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Binding Theory and a Closer Look at the Anaphoric Expression Kendisi in Turkish

Yıl 2021, , 119 - 145, 20.03.2021


Turkish has two forms to express reflexivity in the third person singular: uninflected kendi and inflected kendi-si. Depending on their theoretical position, researchers have proposed different approaches to account for the local and non-local binding properties of these two expressions. In fact, their binding interpretation is also very much dependent on syntactic, semantic as well as discourse features of the adjacent clauses. A number of studies have claimed that Turkish inflected reflexive does not constitute an exception to the universals as they are logophoric elements rather than true long-distance reflexives (LDRs) and heads of DPs with the specifier pro. In order to better understand 3rd person singular anaphoric binding in Turkish, the present study (a) reviews previous literature on Turkish as well as other languages in which we observe similar phenomena, and (b) provides further evidence to support how the inflected form in Turkish shows both local and non-local binding properties when the reduplication and the scrambling effects are considered.


  • Aydın, Ö. (1998). İkinci dil olarak Türkçe ediniminde dönüşlü adıllara ilişkin yorumlar. XII.Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildirileri (pp. 175-186). Mersin Üniversitesi.
  • Cem Değer, A. (1996). Türkçedeki dönüşlü adılların yönetici ulamlarının tanımlanması. In L. Oktar, and A. Cem Değer (Eds.), X. Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildirileri (pp. 41-47). Izmir: Ege Universitesi Basımevi.
  • Chomsky, N. (1981). Lectures on Government and Binding. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Foris.
  • Chomsky, N. (1982). Some Concepts and Consequences of the Theory of Government and Binding. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
  • Chomsky, N. (1986). Knowledge of language. New York: Praeger.
  • Cole, P., & Hermon, G. (1998). Long distance reflexives in Singapore Malay: An apparent typological anomaly. Linguistic Typology 2 (1), 57-77.
  • Cole, P., Hermon, G., & Huang, C.-T. J. (2001). Long Distance Reflexives -The State of the Art. In P. Cole, G. Hermon, & C.-T.J. Huang (Eds), Long Distance Reflexives. (Syntax and Semantics 33) (pp. 371–380). Academic Press: San Diego.
  • Cowper, E. A. (1992). A concise introduction to syntactic theory: the Government-Binding approach. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Culicover, P. W. (1997). Principles and parameters: an introduction to syntactic theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Enç, M. (1989). Pronouns, licensing, and binding, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, Vol.7, 51-92.
  • George, L., & Kornfilt, J. (1981). Finiteness and boundedness in Turkish. In F. W. Henry (Ed.), Binding and filtering (pp. 105-127). Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
  • Göksel, A., & Kerslake, C. (2005). Turkish: A comprehensive grammar. New York: Routledge.
  • Gračanin-Yuksek, M., Lago, S., Şafak, D. F., Demir, O., & Kırkıcı, B. (2017). The interaction of contextual and syntactic information in the processing of Turkish anaphors. Journal of psycholinguistic research, 46(6), 1397-1425.
  • Güven, M. (2015). Türkiye Türkçesindeki Kendi Biçimbiriminin İşlevlerinin Tarihsel Gelisimi Üzerine. Bilig, 72, 43-72. Haegeman, L. (1994). Introduction to Government and Binding Theory (2nd ed.). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
