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Van depreminin su-kaynaklı bazı bulaşıcı hastalıklar üzerine etkisi

Yıl 2014, , 313 - 318, 01.06.2014


Amaç: Bu çalışmada; Van depremi öncesi ve sonrası dönemlerde pediatrik hastalarda, su kaynaklı salgın hastalık oluşturabilen bazı mikroorganizmaların izolasyon sıklığını belirleyerek, bulaşıcı hastalıklar üzerine depremin olası etkilerinin tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntemler: Çalışmada 23 Ekim 2011 tarihinde Van\'da yaşanan deprem öncesi ve sonrası altı aylık dönemde, 0-14 yaş grubu çocuklara ait Adenovirüs, Rotavirüs, Hepatit A Virüsü (HAV), Giardia intestinalis ve E.histolytica/dispar test sonuçları retrospektif olarak incelenmiştir. Bulgular: Deprem sonrası, Adenovirüs, Rotavirüs, Anti HAV IgM ve E.histolytica/dispar saptama oranında bir önceki döneme göre azalma olduğu görülmüştür. Rotavirüs ve E.histolytica/dispar sıklığındaki azalma istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur (


  • Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Outbreak of diarrheal ill- ness associated with a natural disaster-Utah. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 1983;32:662-664.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Coccidi- oidomycosis following the Northridge Earthquake-Califor- nia, 1994. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 1994;43:194- 195.
  • Howard MJ, Brillman JC, Burkle FM Jr. Infectious disease emergencies in disasters. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 1996;14:413-428. 4.
  • Erişim tarihi: 15.07.2012
  • Jafari N, Shahsanai A, Memarzadeh M, Loghmani A. Pre- vention of communicable diseases after disaster: A review. J Res Med Sci. 2011;16:956-962.
  • Gürler B. Besin ve su yoluyla bulaşan hastalık salgınlarının araştırılması. Başustaoğlu A. Klinik Mikrobiyoloji (Manual of Clinical Microbiology), 9.baskı, Ankara, Atlas Yayınları, 2009:152-169.
  • Watson JT, Gayer M, Connolly MA. Epidemics after natural disasters. Emerg Infect Dis 2007;13:1-5.
  • Kukkula M, Arstila P, Klossner ML, et al. Waterborne outbreak of viral gastroenteritis. Scand J Infect Dis 1997;29:415-418.
  • Ahern M, Kovats RS, Wilkinson P, et al. Global health im- pacts of floods: epidemiologic evidence. Epidemiol Rev 2005;27:36-46.
  • Floret N, Viel JF, Mauny F, et al. Negligible risk for epi- demics after geophysical disasters. Emerg Infect Dis 2006;12:543-548.
  • Noji E (editor). Public health consequences of disasters. New York: Oxford University Press;1997.
  • Bissell RA. Delayed-impact infectious disease after a natu- ral disaster. J Emerg Med 1983;1:59-66.
  • Chen KT, Chen WJ, Malilay J, Twu SJ. The public health response to the Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan, 1999. Public Health Rep 2003;118:493-499.
  • Woersching JC, Snyder AE. Earthquakes in El Salvador: a descriptive study of health concerns in a rural community and the clinical implications part II. Disaster Manag Re- sponse 2004;2:10-13.
  • Akbari ME, Farshad AA, Asadi-Lari M. The devastation of Bam: an overview of health issues 1 month after the earth- quake. Public Health 2004;118:403-408.
  • Malilay J, Real MG, Ramirez Vanegas A, et al. Public health surveillance after a volcanic eruption: lessons from Cerro Negro, Nicaragua, 1992. Bull Pan Am Health Organ 1996;30:218-26.
  • Waring SC, Reynolds KM, D’Souza G, Arafat RR. Rapid assessment of household needs in the Houston area after Tropical Storm Allison. Disaster Manag Response 2002;3- 9.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Noro- virus outbreak among evacuees from hurricane Katrina- Houston, Texas, September 2005. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2005;54:1016-1018.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Infectious disease and dermatologic conditions in evacuees and res- cue workers after Hurricane Katrina-multiple states, Au- gust–September, 2005. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2005;54:961-964.
  • World Health Organization, Communicable diseases fol- lowing natural disasters: risk assessment and priority in- terventions, 2006. Available from easecontrol_emergencies/ en/.
  • Sencan I, Sahin I, Kaya D, et al. Assessment of HAV and HEV seroprevalence in children living in post-earthquake camps from Duzce, Turkey. Eur J Epidemiol 2004;19:461-465.
  • Sugunan AP, Roy S, Murhekar MV, et al. Outbreak of rotavi- ral diarrhoea in a relief camp for tsunami victims at Car Nico- bar Island, India. J Public Health (Oxf) 2007;29:449-450.
  • Phanuwan C, Takizawa S, Oguma K, et al. Monitoring of human enteric viruses and coliform bacteria in waters af- ter urban flood in Jakarta, Indonesia. Water Sci Technol. 2006;54:203-10.
  • Dennehy PH. Transmission of rotavirus and other enteric pathogens in the home. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2000;19:103- 105.
  • Uçaktürk A, Özmen S, Demirçeken F, et al. Sosyoekonomik düzeyi düşük ailelerin çocuklarında giardiazis ve atopi birlikteliği. Asthma Allergy Immunol 2009;7:52-57.
  • Lora-Suarez F, Marin-Vasquez C, Loango N, et al. Giardia- sis in children living in post-earthquake camps from Arme- nia (Colombia). BMC Public Health 2002;2:5.
  • Öztürk CE, Sahin I, Yavuz T, et al. Intestinal parasitic infec- tion in children in post-disaster situations years after earth- quake. Pediatr Int 2004;46:656-662.
  • Graun GF: Waterborne giardiasis in the United States: a re- view. Am J Public Health 1979;69:817-819.
  • Kent GP, Greenspan JR, Herndon JL, et al: Epidemic Giar- diasis caused by contaminated public water supply. Am J Public Health 1988;78:139-143.
  • Wisner B, Adams J. Environmental health in emergencies and disasters: a practical guide. Geneva: World Health Or- ganization; 2002.

