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Yıl 2000, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 1 - 19, 01.07.2000


Bütünleştirici planlama yaklaşımına göre proaktif, rasyonel, normatif ve kapsamlı bir akış içeren stratejik yönetim ana hatları ile misyonun ve amaçların belirlenmesi, çevre analizleri yapılarak stratejilerin belirlenmesi, uygulanması ve kontrolünden oluşmaktadır. Strateji belirleme sürecinin ise önemli bir niteliği çevredeki fırsat ve tehlikeler ile işletmenin güçlü ve zayıf yanlarının detaylı bir şekilde incelenmesi ve isabetli stratejik kararlar alabilmek için bu incelemelerde elde edilen verilerin en iyi bir şekilde değerlendirilmesi anlamında kullanılan kapsamlılıktır. Daha çok zaman ve kaynak ayrılması, daha çok bilgi toplanması ve son kararı vermeden önce stratejist olarak görev yapan yöneticiler arasında daha çok fikir tartışması yapılması kapsamlı bir strateji belirleme sürecinin özelliklerindendir.


  • AMASON, A. and SAPIENZA, H. (1997), "The Effects o f Top M anagement Team Size and Interaction Norms on Cognitive and Affective Conflict", Journal of M anagement, 23(4).
  • AMBLER, T. (1999), "Strategic Issues: The Pivotal Process for Strategic Success", Compass Points,
  • ANSOFF, I. (1975), "Managing Strategic Surprise by Response to Weak Signals", California M anagement Review, 18.
  • BARRINGER, B. and BLUEDORN, A. (1999), "The Relationship Between C orporate E ntrepreneurship and Strategic M anagem ent", Strategic M anagement Journal, 20.
  • BLACKERBY, P. (1994), "H istory o f Strategic Planning", A rm ed Forces Comptroller Magazine, 39(1).
  • BLUEDORN, A., JOHNSON, R. and CATW RIGHT, D. (1994), "The Interface and Convergence o f the Strategic M anagement and Organizational Environment Domains", Journal of Management, 15.
  • BYRNE, J. (1996), "Strategic Planning", BusinessW eek, August 26.
  • CERTO, S. and PETER, P. (1991), "Strategic Management", New York: McGraw Hill
  • CRAY, D., MALLORY, G., BUTLER, R., HICKSON, D. and W ILSON, D. (1988), "Sporadic, Fluid and Constricted Processes: Three types o f Strategic Decision Making in Organizations", Journal o f M anagement Studies, 25.
  • CROUCH, C. (1999), "Strategic Planning M odel",
  • DAFT, R. (1994), "M anagement", Orlando: The Dryden Press.
  • DAVID, F. (1991), "Strategic Management" , New York: Prentice Hall.
  • DEAN, J. and SHARFMAN, M. (1993), "Procedural Rationality in the Strategic Decision Making Process", Journal o f M anagement Studies, 30(4).
  • DESS, G. and MILLER, A. (1993), "Strategic M anagement", New York: McGraw Hill.
  • DİNÇER, Ö. (1991), "Stratejik Yönetim ve İşletme Politikası", İstanbul: Timaş Yayınları.
  • DOOLEY, R. and FRYXELL, G. (1999), "Attaining D ecision Q uality and Com m itm ent from Dissent: The M oderating Effects o f L oyalty and C om petence in Strategic D ecision-M aking Team s", A cadem y of M anagement Journal, 42(2).
  • EISENHARDT, K., KATW AJY, J. and BOURGEOIS, L. (1997), "Conflict and Strategic Choice: How Top M anagem ent Teams Disagree", California M anagement Review, 39(2).
  • EISEN H A RD T, K ., KATWAJY, J. and B O U R G EO IS, L. (1997), "How M anagement Teams Can Have A Good Fight", Harvard Business Review, July-August.
  • EREN, E. (2000), "İşletmelerde Stratejik Yönetim ve İşletme Politikası", İstanbul: Beta Yayınları.
