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Yıl 2005, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 123 - 131, 01.01.2005


II Dünya Savaşı gazileri, bu savaşın en önemli iki olayında halk hissiyatında büyük bir yer tutmuşlardır: 1941'deki Japonların Pearl Harbor ve Amerika'nın 1945'deki Hiroşima saldırıları. Bu çalışma, II Dünya savaş döneminden itibaren bu iki saldırının Amerikan kamu oyunda bir benzeri olup olmadığını inceler. Bu karşılaştırmada; 1 Japon ve Amerikan saldırılarının amaçları; 2 bu saldırıların boyutları; 3 bu saldırıların şekli irdelenmektedir. Ancak, tam bir karşılaştırma yapmak olanaksızdır. İronik olarak, Amerika yeni küçük bir nükleer silah geliştirmeyi düşünürken, Japon hükümeti, Pearl Harbor saldırısında olduğu gibi, potansiyel Kuzey Kore saldırısı korkusuyla caydırıcı nükleer programı planlamaktadır.


  • ADAMS, J. (1995). The New spies : exploring the frontier of espionage. London, Pimlico.
  • ALPEROVITZ, G. (1995). The Fire stili burns : an interview with gar alperovitz. Sojourners Magazine July/August:
  • At Hiroshima Rite, Fears of a New Nuclear Age. (2003). International Herald Tribüne,!* August.
  • BAILEY, H. (2003). Pictures of Controversy. Newsweek, 19* May.
  • BAY, A. (2003) Containing the Deep Diggers, The Washington Times, 15* August.
  • BLUM, J. M. (1968) World War II. in : Woodward, C. V. ed. The Comparative
  • Approach to American History. New York : Basic Books. BOVA, B. (1986) Star Peace : Assured Survival. New York : TOR.
  • BRADSHAW, P. (2001) Torture! Torture! Torture, The Guardian : G2, 1« June.
  • BROAD, W. J. (2003) U. S. Presses Program for New Atom Bombs, International Herald Tribüne, 4* August.
  • BURUMA, I. (2001) Oh! What a Lovely War, The Guardian : G2, 28* May.
  • CAGLE, J. Pearl Harbor's Top Gun, Time, 1 1* June.
  • CARROLL, J. (1997) it Was Hiroshima's Bad Luck To Lack Kyoto's Cultural mches, The Boston Globe, 5* August.
  • Claptrap Distartion of ffistory. (1995) Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 9* August.
  • CLINES, F. X. (2001) Civil War Rages On, and On and On, International HeraldTribune, 29*November.
  • COOPER, R. T. (2003) Making Nuclear Bombs 'Usable', Los Angeles Times, 3rd February.
  • COWLEY, J. (2003) Where Living Is Lethal, Newsweek, 22"d September.
  • DAVIDSON, K. (2003) Nuclear-powered Spacecraft Plan Feared, San Francisco Chronicle, 4* February.
  • Disney Launches 'Pearl Harbor' Blockbusters on Navy Aircraft Carrier. (2001) The Turkish Daily News,2y*May.
  • DYSON, G. (2002) Project Orion : The Atomic Spaceship, 1957-1965. London : Penguin.
  • Even Enemy Is Represented at Vietnam Art Museum. (2001) The Turkish Daily İW,23 r d May .
  • FOUNTAIN, N. (2000) Thomas Ferebee, The Guardian, 20* March..
  • FRENCH, H. W. (2001) For 'Pearl Harbor,' a Mixed Premiere in Tokyo, International Herald Tribüne, 23rd June.
  • Glory Days. (2003) The Economist, 26* July.
