Yıl 2006,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 198 - 209, 01.07.2006
Ümit Kıymalıoğlu
Damla Ayoğlu
Ekonomik faaliyetlerin belirli bir mekanda toplanması ile ortaya çıkan ve maliyetlerde gerçekleşen azalmayı ifade eden etkiler "yığılma ekonomileri" olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Statik ve dinamik dışsallıklar bağlamında farklı yığılma ekonomisi türleri tanımlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, imalat sanayi alt sektörlerini etkileyen ve istihdam büyümesindeki artış ile ölçülen yığılma faktörlerinin ortaya koyulmasıdır. Türkiye İmalat Sanayi alt sektörlerinde belirleyici olan yığılma ekonomilerinin saptanması için 1985-2000 döneminde il imalat sanayilerinin Uluslararası Sanayi Sınıflaması ISIC Revize 2'ye göre düzenlenmiş panel veri seti kullanılmış, dinamik panel veri tahmin teknikleri uygulanmıştır.
- BALTAGI, B. H. (2001) Econometric analysis of panel data. 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons.
- DOĞAN, E. (2001) External scale economics in Turkish manufacturing industries, International Review of Applied Economics, 15 (14), 429-446.ss.
- ERLAT, H. (1997) Panel data: A selecetive survey, Yapı Kredi Bankası Yayınları, Discussion Paper Series, No:97-104.
- FİLİZTEKİN, A. (2002) Agglomeration and growth in Turkey, 1980-1995, Sabanci Univ. Discussion Paper Series in Economics Suecdp.02.01.
- FUJITA, M. (1989) Urban economic theory: land use and city size, Cambridge University Press.
- GLAESER, E.L., KALLAL, H.D., SCHEINKMAN, J.A., SHLEIFER, A. (1992) Growth in cities, Journal of Political Economy, 61, 1126-1152.ss.
- GOLDSTEIN, G.S., GRONBERG, T.J. (1984) Economies of scope and economies of agglomeration”, Journal of Urban Economics, 16, 91-104.ss.
- HANSON, G.H. (2000) Scale economies and the geographic concentration of industry, NBER Working Paper Series, Working Paper No:8013.
- HENDERSON, V., KUNCORO, A., TURNER, M. (1995) Industrial development in cities, Journal of Political Economy, vl.103, no.5, 1067-1190.ss.
- HSAIO, C. (2003) Analysis of panel data, Cambridge University Press.
- KIYMALIOĞLU, Ü. (2004) Yığılma ekonomileri, DPT-PAÜ Kentsel Ekonomik Araştırmalar Sempozyumu, Cilt-1, 364-384.ss.
- KÜÇÜKER, C. (1998) Kentsel büyüme dinamikleri, C.K. ed.. Anadolu’da hızla sanayileşen kentler: Denizli örneği, Türk Ekonomi Kurumu, 40-82.ss.
- LUCIO, J.J., HERCE, J.A., GOICOLEA, A. (2002) The effects of externalities on productivity growth in Spanish Industry, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 32, 241-258. ss.
- MANO, Y., OTSUKA, K. (2000) Agglomeration economies and geographical concentration of industries: a case study of manufacturing sectors in postwar Japan”, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 14, 189-203. ss.
- MARSHALL, A. (1920) Principles of economics, 8th ed., Macmillan.
- McDONALD, J. F. (1997) Fundamentals of urban economics. NJ:Pretince-Hall.
- NAKAMURA, R. (1985) Agglomeration economics in urban manufacturing industries: a case of Japanese Cities, Journal of Urban Economics, 17, 108- 124.ss.
- OTTAVIANO, G., THISSE, J. (2004) Agglomeration and economic geography , V. H. ve J. T. Ed., Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, Elsevier.
- WOOLDRIGE, J. (2003) Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data. The MIT Press.
Yıl 2006,
Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 198 - 209, 01.07.2006
Ümit Kıymalıoğlu
Damla Ayoğlu
Agglomeration of population and economic activities in a certain location has a crucial impact on urban economies. In this respect, to determine the type of agglomeration economies that specify the spatial features of provinces is inevitable. The main purpose of this study is to determine agglomeration in Turkey by provinces. Panel data set consists of 2-digit manufacturing industry data of provinces for the period 1985-2000. Dynamic panel data techniques are also applied
- BALTAGI, B. H. (2001) Econometric analysis of panel data. 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons.
- DOĞAN, E. (2001) External scale economics in Turkish manufacturing industries, International Review of Applied Economics, 15 (14), 429-446.ss.
- ERLAT, H. (1997) Panel data: A selecetive survey, Yapı Kredi Bankası Yayınları, Discussion Paper Series, No:97-104.
- FİLİZTEKİN, A. (2002) Agglomeration and growth in Turkey, 1980-1995, Sabanci Univ. Discussion Paper Series in Economics Suecdp.02.01.
- FUJITA, M. (1989) Urban economic theory: land use and city size, Cambridge University Press.
- GLAESER, E.L., KALLAL, H.D., SCHEINKMAN, J.A., SHLEIFER, A. (1992) Growth in cities, Journal of Political Economy, 61, 1126-1152.ss.
- GOLDSTEIN, G.S., GRONBERG, T.J. (1984) Economies of scope and economies of agglomeration”, Journal of Urban Economics, 16, 91-104.ss.
- HANSON, G.H. (2000) Scale economies and the geographic concentration of industry, NBER Working Paper Series, Working Paper No:8013.
- HENDERSON, V., KUNCORO, A., TURNER, M. (1995) Industrial development in cities, Journal of Political Economy, vl.103, no.5, 1067-1190.ss.
- HSAIO, C. (2003) Analysis of panel data, Cambridge University Press.
- KIYMALIOĞLU, Ü. (2004) Yığılma ekonomileri, DPT-PAÜ Kentsel Ekonomik Araştırmalar Sempozyumu, Cilt-1, 364-384.ss.
- KÜÇÜKER, C. (1998) Kentsel büyüme dinamikleri, C.K. ed.. Anadolu’da hızla sanayileşen kentler: Denizli örneği, Türk Ekonomi Kurumu, 40-82.ss.
- LUCIO, J.J., HERCE, J.A., GOICOLEA, A. (2002) The effects of externalities on productivity growth in Spanish Industry, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 32, 241-258. ss.
- MANO, Y., OTSUKA, K. (2000) Agglomeration economies and geographical concentration of industries: a case study of manufacturing sectors in postwar Japan”, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 14, 189-203. ss.
- MARSHALL, A. (1920) Principles of economics, 8th ed., Macmillan.
- McDONALD, J. F. (1997) Fundamentals of urban economics. NJ:Pretince-Hall.
- NAKAMURA, R. (1985) Agglomeration economics in urban manufacturing industries: a case of Japanese Cities, Journal of Urban Economics, 17, 108- 124.ss.
- OTTAVIANO, G., THISSE, J. (2004) Agglomeration and economic geography , V. H. ve J. T. Ed., Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, Elsevier.
- WOOLDRIGE, J. (2003) Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data. The MIT Press.