-326.
  • Meyer, J. P. ve Smith, C. A. (2001). HRM practices and organizational commitment: Test of a mediation model. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 17 (4): 319-331.
  • Mowday, R. T., Porter, L. W. ve Steers, R. M. (1982). Employee-organization linkages: The psychology of commitment, absenteeism, and turnover. New York: Academic Press.
  • Nishii, L. H., Lepak, D. P. ve Schneider, B. (2008). Employee attributions of the “why” of HR practices: Their effects on employee attitudes and behaviors, and customer satisfaction. Personnel Psychology, 61 (3): 503-545.
  • Ogilvie, J. R. (1986). The role of human resource management practices in predicting organizational commitment. Group & Organization Studies, 11 (4): 335-359.
  • Patrick, A. ve Laschinger, H. K. S. (2006). The effect of structural empowerment and perceived organizational support on middle level nurse managers’ role satisfaction. Journal of Nursing Management, 14 (1): 13-22.
  • Payne, S. C. ve Huffman, A. H. (2005). A longitudinal examination of the influence of mentoring on organizational commitment and turnover. Academy of Management Journal, 48 (1): 158-168.
  • Reichers, A. E. (1985). A review and reconceptualization of organizational commitment. Academy of Management Review, 10 (3): 465-476.
  • Schaubroeck, J., May, D. R. ve Brown, F. W. (1994). Procedural justice explanations and employee reactions to economic hardship: A field experiment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79 (3): 455-460.
  • Schlessinger, L. A. ve Heskett, J. L. (1991). Breaking the cycle of failure in services. Sloan Management Review, 32 (3): 17-28.
  • Sencer, M. ve Sencer, Y. (1978). Toplumsal araştırmalarda yöntem bilim. Ankara: TODAİE Yayınları.
  • Sheldon, M. E. (1971). Investments and involvements as mechanisms producing commitment to the organization. Administrative Science Quarterly, 16 (2): 143-150.
  • Snell, S. ve Dean, J. (1992). Integrated manufacturing and human resource management: A human capital perspective. Academy of Management Journal, 35 (3): 467-504.
  • Spector, P. E. (1986). Perceived control by employees: A meta-analysis of studies concerning autonomy and participation at work. Human Relations, 39 (11): 1005-1016.
  • Spreitzer, G. M. (1995). Psychological empowerment in the workplace: Dimensions, measurement and validation. Academy of Management Journal, 38 (5), 1442-1465.
  • Spreitzer, G. M. (1997). Toward a common ground in defining empowerment. Research in Organizational Change and Development, 10 (1): 31-62.
  • Spreitzer, G. M., Kizilos, M. A., Nason, S. W. (1997). A dimensional analysis of the relationship between psychological empowerment and effectiveness, satisfaction, and strain. Journal of Management, 23 (5): 679-704.
  • Sun, L. Y., Aryee, S. ve Law, K. S. (2007). High-performance human resource practices, citizenship behavior, and organizational performance: A Relational Perspective. Academy of Management Journal, 50 (3): 558-577.
  • Sürgevil, O., Tolay E. ve Topoyan, M. (2013). Yapısal güçlendirme ve psikolojik güçlendirme ölçeklerinin geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik analizleri. Journal of Yasar University, 8 (31): 5371-5391.
  • Thomas, K., ve Velthouse, B. A. (1990). Cognitive elements of empowerment: An interpretive model of intrinsic task motivation. Academy of Management Review, 15 (4): 666-681.
  • Ugboro, I. O. (2006). Organizational commitment, job redesign, employee empowerment and intent to quit among survivors of restructuring and downsizing. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 7 (3): 232-253.
  • Vandenberghe, C., Bentein, K. ve Stinglhamber, F. (2004). Affective commitment to the organization, supervisor, and work group: Antecedents and outcomes. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 64 (1): 47-71.
  • Way, S. A. (2002). High performance work systems and intermediate indicators of firm performance within the US small business sector. Journal of Management, 28 (6): 765-785.
  • Wei, Y.-C., Han, T.-S. ve Hsu, I.-C. (2010). High-performance HR practices and OCB: A cross-level investigation of a causal path. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21 (10): 1631-1648.
