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Yıl 2002, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 181 - 192, 01.01.2002


Bu makalede dağıtım kanalı içerisinde yer alan üretici firmalar ile aracıları arasındaki karşılıklı iş ilişkileri sonucunda ortaya çıkan bağımlılık kavramının önemi üzerinde durulmaktadır. Bağımlılık kavramının unsurları özgün yatırımlar, yerine konulabilirlik ve önem ve bunların üretici-bayi ilişkilerine olan etkisi tartışılmaktadır. Ayrıca bağımlılığın önemli çıktıları olan üç değişken bağlılık, işbirliği davranışı ve memnuniyet ile arasındaki bağlantı ayrıntılı olarak incelenmektedir. Makalenin teorik bölümünde ortaya atılan hipotezler, Türkiye'de faaliyet gösteren 192 otomobil bayisine yapılan anket çalışması ile test edilmekte ve sonuçların tartışılması ile makale sona ermektedir.


  • ANDERSON, E., NARUS, J.A. (1984). "A Model of the Distribütör's Perspective of Distributor-Manufacturer Working Relationships," Journal of Marketing, Vol. 48, Fail, 62-74.
  • ANDERSON, E., WEITZ, B.A. (1989). "Determinants of Continuity in Conventional Industrial Channel Dyads," Marketing Science, Vol. 8, Fail, 310- 323. . (1992), "The Use of Pledges to Build and Sustain Commitment in Distribution Channels", Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.29, February, 18-34.
  • ANDERSON, J.C., NARUS, J.A. (1990). "A Model of Distribütör Firm and Manufacturer Firm Working Partnerships", Journal of Marketing, Vol.54, January, 42-58.
  • CANNON, J.P., PERREAULT, W.D. (1999). "Buyer-Seller Relationships in Business Markets," Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, November, 439- 460.
  • CELLY, S.K., FRAZIER, G.L. (1996). "Outcomes-Based and Behavior-Based Coordination Efforts in Channel Relationships", Journal of Marketing Research,Vo\33, May,200-210.
  • DWYER, F.R., SCHURR, P.H. OH, S. (1987). "Developing Buyer-Seller Relationships," Journal of Marketing, Vol. 51, April, 11-28.
  • EMERSON, R.M. (1962). "Power-Dependence Relations," American Sociological Reviews, Vol. 27, February, 31-41.
  • FRAZIER, G.L. (1999). "Organizing and Managing Channels of Distribution," Journal ofthe Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 27, Spring, 226-240.
  • . (1983b), "On The Measurement ol Interfirm Povver in Channels of Distribution," Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.20, May, 158-166.
  • GANESAN, S. (1994). "Determinants of Long-Term Orientation in Buyer-Seller Relationships", Journal of Marketing, Vol.58 (April), 1-8.
  • GASKI, J.F., RAY, N.M. (2001). "Measurement and Modeling of Alienation in the Distribution Channel," İndustrial Marketing Management, Vol. 30, 207-225.
  • GILL, E.L., ALLERHEILIGEN, R.P. (1996). "Co-operation in Channels of Distribution. Physical Distribution Leads The Way", International Journal of Physical Distribution &Logistics Management, Vol.26, 49-63.
  • GLADSTEIN, D.L. (1984). "Groups in Context: A model of Task Group Effectiveness", Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 29, December, 499-517.
  • GUNLACH, G.R., RAVI, S.A., MENTZER, J.T. (1995). "The Structure of Commitment in Exchange." Journal of Marketing, 59, January, 78-92.
