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Nanomedicine, microarrays and their applications in clinical microbiology

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 37 Sayı: 4, 422 - 428, 01.12.2010


Growing interest in the future medical applications of nanotechnology is leading to the emergence of a new scientific field that called as “nanomedicine”. Nanomedi­cine may be defined as the investigating, treating, recon­structing and controlling human biology and health at the molecular level, using engineered nanodevices and nanostructures. Microarray technology is a revolutionary tool for elucidating roles of genes in infectious diseases, shifting from traditional methods of research to integrated approaches. This technology has great potential to pro­vide medical diagnosis, monitor treatment and help in the development of new tools for infectious disease preven­tion and/or management. The aim of this paper is to pro­vide an overview of the current application of microarray platforms and nanomedicine in the study of experimental microbiology and the impact of this technology in clinical settings.


  • Jain KK. Nanodiagnostic: Application of nanotechnology in molecular diagnostic. Expert Rev Mol Diagn 2003;3:153- 61.
  • Hanai T, Hamada H, Okamoto M. Application of bioinformat- ics for DNA microarray data to bioscience, bioengineering and medical fields. J Biosci Bioengin 2006;101:377-84.
  • Leroy Q, Raoult D. Review of microarray studies for host– intracellular pathogen interactions. J Microbiol Methods 2010;25:81-95.
  • Severino P. Microarrays and infectious diseases: overview and perspectives. Einstein 2005;3:287-9.
  • West JL, Halas NJ. Applications of nanotechnology to bio- technology. Curr Opin Biotechnol 2000;11:215-7.
  • Freitas RA. What is nanomedicine? Nanomedicine 2005;1:2-9.
  • Fu L, Cao L, Liu Y et al. Molecular and nanoscale mate- rials and devices in electronics. Adv Colloid Interface Sci 2004;111:133–57.
  • Eguı´luz C, Viguera E, Milla´n L et al. Multitissue array review: A chronological description of tissue array tech- niques, applications and procedures. Pathology Res Pract 2006;202:561-8.
  • TÜBİTAK, Vizyon 2023 projesi biyoteknoloji ve gen tek- nolojileri strateji grubu, biyoteknoloji ve gen teknolojileri stratejisi. Ulaşılabileceği adres: http://vizyon2023.tubitak.
  • Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nanoteknoloji ve Nanotıp Anabilim Dalı. Ulaşılabileceği adres: http://www.nanott.hacettepe.
  • Gazi Üniversitesi Nanotıp Araştırma Merkezi. Ulaşılabile- ceği adres:
  • Journal of Nanomedicine. Ulaşılabileceği adres: http://
  • Drexler KE. Engines of creation:the coming era of nano- technology. New York: Anchor Pres/ Doubleday 1986:99- 129.
  • Ulaşılabileceği adres: chemistry/laureates/1996/smalley-autobio.html
  • Infectious Disease Application Note. 2005; Part No.702010 Rev.1. Ulaşılabileceği adres:
  • Mastrangelo C. DNA analysis systems on a chip. Adv. Sci. Technol 1999;26:465-76.
  • Jones P. DNA on a chip: microsystems for DNA analysis. The Biochemist 1999;21:14-7.
  • Saunders NA, Alexander S, Tatt I. env Gene typing of Hu- man Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 strains on electronic microarrays. J Clin Microbiol 2005;12:1910-6.
  • Dittrich PS, Tachikawa K, Manz A. Micro total analy- sis systems. Latest advancements and trends. Anal Chem 2006;78:3887-908.
  • Tso Liu WT, Liang Zhu. Environmental microbiology- on-a-chip and its future impacts. Trends Biotechnol 2005;23:1-6.
  • Ulaşılabileceği adres: ray/images/gene_chip_expression.jpg.
  • Souteyrand E. DNA chips: from elaboration to application. Analusis 1999;27:639-46.
  • Dufva M. Fabrication of high quality microarrays. Biomol Engineer 2005;22:173-84.
  • Bryant PA, Venter D, Robins-Browne R et al. Chips with everything: DNA microarrays in infectious diseases. Lancet Infect Dis 2004;4:100-11.
  • Wilson WJ, Strout CL, DeSantis TZ et al. Sequence-specific identification of 18 pathogenic microorganisms using mi- croarray technology. Mol Cell Probes 16, 2002;119-27.
  • Wolfgang MC, Kulasekara BR, Liang X et al. Conservation of genome content and virulence determinants among clini- cal and environmental isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2003;100:8484-9.
  • Mostowy S, Tsolaki AG, Small PM, Behr MA: The in vitro evolution of BCG strains. Vaccine 21, 2003:4270-4.
  • Sougakoff W, Rodrigue M, Truffot-Pernot C et al. Use of a high-density DNA probe array for detecting mutations in- volved in rifampicin resistance in Mycobacterium tubercu- losis. Clin Microbiol Infect 2004;10:289-94.
  • Dunman PM, Mounts W, McAleese F et al. Uses of Staphy- lococcus aureus GeneChips in genotyping and genetic com- position analysis. J Clin Microbiol 2004;42:4275-83.
  • Hess S, Peters J, Bartling G et al. More than just innate im- munity: comparative analysis of Chlamydophila pneumo- niae and Chlamydia trachomatis effects on host-cell gene regulation. Cell Microbiol 2003;5:785-95.
  • Dean M, Carrington M, Winkler C et al. Genetic restriction of HIV-1 infection and progression to AIDS by a deletion allele of the CKR5 structural gene. Hemophilia Growth and Development Study, Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study, Multicenter Hemophilia Cohort Study, San Francisco City Cohort, ALIVE Study. Science 1996;273:1856-62.
  • Sapone A, Vaira D, Trespidi S et al. The clinical role of cy- tochrome P450 genotypes in Helicobacter pylori manage- ment. Am J Gastroenterol 2003;98:1010-5.
  • Rouveix B: Antibiotic safety assesment, Int J Antimicrob. Agents 2003;21(3):215-21.
  • Bagge N, Schuster M, Hentzer M et al. Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms exposed to imipenem exhibit changes in global gene expression and beta-lactamase and alginate production. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2004;48:1175- 87.

