Anket verilerinin analizi sonucunda istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir şekilde; rol çatışmasının iş tatmini ile negatif yönlü, iş tatmininin performans ile pozitif yönlü, rol çatışması ve rol belirsizliğinin birbirleri ile pozitif yönlü bir ilişki içinde oldukları görülmüştür. Ancak; rol çatışması ile performans arasında ve rol belirsizliği ile performans ve iş tatmini arasında beklenen ilişkiler bulgulanamamıştır. İlginç bir şekilde rol çatışmasının, rol belirsizliğinin hem iş tatmini hem de performans üzerindeki etkilerini yok ettiği gözlemlenmiştir.
APPELBAUM, S.H. (1994). Revisiting career plateauing. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 1994, Vol. 9, Issue 5, p12.
ATAMAN, G. (2001). İşletme yönetimi temel kavramlar & yeni yaklaşımlar. Ankara, Türkmen Kitabevi.
BAMBER, E.M., SNOWBALL, D., TUBSS, R.M. (1989). Audit structure and its relation to role conflict and role ambiguity : an empirical investigation. The Accounting Review, Vol.LXIV, Number 2, April, p285.
BAŞARAN, İ.E. (1982). Örgütsel davranışın yönetimi. Ankara, Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi.
BEDEIAN, A.G., ARMENAKIS, A.A. (1981). A path-analytic study of the consequences of role conflict and ambiguity. Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 24, Number 2, p417.
BEHRMAN, D.N., PERREAULT, W.D. (1984). A role stress model of the performance and satisfaction of industrials salespersons. Journal of Marketing, Vol.48 (Fall), p9.
CHIU, R.K., MAN, S.W.J. THAYER, J. (1998). Effects of role conflicts and role satisfactions on stress of three professions in hong kong: a path analysis approach. Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 13 Issue 5/6, p318.
CHOO, F. (1986). Job stress, job performance, and auditor personality characteristics. A Journal of Practice & Theory Vol. 5, No 2, (Spring), p17.
DANIELS, K. ve BAILEY, A. (1999). Strategy development processes and participation in decision-making: predictors of role stressors and job satisfaction. Journal of Applied Management Studies, Vol. 8 Issue 1, (Jun) p27.
DUBINSKY, A.J., RONALD E., KOTABE, M., LIM C.U., MOON, H. (1992). Influence of role stress on industrial salespeople's work outcomes in the United States, Japan, and Korea. Journal of International Business Studies, 1st Quarter, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p77.
DUBINSKY, A.J., MATTSON, BRUCE, A. (1979). Consequences of role conflict and ambiguity experienced by retail salespeople. Journel of Retailing, Vol.55,
FISHER, R.T. (2001). Role stress, the type a behaviour pattern, and external auditor job satisfaction and performance. Behavioral Research in Accounting, Vol.13 p.143.
FOGARTY, T.J., SINGH, J., RHOADS, G.K., MOORE, R.K. (2000). Antecedents and consequences of burnout in accounting: beyond the role stress model. Behavioral Research in Accounting, Vol. 12, p31.
FREEMAN, B., COLL, K.M. (1997). Factor structure of the role questionnaire (rq): a study of high school counselors. Measurement & Evaluation in Counseling & Development, Apr, Vol. 30 Issue 1, p32.
FRIED, Y. BEN-DAVID, H., AILAN, V.D. (1998). The interactive effect of role conflict and role ambiguity on job performance. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, March, Vol. 71 Issue 1, p19.
FRY, L.W., FUTRELL, C.M.; PARASURAMAN, A., CHIMIELEWSKI, M.A. (1986). An analysis of alternative causal models of salesperson role perceptions and work-related attitudes. Journel of Marketing Research, Vol. 23, May1986, p.153.
GREGSON, T, WENDELL, J. (1994). Role conflict, role ambiguity, job satisfaction and the moderating effect of job-related self-esteem: a latent variable analysis. Journal of Applied Business Research, Spring, Vol. 10, Issue 2, p106.