  • Whitener, E. M. (2001). Do high commitment human resource practices affect employee commitment? A cross-level analysis using hierarchical linear modeling. Journal of Management, 27 (5): 515-535.
  • Wolfe. L. M., ve Robertshaw, D. (1982). Effects of college attendance on locus of control. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 43 (1): 802-610.


Yıl 2014, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 4, 607 - 637, 16.03.2015


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of high-performance dimensions of human resources management on psychological empowerment and organizational commitment. The relationship between dependent and independent variables in the study were tried to be introduced with correlation and regression analyzes. Research has reached that providing comprehensive training about high-performance human resource management dimension, the selection of staff in sensitivity, participation and communication by promoting internal career opportunities for the provision of psychological empowerment have 1% significance level and a positive impact. The research results obtained that the impact of human resource management dimensions of a high performance on the emotional commitment is stronger than the impact of psychological empowerment reveals.

Keywords: Human Resources, High Performance Human Resource, Management Practices, Psychological Empowerment, Emotional Engagement.


  • Appelbaum, E., Bailey, T., Berg, P. ve Kalleberg, A. (2000). Manufacturing advantage: Why high performance work systems pay-off. Ithaca, New York: ILR Press.
  • Armstrong, M. (2000). Strategic human resource management: A guide to action. London: Kogan Page.
  • Arthur, J. B. (1992). The link between business strategy and industrial relations systems in American steel minimills. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 45 (3): 488-506.
  • Bae, J., ve Lawler, J. J. (2000). Organizational and HRM strategies in Korea: Impact on firm performance in an emerging economy. Academy of Management Journal, 43 (3): 502-517.
  • Bamberger, P. ve Meshoulam, I. (2000) Human resource management strategy. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Becker, B. E. ve Gerhart, B. (1996). The impact of human resource management on organizational performance: Progress and prospects. Academy of Management Journal, 39 (4): 779-801.
  • Becker, B., Huselid, M., Pinckus, P. ve Spratt, M. (1997). HR as a source of shareholder value: Research and recommendations. Human Resource Management, 36 (1): 39-48.
  • Becker, B. E. ve Huselid, M. A. (1998). High performance work systems and firm performance: A synthesis of research and managerial implications. Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management, 16 (1): 53-101.
  • Bowen, D. E. ve Lawler, E. E. (1992). The empowerment of service workers: What, why, how and when? Sloan Management Review, 33 (3): 31-39.
  • Bowen, D. E. ve Ostroff, C. (2004). Understanding HRM-firm performance linkages: The role of the “strength” of the HRM system. Academy of Management Review, 29 (2): 203-221.
  • Bowler, W. M. ve Brass, D. J. (2006). Relational correlates of interpersonal citizenship behavior: A social network perspective. Journal of applied Psychology, 91(1): 70-82.
  • Browning, V. (2006). The relationship between HRM practices and service behaviour in South African service organizations. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17 (7):1321-1338.
  • Brymer, R. (1991). Empowerment: A guest-driven leadership strategy. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 32 (1): 58-68.
  • Chan, Y. H. (2004). An ontological network approach to the study of antecedents, moderator, mediators and outcomes of psychological empowerment. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 64 (10-A): 37-49.
  • Chow, I. H., Sha, Z. ve Hong, J. (2006). The impact of developmental experience, empowerment and organizational support on catering service staff performance. Hospitality Management, 25 (3): 478-495.
  • Conger, J. A. ve Kanungo, R. N. (1988). The empowerment process: Integration theory and practice. Academy of Management Journal, 13 (3): 471-482.
  • De Cicco, J., Laschinger, H. ve Kerr, M. (2006). Perceptions of empowerment and respect: Effect on nurses organizational commitment in nursing homes. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 32 (5): 49-56.
  • De Kok, J. M. P., Uhlaner, L. M. ve Thurik, A. R. (2006). Professional HRM practices in family owned-managed enterprises. Journal of Small Business Management, 44 (3): 441-460.
  • Delaney, J. T. ve Huselid, M. A. (1996). The impact of human resource management practices on perceptions of organizational performance. Academy of Management Journal, 39 (4): 949-969.
  • Delery, J. E. ve Doty, D. H. (1996). Modes of theorizing in strategic human resource management: Tests of universalistic, contingency, and configurational performance predictions. Academy of Management Journal, 39 (4): 802-835.
