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Yıl 2008, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 77 - 88, 01.01.2008


Hiç kimsenin aynı eyleminden dolayı birden çok kez kovuşturulamayacağı ya da aynı eylemden ötürü mükerrer yargılama ve cezalandırılmaya izin verilemeyeceği anlamına gelen ne bis in idem ilkesinin ulusal sınırları aşan şekilde uygulanmasının bir örneğini Schengen Uygulama Sözleşmesi'nin 54. maddesinde bulmak mümkündür. ATAD, söz konusu maddenin uygulanma kapsamını netleştirmek imkânını Gözütok ve Brügge kararı ile elde etmiştir. Söz konusu karar, özgürlük, güvenlik ve adalet alanının hayata geçirilebilmesi bakımından bütünüyle usule ilişkin şartların bir engel teşkil etmemesi gerektiğini; şekilden ziyade sonucun, başka bir deyişle ceza muhakemesi sürecine devam edilmemesi yönündeki kararın verilebilmesi için öngörülen yükümlülüklerin yaptırım karakterinin daha önemli olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bu çalışmada ATAD'ın söz konusu kararını gerekçelendirirken tek pazarın kurulmasında yararlandığı ilkelerden yardım almış olması esas alınarak, Divan'ın bu kez III. sütun kapsamında dönüştürücü bir rol üstlenmeye hazır olduğu vurgulanmaktadır. Bu tespit yapılmakla birlikte gerçekleştirilmesinin zorlu bir sürece işaret ettiği; zira bunun temel haklar, özgürlük, güvenlik ve adalet alanının gerekleri ile üye devletlerin açık istekleri arasında doğru dengenin kurulmasına bağlı olduğu göz ardı edilmemektedir.


  • CONWAY, G. (2005). Judicial interpretation and the third pillar-Ireland’s acceptance of the European Arrest Warrant and the Gözütok and Brügge Case. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, Cilt 13, No. 2,
  • GUILD, E. (2004). Crime and EU’s constitutional future in an area of freedom, security, and justice, European Law Journal, Cilt 10, No. 2,
  • FLETCHER, M. (2003). Some developments to the ne bis in idem principle in the European Union: criminal proceedings against H. GÖZÜTOK and K. BRÜGGE, The Modern Law Review, Cilt 66, No. 5,
  • FLETCHER, M. (2007). The European Court of Justice: carving itself an influential role in the EU’s third pillar, (Paper submitted for presentation at the EUSA Tenth Biennial International Conference, Montreal, 17-19 May 2007),, [Erişim tarihi: 06.06.2007].
  • HIJMANS, H. (2006). The third pillar in practice: coping with inadequacies, (Discussion paper for the meeting of Netherlands Association for European Law on 24 November 2006), /shared/Documents/EDPS/Publications/Speeches/2007/07-02-07_preadvies_ NVER_EN.pdf., [Erişim tarihi:06.06.2007].
  • KUIJPER, P.J. (2004). The evolution of the third pillar from Maastricht to the European Constitution: institutional aspects, Common Market Law Review, Cilt 41, No. 2, 2004,
  • NAZZINI, R. (2005). Some reflections on the dynamics of the due process discourse in EC competition law, The Competition Law Review, Cilt 2, No.1,, CompLRev/ Issues/ CompLRevVol2Issue1.pdf., [Erişim tarihi: 06.06.2007].
  • THWAITES, N. (2003). Mutual trust in criminal matters: the European Court of Justice gives a first interpretation of a provision of the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement, German Law Journal, Cilt 4, No. 3, 2003,
  • VERVAELE, J.A.E., (2005). The transnational ne bis in idem principle in the EU, mutual recognition and equivalent protection of human rights, Utrecht Law Review, Cilt 1, No. 2,
  • VERVAELE, J.A.E., (2004). Case law- joined cases C-187/01 and C-385/01, criminal proceedings against Hüseyin Gözütok and Klaus Brügge, judgment of the Court of Justice of 11 February 2003, Full Court, [2003] ECR I-5689, Common Market Law Review, Cilt 41, No. 3,


