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Yıl 2013, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 95 - 111, 01.01.2013


Bu araştırma İnsan Kaynakları yönetimi İKY uygulamalarının ve örgütsel iklimin firma yenilikçilik düzeyi üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma Amerika’da eğitim kurumlarında çalışan 546 kişiye yönelik yapılmıştır. İlk olarak İKY yönetimi uygulamaları incelenmiş ve yedi faktör belirlenmiştir. Bunlar; i davranış ve tutumlar işe alma- seçme ii ekip çalışması iii profesyonel gelişim ve eğitim iv yazılı politikalar ve dokümantasyon v çapraz fonksiyonel eğitim vi performans değerleme ve ödüllendirme vii geribildirim feedback değişkenleri ile incelenmiştir. İkinci olarak organizasyonel iklim incelenmiş ve beş faktör belirlenmiştir. Bunlar; i yönetimin yenilikleri desteklemesi ii iş yükü düzeyi iii organizasyonel engellerin düzeyi iv çalışanlar arası uyum ve v kurumsal etik değişkenleri ile incelenmiştir. Araştırmada elde edilen bulgular, İKY uygulamalarının ve organizasyonel iklimin, organizasyonel yenilikçiliği olumlu etkilediği yönündedir.


  • AHMAD, S., SCHROEDER, R.G. (2003) The impact of Human Management practices on operational performance: recognizing country and industry differences, Journal of Operations Management, 21: 19-43.
  • BARNEY, J., WRIGHT, M., KETCHEN, JR. D.J. (2001) The resource-based view of the firm: Ten years after 1991, Journal of Management, 21: 625-641.
  • BEATTY, R. W., SCHNEIDER, C. E., MCAVOY, G. M. (1987). Executive Development and Management Succession, in ROWLAND, K.M., FERRIS, G.R. (Eds.), Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management, 5: 289-322.
  • CASCIO, W.F. (1990) "Strategic Human Resource management in High Technology Industry", in GOMEZ-MEJIA, L.R. VE LAWLESS, M.V. (Eds) Organization lssues in High Technology Management, Vol.11, Jai Press, Greenwich, CT.
  • CHEN, C., HUANG, J. (2009) Strategic human resource practices and innovation performance- The mediating role of knowledge management capacity, Journal of Business Research, (62): 100-114
  • CHURCHILL,G.A., FORD, N.M., WALKER, O.C. (1976) Organizational climate and job satisfaction in the salesforce, Journal of Marketing Research, 13: 323–332.
  • DAMANPOUR, F. (1991) Organizational innovation: a meta-analysis of effects of determinants and moderators, Academy of Management, 34(3): 555-590.
  • DEFRANK, R.S., IVANCEVICH, J.M. (1998) Stress on the job: an executive update, Academy of Management Executive, 12(3): 55-67.
  • DICSON, M.W., SIMITH, D.B., GROJEAN, M.W., EHRHART, M. (2001) Ethical Climate: The result of interactions between Leadership, Leader values, and follower values, Leadership Quarterly, 12: 1-21.
  • DING, D. Z., AKHTAR, S. (2001) The organizational choice of human resource management practices: A study of Chinese enterprises in three cities in the PRC. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 12: 946–964.
  • EISENHARDT, K. M., TABRIZI, B. N. (1995) Accelerating adaptive processes: Product innovation in the global computer industry, Administrative Science Quarterly, 40: 84–110.
  • FERRIS, G.R., ARTHUR, M.M., BERKSON, H.M., KAPLAN, D.M., HARREL-COOK, G., FRINK, D.D. (1998) Toward a social context theory of Human Resource Management- Organization effectiveness relationship, Human Resource Management Review, 8(3): 235- 264.
  • GRIFFIN, M.L. (2001) Job Satisfaction Among Detention Officers Assessing the Relative Contribution of Organizational Variables, Journal of Criminal Justice,29: 219-232.
  • GRZELAK, J. (1988) Conflict and cooperation, in DENG, J., MENGUC, B., BENSON, J., The impact of human resource management on export performance of Chinese manufacturing enterprises, Thunderbird International Business Review, 45(4): 409-429.
  • GUEST, D.E. (1997) Human resource management and performance: a review and research agenda, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 8: 263-276.
  • GUTHRIE, J. (2001) High-involvement work practices, turnover and productivity: Evidence from New Zealand, Academy of Management Journal, 44 (1): 180-191.
  • GUTTERIDGE, T.G., LEIBOWITZ, Z.B., SHORE, J.E. (1993) Organizational Career Development, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA.
