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Serum paraoxonase-1 activities and malondialdehyde levels in patients with epilepsy

Yıl 2012, , 557 - 560, 01.12.2012


Objectives: We aimed to evaluate antioxidant paraoxonase-1 (PON-1) activity together with malondialdehyde (MDA) (an oxidative stress parameter) levels in patients with epilepsy. Materials and methods: Forty-five epilepsy patients were included in the study and compared with healthy controls (n = 45). The levels of serum MDA and PON-1 activities were measured by the Ohkawa method and the Eckerson method, respectively. Results: Serum MDA level was significantly higher (P = 0.015), whereas PON-1 activity was sigificantly lower (P = 0.011) in the patient group than the controls. Conclusions: Increased reactive oxygen species levels in epilepsy may result in a oxidative stress, which in turn could result in decreased antioxidant PON-1 activity and increased MDA levels.


  • Zupec-Kania BA, Spellman E. An overview of the ketogenic diet for pediatric epilepsy. Nutr Clin Pract 2008;23(6):589- 96.
  • Devi PU, Manocha A, Vohora D. Seizures, antiepileptics, an- tioxidants and oxidative stress: an insight for researchers. Exp Opin pharmacother 2008;9(18):3169-77.
  • Menon B, Ramalingam K, Kumar RV. Oxidative stress in patients with epilepsy is independent of antiepileptic drugs. Seizure 2012;21(10):780-4.
  • Perrone S, Negro S, Tataranno ML, et al. Oxidative stress and antioxidant strategies in newborns. J Maternal-Fetal Neo- nate 2010;23 Suppl 3:63-5.
  • Aguiar CC, Almeida AB, Araujo PV, et al. Oxidative stress and epilepsy: literature review. Oxid Med Cell Longevity 2012;2012:795259.
  • Giera M, Lingeman H, Niessen WM. Recent Advance- ments in the LC- and GC-Based Analysis of Malondi- aldehyde (MDA): A Brief Overview. Chromatographia 2012;75(9):433-40.
  • Schrader C, Ernst IM, Sinnecker H, et al. Genistein as a potential inducer of the anti-atherogenic enzyme paraox- onase-1: studies in cultured hepatocytes in vitro and in rat liver in vivo. J Cell Mol Med 2012;16(10):2331-41.
  • Draganov DI, La Du BN. Pharmacogenetics of paraoxonas- es: a brief review. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Arch Pharma- col 2004; 369(1):78-88.
  • Berbecki J, Mitosek-Szewczyk K, Kurzepa J, et al. Processes of free radical lipid peroxidation with a particular regard to the role of paraoxonase-1 in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. Wiad Lek 2011;64(1):31-6.
  • Baluchnejadmojarad T, Roghani M. Coenzyme Q10 ame- liorates neurodegeneration, mossy fiber sprouting, and oxi- dative stress in intrahippocampal kainate model of temporal lobe epilepsy in rat. J Mol Neurosci 2012 Sep 25. [Epub ahead of print].
  • Ohkawa H, Ohishi N, Tagi K. Assay for lipid peroxides in animal tissues by thiobarbituric acid reaction. Anal Bio- chem 1979; 95(2):351-8.
  • Eckerson HW, Romson J, Wyte C, et al. The human paraox- onase polymorphism: identification of phenotypes by their response to salts. Am J Hum Genet 1983;35(2):214-27.
  • Freitas RM. Investigation of oxidative stress involvement in hippocampus in epilepsy model induced by pilocarpine. Neuroscience Lett 2009;462(3):225-9.
  • Frantseva MV, Perez Velazquez JL, et al. Oxidative stress is involved in seizure-induced neurodegeneration in the kin- dling model of epilepsy. Neuroscience 2000;97(3):431-5.
  • Kutluhan S, Naziroglu M, Celik O, Yilmaz M. Effects of selenium and topiramate on lipid peroxidation and antioxi- dant vitamin levels in blood of pentylentetrazol-induced ep- ileptic rats. Biol Trace Element Res 2009;129(1-3):181-9.
  • Ramaekers VT, Bosman B, Jansen GA, et al. Increased plasma malondialdehyde associated with cerebellar struc- tural defects. Arch Dis Child 1997;77(3):231-4.
  • Peker E, Oktar S, Ari M, et al. Nitric oxide, lipid peroxida- tion, and antioxidant enzyme levels in epileptic children us- ing valproic acid. Brain Res 2009;1297(1):194-7.
  • Yildiz M, Simsek G, Uzun H, et al. Assessment of low-den- sity lipoprotein oxidation, paraoxonase activity, and arterial distensibility in epileptic children who were treated with anti-epileptic drugs. Cardiol Young 2010;20(5):547-54.
  • Karikas GA, Schulpis KH, Bartzeliotou A, et al. Early effects of sodium valproate monotherapy on serum para- oxonase/arylesterase activities. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 2009;69(1):31-5.
  • Cardenas-Rodriguez N, Coballase-Urrutia E, Huerta-Ger- trudis B, et al. Antioxidant activity of topiramate: An an- tiepileptic agent. Neurol Sci 2012 [Epub ahead of print].
  • Chaudhary S, Parvez S. An in vitro approach to assess the neurotoxicity of valproic acid-induced oxidative stress in cerebellum and cerebral cortex of young rats. Neuroscience 2012;225(3):258-68.