Yıl 2008, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 77 - 88, 01.01.2008


Article 54 of the Convention Implementing the Schengen Agreement constitutes an example of transnational application of the ne bis in idem principle which means that no one should face more than one prosecution for the same offence or that no one should be punished twice for the same offence. ECJ had the opportunity to clarify the scope of application of this article in Gözütok and Brügge case. In this case, the Court has stated that purely procedural matters should not become an obstacle for the implementation of the area of freedom, security and justice. In other words, the result of the procedure, the sanctioning character of the conditions that need to be met in order for the decision to discontinue the criminal proceedings to be made becomes important rather than the form. In the light of the fact that the Court has made use of the principles it previously relied on in its case law concerning the single market, it will be emphasized in this study that the Court is ready to take on a transformative role in relation to matters of third pillar. However this is not to deny that this process is hard to realize since it involves achieving the right balance among fundamental rights of the individual, the requirements of the area of freedom, security and justice and the explicit intentions of the EU Member States


  • CONWAY, G. (2005). Judicial interpretation and the third pillar-Ireland’s acceptance of the European Arrest Warrant and the Gözütok and Brügge Case. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, Cilt 13, No. 2,
  • GUILD, E. (2004). Crime and EU’s constitutional future in an area of freedom, security, and justice, European Law Journal, Cilt 10, No. 2,
  • FLETCHER, M. (2003). Some developments to the ne bis in idem principle in the European Union: criminal proceedings against H. GÖZÜTOK and K. BRÜGGE, The Modern Law Review, Cilt 66, No. 5,
  • FLETCHER, M. (2007). The European Court of Justice: carving itself an influential role in the EU’s third pillar, (Paper submitted for presentation at the EUSA Tenth Biennial International Conference, Montreal, 17-19 May 2007),, [Erişim tarihi: 06.06.2007].
  • HIJMANS, H. (2006). The third pillar in practice: coping with inadequacies, (Discussion paper for the meeting of Netherlands Association for European Law on 24 November 2006), /shared/Documents/EDPS/Publications/Speeches/2007/07-02-07_preadvies_ NVER_EN.pdf., [Erişim tarihi:06.06.2007].
  • KUIJPER, P.J. (2004). The evolution of the third pillar from Maastricht to the European Constitution: institutional aspects, Common Market Law Review, Cilt 41, No. 2, 2004,
  • NAZZINI, R. (2005). Some reflections on the dynamics of the due process discourse in EC competition law, The Competition Law Review, Cilt 2, No.1,, CompLRev/ Issues/ CompLRevVol2Issue1.pdf., [Erişim tarihi: 06.06.2007].
  • THWAITES, N. (2003). Mutual trust in criminal matters: the European Court of Justice gives a first interpretation of a provision of the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement, German Law Journal, Cilt 4, No. 3, 2003,
  • VERVAELE, J.A.E., (2005). The transnational ne bis in idem principle in the EU, mutual recognition and equivalent protection of human rights, Utrecht Law Review, Cilt 1, No. 2,
  • VERVAELE, J.A.E., (2004). Case law- joined cases C-187/01 and C-385/01, criminal proceedings against Hüseyin Gözütok and Klaus Brügge, judgment of the Court of Justice of 11 February 2003, Full Court, [2003] ECR I-5689, Common Market Law Review, Cilt 41, No. 3,
Toplam 10 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Hakan Taşdemir Bu kişi benim

A. Pınar Girgin Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2008
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Taşdemir, H., & Girgin, A. P. (2008). III. SÜTUNA İLİŞKİN İLK ÖN KARAR DAVASI-GÖZÜTOK ve BRÜGGE KARARINA İLİŞKİN BİR DEĞERLENDİRME. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 9(1), 77-88.