  • GORDON, A. (2003) A Modern History ofjapan. New York : Oxford University Press.
  • HARDIN, B. (2001) New Respect for December 7 Survivors, International Herald Tribüne, 8*-9* December.
  • HAYS, J. D. (1978) World War II : War in the Central and Northern
  • VatifıcEncyclopedia Americana. Vol 29, p. 483. New York : Encyclopedia Americana.
  • Hollywood Varies Its Views on World War II. (2001) Turkish News, 26th-27th May.In Brief. (2003) International Herald Tribüne, 2"d -3rd August.
  • IZARD, J. (1998) 80 Years On, the Last Survivors Relive the Horrors of World War I, The Guardian, 16* October.
  • JAE-SUK, Y. (2003) N. Korea Again Accuses Washington of Planning NuclearAttack, The Turkish Daily News, 10* March.
  • Japan ffistory Textbook Selis Bnskly. (2001) The Turkish Daily News, lst June.
  • KAGEYAMA, Y. (2003) Japan Rethmks Nuelear Taboo. The Washington Post,\5* August.
  • KNOWLTON, B. (2003) reator of War Memorial Is Scarred But n^âJnternational Herald Tribüne, 9th-10* June.
  • KRISTOF, N. D. (2003) The Complex Truth About Hiroshima, International Herald Tribüne, 6* August.
  • MAHONEY, L. J. (1981) A History ofthe War Department Scientific Intelligence Mission (ALSOS), 1943-1945. Doctoral dissertation, Kent State University, Department of History.
  • McILVAINE, R. S. (1997) Oklahoma, Hiroshima Equal Acts, The Missoulian, 18* May.
  • MOSS, S. (2001) The Last Stand, The Guardian : G2, 8th November.Need for
  • Resources Led Japanese to Attack on Pearl Harbor. (2001) The Turkish Daily İW,26*May .
  • North Korea Hardens Stance on Nukes. (2003) The Turkish Daily News, 7* April. NORTON, M. B., et. al. (1994) A People and A Nation : A History ofthe United States. Boston : Houghton Mifflin.
  • Pearl Harbor. (1978) Encyclopedia Americana Vol. 21, p. 457. New York : EncylcopediaAmericana.
  • Pearl Harbor Survivors Have Mixed Reactions to Movie. (2001) The Turkish DailyNews,2^ May.
  • RAMBERG, B. (2003) Mini-Nukes : Cold Warriors Long to Bring Back the Bomb, International Herald Tribüne, 19th-20* July. RHODES, R. (1989) The Making ofthe Atomic Bomb. in Randall E. Stross, ed.,
  • Technology and Society in Twentieth Century America : An Anthology.Bdmont, CA:WadsworthPublishing.
  • SCIOLINO, E. (2001) Monumental Fight Ends in Congress, International Herald Tribüne, 23rd May.
  • SCOTT, A. O. (2001) How Hollywood Learned From Pearl Harbor, International Herald Tribüne, 8*November.
  • SLEVIN, P. Reagan This, Reagan That, International Herald Tribüne, 19* June. Warning to Revisionists. (1994) Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 12th May.
  • WEISMAN, S. R. (2003) U. S. Exercises Aim at N. Korea, San Antonio ExpressNews, 18* August.
  • White House Backs Japan on A-Bomb Stamp. (1994) Arkansas Democrat-Gazette,8 thDecember.
  • WOOLLACOTT, M. (2001) The Battle Över the Legacy of Pearl Harbor Rages On. The Guardian, 25* Mzy.