  • EREN, E., AREN, S. ve ALPKAN, L. (1997), "İşletmelerde Planlam a ve Kontrol Faaliyetlerini Değerlendirme Araştırması", İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 26(1).
  • EREN, E., AREN, S. ve ALPKAN, L. (2000), "İşletmelerde Stratejik Yönetim Faaliyetlerini Değerlendirme Araştırması", Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 1(1).
  • FREDRICKSON, J. (1985), "Effects o f Decision M otive and Organizational P erform ance L evel on Strategic D ecision P rocesses", Academ y of M anagement Journal, 28.
  • FREDRICKSON, J. and MITCHELL, T. (1984), "Strategic Decision Processes: Comprehensiveness and Performance in an Industry with an Unstable Environment", Academy o f M anagement Journal, 27(2).
  • GINTER, P., RUCKS, A. and DUNCAN, J. (1985), "Planners’ Perceptions of the Strategic M anagement Process", Journal of M anagement Studies, 22(6).
  • GRUENFELD, D., MANNIX, E., W ILLIAM S, K. and NEALE, M. (1996), "Group C om position and D ecision M aking: How M em ber F am iliarity and Information Distribution Affect Process and Performance", Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 67(1).
  • HAM BRICK, D. (1981), "Specialization o f Environmental Scanning Activities among Upper Level Executives", Journal o f Management Studies, 18.
  • HANSCOM BE, R. and NORM AN, P. (1993), "Strategic Leadership", Berkshire England: M cGraw Hill Book Company Europe.
  • HICKSON, D., BUTLER, R., CRAY. D., MALLORY, G. and W ILSON, D. (1989), "Decision and Organization: Processes o f Strategic Decision Making and Their Explanation", Public Administration, 67.
  • HILL, C. and JONES, G. (1989), "Strategic M anagement", Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • HREBINIAK, L. and JOYCE, W. (1985), "Organizational Adaptation: Strategic Choice and Environmental Determinism", Administrative Science Quarterly, 30.
  • JAUCH and GLUECK, (1988) "Business Policy and Strategic Management", New York: M cGraw Hill.
  • JENNINGS, D. and LUM PKIN, J. (1992), "Insights Between Environmental Scanning Activities and Porter’s Generic Strategies: An Empirical Analysis", Journal o f Management, 18(4).
  • KATZENBACH, J. (1997), "The M yth of the Top M anagement Team", Harvard Business Review, November-December.
  • M ILLER, C., BURKE, L. and GLICK, W. (1998), "Cognitive Diversity Among- U pper Echelon Executives: Implications for Strategic Decision Processes", Strategic M anagement Journal, 19.
  • MILLER, D. (1989), "Matching Strategies and Strategy Making: Process, Content and Performance", Human Relations, 42.
  • M IN TZB ER G , H. (1973), "Strategy M aking in T hree M odes", C alifornia M anagement Review, 16.
  • M INTZBERG, H. (1987), "The Strategy Concept II: Another Look at W hy Organizations Need Strategies", California M anagement Review, 30(1).
  • NUTT, P. (1984), "Types of Organizational Decision Processes", Administrative Science Quarterly, 29.
  • OREAL, S. (1993), "M anagement Strategique de l ’Entreprise", Paris: Economica.
  • PELLED, L. (1996), "Demographic Diversity, Conflict, and Work Group Outcomes: An Intervening Process Theory", Organization Science, 7(6).
  • PELLED, L., EISENHARDT, K. and XIN, K. (1999), "Exploring the Black Box: An A nalysis o f W ork G roup D iversity, C onflict and Perform ance", Administrative Science Quarterly, 44.
  • PETERSON, R., OW ENS, P., TETLOCK, P., FAN, E. and MARTORANA, P. (1998), "Group Dynamics in Top M anagement Teams: Groupthink, Vigilance and A lternative M odels o f O rganizational F ailure and Success", Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 73(2/3).
