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Childhood lymphoma and bone interaction

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 37 Sayı: 1, 75 - 79, 01.03.2010


In pediatric lymphomas (Non-Hodgkin\'s lymphoma and Hodgkin\'s disease), changing in bone metabolism can be seen, both because of the disease itself or applied che­motherapeutics. In this article, bone affections in two fre­quently seen pediatric tumoral diseases are discussed.


  • Büyükpamukçu M. Hodgkin Dışı Lenfomalar. Klinik Geli- şim 2007;2:44-48.
  • Sevinir B, Büyükpamukçu M. Çocukluk çağı lenfomaları. Katkı Pediatri Dergisi 1995;4:476.
  • Rosenthal H, Kolb R, Gratz KF, Reiter A, Galanski M. Bone manifestations in non-Hodgkins lymphoma in childhood and adolescence. Radiologe 2000;40:737-744.
  • Gürmen N. Çocukluk çağında görülen primer ve sekonder malign kemik tümörlerinde radyolojik bulgular. Katkı 1985;6:63-71.
  • Hesseling PB, Hough SF, Nel ED, Van Riet FA, Beneke T, Wessels G. Bone mineral density in long-term survivors of childhood cancer. Int J Cancer Suppl.1998;11:44-47.
  • Lanzkowsky P. Hodgkin Disease. In: Lanzkowsky P ed. Manual of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology. 4th edn. San Diego: Elsevier Academic Pres, 2005;453-90.
  • Arikoski P, Komulainen J. Development of bone mineral density in children with cancer. Pediatric Endocrinology. LWPES/ESPE. 6th. Joint meeting. Montreal. 6-10, 2001;3- 172.
  • Nysom K, Holm K, Michaelsen K, Hertz H, Müller J, Mol- gaard C. Bone mass after treatment of malignant lymphoma in childhood. Med Pediatr Oncol 2001; 37: 518-524.
  • Brigham BA, Bunn PA, Horton JE et al. Skeletal manifes- tations in cutaneous T–cell lymphomas. Arch Dermatol 1982;118:461-467.
  • Sala A, Talsma D, Webber C, Posgate S, Atkinson S, Barr R. Bone mıneral status after treatment of malignant lym- phoma in childhood and adolescence. Eur J Cancer Care 2007;16:373-379.
  • Köseoğlu V, Büyükpamukçu M, Bayhan H. Lenfoma tanı- sıyla tedavi edilmiş çocuklarda kemik mineral dansitesi ve serum osteokalsin, carboxyterminal propeptid type I pro- collagen ve ICTP düzeyleri. X. Pediatrik Onkoloji Kongre- si. 22-24 Ekim 1998.Ankara S:91.
  • Redman JR, Bajorunas DR,Wong G et al. Bone mineraliza- tion in women following succesful treatment of Hodgkin’s disease. Am J Med 1988; 85:65-72.
  • Bluemke DA, Zerhouni EA. MRI of avascular necrosis of bone. Top Magn Reson Imaging 1996;8:231-246.
  • Frisch B, Bartl R. Osteoporosis. In: Frisch B, Bartl R,eds. Biopsy interpretation of bone and bone marrow. London, 1999:62-69.
  • Morakkabati N, Strunk H, Gutjahr P. MRI diagnosis and fol- low-up of bilateral necrosis of the humeral head as a com- plication after chemotherapy. Aktuelle Radiol 1997;7:41- 44.
  • Brooks PM. Rheumatic manifestations of neoplasia. Curr Opin Rheumatol 1992;4:90-93.
  • Georgescu L, Quinn GC, Schwartzman S, Paget SA. Lym- phoma in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Semin Arthritis Rheum 1997;26:794-804.
  • Seda H, Alarcon GS. Musculoskeletal syndromes associated with malignancies. Curr Opin Rheumatol 1995;7:48-53.
  • Kohout A, Resl M, Bácová M. Pulmonary changes in rheu- matoid arthritis. Cesk Patol 2001;37:105-7.
  • Falcini F, Bardare M, Cimaz R, Lippi A, Corona F. Arthritis as a presenting feature of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Arch Dis Child 1998;78:367-370.
  • Trapani S, Grisolia F, Simonini G, Calabri GB, Falcini F. Incıdence of occult cancer in children presenting with mus- culoskeletal symptoms. a 10-year survey in a pediatric rheu- matology unit. Semin Arthritis Rheum 2000;9:348-359.
  • Wilson S, Brooks PM. Rheumatic manifestations of neopla- sia. Curr Opin Rheumatol 1993;5:99-103.
  • Gaudin P, Juvin R. Rozand Y, et al: Skeletal involvement as the initial disease manifestation in Hodgkin’s disease: a review of 6 cases. J Rheumatol 1992;19:146-152.
  • Felix R, Hofsetter W, Cecchini MG. Recent developments in the understanding of the pathophsiology of osteopetrosis. Eur J Endocrinol 1996;134:143-156.
  • Hashino S, Hirota G, Hasegawa M, et al. Peripheral T-cell lymphoma in a patient with osteopetrosis. Ann Hematol. 2001;80:376-378.
  • Shibuya H, Suzuki T, Matsubara S, Suzuki S. Non-Hodg- kins lymphoma in a patient with osteopetrosis. Lymhology. 1986;19:90-92.
  • Doğru D, Çamur S, Öztürk R . Pediatrik onkolojik aciller. Katkı 1995;4:639-642.
  • Syed MA, Horwitz MJ, Tedesco MB, Garcia A,Wisniewski SR, Stewart AF. Parathyrold hormone related protein stim- ulates renal tubular calcium reabsorption in normal human volunteers: implications for the pathogenesis of humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy. J.Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2001;86:1525-1531.
  • Vergin C, Atlıhan F. Kemiğin non-hodgkin lenfoması. İzmir Devlet Hast Tıp Derg 1993;3:41-50.
  • Kremer R, Shustik C, Tabak T, Papavasiliou V, Goltzman D. Parathyroid hormone related peptide in hematologic malig- nancies. Am J Med 1996;100:406-411.
  • Motellon JL, Jimenez FJ, de Miguel F. Relationship of plas- ma bone cytokines with hypercalcemia in cancer patients. Clin Chim Acta 2000;302:59-68.
  • Sezer MT, Duranay M . Hiperkalsemi. Klinik Serileri 1992;3:27-29.
  • Haspolat K. Hiperkalsemi. II. Ulusal Pediatrik Endokrino- loji Kongresi, İzmir, 1997. s:111- 9.
  • Quinn JM, Athanasou NA. Tumour infiltrating macrophag- es are capable of bone resorption. J Cell Sci 1992;101:681- 686.
  • Mundy GR. Hypercalcemia in hematologic malignancies and in solid tumors associated with extensive localized bone destruction. In: Favus MJ, ed. Primer on the Meta- bolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism. 2nd edn. Philadelphia. Lippincott-Raven, 1999: p.173.

