14. yüzyılın sonlarından itibaren Osmanlının Balkanlar'a yerleşmeye başlamasıyla birlikte, Türk-İslam kültürü, bütün unsurlarıyla bölgede kendini belirgin bir şekilde hissettirmeye başlar. Bu unsurların en başında gelenlerden biri de dil olur. Türkçe, bu dönemde lingua franca olarak kabul görür ve böylece Balkan dillerine binlerce kelime verir.
19. yüzyıl sonlarından itibaren bölgede meydana gelen değişimler, savaşlar ve göçler Türk nüfusunun büyük oranda azalmasına neden olur. Kuzey Makedonya Türklüğü de yaşanan bu olumsuzluklardan fazlaca etkilenir. Günümüzde Kuzey Makedonya’da Türklerin yaşadığı ve Türkçenin konuşulduğu yerler oldukça azalmış durumdadır.
Kuzey Makedonya Türk ağızları üzerine bugüne kadar pek çok çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmalarda dil malzemesi genellikle fonetik, morfolojik, sentaktik ve leksik bakımlardan ele alınmıştır.
Bu çalışmada, Kuzey Makedonya Türk ağızlarında saklantı bir kelime olarak kullanılan ügürtle- fiili ve onun varyantları üzerinde durulmuştur. Nitel bir araştırma olan çalışmada doküman inceleme ve görüşme teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Çalışma ile Türkçenin tarihî metinlerinde sıklıkla kullanılan ügürtle- fiilinin kökeni, türevleri, varyantları, Kuzey Makedonya Türk ağızlarında hangi şekillerde ve anlamlarda kullanıldığını tespit etmek, ortak bir tarih birliği bulunan Anadolu ağızları ile karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır.
Kuzey Makedonya üniversitelerinde Etik Kurul olmadığı için etik beyan belgesi düzenlenmemektedir.
As the Ottomans began to settle in the Balkans from the end of the 14th century, Turkish-Islamic culture began to make itself felt in the region with all its elements. One of the most important of these elements is language. Turkish was accepted as the lingua franca during this period, thus giving thousands of words to the Balkan languages.
Since the end of the 19th century, the changes, wars and migrations that have taken place in the region have caused the Turkish population to decrease significantly. The Turkishness of North Macedonia is also greatly affected by these negativities. Today, the places where Turks live and Turkish is spoken in North Macedonia have decreased considerably.
Many studies have been carried out on the Turkish dialects of North Macedonia so far. In these studies, language material is generally discussed in terms of phonetic, morphological, syntactic and lexical aspects.
In this study, the verb ügürtle- and its variants, which are used as a hidden word in the Turkish dialects of North Macedonia, are emphasized. In the study, which is a qualitative research, document analysis and interview techniques were used. With the study, it is aimed to determine the origin, derivatives, variants, forms and meanings of the verb ügürtle-, which is frequently used in the historical texts of Turkish, in what ways and meanings it is used in the Turkish dialects of North Macedonia, and to compare it with the Anatolian dialects that have a common historical unity.
Keywords: Balkans, North Macedonia, Anatolia, dialect, archaic, ügürtle-
Extended Abstract
The Balkans have been the settlement of various Turkish tribes throughout history. This process, which started with the Hun Turks in 372 AD, continued with the Avar, Proto Bulgarian, Oghuz, Pecheneg, Cuman, Seljuk and Ottoman Turks. The Turkish presence in the Balkans lasted uninterrupted for about seventeen centuries, and this presence was reflected in the cultures, languages, literatures and various place names of the Balkan nations.
With the settlement of the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans, Turkish-Islamic culture, with all its elements, began to make itself felt clearly in the region. One of these elements is language. Turkish was accepted as the lingua franca during this period and tens of thousands of Turkish words entered the Balkan languages. Macedonia remained under the rule of the Ottoman Empire for five and a half centuries. The changes and wars that have occurred since the end of the 19th century have caused the Turkish population in the region to decrease greatly.
In today's North Macedonia, the places where Turks live intensely and where Turkish is spoken are Gostivar, Merkez Jupa, Struga, Radoviš, Vrapçişte, Strumica, Debre, Studeniçani, Ohrid, Tetovo, Valandova, Shtip and Köprülü, especially Skopje.
The old form of the verb gurtle-, which means "to choose, to separate, to choose the best", which is used in historical texts and still continues to be used in Balkan and Anatolian dialects today, is in the form of dir-. We can give the etymology of the word and the phases it has gone through as *üd- > *üḍ- > üḍür- > üyür- > üyürt> üyürtle-> *ügurtle- > ürürtle-.
The preservation of the /g/ sound, which is an important criterion in the classification of Balkan dialects, is that the verb used in the form of gurtle- in Anatolian dialects is in the form of North Macedonian Turkish dialects (Friedman, 2002: 775; Nemet, 1983: 126) and the examples collected from the field can be explained by the fact that they are in this direction.
It has been observed that the variant with the most widespread use in the Turkish dialects of North Macedonia is gurgur. Apart from this verb, the verbs ügütle-, üyük-, ürükle-, ü:kle-, ü:rtle- and evirtle- have all appeared as one-person uses. In particular, the fact that there are no examples in the historical texts and dialects of Turkish for the change of /-y-/ > /-r-/ in the verbs ürükle- and evirtle-, and that there are only a few examples of the /-y-/ > /-v-/ is very important in terms of showing how much personal usage affects variantization.
It has been observed that none of the verbs or variants of Ügürtle- are used in the dialects of Kalkova, Kızıldoğan, Çalıklı villages (Valandova), Pırnalı village (Radoviş) and Kutsa village (Shtip) in Southeastern Macedonia, instead the verbs "to choose, to weed, separate" are used. (KK5, KK7, KK19, KK20, KK22-23-24).
The fact that the gurtle- and its variants (ügütle- ü:rtle-, ürükle-, üyükle-) used in the Turkish dialects of North Macedonia in meanings such as "to choose, to separate, to choose the best, to like" live in Anatolian dialects in the same sense and in the same or very close ways (ürtle-, ütle-, üyük-, ütle-) is very important in terms of showing that Balkan Turkish dialects and Anatolian dialects have a common history and are fed from the same source.
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Konular | Güney-Batı (Oğuz) Türk Lehçeleri ve Edebiyatları |
Bölüm | Araştırma Makalesi |
Yazarlar | |
Erken Görünüm Tarihi | 21 Mart 2025 |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 7 Aralık 2024 |
Kabul Tarihi | 24 Şubat 2025 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2025 Sayı: 31 |
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