  • Harbert, W. (1995). Binding Theory, Control, and pro. In G. Webelhuth (Ed.), Government and Binding Theory and the Minimalist Program (pp. 176-240). Oxford: UK.
  • Hellan, L. (1991). Containment and connectedness anaphors. In J. Koster & E. Reuland (Eds.), Long-Distance Anaphora (pp. 27-48). Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
  • Kennedy, C., & Lidz. J. (2001). A (Covert) Long Distance Anaphor in English. In K. Megerdoomian & L. A. Bar-el (Eds.), WCCFL 20 Proceedings (pp. 1-14) Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
  • Kornfilt, J. (2001). Local and Long-Distance Reflexives in Turkish. In Peter Cole, Gabriella Hermon & C.-T. James Huang (eds.), Long Distance Reflexives (Syntax and Semantics 33) (pp. 197-226). New York: Academic Press. Koster, J., & Reuland, E. (1991). Long-Distance Anaphora. Cambridge UP.
  • Meral, H. M. (2010). Some Notes on Turkish Pronominal Anaphora. Turkish Studies, vol.5, 535-563.
  • Meral, H. M. (2013). Binding as an A'- Phenomenon? Evidence from Turkish. Iberia: an Intenational Journal of Theoretical Linguistics, vol.5, 45-68.
  • Özbek, A., & Kahraman, B. (2016). Interpretations of Turkish reflexive pronouns kendi and kendisi. Mersin University Journal of Linguistics & Literature 13(1), 73-96.
  • Özsoy, A. S. (1990). “Söylemiçi Dönüşlü Yapı.” Dilbilim Araştırmaları, 35-40.
  • Palaz, B. (2010). On the nature of anaphoric expressions kendi/kendisi and the clause structure of Turkish (MA Thesis, Boğaziçi University).
  • Pica, P. (1987). On the nature of the reflexivization cycle. NELS 17 (2), 483-99.
  • Rakosi, G. (2009). Beyond Identity: The case of a complex Hungarian Reflexive. In M. Butt & T. Holloway King (Eds.), the Proceedings of the LFG09 Conference. (pp. 459-497). CSLI Publications.
  • Reuland, E. (2017). Why is reflexivity so special? Understanding the world of reflexives. Studia linguistica, 71(1-2), 12-59.
  • Rudnev, P. (2008). Some syntax and semantics of long-distance reflexives in Turkish and elsewhere. Unpublished manuscript. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
  • Sezer, E. (1980). On reflexivization in Turkish, Harvard Ukrainian Studies, vol.3/4, 748-759.
  • Sezer, E. (1991). Issues in Turkish Syntax. (Ph.D. Dissertation, Harvard University).
  • Sezer, T. (2017). TS Corpus Project: An online Turkish Dictionary and TS DIY Corpus. European Journal of Language and Literature, 9(1), 18-24.
  • Steenbergen, M. van. (1991). Long-distance binding in Finnish. In J. Koster & E. Reuland (Eds.), Long-Distance Anaphora. Cambridge UP.
  • Temel, E. (2019). 14.-16. Yüzyıl Doğu Türkçesinde “Öz” ile Kurulan Sözcük Öbekleri Üzerine. Türkiyat Mecmuası, 29(1), 147-162.
  • Uzunca, A. (2018). The Influence of Locality or Intimacy? A Case Study on the Issue of Reflexivization in Turkish. European Journal of Literature, Language and Linguistics Studies, 2(4), 16-36.
  • Wexler, K., & Manzini, M. R. (1987). Parameters and Learnability in Binding Theory. In T. Roeper & E. Williams (Eds.), Parameter Setting (pp. 41-76). Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Company.
  • White, L. (2003). Second language acquisition and universal grammar. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP.
  • Yakut, B. A. (2015). The logophoric behaviour of strict local anaphor kendi ‘self’ in Turkish. In A. Joseph & E. Predolac (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #76, Cambridge, MA: MITWPL.

