Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 88 - 101, 01.01.2009
Kutluk Özgüven
Yasemin Atılgan
Mitat Uysal
İnternet gazeteciliğinin gelişimiyle birlikte Web üzerindeki içerik sürekli artmakta, medya hizmetlerinin odağı medyatör ile hızlı biçimde kendisini ilgilendiren haberlere erişmek isteyen okur arasındaki ilişkiye kaymaktadır. Bu isteğin gerçekleştirilmesi, daha önce okurun düzensiz davranışlarına göre kişiselleştirilmiş Web içeriğinin oluşturulmasına dayalıdır. Bu çalışmada İnternet gazetesi okurlarının kendi istedikleri tür haber yazılarına hızlı ulaşımında elverişli sonuçlar elde edebilmek amacıyla kişiselleştirmede daha ileri gidebilmek için okurların tercihleri incelenmektedir. Tercih davranışlarını saptayabilmek amacıyla ilişki yönetimi ölçüm teknikleri, özellikle de RFM yaklaşımı, CRM çalışmalarından ödünç alınmış ve okur ile içerik türleri arasındaki ilişkiye uyarlanmıştır
- ACKERMAN, L. & SIMONAITIS, A. (1999). Beyond paper images: Radiology on the Web. The Journal of Electronic Publishing, [Available from]:
- ADRIAANS P., & ZANTINGE D., (1996). Data mining, Addson-Wesley, Harlow.
- BERSON, A., THEARLING, K. & SMITH, S. (2000). Building data mining applications for CRM. New York, McGraw-Hill.
- BIRSEN, H. (2003). Differing from print or being online newspaper: A Research about the online counterparts of Turkish newspapers. Proceedings of 1th International Symposium Communication in the Millennium, Austin TX, USA, pp. 212-226.
- BOLL, S. (2003). MM4U - A Framework for creating personalized multimedia content. In Submitted for Publication, [Available from]: < html>.
- BUREZ, J. & POEL, D. V., (2007). CRM at a pay-TV company: Using analytical models to reduce customer attrition by targeted marketing for subscription services. Expert Systems with Applications, 32, pp. 277–288.
- CARPENTER, G. A. & GROSSBERG, S. (1987). A Massively parallel architecture for a self-organizing neural pattern recognition machine. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, 37, pp. 54-115.
- COCOON (2002). XML publishing framework; Version 2.0.4. Apache Software Foundation, [Available from]: <>.
- DEUZE, M. & DIMOUDI, C. (2002). Online journalists in the netherlands: Towards a profile of a new profession. Journalism 3 (1), pp.103-118.
- DYCHÉ, J. (2002). The CRM handbook: A business guide to customer relationship management. Boston, Addison Wesley Professional.
- GartnerConsulting, (2001). The Emergence of distributed content management and peer-to-peer content networks. White Paper.
- HICKENS, M. (2000). Searching for allies. Management Review, 89, pp.54-57.
- JANCIC, Z. & ZABKAR, V. (2002). Interpersonal vs. personal exchanges in marketing relationships. Journal of Marketing Management, 18, pp.657–671.
- JOO, Y. G. & SOHN, S. Y. (2006). Structural equation model for effective CRM of digital content industry. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp.63- 71.
- JUTLA, D., CRAIG, J. & BODORIK, P. (2001). Enabling and measuring electronic customer relationship management readiness. Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE.
- KASKI, S., HONKELA, T., LAGUS, K. & KOHONEN, T. (1996). Creating an order in digital libraries with self organizing maps. In Proceedings WCNN’96, San Diego.
- KATZ, H. (2002). How to embrace CRM and make it succeed in an organization. SYSPRO White Paper, Costa Mesa, CA.
- KING, S.F. (2007). Citizens as customers: Exploring the future of CRM in UK local government. Government Information Quarterly, 24, pp. 47–63.
- KOHONEN, T. (1988). Self-organization and associative memory. New York, Springer-Verlag.
- MEYER, E. (2002). Net working. [Available from]: <>.
- MORGAN, R.M. & Hunt, S.D. (1994). The Commitment–trust theory of relationship marketing. Journal of Marketing, 58, pp.20–38.
- NUEBERGER, C., TONNEMACHER, J., BIEBL, M. & DUCK, A. (1998). The Future of newspapers? Germany’s Dailies on the World Wide Web. JCMC, 4 (1).
- OHMAE, K. (1989). The Global logic of strategic alliances. Harvard Business Review, Vol. 67, pp.143-154.
- PAVLIK, J.V. (2001). Journalism and new media. New York, Columbia University Press.
- PENG, F.Y. THEM, N.I. & XIAOMING, H. (1999). Trends in online newspapers: A Look at the US Web. Newspaper Research Journal, 20 (2), pp.52-53.
- PODNAR, I., HAUSWIRTH, M. & JAZAYERI, M. (2002). Mobile push: Delivering content to mobile users. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshop, IEEE.
- ŞANLIER, Ö.İ. & TAĞ, Ş. (2005). Interactive features of online newspapers and news portals in Turkey. Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium Communication in the Millennium, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, pp. 289-302.
- SETTEN, M., VEENSTRA, M. & NIJHOLT, A. (2002). Prediction strategies: Combining prediction techniques to optimize personalization. Personalization in Future TV'02 at the Adaptive Hypermedia Conference, Malaga, Spain.
- SHETH, J.N., SISODIA, R.S. & SHARMA, A. (2000). The Antecedents and consequences of customer-centric marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28 (1), pp.55-66.
- SURESH, H. (2004). What is customer relationship management (CRM)?. Supply Chain Planet. April.
- TAN, A.H. (2002). Personalized information management for web intelligence. IEEE 1045-1050, May.
- VALAUSKAS, J.E. (2000). First Monday and evolution of electronic publishing. [Available form]: <>.