  • GUPTA, A.K., SİNGHAL, A. (1993) Managing Human Resources for Innovation and Creativity, Research Technology Management. (May-June): 41-48.
  • GOMEZ-MEJIA, L., BALKIN, D., CARDY, R. (2004) Managing Human Resources . (4 th Ed) New Jersey , USA : Prentice Hall.
  • HORNSBY, J. S., KURATKO, D. F., ZAHRA, S. A. (2002) Middle managers’ Perceptions of the Internal Environment for Corporate Entrepreneurship: Assessing a Measurement Scale, Journal of Business Venturing, 17: 253-273.
  • HUSELID, M. (1995) Human resource management practices on turnover, productivity, and corporate financial performance, Academy of Management Journal, 38(3): 635-672.
  • JACKSON, S.E., SCHULER, R.S., RIVERO, J.C. (1989) Organizational characteristics as predictors of personnel practices. Personnel Psychology, 42: 727-86.
  • KAYA, N. (2006) The impact of Human Resource Management practices and Corporate entrepreneurship on firm performance: evidence from Turkish firms, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17(12): 2074-2090.
  • KAYA, N., KOC, E., TOPCU, D. (2010) An exploratory analysis of the influence of human resource management activities and organizational climate on job satisfaction in Turkish banks, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21 (11): 2031 – 2051.
  • KOC, E. (2006) Total Quality Management and Business Excellence in Services: The Implications of All-Inclusive Pricing System on Internal and External Customer Satisfaction in the Turkish Tourism Market”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 17 (7): 857-877.
  • KOC, T., CEYLAN, C. (2007) Factors impacting the innovative capacity of large-scale companies, Technovation, 27(3): 105-114
  • KOYS, D. J., DECOTIIS, T. A. (1991), Inductive Measures of Psychological Climate, Human Relations, 44 (3), ss.265-285.
  • KYDD, C.T., OPPENHEIM, L. (1990). Using human resource management to enhance competitiveness: Lessons from four excellent companies. Human Resource Management, 29 (2): 145-166.
  • LADO, A.A., WILSON, M. (1994) Human Resource systems and sustained competitive advantage: a competence based perspective , Academy of Management Review, 19: 699-727.
  • LAU, M.L., NGO, H. (2004) The HR system, organizational culture and product innovation, International Business Review, 13: 685-703.
  • LAURSEN, K. (2002) HRM Practices for Innovation Performance. International Journal of the Economic Business, 9 (1), 139–166.
  • LAURSEN, K., FOSS, N. (2003) New HRM practices, complementarities and the impacton innovation performance, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 27: 243–63.
  • LAWLER, E. E. (2000) Rewarding excellence, San Francisko, Josey-Bass.
  • LEE, J., MILLER, D. (1999) People matter: commitment to employees, strategy and performance in Korean firms, Strategic Management Journal, 20: 579-593.
  • LITWIN G., STRINGER, R. (1968) Motivation and organizational climate. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • MABEY, C., SALAMAN, G. (1995) Strategic Human Resource Management : A Reader. Oxford : Blackwell
  • MARK, S.K.M., AKHTAR S. (2003) Human resources management practices, strategic orientations, and company performance: a correlation study of publicly listed companies, Journal of American Academy.
  • MCMURRAY, A. J., SCOTT, D.R. PACE, WAYNE, R. (2004) The Relationship Between Organizational Commitment and Organizational Climate in Manufacturing, Human Resource Development Quarterly, 15(1): 473-488.
  • MILKOVICH, T.G., BOUDREAU, W.J. (1998) Human Resource Management, (8th edition), Boston, Irwin.
  • MILES, R., SNOW, C. C. (1984) Designing strategic human resource systems, Organizational Dynamics, 13: 36-52
  • MIRVIS, P.H. (1997) Human Resource Management: leaders, laggards and followers, Academy of Management Executive, 11: 43-56.
  • MONTES, F. J.L., MORENO, A. R., FERNANDEZ, L.M.M. (2004) Assessing the Organizational Climate and Contractual Relationship for Perceptions of Support for Innovation, International Journal of Manpower, 25 (2): 167-180.
  • MORAN, E.T., VOLKWEIN, J.F. (1992) The cultural approach to the formation of organizational climate, Human Relations, 45 (1): 19–47.
  • MUMFORD, M.D. (2000) Managing creative people: strategies and tactics for innovation. Human Resource Management Review, 10: 313–351.