  • Dyer, L. ve Reeves, T. (1995). Human resource strategies and firm performance: What do we know and where do we need to go? International Journal of Human Resource Management, 6 (3): 656-670.
  • George, J. M. ve Brief, A. P. (1992). Feeling good-doing good: A conceptual analysis of the mood at work-organizational spontaneity relationship. Psychological Bulletin, 112 (2): 310-329.
  • Guthrie, J. P. (2001). High-involvement work practices, turnover, and productivity: Evidence from New Zealand. Academy of Management Journal, 44 (1): 180-190.
  • Huselid, M. A. (1995). The impact of human resource management practices on turnover, productivity, and corporate financial performance. Academy of Management Journal, 38 (3): 635-672.
  • Jacques, E. ve Clement, S. D. (1994). Executive leadership: A practical guide to managing complexity. Cambridge: Blackwell.
  • Janssen, O. (2004). The barrier effect of conflict with superiors in the relationship between employee empowerment and organizational commitment. Work & Stress,18 (1): 56-65.
  • Kanter, R. M. (1968). Commitment and social organization: A study of commitment mechanism in utopian communities. American Sociological Review, 33 (4): 499-517.
  • Koch, R. L. ve Steers, R. M. (1978). Job attachment, satisfaction, and turnover among public sector employees. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 12 (1): 119-128.
  • Konovsky, M. A. ve Cropanzano, R. (1991). Perceived fairness of employee drug testing as a predictor of employee attitudes and job performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 76 (5): 698-707.
  • Laschinger, H. K. S., Finegan, J. E., Shamian, J. ve Wilk, P. (2004). A longitudinal analysis of the impact of workplace empowerment on work satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25 (4): 527-545.
  • Lee, J. ve Peccei, R. (2007). Perceived organizational support and affective commitment: The mediating role of organization-based self-esteem in the context of job insecurity. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 28 (6): 661-685.
  • Liao, H., Toya, K., Lepak, D. P. ve Hong, Y. (2009). Do they see eye to eye? Management and employee perspectives of high performance work systems and influence processes on service quality. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94 (2): 371-391.
  • Liden, R. C., Wayne, S. J. ve Sparrowe, R. T. (2000). An examination of the mediating role of psychological empowerment on the relations between the job, interpersonal relationships and work outcome. Journal of Applied Psychology, 85 (3): 407-416.
  • Luthans, F. (1992). Organizational behavior. 6. Baskı. New York: McGrawHill Inc.
  • Mathieu, J. Zajac, D. (1990). A review and meta-analysis of the antecedents, correlations, and consequences of organizational commitment. Psychological Bulletin, 108 (2): 171-194.
  • McCormack, D., Casimir, G., Djurkovic, N. ve Yang, L. (2006). The concurrent effects of workplace bullying, satisfaction with supervisor and satisfaction with co-workers on affective commitment among schoolteachers in China. International Journal of Conflict Management, 17 (4): 316-331.
  • McElroy, J. C. (2001). Managing workplace commitment by putting people first. Human Resource Management Review, 11 (3): 327-335.
  • Menon, S. T. (2001). Employee empowerment: An integrative psychological approach. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 50 (1): 153-180.
  • Meyer, J. P. ve Allen, N. J. (1997). Commitment in the workplace: Theory, research, and application. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • Meyer, J. P., Stanley, D. J., Herscovitch, L. ve Topolnytsky, L. (2002). Affective, continuance, and normative commitment to the organization: A meta-analysis of antecedents, correlates, and consequences. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 61 (1): 20-52.
  • Meyer, J. P. ve Allen, N. J. (1991). A three-component conceptualization of organizational commitment. Human Resource Management Review, 1 (1): 61-89.
  • Meyer, J. P. ve Herscovitch, L. (2001). Commitment in the workplace: Toward a general model. Human Resource Management Review, 11 (3): 299-326.
  • Meyer, J. P. ve Smith, C. A. (2001). HRM practices and organizational commitment: Test of a mediation model. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 17 (4): 319-331.
  • Mowday, R. T., Porter, L. W. ve Steers, R. M. (1982). Employee-organization linkages: The psychology of commitment, absenteeism, and turnover. New York: Academic Press.