  • RAIFFA, H. (1994), "The Perspective Orientation of Decision Making: A Synthesis of Decision Analysis, Behavioral Decision Making, and Game Theory", in Rios (ed.) ‘Decision Theory and Decision Analysis: Trends and Challenges’, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Massachussets.
  • RAJAGOPALAN, N., RASHEED, A. and DATTA, D. (1993), "Strategic Decision Processes: Critical Review and Future Directions", Journal of Management, 19(2).
  • RINDOVA, V. (1999), "What Corporate Boards Have to Do with Strategy: A Cognitive Perspective", Journal o f M anagement Studies, 36(7).
  • SCHINNERER, V. (1998), "Eight Problems with Your Strategic Plan", The C onsultant, Consulting Engineers o f Indiana, www., September.
  • SCHWENK, C. (1995), "Strategic Decision Making", Journal of Management, 21(3).
  • SIMOS, T., PELLED, L. and SMITH, K.A. (1999), "Making Use of Difference: Diversity, Debate and Decision Comprehensiveness in Top M anagement Teams", Academy o f Management Journal, 42(6).
  • SMITH, K. G., SMITH, K.A., OLIAN J., SIMS, H., O ’BANNON, D. and SCULLY, J. (1994), "Top M anagement Team Demography and Process: The Role of Social Integration and Communication", Administrative Science Quarterly, 39.
  • STAHL, M. and GRIGSBY, D. (1991), "Strategic M anagement for Decision M aking", PW S-Kent Publishing Company, Boston, USA.
  • ZENGER, T. and LAW RENCE, B. (1989), "Organizational Demography: The D ifferential E ffects o f Age and Tenure D istributions on Technical Communication", Academy o f M anagement Journal, 32(2).
  • THOM PSON, A. and STRICKLAND, A. (1995), "Strategic Management, Concepts and Cases", Chicago: Richard D. Irwin Inc.
  • -------------- , (1999) "Developing a Business Strategy", Invest-Tech Limited, Dublin Ireland,
  • -------------- , (1998) "Strategic Planning and Performance M easurement Handbook", Arizona State Government, USA,
  • -------------- , (1999) Steps in the Strategic Planning Process,
Yıl 2000, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 1 - 19, 01.07.2000


According to the integrated planning approach, strategic management comprehending a proactive, rational, normative and comprehensive sequence, is composed o f the following main steps, namely, determination of the mission and goals, determination o f the corporate strategies after an environmental analysis, and implementation and control o f these strategies. One o f the significant characteristics o f the strategy determination process is the notion of comprehensiveness that is a detailed study of strengths and weaknesses of the firm and the opportunities and threats within the environment and a deeper evaluation of the collected data. Allocating more time and resources for this process, collecting more information and making more debates over conflicting opinions among strategists before the final decision are the important properties o f this process


  • AMASON, A. and SAPIENZA, H. (1997), "The Effects o f Top M anagement Team Size and Interaction Norms on Cognitive and Affective Conflict", Journal of M anagement, 23(4).
  • AMBLER, T. (1999), "Strategic Issues: The Pivotal Process for Strategic Success", Compass Points,
  • ANSOFF, I. (1975), "Managing Strategic Surprise by Response to Weak Signals", California M anagement Review, 18.
  • BARRINGER, B. and BLUEDORN, A. (1999), "The Relationship Between C orporate E ntrepreneurship and Strategic M anagem ent", Strategic M anagement Journal, 20.
  • BLACKERBY, P. (1994), "H istory o f Strategic Planning", A rm ed Forces Comptroller Magazine, 39(1).
  • BLUEDORN, A., JOHNSON, R. and CATW RIGHT, D. (1994), "The Interface and Convergence o f the Strategic M anagement and Organizational Environment Domains", Journal of Management, 15.
  • BYRNE, J. (1996), "Strategic Planning", BusinessW eek, August 26.
  • CERTO, S. and PETER, P. (1991), "Strategic Management", New York: McGraw Hill
  • CRAY, D., MALLORY, G., BUTLER, R., HICKSON, D. and W ILSON, D. (1988), "Sporadic, Fluid and Constricted Processes: Three types o f Strategic Decision Making in Organizations", Journal o f M anagement Studies, 25.
