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Autie-Biography: Self-Narrative and Social Perception

Yıl 2025, Sayı: 31, 275 - 287


Focusing on disability studies and autism, this article examines the role of personal narratives in the genre of autie-biography. The article aims to explore the relationship between autism and autie-biography in the radiance of disability studies. The article aims to examine how autism is tackled on the social plane, how the personal narrative of the autistic individual affects the perception of autism in society and the importance of these narratives in the world of disability studies and literature. While drawing attention to the literary and social context of autism, the study examines how autistic individuals’ experiences of autism are mirrored and how social perceptions are shaped through autie-biographical narratives. The article analyses the definition, history and significance of autie-biography for the autistic individual its role in social acceptance, and its contribution to empathic development in social justice and neurotypical perception. At the same time, the article evaluates the place of autie-biographies in disability studies and the effects of autism on individuals. By illuminating the relationship between the phenomenon of disability, autism and autie-biographies, the study plays an important role in understanding how these three elements are affected by each other. This study aims to make an original contribution to the academic literature by addressing autism with its individual and social dimensions under the umbrella concept of disability studies and by providing a critical literary vehicle that analyses personal experiences in depth between this dual relationship through autie-biography and aims to close a significant gap in the literature in this sense.


  • American Psychiatric Association. (1980). DSM-III: Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (3. bs.). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.
  • ------- (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5. bs.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association.
  • Billawala, Alshaba, and Gregor Wolbring. (2014). “Analyzing the Discourse Surrounding Autism in the New York Times Using an Ableism Lens,” Disability Studies Quarterly 34 (1),
  • Burrell, A., Ives, J., ve Unwin, G. (2017). “The Experiences of Fathers Who Have Offspring with Autism Spectrum Disorder,” Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 47(4), 1135–1147.
  • Cappadocia, M. C., Weiss, J. A., ve Pepler, D. (2012). Bullying experiences among children and youth with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 42(2), 266–277.
  • Draaisma, D. (2009). “Stereotypes of autism,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 1475–1480.
  • Foucault, M. (2008). The Birth of Biopolitics-Lectures at the College de France 1978-79. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • ------- (2016). About the Beginning of the Hermeneutics of the Self. (H.-P. Fruchaud, ve D. Lorenzini, Eds.) London: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Garland-Thomson, R. (2009). Staring: How We Look. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Goffman, E. (1963). Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity. London: Penguin.
  • Goodall, C. (2018). “Mainstream Is Not for All: The Educational Experiences of Autistic Young People,” Disability & Society, 33 (10), 1661–65. doi:10.1080/09687599.2018.1529258
  • Grandin, T. (1995). Thinking in Pictures. New York: Vintage Books.
  • Howlin, P., Goode, S., Hutton, J., ve Rutter, M. (2009). Savant skills in autism: psychometric approaches and parental reports. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 364(1522), 1359–1367.
  • Hwang, S., Kim, Y. S., Koh, Y. J., ve Leventhal, B. L. (2018). “Autism Spectrum Disorder and School Bullying: Who is the Victim? Who is the Perpetrator?,” Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 48(1), 225–238.
  • Kanner, L. (1943). “Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact.” Essay. In Pathology, 217–50. Embryo Project Encyclopedia.
  • Murray, S. (2008). Representing autism: Culture, narrative, fascination. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press.
  • Rowley, E., Chandler, S., Baird, G., Simonoff, E., Pickles, A., Loucas, T., ve Charman, T. (2012). “The experience of friendship, victimization and bullying in children with an autism spectrum disorder: Associations with child characteristics and school placement,” Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 6(3), 1126–1134.
  • Tulgar, A. (2020). “Çağdaş İngiliz Romanında Otizmin Temsili,” Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Williams, D. (1992). Nobody Nowhere. UK: Corgi Books.
  • World Health Organisation. (2008). International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (Tenth Revision/10. bs. Cilt 1). Geneva: World Health Organisation. ------- (2024). ICD-11 for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics (Eleventh Revision). World Health Organisation,