Yıl 2005, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 123 - 131, 01.01.2005


In the past century, veterans of America's wars have shown extraordinary human longevity in the postwar eras. As a result, contemporary public historical interpretations of the American second world war experience have been influenced by veterans' perceptions of historical issues for a longer time than was true of postwar eras before the twentieth centuıy. Public historical debates in the United States have recently focused on the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor 1941 and the American attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1945 . These events may seem quite dated by now, but they have remarkable contemporary resonance in light of debates over proliferation of nuclear weapons and tactics of so-called pre-emptive warfare. Though the aerial attacks are often related in popular American perception, the truth is they were incommensurate events in terms of their military and political objectives, their physical scale and results, and the natures of their targets.


  • ADAMS, J. (1995). The New spies : exploring the frontier of espionage. London, Pimlico.
  • ALPEROVITZ, G. (1995). The Fire stili burns : an interview with gar alperovitz. Sojourners Magazine July/August:
  • At Hiroshima Rite, Fears of a New Nuclear Age. (2003). International Herald Tribüne,!* August.
  • BAILEY, H. (2003). Pictures of Controversy. Newsweek, 19* May.
  • BAY, A. (2003) Containing the Deep Diggers, The Washington Times, 15* August.
  • BLUM, J. M. (1968) World War II. in : Woodward, C. V. ed. The Comparative
  • Approach to American History. New York : Basic Books. BOVA, B. (1986) Star Peace : Assured Survival. New York : TOR.
  • BRADSHAW, P. (2001) Torture! Torture! Torture, The Guardian : G2, 1« June.
  • BROAD, W. J. (2003) U. S. Presses Program for New Atom Bombs, International Herald Tribüne, 4* August.
  • BURUMA, I. (2001) Oh! What a Lovely War, The Guardian : G2, 28* May.
  • CAGLE, J. Pearl Harbor's Top Gun, Time, 1 1* June.
  • CARROLL, J. (1997) it Was Hiroshima's Bad Luck To Lack Kyoto's Cultural mches, The Boston Globe, 5* August.
  • Claptrap Distartion of ffistory. (1995) Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 9* August.
  • CLINES, F. X. (2001) Civil War Rages On, and On and On, International HeraldTribune, 29*November.
  • COOPER, R. T. (2003) Making Nuclear Bombs 'Usable', Los Angeles Times, 3rd February.
  • COWLEY, J. (2003) Where Living Is Lethal, Newsweek, 22"d September.
  • DAVIDSON, K. (2003) Nuclear-powered Spacecraft Plan Feared, San Francisco Chronicle, 4* February.
  • Disney Launches 'Pearl Harbor' Blockbusters on Navy Aircraft Carrier. (2001) The Turkish Daily News,2y*May.
  • DYSON, G. (2002) Project Orion : The Atomic Spaceship, 1957-1965. London : Penguin.
  • Even Enemy Is Represented at Vietnam Art Museum. (2001) The Turkish Daily İW,23 r d May .
  • FOUNTAIN, N. (2000) Thomas Ferebee, The Guardian, 20* March..
  • FRENCH, H. W. (2001) For 'Pearl Harbor,' a Mixed Premiere in Tokyo, International Herald Tribüne, 23rd June.
  • Glory Days. (2003) The Economist, 26* July.
  • GORDON, A. (2003) A Modern History ofjapan. New York : Oxford University Press.
  • HARDIN, B. (2001) New Respect for December 7 Survivors, International Herald Tribüne, 8*-9* December.
  • HAYS, J. D. (1978) World War II : War in the Central and Northern
  • VatifıcEncyclopedia Americana. Vol 29, p. 483. New York : Encyclopedia Americana.
  • Hollywood Varies Its Views on World War II. (2001) Turkish News, 26th-27th May.In Brief. (2003) International Herald Tribüne, 2"d -3rd August.
  • IZARD, J. (1998) 80 Years On, the Last Survivors Relive the Horrors of World War I, The Guardian, 16* October.
  • JAE-SUK, Y. (2003) N. Korea Again Accuses Washington of Planning NuclearAttack, The Turkish Daily News, 10* March.
  • Japan ffistory Textbook Selis Bnskly. (2001) The Turkish Daily News, lst June.
  • KAGEYAMA, Y. (2003) Japan Rethmks Nuelear Taboo. The Washington Post,\5* August.
  • KNOWLTON, B. (2003) reator of War Memorial Is Scarred But n^âJnternational Herald Tribüne, 9th-10* June.
  • KRISTOF, N. D. (2003) The Complex Truth About Hiroshima, International Herald Tribüne, 6* August.
  • MAHONEY, L. J. (1981) A History ofthe War Department Scientific Intelligence Mission (ALSOS), 1943-1945. Doctoral dissertation, Kent State University, Department of History.
  • McILVAINE, R. S. (1997) Oklahoma, Hiroshima Equal Acts, The Missoulian, 18* May.
  • MOSS, S. (2001) The Last Stand, The Guardian : G2, 8th November.Need for
  • Resources Led Japanese to Attack on Pearl Harbor. (2001) The Turkish Daily İW,26*May .
  • North Korea Hardens Stance on Nukes. (2003) The Turkish Daily News, 7* April. NORTON, M. B., et. al. (1994) A People and A Nation : A History ofthe United States. Boston : Houghton Mifflin.
  • Pearl Harbor. (1978) Encyclopedia Americana Vol. 21, p. 457. New York : EncylcopediaAmericana.
  • Pearl Harbor Survivors Have Mixed Reactions to Movie. (2001) The Turkish DailyNews,2^ May.
  • RAMBERG, B. (2003) Mini-Nukes : Cold Warriors Long to Bring Back the Bomb, International Herald Tribüne, 19th-20* July. RHODES, R. (1989) The Making ofthe Atomic Bomb. in Randall E. Stross, ed.,
  • Technology and Society in Twentieth Century America : An Anthology.Bdmont, CA:WadsworthPublishing.
  • SCIOLINO, E. (2001) Monumental Fight Ends in Congress, International Herald Tribüne, 23rd May.
  • SCOTT, A. O. (2001) How Hollywood Learned From Pearl Harbor, International Herald Tribüne, 8*November.
  • SLEVIN, P. Reagan This, Reagan That, International Herald Tribüne, 19* June. Warning to Revisionists. (1994) Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 12th May.
  • WEISMAN, S. R. (2003) U. S. Exercises Aim at N. Korea, San Antonio ExpressNews, 18* August.
  • White House Backs Japan on A-Bomb Stamp. (1994) Arkansas Democrat-Gazette,8 thDecember.
  • WOOLLACOTT, M. (2001) The Battle Över the Legacy of Pearl Harbor Rages On. The Guardian, 25* Mzy.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Leo J. Mahoney Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2005
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Mahoney, L. J. (2005). PEARL HARBOR AND HIROSHIMA : AN IRONIC COMPARISON. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 6(1), 123-131.