- Zope Corporation, (2002). Open Source Application Server; Version 2.6. Zope Corporation, [Available from]: <>.
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1, 88 - 101, 01.01.2009
Kutluk Özgüven
Yasemin Atılgan
Mitat Uysal
Web content in the context of online news is growing at a rapid speed where traditional news reading habits shift in favour of the Internet version. At the same time readership behaviour also changes from print paper readers to more selective online users, who expect news services follow general trends of the online media such as dynamic customised content and personalisation. In an environment where users are often reluctant to fill forms or reveal their preferences in news content, this entails that the online news Web site has to track the behaviour of the reader and serve the reader the content that fits his or her requirements. In this study online readership preferences are observed to produce personalised content, types of news articles that are more relevant to the reader’s preferred categories. The problem is then reduced to determining the strength of the relationship between the reader node and the news category nodes, at which a relationship metric is borrowed from Customer Relationship Management studies.
- ACKERMAN, L. & SIMONAITIS, A. (1999). Beyond paper images: Radiology on the Web. The Journal of Electronic Publishing, [Available from]:
- ADRIAANS P., & ZANTINGE D., (1996). Data mining, Addson-Wesley, Harlow.
- BERSON, A., THEARLING, K. & SMITH, S. (2000). Building data mining applications for CRM. New York, McGraw-Hill.
- BIRSEN, H. (2003). Differing from print or being online newspaper: A Research about the online counterparts of Turkish newspapers. Proceedings of 1th International Symposium Communication in the Millennium, Austin TX, USA, pp. 212-226.
- BOLL, S. (2003). MM4U - A Framework for creating personalized multimedia content. In Submitted for Publication, [Available from]: < html>.
- BUREZ, J. & POEL, D. V., (2007). CRM at a pay-TV company: Using analytical models to reduce customer attrition by targeted marketing for subscription services. Expert Systems with Applications, 32, pp. 277–288.
- CARPENTER, G. A. & GROSSBERG, S. (1987). A Massively parallel architecture for a self-organizing neural pattern recognition machine. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, 37, pp. 54-115.
- COCOON (2002). XML publishing framework; Version 2.0.4. Apache Software Foundation, [Available from]: <>.
- DEUZE, M. & DIMOUDI, C. (2002). Online journalists in the netherlands: Towards a profile of a new profession. Journalism 3 (1), pp.103-118.
- DYCHÉ, J. (2002). The CRM handbook: A business guide to customer relationship management. Boston, Addison Wesley Professional.
- GartnerConsulting, (2001). The Emergence of distributed content management and peer-to-peer content networks. White Paper.
- HICKENS, M. (2000). Searching for allies. Management Review, 89, pp.54-57.
- JANCIC, Z. & ZABKAR, V. (2002). Interpersonal vs. personal exchanges in marketing relationships. Journal of Marketing Management, 18, pp.657–671.
- JOO, Y. G. & SOHN, S. Y. (2006). Structural equation model for effective CRM of digital content industry. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp.63- 71.
- JUTLA, D., CRAIG, J. & BODORIK, P. (2001). Enabling and measuring electronic customer relationship management readiness. Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE.
- KASKI, S., HONKELA, T., LAGUS, K. & KOHONEN, T. (1996). Creating an order in digital libraries with self organizing maps. In Proceedings WCNN’96, San Diego.
- KATZ, H. (2002). How to embrace CRM and make it succeed in an organization. SYSPRO White Paper, Costa Mesa, CA.
- KING, S.F. (2007). Citizens as customers: Exploring the future of CRM in UK local government. Government Information Quarterly, 24, pp. 47–63.
- KOHONEN, T. (1988). Self-organization and associative memory. New York, Springer-Verlag.
- MEYER, E. (2002). Net working. [Available from]: <>.
- MORGAN, R.M. & Hunt, S.D. (1994). The Commitment–trust theory of relationship marketing. Journal of Marketing, 58, pp.20–38.
- NUEBERGER, C., TONNEMACHER, J., BIEBL, M. & DUCK, A. (1998). The Future of newspapers? Germany’s Dailies on the World Wide Web. JCMC, 4 (1).
- OHMAE, K. (1989). The Global logic of strategic alliances. Harvard Business Review, Vol. 67, pp.143-154.
- PAVLIK, J.V. (2001). Journalism and new media. New York, Columbia University Press.
- PENG, F.Y. THEM, N.I. & XIAOMING, H. (1999). Trends in online newspapers: A Look at the US Web. Newspaper Research Journal, 20 (2), pp.52-53.
- PODNAR, I., HAUSWIRTH, M. & JAZAYERI, M. (2002). Mobile push: Delivering content to mobile users. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshop, IEEE.
- ŞANLIER, Ö.İ. & TAĞ, Ş. (2005). Interactive features of online newspapers and news portals in Turkey. Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium Communication in the Millennium, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, pp. 289-302.
- SETTEN, M., VEENSTRA, M. & NIJHOLT, A. (2002). Prediction strategies: Combining prediction techniques to optimize personalization. Personalization in Future TV'02 at the Adaptive Hypermedia Conference, Malaga, Spain.
- SHETH, J.N., SISODIA, R.S. & SHARMA, A. (2000). The Antecedents and consequences of customer-centric marketing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28 (1), pp.55-66.
- SURESH, H. (2004). What is customer relationship management (CRM)?. Supply Chain Planet. April.
- TAN, A.H. (2002). Personalized information management for web intelligence. IEEE 1045-1050, May.
- VALAUSKAS, J.E. (2000). First Monday and evolution of electronic publishing. [Available form]: <>.
- Zope Corporation, (2002). Open Source Application Server; Version 2.6. Zope Corporation, [Available from]: <>.