Oti-Biyografi: Kişisel Anlatı ve Toplumsal Algı

Yıl 2025, Sayı: 31, 275 - 287


Bu makale, engelli çalışmaları ve otizm üzerine odaklanırken, oti-biyografi (Autie-Biography) türündeki kişisel anlatıların rolünü incelemektedir. Makalenin amacı, engelli çalışmaları ışığında otizm ve oti-biyografi ilişkisini derinlemesine irdelemektir. Makale, otizmin sosyal düzlemde nasıl ele alındığını, otistik bireyin kişisel anlatısının toplumda otizm algısını nasıl etkilediğini ve bu anlatıların engelli çalışmaları ve yazın dünyasındaki önemini incelemeyi hedefler. Çalışma, otizmin yazınsal ve toplumsal bağlamına dikkat çekerken, otistik bireylerin oti-biyografik anlatıları sayesinde otizmle ilgili deneyimlerinin nasıl yansıtıldığını ve toplumsal algıların nasıl şekillendirildiğini inceler. Makale, oti-biyografinin tanımını, tarihçesini, otistik birey açısından önemini ve toplumsal kabul üzerindeki rolünü irdelerken, sosyal adalet ve nörotipik algıdaki empatik gelişime katkısını ele alır. Aynı zamanda makale, oti-biyografilerin engellilik çalışmalarındaki yerini ve otizmin bireyler üzerindeki etkilerini değerlendirir. Çalışma engellilik olgusu, otizm ve oti-biyografiler arasındaki ilişkiyi aydınlatarak bu üç unsurun birbirinden nasıl etkilendiğini anlamada önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışma, engelli çalışmaları şemsiye kavramı altında otizmi bireysel ve sosyal boyutlarıyla ele alarak ve oti-biyografi aracılığıyla bu ikili ilişki arasında kişisel deneyimleri derinlemesine çözümleyen kritik bir yazınsal araç sunarak akademik anlamda yazın alana özgün katkı sağlayıp bu anlamda literatürdeki önemli bir boşluğu kapatmayı amaçlamaktadır.


  • American Psychiatric Association. (1980). DSM-III: Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (3. bs.). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.
  • ------- (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5. bs.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association.
  • Billawala, Alshaba, and Gregor Wolbring. (2014). “Analyzing the Discourse Surrounding Autism in the New York Times Using an Ableism Lens,” Disability Studies Quarterly 34 (1),
  • Burrell, A., Ives, J., ve Unwin, G. (2017). “The Experiences of Fathers Who Have Offspring with Autism Spectrum Disorder,” Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 47(4), 1135–1147.
  • Cappadocia, M. C., Weiss, J. A., ve Pepler, D. (2012). Bullying experiences among children and youth with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 42(2), 266–277.
  • Draaisma, D. (2009). “Stereotypes of autism,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 1475–1480.
  • Foucault, M. (2008). The Birth of Biopolitics-Lectures at the College de France 1978-79. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • ------- (2016). About the Beginning of the Hermeneutics of the Self. (H.-P. Fruchaud, ve D. Lorenzini, Eds.) London: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Garland-Thomson, R. (2009). Staring: How We Look. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Goffman, E. (1963). Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity. London: Penguin.
  • Goodall, C. (2018). “Mainstream Is Not for All: The Educational Experiences of Autistic Young People,” Disability & Society, 33 (10), 1661–65. doi:10.1080/09687599.2018.1529258
  • Grandin, T. (1995). Thinking in Pictures. New York: Vintage Books.
  • Howlin, P., Goode, S., Hutton, J., ve Rutter, M. (2009). Savant skills in autism: psychometric approaches and parental reports. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 364(1522), 1359–1367.
  • Hwang, S., Kim, Y. S., Koh, Y. J., ve Leventhal, B. L. (2018). “Autism Spectrum Disorder and School Bullying: Who is the Victim? Who is the Perpetrator?,” Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 48(1), 225–238.
  • Kanner, L. (1943). “Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact.” Essay. In Pathology, 217–50. Embryo Project Encyclopedia.
  • Murray, S. (2008). Representing autism: Culture, narrative, fascination. Liverpool, UK: Liverpool University Press.
  • Rowley, E., Chandler, S., Baird, G., Simonoff, E., Pickles, A., Loucas, T., ve Charman, T. (2012). “The experience of friendship, victimization and bullying in children with an autism spectrum disorder: Associations with child characteristics and school placement,” Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 6(3), 1126–1134.
  • Tulgar, A. (2020). “Çağdaş İngiliz Romanında Otizmin Temsili,” Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Williams, D. (1992). Nobody Nowhere. UK: Corgi Books.
  • World Health Organisation. (2008). International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (Tenth Revision/10. bs. Cilt 1). Geneva: World Health Organisation. ------- (2024). ICD-11 for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics (Eleventh Revision). World Health Organisation,
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Avrupa Dilleri, Edebiyatları ve Kültürleri, İngiliz ve İrlanda Dili, Edebiyatı ve Kültürü
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Özge Altunlu 0000-0001-5494-4152

Mukadder Erkan 0000-0002-9110-4272

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 21 Mart 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Aralık 2024
Kabul Tarihi 10 Mart 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Sayı: 31

Kaynak Göster

APA Altunlu, Ö., & Erkan, M. (2025). Oti-Biyografi: Kişisel Anlatı ve Toplumsal Algı. Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları(31), 275-287.

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