Impact of Van earthquake on some water-borne infectious diseases

Yıl 2014, , 313 - 318, 01.06.2014


Objective: In this study, it was aimed to compare the isolation frequency of some water-borne disease causing microorganisms in pediatric patients before and after Van earthquake in order to determine the potential impact of earthquake on those selected infectious diseases. Methods: The laboratory test results of Adenovirus, Rotavirus, Hepatitis A virus (HAV), Giardia intestinalis and E.histolytica/dispar which were requested from 0-14 years old children, during six months before and six months after Van earthquake which took place on 23 October 2011, were retrospectively reviewed. Results: Adenovirus, Rotavirus, Anti HAV IgM and E.histolytica/dispar showed reduction in the isolation frequency rate during the six months period after the earthquake compared with the same period of previous year. The reduction rates in the isolation frequencies of Rotavirus and E.histolytica/dispar were found to be statistically significant (p


  • Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Outbreak of diarrheal ill- ness associated with a natural disaster-Utah. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 1983;32:662-664.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Coccidi- oidomycosis following the Northridge Earthquake-Califor- nia, 1994. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 1994;43:194- 195.
  • Howard MJ, Brillman JC, Burkle FM Jr. Infectious disease emergencies in disasters. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 1996;14:413-428. 4.
  • Erişim tarihi: 15.07.2012
  • Jafari N, Shahsanai A, Memarzadeh M, Loghmani A. Pre- vention of communicable diseases after disaster: A review. J Res Med Sci. 2011;16:956-962.
  • Gürler B. Besin ve su yoluyla bulaşan hastalık salgınlarının araştırılması. Başustaoğlu A. Klinik Mikrobiyoloji (Manual of Clinical Microbiology), 9.baskı, Ankara, Atlas Yayınları, 2009:152-169.
  • Watson JT, Gayer M, Connolly MA. Epidemics after natural disasters. Emerg Infect Dis 2007;13:1-5.
  • Kukkula M, Arstila P, Klossner ML, et al. Waterborne outbreak of viral gastroenteritis. Scand J Infect Dis 1997;29:415-418.
  • Ahern M, Kovats RS, Wilkinson P, et al. Global health im- pacts of floods: epidemiologic evidence. Epidemiol Rev 2005;27:36-46.
  • Floret N, Viel JF, Mauny F, et al. Negligible risk for epi- demics after geophysical disasters. Emerg Infect Dis 2006;12:543-548.
  • Noji E (editor). Public health consequences of disasters. New York: Oxford University Press;1997.
  • Bissell RA. Delayed-impact infectious disease after a natu- ral disaster. J Emerg Med 1983;1:59-66.
  • Chen KT, Chen WJ, Malilay J, Twu SJ. The public health response to the Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan, 1999. Public Health Rep 2003;118:493-499.
  • Woersching JC, Snyder AE. Earthquakes in El Salvador: a descriptive study of health concerns in a rural community and the clinical implications part II. Disaster Manag Re- sponse 2004;2:10-13.
  • Akbari ME, Farshad AA, Asadi-Lari M. The devastation of Bam: an overview of health issues 1 month after the earth- quake. Public Health 2004;118:403-408.
  • Malilay J, Real MG, Ramirez Vanegas A, et al. Public health surveillance after a volcanic eruption: lessons from Cerro Negro, Nicaragua, 1992. Bull Pan Am Health Organ 1996;30:218-26.
  • Waring SC, Reynolds KM, D’Souza G, Arafat RR. Rapid assessment of household needs in the Houston area after Tropical Storm Allison. Disaster Manag Response 2002;3- 9.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Noro- virus outbreak among evacuees from hurricane Katrina- Houston, Texas, September 2005. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2005;54:1016-1018.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Infectious disease and dermatologic conditions in evacuees and res- cue workers after Hurricane Katrina-multiple states, Au- gust–September, 2005. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2005;54:961-964.
  • World Health Organization, Communicable diseases fol- lowing natural disasters: risk assessment and priority in- terventions, 2006. Available from easecontrol_emergencies/ en/.
  • Sencan I, Sahin I, Kaya D, et al. Assessment of HAV and HEV seroprevalence in children living in post-earthquake camps from Duzce, Turkey. Eur J Epidemiol 2004;19:461-465.
  • Sugunan AP, Roy S, Murhekar MV, et al. Outbreak of rotavi- ral diarrhoea in a relief camp for tsunami victims at Car Nico- bar Island, India. J Public Health (Oxf) 2007;29:449-450.
  • Phanuwan C, Takizawa S, Oguma K, et al. Monitoring of human enteric viruses and coliform bacteria in waters af- ter urban flood in Jakarta, Indonesia. Water Sci Technol. 2006;54:203-10.
  • Dennehy PH. Transmission of rotavirus and other enteric pathogens in the home. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2000;19:103- 105.
  • Uçaktürk A, Özmen S, Demirçeken F, et al. Sosyoekonomik düzeyi düşük ailelerin çocuklarında giardiazis ve atopi birlikteliği. Asthma Allergy Immunol 2009;7:52-57.
  • Lora-Suarez F, Marin-Vasquez C, Loango N, et al. Giardia- sis in children living in post-earthquake camps from Arme- nia (Colombia). BMC Public Health 2002;2:5.
  • Öztürk CE, Sahin I, Yavuz T, et al. Intestinal parasitic infec- tion in children in post-disaster situations years after earth- quake. Pediatr Int 2004;46:656-662.
  • Graun GF: Waterborne giardiasis in the United States: a re- view. Am J Public Health 1979;69:817-819.
  • Kent GP, Greenspan JR, Herndon JL, et al: Epidemic Giar- diasis caused by contaminated public water supply. Am J Public Health 1988;78:139-143.
  • Wisner B, Adams J. Environmental health in emergencies and disasters: a practical guide. Geneva: World Health Or- ganization; 2002.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Yazıları