JOHNSON, J.D., LA FRANCE, B.H., V.D. (1998). The impact of formalization, role conflict, role ambiguity, and communication quality on perceived organizational innovativeness in the cancer information service. Evaluation & the Health Professions, March, Vol. 21 Issue 1, p27.
JONES, M.L. (1993). Role conflict: cause of burnout or energizer?. Social Work, March, Vol. 38 Issue 2, p136.
KEMERY, E.R., BEDEIAN, A.G., MOSSHOLDER, K.W., TOULIATOS, J. (1985). Outcomes of role stress: a multisample constructive replication. Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 28, Number 2, p363.
LADANY, N., FRIEDLANDER, M.L. (1995). The relationship between the supervisory working alliance and trainees' experience of role conflict and role ambiguity. Counselor Education & Supervision, March, Vol. 34 Issue 3, p220.
LUTHANS, F. (1994). Organizational behaviour. İstanbul, Literatür Yayıncılık.
MATLAND, R.E. (1995). Synthesizing the implementation literature: the ambiguity-conflict model of policy implementation. Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory, April, Vol. 5 Issue 2, p145.
MENGÜÇ, B. (1996). Evidence for Turkish industrial salespeople: testing the applicability of a conceptual model for the effect of effort on sales performance and job satisfaction. European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 30 Issue 1, p33.
MORRIS, J.H., STEERS, R.M., KOCH, J.L. (1979). Influence of organization structure on role conflict and ambiguity for three occupational groupings. Academy of Management Journal, Vol.22, No.1, p58.
NICHOLSON, P.J., GOH, S.C. (1983). The relationship of organization structure and interpersonal attitudes to role conflict and ambiguity in different work environments. Academy of Management Journal, Vol.26, No.1, p148.
O'DRISCOLL, M.P., BEEHR, T.A. (2000). Moderating effects of perceived control and need for clarity on the relationship between role stressors and employee affective reactions. Journal of Social Psychology, April, Vol. 140 Issue 2, p151.
OLIVER, R.L., BRIEF, A.P. (1977). Determinants and consequences of role conflict and ambiguity among retail sales managers. Journal of Retailing, Vol.53,
PETERSON, M.F., SMITH, P.B. (1995). Role conflict, ambiguity, and overload: a 21-nation study. Academy of Management Journal, April, Vol. 38 Issue 2, p429.
RAHIM, M.A., MOHAMED, Z. (1997). Structural equations models of achievement striving and impatience--irritability dimensions of type a behavior and academic performance. Journal of Education for Business, Jan/Feb, Vol. 72 Issue 3, p175.
REBELE, J.E., MICHAELS, R.E (1990). Independent auditors' role stress: antecedent, outcome, and moderating variables. Behavioral Research in Accounting, Vol. 2, p124.
SHENKAR, O.; ZEIRA, Y. (1992). Role conflict and role ambiguity of chief executive officers in international joint ventures. Journal of International Business Studies, 1st Quarter, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p55.
SIEGALL, M. (2000). Putting the stress back into role stress: improving the measurement of role conflict and role ambiguity. Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 15 Issue 5/6, p427.
TRAVIS C.T., JUDITH M.C. (2000). Jackson and schuler (1985) revisited: a meta- analysis of the relationships between role ambiguity, role conflict, and job performance. Journal of Management, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p155.
TUBRE, T.C. ve COLLINS, J.M. (2000). Jackson and Schuler (1985) revisited: a meta-analysis of the relationships between role ambiguity, role conflict, and job performance. Journal of Management, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p.155.
WUNDER, R.S., DOUGHERTY, T.W., WELSH, M.A. (1982). A causal model of role stress and employee turnover. Proceedings: Academy of Management, Vol. 42 pp.297-301
YOUSEF, D.A. (2000). Organizational commitment: a mediator of the relationships of leadership behavior with job satisfaction and performance in a non-western country. Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 15 Number 1 pp. 6-24.
(2000). The Islamic work ethic as a mediator of the relationship between locus of control, role conflict and role ambiguity. Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 15 Issue 4, p283.