Epilepsili hastalarda serum paraoksonaz-1 aktivitesi ve malondialdehit düzeyleri

Yıl 2012, , 557 - 560, 01.12.2012


Amaç: Amacımız epilepsili hastalarda serumda antioksidan olarak paraoksonaz-1 (PON-1) aktivitesi ve malondialdehit (MDA) (oksidatif stres parametresi) düzeylerini değerlendirmektir.Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışmaya kırk beş epilepsi hastası alındı ve kontrol sağlıklı 45 kişi ile karşılaştırıldı. Serum MDA düzeyleri ve PON-1 aktiviteleri sırasıyla Ohkawa ve Eckerson metodları ile ölçüldü.Bulgular: Serum MDA seviyeleri hasta grubunda (3,97±0,71 nmol/mL) kontol grubuna (3,52±0,95 nmol/mL) göre anlamlı yüksek (p = 0,015) iken, PON-1 aktiviteleri hasta grubunda kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı düşük bulundu (45,17±29,70 U/L ve 66,50±46,15 U/L, p= 0,011).Sonuç: Epilepside reaktif oksijen türlerinin seviyelerinin artması oksidatif stresin bir sonucu olabilir. Bu sebeple antioksidan olarak PON-1 aktivitesi azalırken, MDA düzeyleri artabilir


  • Zupec-Kania BA, Spellman E. An overview of the ketogenic diet for pediatric epilepsy. Nutr Clin Pract 2008;23(6):589- 96.
  • Devi PU, Manocha A, Vohora D. Seizures, antiepileptics, an- tioxidants and oxidative stress: an insight for researchers. Exp Opin pharmacother 2008;9(18):3169-77.
  • Menon B, Ramalingam K, Kumar RV. Oxidative stress in patients with epilepsy is independent of antiepileptic drugs. Seizure 2012;21(10):780-4.
  • Perrone S, Negro S, Tataranno ML, et al. Oxidative stress and antioxidant strategies in newborns. J Maternal-Fetal Neo- nate 2010;23 Suppl 3:63-5.
  • Aguiar CC, Almeida AB, Araujo PV, et al. Oxidative stress and epilepsy: literature review. Oxid Med Cell Longevity 2012;2012:795259.
  • Giera M, Lingeman H, Niessen WM. Recent Advance- ments in the LC- and GC-Based Analysis of Malondi- aldehyde (MDA): A Brief Overview. Chromatographia 2012;75(9):433-40.
  • Schrader C, Ernst IM, Sinnecker H, et al. Genistein as a potential inducer of the anti-atherogenic enzyme paraox- onase-1: studies in cultured hepatocytes in vitro and in rat liver in vivo. J Cell Mol Med 2012;16(10):2331-41.
  • Draganov DI, La Du BN. Pharmacogenetics of paraoxonas- es: a brief review. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Arch Pharma- col 2004; 369(1):78-88.
  • Berbecki J, Mitosek-Szewczyk K, Kurzepa J, et al. Processes of free radical lipid peroxidation with a particular regard to the role of paraoxonase-1 in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. Wiad Lek 2011;64(1):31-6.
  • Baluchnejadmojarad T, Roghani M. Coenzyme Q10 ame- liorates neurodegeneration, mossy fiber sprouting, and oxi- dative stress in intrahippocampal kainate model of temporal lobe epilepsy in rat. J Mol Neurosci 2012 Sep 25. [Epub ahead of print].
  • Ohkawa H, Ohishi N, Tagi K. Assay for lipid peroxides in animal tissues by thiobarbituric acid reaction. Anal Bio- chem 1979; 95(2):351-8.
  • Eckerson HW, Romson J, Wyte C, et al. The human paraox- onase polymorphism: identification of phenotypes by their response to salts. Am J Hum Genet 1983;35(2):214-27.
  • Freitas RM. Investigation of oxidative stress involvement in hippocampus in epilepsy model induced by pilocarpine. Neuroscience Lett 2009;462(3):225-9.
  • Frantseva MV, Perez Velazquez JL, et al. Oxidative stress is involved in seizure-induced neurodegeneration in the kin- dling model of epilepsy. Neuroscience 2000;97(3):431-5.
  • Kutluhan S, Naziroglu M, Celik O, Yilmaz M. Effects of selenium and topiramate on lipid peroxidation and antioxi- dant vitamin levels in blood of pentylentetrazol-induced ep- ileptic rats. Biol Trace Element Res 2009;129(1-3):181-9.
  • Ramaekers VT, Bosman B, Jansen GA, et al. Increased plasma malondialdehyde associated with cerebellar struc- tural defects. Arch Dis Child 1997;77(3):231-4.
  • Peker E, Oktar S, Ari M, et al. Nitric oxide, lipid peroxida- tion, and antioxidant enzyme levels in epileptic children us- ing valproic acid. Brain Res 2009;1297(1):194-7.
  • Yildiz M, Simsek G, Uzun H, et al. Assessment of low-den- sity lipoprotein oxidation, paraoxonase activity, and arterial distensibility in epileptic children who were treated with anti-epileptic drugs. Cardiol Young 2010;20(5):547-54.
  • Karikas GA, Schulpis KH, Bartzeliotou A, et al. Early effects of sodium valproate monotherapy on serum para- oxonase/arylesterase activities. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 2009;69(1):31-5.
  • Cardenas-Rodriguez N, Coballase-Urrutia E, Huerta-Ger- trudis B, et al. Antioxidant activity of topiramate: An an- tiepileptic agent. Neurol Sci 2012 [Epub ahead of print].
  • Chaudhary S, Parvez S. An in vitro approach to assess the neurotoxicity of valproic acid-induced oxidative stress in cerebellum and cerebral cortex of young rats. Neuroscience 2012;225(3):258-68.
Toplam 21 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Yazıları