  • CROUCH, C. (1999), "Strategic Planning M odel",
  • DAFT, R. (1994), "M anagement", Orlando: The Dryden Press.
  • DAVID, F. (1991), "Strategic Management" , New York: Prentice Hall.
  • DEAN, J. and SHARFMAN, M. (1993), "Procedural Rationality in the Strategic Decision Making Process", Journal o f M anagement Studies, 30(4).
  • DESS, G. and MILLER, A. (1993), "Strategic M anagement", New York: McGraw Hill.
  • DİNÇER, Ö. (1991), "Stratejik Yönetim ve İşletme Politikası", İstanbul: Timaş Yayınları.
  • DOOLEY, R. and FRYXELL, G. (1999), "Attaining D ecision Q uality and Com m itm ent from Dissent: The M oderating Effects o f L oyalty and C om petence in Strategic D ecision-M aking Team s", A cadem y of M anagement Journal, 42(2).
  • EISENHARDT, K., KATW AJY, J. and BOURGEOIS, L. (1997), "Conflict and Strategic Choice: How Top M anagem ent Teams Disagree", California M anagement Review, 39(2).
  • EISEN H A RD T, K ., KATWAJY, J. and B O U R G EO IS, L. (1997), "How M anagement Teams Can Have A Good Fight", Harvard Business Review, July-August.
  • EREN, E. (2000), "İşletmelerde Stratejik Yönetim ve İşletme Politikası", İstanbul: Beta Yayınları.
  • EREN, E., AREN, S. ve ALPKAN, L. (1997), "İşletmelerde Planlam a ve Kontrol Faaliyetlerini Değerlendirme Araştırması", İstanbul Üniversitesi İşletme Fakültesi Dergisi, 26(1).
  • EREN, E., AREN, S. ve ALPKAN, L. (2000), "İşletmelerde Stratejik Yönetim Faaliyetlerini Değerlendirme Araştırması", Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 1(1).
  • FREDRICKSON, J. (1985), "Effects o f Decision M otive and Organizational P erform ance L evel on Strategic D ecision P rocesses", Academ y of M anagement Journal, 28.
  • FREDRICKSON, J. and MITCHELL, T. (1984), "Strategic Decision Processes: Comprehensiveness and Performance in an Industry with an Unstable Environment", Academy o f M anagement Journal, 27(2).
  • GINTER, P., RUCKS, A. and DUNCAN, J. (1985), "Planners’ Perceptions of the Strategic M anagement Process", Journal of M anagement Studies, 22(6).
  • GRUENFELD, D., MANNIX, E., W ILLIAM S, K. and NEALE, M. (1996), "Group C om position and D ecision M aking: How M em ber F am iliarity and Information Distribution Affect Process and Performance", Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 67(1).
  • HAM BRICK, D. (1981), "Specialization o f Environmental Scanning Activities among Upper Level Executives", Journal o f Management Studies, 18.
  • HANSCOM BE, R. and NORM AN, P. (1993), "Strategic Leadership", Berkshire England: M cGraw Hill Book Company Europe.
  • HICKSON, D., BUTLER, R., CRAY. D., MALLORY, G. and W ILSON, D. (1989), "Decision and Organization: Processes o f Strategic Decision Making and Their Explanation", Public Administration, 67.
  • HILL, C. and JONES, G. (1989), "Strategic M anagement", Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • HREBINIAK, L. and JOYCE, W. (1985), "Organizational Adaptation: Strategic Choice and Environmental Determinism", Administrative Science Quarterly, 30.
  • JAUCH and GLUECK, (1988) "Business Policy and Strategic Management", New York: M cGraw Hill.
  • JENNINGS, D. and LUM PKIN, J. (1992), "Insights Between Environmental Scanning Activities and Porter’s Generic Strategies: An Empirical Analysis", Journal o f Management, 18(4).
