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Yıl 2025, Sayı: 38, 90 - 102, 28.02.2025


This paper explores the use of disability as an allegory for colonialism and its consequences in J.M. Coetzee's novel Foe. By referring to colonial and postcolonial literary criticism, the study claims that disability is used allegorically to represent the broader silencing and marginalization of colonized peoples. It also investigates how Coetzee underscores the erasure of the colonized voice and identity through physical and psychological violence which results in disability. The analysis also delves into the relationship between the metaphorical colonizer and the disabled colonized, the former of which perpetuates the suppression of latter’s autonomy and cultural expression by making use of the colonized’s disability to justify the colonizer’s violent acts. Besides, by framing disability within postcolonial criticism, the study reveals the intricate power dynamics and dehumanization inherent in colonial contexts. Thus, the paper ultimately attempts to show how Coetzee's Foe uses disability to critique colonialism, illustrating the profound and lasting impact of colonial oppression on individual and collective identities.


  • Ashcroft, B. (2011). Silence as heterotopia in Coetzee’s fiction. In Chris Dante, Sue Kossew & Julian Murphet (Eds.). Strong opinions: J.M. Coetzee and the authority of contemporary fiction, (141-157). Continuum.
  • Barker, C. (2015). The Cambridge companion to the postcolonial novel. Cambridge University Press.
  • Coetzee, J. M. (2010). Foe. Penguin Books.
  • Fanon, F. (1963). The wretched of the earth. Grove Press, New York.
  • Head, D. (1997). J. M. Coetzee. Cambridge University Press.
  • Jin, M. (2022). Cathleen ni houlihan: A dual perspective of disability studies and postcolonial studies. Theory and practice in language studies, 12 (9), pp. 1939-1944.
  • Kirmayer, Laurence. (1992). From the witches' hammer to the Oedipus complex: Castration anxiety in western society 1. Transcultural Psychiatry (29). pp. 133-158. 10.1177/136346159202900205.
  • Loomba, A. (2005). Colonialism/postcolonialism. Routledge.
  • Marx, K. (1972). The eighteenth brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. Progress Publishers, Moscow.
  • Mbembe, A. (2001). On the postcolony. University of California Press.
  • Memmi, A. (2003). The colonizer and the colonized. Earthscan Publications
  • Oliver, M. (1995). Understanding disability from theory to practise. Macmillan Publishers.
  • Sartre, J.P. (1963). Preface. In F. Fanon, The wretched of the earth (R. Philcox, Trans.) (pp. 7-31). Grove Press New York.
  • Sherry, M. (2007). (Post)colonising disability. Wagadu, 4, pp. 10-22.
  • Tremain, S. (2001). On the government of disability. Social theory and practice, 27 (4), pp. 617-636.
  • Vijayan, G. (2021). Disability studies: A path breaking approach in literature. The creative launcher, 5 (6), pp. 15-19.
  • Wojtas, P. (2024). Narratives of disability and illness in the fiction of J. M. Coetzee. Edinburgh University Press.


Yıl 2025, Sayı: 38, 90 - 102, 28.02.2025


Bu makale, J.M. Coetzee'nin Foe romanında sömürgecilik ve onun sonuçları için bir mecaz olarak engelliliğin kullanımını incelemektedir. Sömürge ve postkolonyal edebi eleştiriye atıfta bulunarak, çalışma engelliliğin, sömürgeleştirilmiş halkların daha geniş bir bağlamda susturulmasının ve marjinalleştirilmesinin temsili olarak kullanıldığını iddia etmektedir. Coetzee'nin, fiziksel ve psikolojik şiddet yoluyla sömürgeleştirilenlerin seslerinin ve kimliklerinin silinmesini nasıl vurguladığını araştırır. Analiz ayrıca mecazi sömürgeci ile engelli sömürgeleştirilmiş kişi arasındaki ilişkiyi ele alır; sömürgeci, sömürgeleştirilenin engelliliğini kendi şiddet eylemlerini meşrulaştırmak için kullanarak, sömürgeleştirilmiş kişinin özerkliğini ve kültürel ifadesini bastırmaya devam eder. Ayrıca, engelliliği postkolonyal eleştiri çerçevesinde ele alarak, sömürge bağlamlarında içkin olan karmaşık güç dinamiklerini ve insanlıktan çıkarmayı ortaya koyar. Böylece, makale nihayetinde Coetzee'nin Foe eserinin engelliliği, sömürge baskısının bireysel ve toplumsal kimlikler üzerindeki derin ve kalıcı etkisini göstererek sömürgeciliği eleştirmek için nasıl kullandığını ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır.


  • Ashcroft, B. (2011). Silence as heterotopia in Coetzee’s fiction. In Chris Dante, Sue Kossew & Julian Murphet (Eds.). Strong opinions: J.M. Coetzee and the authority of contemporary fiction, (141-157). Continuum.
  • Barker, C. (2015). The Cambridge companion to the postcolonial novel. Cambridge University Press.
  • Coetzee, J. M. (2010). Foe. Penguin Books.
  • Fanon, F. (1963). The wretched of the earth. Grove Press, New York.
  • Head, D. (1997). J. M. Coetzee. Cambridge University Press.
  • Jin, M. (2022). Cathleen ni houlihan: A dual perspective of disability studies and postcolonial studies. Theory and practice in language studies, 12 (9), pp. 1939-1944.
  • Kirmayer, Laurence. (1992). From the witches' hammer to the Oedipus complex: Castration anxiety in western society 1. Transcultural Psychiatry (29). pp. 133-158. 10.1177/136346159202900205.
  • Loomba, A. (2005). Colonialism/postcolonialism. Routledge.
  • Marx, K. (1972). The eighteenth brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. Progress Publishers, Moscow.
  • Mbembe, A. (2001). On the postcolony. University of California Press.
  • Memmi, A. (2003). The colonizer and the colonized. Earthscan Publications
  • Oliver, M. (1995). Understanding disability from theory to practise. Macmillan Publishers.
  • Sartre, J.P. (1963). Preface. In F. Fanon, The wretched of the earth (R. Philcox, Trans.) (pp. 7-31). Grove Press New York.
  • Sherry, M. (2007). (Post)colonising disability. Wagadu, 4, pp. 10-22.
  • Tremain, S. (2001). On the government of disability. Social theory and practice, 27 (4), pp. 617-636.
  • Vijayan, G. (2021). Disability studies: A path breaking approach in literature. The creative launcher, 5 (6), pp. 15-19.
  • Wojtas, P. (2024). Narratives of disability and illness in the fiction of J. M. Coetzee. Edinburgh University Press.
Toplam 17 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İngiliz ve İrlanda Dili, Edebiyatı ve Kültürü
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Ersoy Gümüş 0000-0002-3919-336X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 27 Şubat 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Şubat 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 5 Şubat 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Sayı: 38

Kaynak Göster

APA Gümüş, E. (2025). DISABILITY AS AN ALLEGORY OF COLONIALISM IN J.M. COETZEE’S FOE. Dicle Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(38), 90-102.

Dicle University
Journal of Social Sciences Institute (DUSBED)