Nanotıp, mikrodizilimler ve klinik mikrobiyolojide kullanımları

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 37 Sayı: 4, 422 - 428, 01.12.2010


Nanoteknolojinin gelecekteki tıbbi uygulamalarına artan ilgi, “nanotıp” olarak adlandırılan yeni bir alanın ortaya çıkmasına öncülük etmiştir. Nanotıp, nano boyutlarda iş­lenmiş alet ve cihazları kullanarak insan biyolojisi ve sağ­lığının moleküler düzeyde incelenmesi, tedavisi, yeniden yapılanması ve kontrolü olarak tanımlanabilir. Mikrodizilim teknolojisi, enfeksiyöz hastalıklarda genlerin rollerini ay­dınlatmada, araştırmaların geleneksel yöntemlerden en­tegre yaklaşıma kaymasına yol açan devrimci bir araçtır. Bu teknoloji tıbbi tanıda, tedavinin izlenmesinde, enfek­siyöz hastalıklardan korunma ve/veya yönetiminde yeni araçlar geliştirilmesinde büyük potansiyele sahiptir. Bu yazı, deneysel mikrobiyolojide mikrodizilim platformunda ve nanotıpda günümüz uygulamalarına ve klinik düzeyde bu teknolojinin etkisine genel bir göz gezdirmek amacını taşımaktadır.