Analysis of survey data significantly confirmed that role conflict is negatively associated with job satisfaction; job satisfaction is positively associated with job performance, role conflict and role ambiguity are positively associated with each other. However, the expected relationships between role conflict and performance, between role ambiguity, performance, and job satisfaction were not found. Interestingly, it is obtained that role conflict eliminates the effect of role ambiguity on both job satisfaction and performance
APPELBAUM, S.H. (1994). Revisiting career plateauing. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 1994, Vol. 9, Issue 5, p12.
ATAMAN, G. (2001). İşletme yönetimi temel kavramlar & yeni yaklaşımlar. Ankara, Türkmen Kitabevi.
BAMBER, E.M., SNOWBALL, D., TUBSS, R.M. (1989). Audit structure and its relation to role conflict and role ambiguity : an empirical investigation. The Accounting Review, Vol.LXIV, Number 2, April, p285.
BAŞARAN, İ.E. (1982). Örgütsel davranışın yönetimi. Ankara, Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi.
BEDEIAN, A.G., ARMENAKIS, A.A. (1981). A path-analytic study of the consequences of role conflict and ambiguity. Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 24, Number 2, p417.
BEHRMAN, D.N., PERREAULT, W.D. (1984). A role stress model of the performance and satisfaction of industrials salespersons. Journal of Marketing, Vol.48 (Fall), p9.
CHIU, R.K., MAN, S.W.J. THAYER, J. (1998). Effects of role conflicts and role satisfactions on stress of three professions in hong kong: a path analysis approach. Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 13 Issue 5/6, p318.
CHOO, F. (1986). Job stress, job performance, and auditor personality characteristics. A Journal of Practice & Theory Vol. 5, No 2, (Spring), p17.
DANIELS, K. ve BAILEY, A. (1999). Strategy development processes and participation in decision-making: predictors of role stressors and job satisfaction. Journal of Applied Management Studies, Vol. 8 Issue 1, (Jun) p27.
DUBINSKY, A.J., RONALD E., KOTABE, M., LIM C.U., MOON, H. (1992). Influence of role stress on industrial salespeople's work outcomes in the United States, Japan, and Korea. Journal of International Business Studies, 1st Quarter, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p77.
DUBINSKY, A.J., MATTSON, BRUCE, A. (1979). Consequences of role conflict and ambiguity experienced by retail salespeople. Journel of Retailing, Vol.55,
FISHER, R.T. (2001). Role stress, the type a behaviour pattern, and external auditor job satisfaction and performance. Behavioral Research in Accounting, Vol.13 p.143.
FOGARTY, T.J., SINGH, J., RHOADS, G.K., MOORE, R.K. (2000). Antecedents and consequences of burnout in accounting: beyond the role stress model. Behavioral Research in Accounting, Vol. 12, p31.
FREEMAN, B., COLL, K.M. (1997). Factor structure of the role questionnaire (rq): a study of high school counselors. Measurement & Evaluation in Counseling & Development, Apr, Vol. 30 Issue 1, p32.
FRIED, Y. BEN-DAVID, H., AILAN, V.D. (1998). The interactive effect of role conflict and role ambiguity on job performance. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, March, Vol. 71 Issue 1, p19.
FRY, L.W., FUTRELL, C.M.; PARASURAMAN, A., CHIMIELEWSKI, M.A. (1986). An analysis of alternative causal models of salesperson role perceptions and work-related attitudes. Journel of Marketing Research, Vol. 23, May1986, p.153.
GREGSON, T, WENDELL, J. (1994). Role conflict, role ambiguity, job satisfaction and the moderating effect of job-related self-esteem: a latent variable analysis. Journal of Applied Business Research, Spring, Vol. 10, Issue 2, p106.
JOHNSON, J.D., LA FRANCE, B.H., V.D. (1998). The impact of formalization, role conflict, role ambiguity, and communication quality on perceived organizational innovativeness in the cancer information service. Evaluation & the Health Professions, March, Vol. 21 Issue 1, p27.