  • HALLEN L., JAN, J., NAZEEM, S. (1991). "Interfirm Adaptation in Business Relationships" Journal of Marketing, 55 (2), 29-37.
  • HEIDE, J.B. (1994). "Interorganizational Governance in Marketing Channels," Journal of Marketing, Vol. 58, January, 71-85.
  • HEIDE, J.B., JOHN, G. (1988). "The Role of Dependence Balancing in Safeguarding Transaction Specific Assets in Conventional Channels," Journal of Marketing, Vol. 52, January, 20-35.
  • HEWETT, K., BEARDEN, W.O. (2001). "Dependence, Trust, and Relational Behavior on the Part of Foreign Subsidiary Marketing Operations: Implications for Managing Global Marketing Operations," Journal of Marketing, Vol. 65, October, 51-66.
  • HUTT, M.D., SPEH, T.W. (1989). Business Marketing Management, 3th. Edition, The Dryden Press, USA,
  • JAP, S.D., GANESAN, S. (2000). "Control Mechanisms and The Relationship Life Cycle: Implications for Safeguarding Specific Investments and Developing Commitment," Journal of Marketing Research, 37 (May), 227-45.
  • KALWANI, U.M., NARAYANDAS, N. (1995). "Long-Term ManufacturerSupplier Relationships. Do They Pay Off for Supplier Firms?", Journal of Marketing, January, 1-16.
  • KUMAR, N., SCHEER, L., STEENKAMP, E.M. (1995). "The Effects of Supplier Fairness on Vulnerable Resellers", Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.32, February, 54-65.
  • KUMAR, N. (1996). "The Power of Trust in Manufacturer-Retailer Relationships", Harvard Business Review, November-December, 92-106.
  • LAWLER, E.J., BACHARACH, S.B. (1987). "Comparison of Dependence and Punitive Forms of Power," Social Forces, Vol. 66, Issue 2,, 446-462.
  • LUSCH, L.R., BROWN, R.J. (1996). "Interdependency, Contracting, and Relational Behavior in Marketing Channels", Journal of Marketing, Vol.60, October, 19-3 8.
  • MOORMAN C, DESHPANDE, R., ZALTMAN, G. (1993). "Factors Affecting Trust in Market Research Relationship", Journal of Marketing, Vol.57, January, 81-101.
  • MORGAN, R., HUNT, S. (1994). 'The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing", Journal of Marketing, Vol.58, July, 20-38.
  • PREFFER, J., SALANCIK, G.R. (1978). The External Control of Organizations: A Resource Dependence Approach. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, Inc.
  • RİNG P.S., VAN DE VEN, A.H. (1994). "Developmental Processes of Cooperative Interorganizational Relationships", Academy of Management Review, 19, 90- 118.
  • RUEKERT, R.W., CHURCHILL, G.A. (1984). "Reliability and Validity of Alternative Measures of Channel Member Satisfaction," Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 21, May, 226-233.
  • THIBAUT, J.W., KELLY, H.H. (1959). The Social Psychology of Groups. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  • YILMAZ, C. (1999). Salesforce Cooperation: The Impact of Relational, Task, Organizational, and Personal Factors, Dissertation Thesis, Texas Tech University.
  • YILMAZ, C., HUNT, S.D. (2001). "Salesperson Cooperation: The Influence of Relational, Task, Organizational, and Personal Factors," Journal ofthe Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 29, Issue 4, 335-357.
Yıl 2002, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 181 - 192, 01.01.2002