Bağlama Kuramı ve Türkçedeki Kendisi Artgönderimsel İfadesine Yakından Bakış

Yıl 2021, , 119 - 145, 20.03.2021


Türkçede, 3. tekil şahısta dönüşlülüğü ifade etmek için çekimsiz ve çekimli olmak üzere iki ayrı yapı kullanılır: kendi ve kendi-si. Araştırmacılar, kuramsal duruşlarına göre, bu iki ifadenin iç cümlecik ve ana tümcelerin özneleri ile bağlanabilme özelliklerini açıklamak için farklı yaklaşımlar öne sürmüşlerdir. Nitekim bu ifadelerin bağlayıcılığının yorumlanması, bitişik cümleciklerin sözdizimsel, anlamsal ve söylem özellikleri ile yakından ilgilidir. Bazı çalışmalar Türkçedeki çekimli dönüşlü adılının evrensel kurallar açısından istisna teşkil etmediğini öne sürer. Bunun sebebi ise bahsedilen dönüşlü adılların gerçek birer uzak-ara olmaktan ziyade tümce dışında bağlayıcıları olan öğeler olmaları ve bunu yanı sıra adıl belirtecini almış belirleyici öbeklerin tamlayanı olarak da bulunmalarıdır. Üçüncü tekil şahıs için kullanılan artgönderimsel ifadelerin bağlayıcılığını daha iyi anlayabilmeyi hedefleyen bu çalışma (a) Türkçedeki ve benzer dilbilimsel olayların olduğu diğer dillerdeki alanyazını gözden geçirir ve (b) ikileme ve çalkalama etkilerini inceleyerek Türkçedeki çekimli ifadenin iç cümlecik ve ana tümcelerin özneleri ile bağlanabilme özelliklerini desteklemek için daha fazla bulgu sunar.