JONES, M.L. (1993). Role conflict: cause of burnout or energizer?. Social Work, March, Vol. 38 Issue 2, p136.
KEMERY, E.R., BEDEIAN, A.G., MOSSHOLDER, K.W., TOULIATOS, J. (1985). Outcomes of role stress: a multisample constructive replication. Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 28, Number 2, p363.
LADANY, N., FRIEDLANDER, M.L. (1995). The relationship between the supervisory working alliance and trainees' experience of role conflict and role ambiguity. Counselor Education & Supervision, March, Vol. 34 Issue 3, p220.
LUTHANS, F. (1994). Organizational behaviour. İstanbul, Literatür Yayıncılık.
MATLAND, R.E. (1995). Synthesizing the implementation literature: the ambiguity-conflict model of policy implementation. Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory, April, Vol. 5 Issue 2, p145.
MENGÜÇ, B. (1996). Evidence for Turkish industrial salespeople: testing the applicability of a conceptual model for the effect of effort on sales performance and job satisfaction. European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 30 Issue 1, p33.
MORRIS, J.H., STEERS, R.M., KOCH, J.L. (1979). Influence of organization structure on role conflict and ambiguity for three occupational groupings. Academy of Management Journal, Vol.22, No.1, p58.
NICHOLSON, P.J., GOH, S.C. (1983). The relationship of organization structure and interpersonal attitudes to role conflict and ambiguity in different work environments. Academy of Management Journal, Vol.26, No.1, p148.
O'DRISCOLL, M.P., BEEHR, T.A. (2000). Moderating effects of perceived control and need for clarity on the relationship between role stressors and employee affective reactions. Journal of Social Psychology, April, Vol. 140 Issue 2, p151.
OLIVER, R.L., BRIEF, A.P. (1977). Determinants and consequences of role conflict and ambiguity among retail sales managers. Journal of Retailing, Vol.53,
PETERSON, M.F., SMITH, P.B. (1995). Role conflict, ambiguity, and overload: a 21-nation study. Academy of Management Journal, April, Vol. 38 Issue 2, p429.
RAHIM, M.A., MOHAMED, Z. (1997). Structural equations models of achievement striving and impatience--irritability dimensions of type a behavior and academic performance. Journal of Education for Business, Jan/Feb, Vol. 72 Issue 3, p175.
REBELE, J.E., MICHAELS, R.E (1990). Independent auditors' role stress: antecedent, outcome, and moderating variables. Behavioral Research in Accounting, Vol. 2, p124.
SHENKAR, O.; ZEIRA, Y. (1992). Role conflict and role ambiguity of chief executive officers in international joint ventures. Journal of International Business Studies, 1st Quarter, Vol. 23 Issue 1, p55.
SIEGALL, M. (2000). Putting the stress back into role stress: improving the measurement of role conflict and role ambiguity. Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 15 Issue 5/6, p427.
TRAVIS C.T., JUDITH M.C. (2000). Jackson and schuler (1985) revisited: a meta- analysis of the relationships between role ambiguity, role conflict, and job performance. Journal of Management, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p155.
TUBRE, T.C. ve COLLINS, J.M. (2000). Jackson and Schuler (1985) revisited: a meta-analysis of the relationships between role ambiguity, role conflict, and job performance. Journal of Management, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p.155.
WUNDER, R.S., DOUGHERTY, T.W., WELSH, M.A. (1982). A causal model of role stress and employee turnover. Proceedings: Academy of Management, Vol. 42 pp.297-301
YOUSEF, D.A. (2000). Organizational commitment: a mediator of the relationships of leadership behavior with job satisfaction and performance in a non-western country. Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 15 Number 1 pp. 6-24.
(2000). The Islamic work ethic as a mediator of the relationship between locus of control, role conflict and role ambiguity. Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 15 Issue 4, p283.
Ceylan, A., & Ulutürk, Y. H. (2006). ROL BELİRSİZLİĞİ, ROL ÇATIŞMASI, İŞ TATMİNİ VE PERFORMANS ARASINDAKİ İLİŞKİLER. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 7(1), 48-58.