in this study, we focus on the construct of dependence in \vorking relationships between manufacturer firms and their distributors. We discuss the three facets of the dependence construct transaction investments, replacability and importance and their specific effects on manufacturer-distributor relationships. Specifically, the links between dependence and some important relational outcomes commitment, cooperation and satisfaction are investigated in detail. The hypotheses developed in the conceptual section of the study are tested using survey data collected from 192 automobile dealers in Turkey. Several implications of the study finding are presented.


  • ANDERSON, E., NARUS, J.A. (1984). "A Model of the Distribütör's Perspective of Distributor-Manufacturer Working Relationships," Journal of Marketing, Vol. 48, Fail, 62-74.
  • ANDERSON, E., WEITZ, B.A. (1989). "Determinants of Continuity in Conventional Industrial Channel Dyads," Marketing Science, Vol. 8, Fail, 310- 323. . (1992), "The Use of Pledges to Build and Sustain Commitment in Distribution Channels", Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.29, February, 18-34.
  • ANDERSON, J.C., NARUS, J.A. (1990). "A Model of Distribütör Firm and Manufacturer Firm Working Partnerships", Journal of Marketing, Vol.54, January, 42-58.
  • CANNON, J.P., PERREAULT, W.D. (1999). "Buyer-Seller Relationships in Business Markets," Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 36, November, 439- 460.
  • CELLY, S.K., FRAZIER, G.L. (1996). "Outcomes-Based and Behavior-Based Coordination Efforts in Channel Relationships", Journal of Marketing Research,Vo\33, May,200-210.
  • DWYER, F.R., SCHURR, P.H. OH, S. (1987). "Developing Buyer-Seller Relationships," Journal of Marketing, Vol. 51, April, 11-28.
  • EMERSON, R.M. (1962). "Power-Dependence Relations," American Sociological Reviews, Vol. 27, February, 31-41.
  • FRAZIER, G.L. (1999). "Organizing and Managing Channels of Distribution," Journal ofthe Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 27, Spring, 226-240.
  • . (1983b), "On The Measurement ol Interfirm Povver in Channels of Distribution," Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.20, May, 158-166.
  • GANESAN, S. (1994). "Determinants of Long-Term Orientation in Buyer-Seller Relationships", Journal of Marketing, Vol.58 (April), 1-8.
  • GASKI, J.F., RAY, N.M. (2001). "Measurement and Modeling of Alienation in the Distribution Channel," İndustrial Marketing Management, Vol. 30, 207-225.
  • GILL, E.L., ALLERHEILIGEN, R.P. (1996). "Co-operation in Channels of Distribution. Physical Distribution Leads The Way", International Journal of Physical Distribution &Logistics Management, Vol.26, 49-63.
  • GLADSTEIN, D.L. (1984). "Groups in Context: A model of Task Group Effectiveness", Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 29, December, 499-517.
  • GUNLACH, G.R., RAVI, S.A., MENTZER, J.T. (1995). "The Structure of Commitment in Exchange." Journal of Marketing, 59, January, 78-92.
  • HALLEN L., JAN, J., NAZEEM, S. (1991). "Interfirm Adaptation in Business Relationships" Journal of Marketing, 55 (2), 29-37.
  • HEIDE, J.B. (1994). "Interorganizational Governance in Marketing Channels," Journal of Marketing, Vol. 58, January, 71-85.
  • HEIDE, J.B., JOHN, G. (1988). "The Role of Dependence Balancing in Safeguarding Transaction Specific Assets in Conventional Channels," Journal of Marketing, Vol. 52, January, 20-35.
  • HEWETT, K., BEARDEN, W.O. (2001). "Dependence, Trust, and Relational Behavior on the Part of Foreign Subsidiary Marketing Operations: Implications for Managing Global Marketing Operations," Journal of Marketing, Vol. 65, October, 51-66.
  • HUTT, M.D., SPEH, T.W. (1989). Business Marketing Management, 3th. Edition, The Dryden Press, USA,
  • JAP, S.D., GANESAN, S. (2000). "Control Mechanisms and The Relationship Life Cycle: Implications for Safeguarding Specific Investments and Developing Commitment," Journal of Marketing Research, 37 (May), 227-45.
  • KALWANI, U.M., NARAYANDAS, N. (1995). "Long-Term ManufacturerSupplier Relationships. Do They Pay Off for Supplier Firms?", Journal of Marketing, January, 1-16.
  • KUMAR, N., SCHEER, L., STEENKAMP, E.M. (1995). "The Effects of Supplier Fairness on Vulnerable Resellers", Journal of Marketing Research, Vol.32, February, 54-65.
  • KUMAR, N. (1996). "The Power of Trust in Manufacturer-Retailer Relationships", Harvard Business Review, November-December, 92-106.
  • LAWLER, E.J., BACHARACH, S.B. (1987). "Comparison of Dependence and Punitive Forms of Power," Social Forces, Vol. 66, Issue 2,, 446-462.
  • LUSCH, L.R., BROWN, R.J. (1996). "Interdependency, Contracting, and Relational Behavior in Marketing Channels", Journal of Marketing, Vol.60, October, 19-3 8.
  • MOORMAN C, DESHPANDE, R., ZALTMAN, G. (1993). "Factors Affecting Trust in Market Research Relationship", Journal of Marketing, Vol.57, January, 81-101.
  • MORGAN, R., HUNT, S. (1994). 'The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing", Journal of Marketing, Vol.58, July, 20-38.
  • PREFFER, J., SALANCIK, G.R. (1978). The External Control of Organizations: A Resource Dependence Approach. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, Inc.
  • RİNG P.S., VAN DE VEN, A.H. (1994). "Developmental Processes of Cooperative Interorganizational Relationships", Academy of Management Review, 19, 90- 118.
  • RUEKERT, R.W., CHURCHILL, G.A. (1984). "Reliability and Validity of Alternative Measures of Channel Member Satisfaction," Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 21, May, 226-233.
  • THIBAUT, J.W., KELLY, H.H. (1959). The Social Psychology of Groups. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  • YILMAZ, C. (1999). Salesforce Cooperation: The Impact of Relational, Task, Organizational, and Personal Factors, Dissertation Thesis, Texas Tech University.
  • YILMAZ, C., HUNT, S.D. (2001). "Salesperson Cooperation: The Influence of Relational, Task, Organizational, and Personal Factors," Journal ofthe Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 29, Issue 4, 335-357.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Ebru Tümer Kabadayı Bu kişi benim

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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2002
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2002 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1

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