Mehmet Uğur Çevik Bu kişi benim

Sefer Varol Bu kişi benim

Yavuz Yücel

Eşref Akıl Bu kişi benim

Tahsin Çelepkolu Bu kişi benim

Adalet Arıkanoğlu Bu kişi benim

Hatice Yüksel Bu kişi benim

Mehmet Ufuk Aluçlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2012
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Mart 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012

Kaynak Göster

APA Çevik, M. U., Varol, S., Yücel, Y., Akıl, E., vd. (2012). Epilepsili hastalarda serum paraoksonaz-1 aktivitesi ve malondialdehit düzeyleri. Dicle Medical Journal, 39(4), 557-560.
AMA Çevik MU, Varol S, Yücel Y, Akıl E, Çelepkolu T, Arıkanoğlu A, Yüksel H, Aluçlu MU. Epilepsili hastalarda serum paraoksonaz-1 aktivitesi ve malondialdehit düzeyleri. diclemedj. Aralık 2012;39(4):557-560. doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2012.04.0200
Chicago Çevik, Mehmet Uğur, Sefer Varol, Yavuz Yücel, Eşref Akıl, Tahsin Çelepkolu, Adalet Arıkanoğlu, Hatice Yüksel, ve Mehmet Ufuk Aluçlu. “Epilepsili Hastalarda Serum Paraoksonaz-1 Aktivitesi Ve Malondialdehit düzeyleri”. Dicle Medical Journal 39, sy. 4 (Aralık 2012): 557-60.
EndNote Çevik MU, Varol S, Yücel Y, Akıl E, Çelepkolu T, Arıkanoğlu A, Yüksel H, Aluçlu MU (01 Aralık 2012) Epilepsili hastalarda serum paraoksonaz-1 aktivitesi ve malondialdehit düzeyleri. Dicle Medical Journal 39 4 557–560.
IEEE M. U. Çevik, S. Varol, Y. Yücel, E. Akıl, T. Çelepkolu, A. Arıkanoğlu, H. Yüksel, ve M. U. Aluçlu, “Epilepsili hastalarda serum paraoksonaz-1 aktivitesi ve malondialdehit düzeyleri”, diclemedj, c. 39, sy. 4, ss. 557–560, 2012, doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2012.04.0200.
ISNAD Çevik, Mehmet Uğur vd. “Epilepsili Hastalarda Serum Paraoksonaz-1 Aktivitesi Ve Malondialdehit düzeyleri”. Dicle Medical Journal 39/4 (Aralık 2012), 557-560.
JAMA Çevik MU, Varol S, Yücel Y, Akıl E, Çelepkolu T, Arıkanoğlu A, Yüksel H, Aluçlu MU. Epilepsili hastalarda serum paraoksonaz-1 aktivitesi ve malondialdehit düzeyleri. diclemedj. 2012;39:557–560.
MLA Çevik, Mehmet Uğur vd. “Epilepsili Hastalarda Serum Paraoksonaz-1 Aktivitesi Ve Malondialdehit düzeyleri”. Dicle Medical Journal, c. 39, sy. 4, 2012, ss. 557-60, doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2012.04.0200.
Vancouver Çevik MU, Varol S, Yücel Y, Akıl E, Çelepkolu T, Arıkanoğlu A, Yüksel H, Aluçlu MU. Epilepsili hastalarda serum paraoksonaz-1 aktivitesi ve malondialdehit düzeyleri. diclemedj. 2012;39(4):557-60.