  • KATZENBACH, J. (1997), "The M yth of the Top M anagement Team", Harvard Business Review, November-December.
  • M ILLER, C., BURKE, L. and GLICK, W. (1998), "Cognitive Diversity Among- U pper Echelon Executives: Implications for Strategic Decision Processes", Strategic M anagement Journal, 19.
  • MILLER, D. (1989), "Matching Strategies and Strategy Making: Process, Content and Performance", Human Relations, 42.
  • M IN TZB ER G , H. (1973), "Strategy M aking in T hree M odes", C alifornia M anagement Review, 16.
  • M INTZBERG, H. (1987), "The Strategy Concept II: Another Look at W hy Organizations Need Strategies", California M anagement Review, 30(1).
  • NUTT, P. (1984), "Types of Organizational Decision Processes", Administrative Science Quarterly, 29.
  • OREAL, S. (1993), "M anagement Strategique de l ’Entreprise", Paris: Economica.
  • PELLED, L. (1996), "Demographic Diversity, Conflict, and Work Group Outcomes: An Intervening Process Theory", Organization Science, 7(6).
  • PELLED, L., EISENHARDT, K. and XIN, K. (1999), "Exploring the Black Box: An A nalysis o f W ork G roup D iversity, C onflict and Perform ance", Administrative Science Quarterly, 44.
  • PETERSON, R., OW ENS, P., TETLOCK, P., FAN, E. and MARTORANA, P. (1998), "Group Dynamics in Top M anagement Teams: Groupthink, Vigilance and A lternative M odels o f O rganizational F ailure and Success", Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 73(2/3).
  • RAIFFA, H. (1994), "The Perspective Orientation of Decision Making: A Synthesis of Decision Analysis, Behavioral Decision Making, and Game Theory", in Rios (ed.) ‘Decision Theory and Decision Analysis: Trends and Challenges’, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Massachussets.
  • RAJAGOPALAN, N., RASHEED, A. and DATTA, D. (1993), "Strategic Decision Processes: Critical Review and Future Directions", Journal of Management, 19(2).
  • RINDOVA, V. (1999), "What Corporate Boards Have to Do with Strategy: A Cognitive Perspective", Journal o f M anagement Studies, 36(7).
  • SCHINNERER, V. (1998), "Eight Problems with Your Strategic Plan", The C onsultant, Consulting Engineers o f Indiana, www., September.
  • SCHWENK, C. (1995), "Strategic Decision Making", Journal of Management, 21(3).
  • SIMOS, T., PELLED, L. and SMITH, K.A. (1999), "Making Use of Difference: Diversity, Debate and Decision Comprehensiveness in Top M anagement Teams", Academy o f Management Journal, 42(6).
  • SMITH, K. G., SMITH, K.A., OLIAN J., SIMS, H., O ’BANNON, D. and SCULLY, J. (1994), "Top M anagement Team Demography and Process: The Role of Social Integration and Communication", Administrative Science Quarterly, 39.
  • STAHL, M. and GRIGSBY, D. (1991), "Strategic M anagement for Decision M aking", PW S-Kent Publishing Company, Boston, USA.
  • ZENGER, T. and LAW RENCE, B. (1989), "Organizational Demography: The D ifferential E ffects o f Age and Tenure D istributions on Technical Communication", Academy o f M anagement Journal, 32(2).
  • THOM PSON, A. and STRICKLAND, A. (1995), "Strategic Management, Concepts and Cases", Chicago: Richard D. Irwin Inc.
  • -------------- , (1999) "Developing a Business Strategy", Invest-Tech Limited, Dublin Ireland,
  • -------------- , (1998) "Strategic Planning and Performance M easurement Handbook", Arizona State Government, USA,
  • -------------- , (1999) Steps in the Strategic Planning Process,
Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Lütfihak Alpkan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2000
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2000 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Alpkan, L. (2000). STRATEJİ BELİRLEME SÜRECİNİN KAPSAMLILIĞI. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 1(2), 1-19.