  • Nishii, L. H., Lepak, D. P. ve Schneider, B. (2008). Employee attributions of the “why” of HR practices: Their effects on employee attitudes and behaviors, and customer satisfaction. Personnel Psychology, 61 (3): 503-545.
  • Ogilvie, J. R. (1986). The role of human resource management practices in predicting organizational commitment. Group & Organization Studies, 11 (4): 335-359.
  • Patrick, A. ve Laschinger, H. K. S. (2006). The effect of structural empowerment and perceived organizational support on middle level nurse managers’ role satisfaction. Journal of Nursing Management, 14 (1): 13-22.
  • Payne, S. C. ve Huffman, A. H. (2005). A longitudinal examination of the influence of mentoring on organizational commitment and turnover. Academy of Management Journal, 48 (1): 158-168.
  • Reichers, A. E. (1985). A review and reconceptualization of organizational commitment. Academy of Management Review, 10 (3): 465-476.
  • Schaubroeck, J., May, D. R. ve Brown, F. W. (1994). Procedural justice explanations and employee reactions to economic hardship: A field experiment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79 (3): 455-460.
  • Schlessinger, L. A. ve Heskett, J. L. (1991). Breaking the cycle of failure in services. Sloan Management Review, 32 (3): 17-28.
  • Sencer, M. ve Sencer, Y. (1978). Toplumsal araştırmalarda yöntem bilim. Ankara: TODAİE Yayınları.
  • Sheldon, M. E. (1971). Investments and involvements as mechanisms producing commitment to the organization. Administrative Science Quarterly, 16 (2): 143-150.
  • Snell, S. ve Dean, J. (1992). Integrated manufacturing and human resource management: A human capital perspective. Academy of Management Journal, 35 (3): 467-504.
  • Spector, P. E. (1986). Perceived control by employees: A meta-analysis of studies concerning autonomy and participation at work. Human Relations, 39 (11): 1005-1016.
  • Spreitzer, G. M. (1995). Psychological empowerment in the workplace: Dimensions, measurement and validation. Academy of Management Journal, 38 (5), 1442-1465.
  • Spreitzer, G. M. (1997). Toward a common ground in defining empowerment. Research in Organizational Change and Development, 10 (1): 31-62.
  • Spreitzer, G. M., Kizilos, M. A., Nason, S. W. (1997). A dimensional analysis of the relationship between psychological empowerment and effectiveness, satisfaction, and strain. Journal of Management, 23 (5): 679-704.
  • Sun, L. Y., Aryee, S. ve Law, K. S. (2007). High-performance human resource practices, citizenship behavior, and organizational performance: A Relational Perspective. Academy of Management Journal, 50 (3): 558-577.
  • Sürgevil, O., Tolay E. ve Topoyan, M. (2013). Yapısal güçlendirme ve psikolojik güçlendirme ölçeklerinin geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik analizleri. Journal of Yasar University, 8 (31): 5371-5391.
  • Thomas, K., ve Velthouse, B. A. (1990). Cognitive elements of empowerment: An interpretive model of intrinsic task motivation. Academy of Management Review, 15 (4): 666-681.
  • Ugboro, I. O. (2006). Organizational commitment, job redesign, employee empowerment and intent to quit among survivors of restructuring and downsizing. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 7 (3): 232-253.
  • Vandenberghe, C., Bentein, K. ve Stinglhamber, F. (2004). Affective commitment to the organization, supervisor, and work group: Antecedents and outcomes. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 64 (1): 47-71.
  • Way, S. A. (2002). High performance work systems and intermediate indicators of firm performance within the US small business sector. Journal of Management, 28 (6): 765-785.
  • Wei, Y.-C., Han, T.-S. ve Hsu, I.-C. (2010). High-performance HR practices and OCB: A cross-level investigation of a causal path. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21 (10): 1631-1648.
  • Whitener, E. M. (2001). Do high commitment human resource practices affect employee commitment? A cross-level analysis using hierarchical linear modeling. Journal of Management, 27 (5): 515-535.
  • Wolfe. L. M., ve Robertshaw, D. (1982). Effects of college attendance on locus of control. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 43 (1): 802-610.
Toplam 67 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Hüseyin Yılmaz

Atila Karahan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Mart 2015
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Mart 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 4

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