Yasemin Bayram Bu kişi benim

Mehmet Parlak Bu kişi benim

Aytekin Çıkman Bu kişi benim

Cenk Aypak Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Mart 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014

Kaynak Göster

APA Bayram, Y., Parlak, M., Çıkman, A., Aypak, C. (2014). Van depreminin su-kaynaklı bazı bulaşıcı hastalıklar üzerine etkisi. Dicle Medical Journal, 41(2), 313-318.
AMA Bayram Y, Parlak M, Çıkman A, Aypak C. Van depreminin su-kaynaklı bazı bulaşıcı hastalıklar üzerine etkisi. diclemedj. Haziran 2014;41(2):313-318. doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2014.02.0423
Chicago Bayram, Yasemin, Mehmet Parlak, Aytekin Çıkman, ve Cenk Aypak. “Van Depreminin Su-Kaynaklı Bazı bulaşıcı hastalıklar üzerine Etkisi”. Dicle Medical Journal 41, sy. 2 (Haziran 2014): 313-18.
EndNote Bayram Y, Parlak M, Çıkman A, Aypak C (01 Haziran 2014) Van depreminin su-kaynaklı bazı bulaşıcı hastalıklar üzerine etkisi. Dicle Medical Journal 41 2 313–318.
IEEE Y. Bayram, M. Parlak, A. Çıkman, ve C. Aypak, “Van depreminin su-kaynaklı bazı bulaşıcı hastalıklar üzerine etkisi”, diclemedj, c. 41, sy. 2, ss. 313–318, 2014, doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2014.02.0423.
ISNAD Bayram, Yasemin vd. “Van Depreminin Su-Kaynaklı Bazı bulaşıcı hastalıklar üzerine Etkisi”. Dicle Medical Journal 41/2 (Haziran 2014), 313-318.
JAMA Bayram Y, Parlak M, Çıkman A, Aypak C. Van depreminin su-kaynaklı bazı bulaşıcı hastalıklar üzerine etkisi. diclemedj. 2014;41:313–318.
MLA Bayram, Yasemin vd. “Van Depreminin Su-Kaynaklı Bazı bulaşıcı hastalıklar üzerine Etkisi”. Dicle Medical Journal, c. 41, sy. 2, 2014, ss. 313-8, doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2014.02.0423.
Vancouver Bayram Y, Parlak M, Çıkman A, Aypak C. Van depreminin su-kaynaklı bazı bulaşıcı hastalıklar üzerine etkisi. diclemedj. 2014;41(2):313-8.