Çocukluk çağı lenfomaları ve kemik etkilenmesi

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 37 Sayı: 1, 75 - 79, 01.03.2010


Çocukluk çağı lenfomalarında (Hodgkin dışı lenfoma ve Hodgkin hastalığında) hastalığın kendisi veya uygulanan kemoterapötikler nedeniyle kemik metabolizmasında de­ğişiklikler görülebilir. Bu makalede çocukluk çağında sık görülen bu iki tümöral hastalığın kemikler üzerine etkileri derlenmiştir.


  • Büyükpamukçu M. Hodgkin Dışı Lenfomalar. Klinik Geli- şim 2007;2:44-48.
  • Sevinir B, Büyükpamukçu M. Çocukluk çağı lenfomaları. Katkı Pediatri Dergisi 1995;4:476.
  • Rosenthal H, Kolb R, Gratz KF, Reiter A, Galanski M. Bone manifestations in non-Hodgkins lymphoma in childhood and adolescence. Radiologe 2000;40:737-744.
  • Gürmen N. Çocukluk çağında görülen primer ve sekonder malign kemik tümörlerinde radyolojik bulgular. Katkı 1985;6:63-71.
  • Hesseling PB, Hough SF, Nel ED, Van Riet FA, Beneke T, Wessels G. Bone mineral density in long-term survivors of childhood cancer. Int J Cancer Suppl.1998;11:44-47.
  • Lanzkowsky P. Hodgkin Disease. In: Lanzkowsky P ed. Manual of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology. 4th edn. San Diego: Elsevier Academic Pres, 2005;453-90.
  • Arikoski P, Komulainen J. Development of bone mineral density in children with cancer. Pediatric Endocrinology. LWPES/ESPE. 6th. Joint meeting. Montreal. 6-10, 2001;3- 172.
  • Nysom K, Holm K, Michaelsen K, Hertz H, Müller J, Mol- gaard C. Bone mass after treatment of malignant lymphoma in childhood. Med Pediatr Oncol 2001; 37: 518-524.
  • Brigham BA, Bunn PA, Horton JE et al. Skeletal manifes- tations in cutaneous T–cell lymphomas. Arch Dermatol 1982;118:461-467.
  • Sala A, Talsma D, Webber C, Posgate S, Atkinson S, Barr R. Bone mıneral status after treatment of malignant lym- phoma in childhood and adolescence. Eur J Cancer Care 2007;16:373-379.
  • Köseoğlu V, Büyükpamukçu M, Bayhan H. Lenfoma tanı- sıyla tedavi edilmiş çocuklarda kemik mineral dansitesi ve serum osteokalsin, carboxyterminal propeptid type I pro- collagen ve ICTP düzeyleri. X. Pediatrik Onkoloji Kongre- si. 22-24 Ekim 1998.Ankara S:91.
  • Redman JR, Bajorunas DR,Wong G et al. Bone mineraliza- tion in women following succesful treatment of Hodgkin’s disease. Am J Med 1988; 85:65-72.
  • Bluemke DA, Zerhouni EA. MRI of avascular necrosis of bone. Top Magn Reson Imaging 1996;8:231-246.
  • Frisch B, Bartl R. Osteoporosis. In: Frisch B, Bartl R,eds. Biopsy interpretation of bone and bone marrow. London, 1999:62-69.
  • Morakkabati N, Strunk H, Gutjahr P. MRI diagnosis and fol- low-up of bilateral necrosis of the humeral head as a com- plication after chemotherapy. Aktuelle Radiol 1997;7:41- 44.
  • Brooks PM. Rheumatic manifestations of neoplasia. Curr Opin Rheumatol 1992;4:90-93.