  • Aydın, Ö. (1998). İkinci dil olarak Türkçe ediniminde dönüşlü adıllara ilişkin yorumlar. XII.Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildirileri (pp. 175-186). Mersin Üniversitesi.
  • Cem Değer, A. (1996). Türkçedeki dönüşlü adılların yönetici ulamlarının tanımlanması. In L. Oktar, and A. Cem Değer (Eds.), X. Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildirileri (pp. 41-47). Izmir: Ege Universitesi Basımevi.
  • Chomsky, N. (1981). Lectures on Government and Binding. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Foris.
  • Chomsky, N. (1982). Some Concepts and Consequences of the Theory of Government and Binding. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
  • Chomsky, N. (1986). Knowledge of language. New York: Praeger.
  • Cole, P., & Hermon, G. (1998). Long distance reflexives in Singapore Malay: An apparent typological anomaly. Linguistic Typology 2 (1), 57-77.
  • Cole, P., Hermon, G., & Huang, C.-T. J. (2001). Long Distance Reflexives -The State of the Art. In P. Cole, G. Hermon, & C.-T.J. Huang (Eds), Long Distance Reflexives. (Syntax and Semantics 33) (pp. 371–380). Academic Press: San Diego.
  • Cowper, E. A. (1992). A concise introduction to syntactic theory: the Government-Binding approach. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Culicover, P. W. (1997). Principles and parameters: an introduction to syntactic theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Enç, M. (1989). Pronouns, licensing, and binding, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, Vol.7, 51-92.
  • George, L., & Kornfilt, J. (1981). Finiteness and boundedness in Turkish. In F. W. Henry (Ed.), Binding and filtering (pp. 105-127). Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
  • Göksel, A., & Kerslake, C. (2005). Turkish: A comprehensive grammar. New York: Routledge.
  • Gračanin-Yuksek, M., Lago, S., Şafak, D. F., Demir, O., & Kırkıcı, B. (2017). The interaction of contextual and syntactic information in the processing of Turkish anaphors. Journal of psycholinguistic research, 46(6), 1397-1425.
  • Güven, M. (2015). Türkiye Türkçesindeki Kendi Biçimbiriminin İşlevlerinin Tarihsel Gelisimi Üzerine. Bilig, 72, 43-72. Haegeman, L. (1994). Introduction to Government and Binding Theory (2nd ed.). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
  • Harbert, W. (1995). Binding Theory, Control, and pro. In G. Webelhuth (Ed.), Government and Binding Theory and the Minimalist Program (pp. 176-240). Oxford: UK.
  • Hellan, L. (1991). Containment and connectedness anaphors. In J. Koster & E. Reuland (Eds.), Long-Distance Anaphora (pp. 27-48). Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
  • Kennedy, C., & Lidz. J. (2001). A (Covert) Long Distance Anaphor in English. In K. Megerdoomian & L. A. Bar-el (Eds.), WCCFL 20 Proceedings (pp. 1-14) Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
  • Kornfilt, J. (2001). Local and Long-Distance Reflexives in Turkish. In Peter Cole, Gabriella Hermon & C.-T. James Huang (eds.), Long Distance Reflexives (Syntax and Semantics 33) (pp. 197-226). New York: Academic Press. Koster, J., & Reuland, E. (1991). Long-Distance Anaphora. Cambridge UP.
  • Meral, H. M. (2010). Some Notes on Turkish Pronominal Anaphora. Turkish Studies, vol.5, 535-563.
  • Meral, H. M. (2013). Binding as an A'- Phenomenon? Evidence from Turkish. Iberia: an Intenational Journal of Theoretical Linguistics, vol.5, 45-68.
  • Özbek, A., & Kahraman, B. (2016). Interpretations of Turkish reflexive pronouns kendi and kendisi. Mersin University Journal of Linguistics & Literature 13(1), 73-96.
  • Özsoy, A. S. (1990). “Söylemiçi Dönüşlü Yapı.” Dilbilim Araştırmaları, 35-40.
  • Palaz, B. (2010). On the nature of anaphoric expressions kendi/kendisi and the clause structure of Turkish (MA Thesis, Boğaziçi University).
  • Pica, P. (1987). On the nature of the reflexivization cycle. NELS 17 (2), 483-99.
  • Rakosi, G. (2009). Beyond Identity: The case of a complex Hungarian Reflexive. In M. Butt & T. Holloway King (Eds.), the Proceedings of the LFG09 Conference. (pp. 459-497). CSLI Publications.
  • Reuland, E. (2017). Why is reflexivity so special? Understanding the world of reflexives. Studia linguistica, 71(1-2), 12-59.
  • Rudnev, P. (2008). Some syntax and semantics of long-distance reflexives in Turkish and elsewhere. Unpublished manuscript. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
  • Sezer, E. (1980). On reflexivization in Turkish, Harvard Ukrainian Studies, vol.3/4, 748-759.
  • Sezer, E. (1991). Issues in Turkish Syntax. (Ph.D. Dissertation, Harvard University).
  • Sezer, T. (2017). TS Corpus Project: An online Turkish Dictionary and TS DIY Corpus. European Journal of Language and Literature, 9(1), 18-24.
  • Steenbergen, M. van. (1991). Long-distance binding in Finnish. In J. Koster & E. Reuland (Eds.), Long-Distance Anaphora. Cambridge UP.
  • Temel, E. (2019). 14.-16. Yüzyıl Doğu Türkçesinde “Öz” ile Kurulan Sözcük Öbekleri Üzerine. Türkiyat Mecmuası, 29(1), 147-162.
  • Uzunca, A. (2018). The Influence of Locality or Intimacy? A Case Study on the Issue of Reflexivization in Turkish. European Journal of Literature, Language and Linguistics Studies, 2(4), 16-36.
  • Wexler, K., & Manzini, M. R. (1987). Parameters and Learnability in Binding Theory. In T. Roeper & E. Williams (Eds.), Parameter Setting (pp. 41-76). Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Company.
  • White, L. (2003). Second language acquisition and universal grammar. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP.
  • Yakut, B. A. (2015). The logophoric behaviour of strict local anaphor kendi ‘self’ in Turkish. In A. Joseph & E. Predolac (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics #76, Cambridge, MA: MITWPL.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce

Burcu Gökgöz Kurt 0000-0001-7169-2890

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Mart 2021
Kabul Tarihi 24 Şubat 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Gökgöz Kurt, B. (2021). Binding Theory and a Closer Look at the Anaphoric Expression Kendisi in Turkish. Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları(23), 119-145.

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