  • Jain KK. Nanodiagnostic: Application of nanotechnology in molecular diagnostic. Expert Rev Mol Diagn 2003;3:153- 61.
  • Hanai T, Hamada H, Okamoto M. Application of bioinformat- ics for DNA microarray data to bioscience, bioengineering and medical fields. J Biosci Bioengin 2006;101:377-84.
  • Leroy Q, Raoult D. Review of microarray studies for host– intracellular pathogen interactions. J Microbiol Methods 2010;25:81-95.
  • Severino P. Microarrays and infectious diseases: overview and perspectives. Einstein 2005;3:287-9.
  • West JL, Halas NJ. Applications of nanotechnology to bio- technology. Curr Opin Biotechnol 2000;11:215-7.
  • Freitas RA. What is nanomedicine? Nanomedicine 2005;1:2-9.
  • Fu L, Cao L, Liu Y et al. Molecular and nanoscale mate- rials and devices in electronics. Adv Colloid Interface Sci 2004;111:133–57.
  • Eguı´luz C, Viguera E, Milla´n L et al. Multitissue array review: A chronological description of tissue array tech- niques, applications and procedures. Pathology Res Pract 2006;202:561-8.
  • TÜBİTAK, Vizyon 2023 projesi biyoteknoloji ve gen tek- nolojileri strateji grubu, biyoteknoloji ve gen teknolojileri stratejisi. Ulaşılabileceği adres: http://vizyon2023.tubitak.
  • Hacettepe Üniversitesi Nanoteknoloji ve Nanotıp Anabilim Dalı. Ulaşılabileceği adres: http://www.nanott.hacettepe.
  • Gazi Üniversitesi Nanotıp Araştırma Merkezi. Ulaşılabile- ceği adres:
  • Journal of Nanomedicine. Ulaşılabileceği adres: http://
  • Drexler KE. Engines of creation:the coming era of nano- technology. New York: Anchor Pres/ Doubleday 1986:99- 129.
  • Ulaşılabileceği adres: chemistry/laureates/1996/smalley-autobio.html
  • Infectious Disease Application Note. 2005; Part No.702010 Rev.1. Ulaşılabileceği adres:
  • Mastrangelo C. DNA analysis systems on a chip. Adv. Sci. Technol 1999;26:465-76.
  • Jones P. DNA on a chip: microsystems for DNA analysis. The Biochemist 1999;21:14-7.
  • Saunders NA, Alexander S, Tatt I. env Gene typing of Hu- man Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 strains on electronic microarrays. J Clin Microbiol 2005;12:1910-6.
  • Dittrich PS, Tachikawa K, Manz A. Micro total analy- sis systems. Latest advancements and trends. Anal Chem 2006;78:3887-908.
  • Tso Liu WT, Liang Zhu. Environmental microbiology- on-a-chip and its future impacts. Trends Biotechnol 2005;23:1-6.
  • Ulaşılabileceği adres: ray/images/gene_chip_expression.jpg.
  • Souteyrand E. DNA chips: from elaboration to application. Analusis 1999;27:639-46.
  • Dufva M. Fabrication of high quality microarrays. Biomol Engineer 2005;22:173-84.
  • Bryant PA, Venter D, Robins-Browne R et al. Chips with everything: DNA microarrays in infectious diseases. Lancet Infect Dis 2004;4:100-11.
  • Wilson WJ, Strout CL, DeSantis TZ et al. Sequence-specific identification of 18 pathogenic microorganisms using mi- croarray technology. Mol Cell Probes 16, 2002;119-27.
  • Wolfgang MC, Kulasekara BR, Liang X et al. Conservation of genome content and virulence determinants among clini- cal and environmental isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2003;100:8484-9.
  • Mostowy S, Tsolaki AG, Small PM, Behr MA: The in vitro evolution of BCG strains. Vaccine 21, 2003:4270-4.
  • Sougakoff W, Rodrigue M, Truffot-Pernot C et al. Use of a high-density DNA probe array for detecting mutations in- volved in rifampicin resistance in Mycobacterium tubercu- losis. Clin Microbiol Infect 2004;10:289-94.
  • Dunman PM, Mounts W, McAleese F et al. Uses of Staphy- lococcus aureus GeneChips in genotyping and genetic com- position analysis. J Clin Microbiol 2004;42:4275-83.
  • Hess S, Peters J, Bartling G et al. More than just innate im- munity: comparative analysis of Chlamydophila pneumo- niae and Chlamydia trachomatis effects on host-cell gene regulation. Cell Microbiol 2003;5:785-95.
  • Dean M, Carrington M, Winkler C et al. Genetic restriction of HIV-1 infection and progression to AIDS by a deletion allele of the CKR5 structural gene. Hemophilia Growth and Development Study, Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study, Multicenter Hemophilia Cohort Study, San Francisco City Cohort, ALIVE Study. Science 1996;273:1856-62.
  • Sapone A, Vaira D, Trespidi S et al. The clinical role of cy- tochrome P450 genotypes in Helicobacter pylori manage- ment. Am J Gastroenterol 2003;98:1010-5.
  • Rouveix B: Antibiotic safety assesment, Int J Antimicrob. Agents 2003;21(3):215-21.
  • Bagge N, Schuster M, Hentzer M et al. Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms exposed to imipenem exhibit changes in global gene expression and beta-lactamase and alginate production. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2004;48:1175- 87.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Derlemeler

Erkan Yula Bu kişi benim

Özcan Deveci Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2010
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Mart 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 37 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Yula, E., & Deveci, Ö. (2010). Nanotıp, mikrodizilimler ve klinik mikrobiyolojide kullanımları. Dicle Medical Journal, 37(4), 422-428.
AMA Yula E, Deveci Ö. Nanotıp, mikrodizilimler ve klinik mikrobiyolojide kullanımları. diclemedj. Aralık 2010;37(4):422-428.
Chicago Yula, Erkan, ve Özcan Deveci. “Nanotıp, Mikrodizilimler Ve Klinik Mikrobiyolojide kullanımları”. Dicle Medical Journal 37, sy. 4 (Aralık 2010): 422-28.
EndNote Yula E, Deveci Ö (01 Aralık 2010) Nanotıp, mikrodizilimler ve klinik mikrobiyolojide kullanımları. Dicle Medical Journal 37 4 422–428.
IEEE E. Yula ve Ö. Deveci, “Nanotıp, mikrodizilimler ve klinik mikrobiyolojide kullanımları”, diclemedj, c. 37, sy. 4, ss. 422–428, 2010.
ISNAD Yula, Erkan - Deveci, Özcan. “Nanotıp, Mikrodizilimler Ve Klinik Mikrobiyolojide kullanımları”. Dicle Medical Journal 37/4 (Aralık 2010), 422-428.
JAMA Yula E, Deveci Ö. Nanotıp, mikrodizilimler ve klinik mikrobiyolojide kullanımları. diclemedj. 2010;37:422–428.
MLA Yula, Erkan ve Özcan Deveci. “Nanotıp, Mikrodizilimler Ve Klinik Mikrobiyolojide kullanımları”. Dicle Medical Journal, c. 37, sy. 4, 2010, ss. 422-8.
Vancouver Yula E, Deveci Ö. Nanotıp, mikrodizilimler ve klinik mikrobiyolojide kullanımları. diclemedj. 2010;37(4):422-8.