  • Georgescu L, Quinn GC, Schwartzman S, Paget SA. Lym- phoma in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Semin Arthritis Rheum 1997;26:794-804.
  • Seda H, Alarcon GS. Musculoskeletal syndromes associated with malignancies. Curr Opin Rheumatol 1995;7:48-53.
  • Kohout A, Resl M, Bácová M. Pulmonary changes in rheu- matoid arthritis. Cesk Patol 2001;37:105-7.
  • Falcini F, Bardare M, Cimaz R, Lippi A, Corona F. Arthritis as a presenting feature of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Arch Dis Child 1998;78:367-370.
  • Trapani S, Grisolia F, Simonini G, Calabri GB, Falcini F. Incıdence of occult cancer in children presenting with mus- culoskeletal symptoms. a 10-year survey in a pediatric rheu- matology unit. Semin Arthritis Rheum 2000;9:348-359.
  • Wilson S, Brooks PM. Rheumatic manifestations of neopla- sia. Curr Opin Rheumatol 1993;5:99-103.
  • Gaudin P, Juvin R. Rozand Y, et al: Skeletal involvement as the initial disease manifestation in Hodgkin’s disease: a review of 6 cases. J Rheumatol 1992;19:146-152.
  • Felix R, Hofsetter W, Cecchini MG. Recent developments in the understanding of the pathophsiology of osteopetrosis. Eur J Endocrinol 1996;134:143-156.
  • Hashino S, Hirota G, Hasegawa M, et al. Peripheral T-cell lymphoma in a patient with osteopetrosis. Ann Hematol. 2001;80:376-378.
  • Shibuya H, Suzuki T, Matsubara S, Suzuki S. Non-Hodg- kins lymphoma in a patient with osteopetrosis. Lymhology. 1986;19:90-92.
  • Doğru D, Çamur S, Öztürk R . Pediatrik onkolojik aciller. Katkı 1995;4:639-642.
  • Syed MA, Horwitz MJ, Tedesco MB, Garcia A,Wisniewski SR, Stewart AF. Parathyrold hormone related protein stim- ulates renal tubular calcium reabsorption in normal human volunteers: implications for the pathogenesis of humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy. J.Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2001;86:1525-1531.
  • Vergin C, Atlıhan F. Kemiğin non-hodgkin lenfoması. İzmir Devlet Hast Tıp Derg 1993;3:41-50.
  • Kremer R, Shustik C, Tabak T, Papavasiliou V, Goltzman D. Parathyroid hormone related peptide in hematologic malig- nancies. Am J Med 1996;100:406-411.
  • Motellon JL, Jimenez FJ, de Miguel F. Relationship of plas- ma bone cytokines with hypercalcemia in cancer patients. Clin Chim Acta 2000;302:59-68.
  • Sezer MT, Duranay M . Hiperkalsemi. Klinik Serileri 1992;3:27-29.
  • Haspolat K. Hiperkalsemi. II. Ulusal Pediatrik Endokrino- loji Kongresi, İzmir, 1997. s:111- 9.
  • Quinn JM, Athanasou NA. Tumour infiltrating macrophag- es are capable of bone resorption. J Cell Sci 1992;101:681- 686.
  • Mundy GR. Hypercalcemia in hematologic malignancies and in solid tumors associated with extensive localized bone destruction. In: Favus MJ, ed. Primer on the Meta- bolic Bone Diseases and Disorders of Mineral Metabolism. 2nd edn. Philadelphia. Lippincott-Raven, 1999: p.173.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Kenan Haspolat Bu kişi benim

Murat Söker Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2010
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Mart 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 37 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Haspolat, K., & Söker, M. (2010). Çocukluk çağı lenfomaları ve kemik etkilenmesi. Dicle Medical Journal, 37(1), 75-79.
AMA Haspolat K, Söker M. Çocukluk çağı lenfomaları ve kemik etkilenmesi. diclemedj. Mart 2010;37(1):75-79.
Chicago Haspolat, Kenan, ve Murat Söker. “Çocukluk çağı Lenfomaları Ve Kemik Etkilenmesi”. Dicle Medical Journal 37, sy. 1 (Mart 2010): 75-79.
EndNote Haspolat K, Söker M (01 Mart 2010) Çocukluk çağı lenfomaları ve kemik etkilenmesi. Dicle Medical Journal 37 1 75–79.
IEEE K. Haspolat ve M. Söker, “Çocukluk çağı lenfomaları ve kemik etkilenmesi”, diclemedj, c. 37, sy. 1, ss. 75–79, 2010.
ISNAD Haspolat, Kenan - Söker, Murat. “Çocukluk çağı Lenfomaları Ve Kemik Etkilenmesi”. Dicle Medical Journal 37/1 (Mart 2010), 75-79.
JAMA Haspolat K, Söker M. Çocukluk çağı lenfomaları ve kemik etkilenmesi. diclemedj. 2010;37:75–79.
MLA Haspolat, Kenan ve Murat Söker. “Çocukluk çağı Lenfomaları Ve Kemik Etkilenmesi”. Dicle Medical Journal, c. 37, sy. 1, 2010, ss. 75-79.
Vancouver Haspolat K, Söker M. Çocukluk çağı lenfomaları ve kemik etkilenmesi. diclemedj. 2010;37(1):75-9.