  • OLIAN, J.D., RYNES, S.L. (1984) Organizational staffing: Integrating practice with strategy. Industrial Relations, 23: 170-183.
  • PARASURAMAN A., ZEITHAML, V.A., BERRY, L.L. (1985) A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research, Journal of Marketing, 49: 41 - 50.
  • PELHAM, A.M., WILSON, D.T. (1996) A Longitudinal Study of the Impact of Market Structure, Firm Structure, Strategy, and Market Orientation, Culture on Dimension of Small Firm Performance, Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science, 24(1): 27-43.
  • PFEFFER, J. (1998) Seven Practices of successful organizations, California Management Review, 40 (2): 96-124.
  • RAGHURAM, S., ARVEY, R. (1994) Business Strategy Links with Staffing and Training Practices, Human Resources Planning, 17(3): 55–73.
  • ROGG, K.L., SCHMITH, D.B., SHULL, C., SCHMITT, N. (2001) Human Resource Practices, organizational climate, and customer satisfaction, Journal of Management, 27: 431-449.
  • SCARBROUGH, H. (2003) Knowledge Management , HRM and innovation process, International Journal of Manpower, (24): 501-516
  • SCHNEIDER, B., REICHERS, A. (1983) On the etiology of climates, Personnel Psychology 36: 19-39.
  • SCHULER, R., JACKSON, S. (1987) Linking competitive strategies and human resource management practices, Academy of Management Executive, 1(3): 207-219.
  • SCHWEPKER JR, C. H. (2001) Ethical Climate’s Relationship To Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention in the Salesforce, Journal of Business Research, 54:39-52.
  • SPARROW, P., GASTON, K. (1996) Generic Climate maps: A Strategic application of climate survey data, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 17: 679-698.
  • SUBRAMANIAM, M., YOUNDT, M.A. (2005) The influence of intellectual capital on the nature of innovative capabilities, Academy of Management Journal, 48(3): 450-464.
  • VAN VIANEN, A. E. M., PRINS, M. G. (1997) Changes in newcomers' person-climate fit following the first stage of socialization, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 5: 101-114.
  • WERTHER, W. B., DAVIS K. (1996) Human Resources and Personnel Management, McGraw-Hill, USA.
  • WILSON, D.T., JANTRANIA, S. (1996) Understanding the value of a relationship In: Asia - Australia Marketing Journal, 2(1):55-66.
  • WOOD, S., DE MENEZES, L. (1998) High commitment management in the UK: Evidence from the workplace industrial relations survey, and employers’ manpower and skills practices survey, Human Relations,51(4): 485-515.
  • YOUNDT, M.A., SNELL S.A., DEAN J.W., LEPAK D.P. (1996) Human resource management, manufacturing strategy, and firm performance. Academy of Management Journal, 39(4): 836-866.
  • XIAO, J. (1996) The relationship between organizational factors and the transfer of training in the electronics industry in Shenzhen, China, Human Resource Development Quarterly, 7(1): 55-73.


Yıl 2013, Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1, 95 - 111, 01.01.2013


This study aims to explore the influence of Human Resource Management HRM activities and organizational climate on corporate innovativeness level in United States of America. The data is collected through interviews from 546 employees in US. The study first examines the relative influence of seven HRM activities of i behavior and attitudes in recruitment and selection ii teamwork iii extensive training, iv written policies, v training in multiple functions vi performance appraisal and incentives, vii feedback on innovativeness level. Secondly, the influence of five factors relating to organizational climate are examined. The second group factors are i support for innovation, ii workload pressure, iii cohesion, iv organizational boundaries and v organizational ethics. The paper presents the influence of the two groups of factors on corporate innovativeness level


  • AHMAD, S., SCHROEDER, R.G. (2003) The impact of Human Management practices on operational performance: recognizing country and industry differences, Journal of Operations Management, 21: 19-43.
  • BARNEY, J., WRIGHT, M., KETCHEN, JR. D.J. (2001) The resource-based view of the firm: Ten years after 1991, Journal of Management, 21: 625-641.
  • BEATTY, R. W., SCHNEIDER, C. E., MCAVOY, G. M. (1987). Executive Development and Management Succession, in ROWLAND, K.M., FERRIS, G.R. (Eds.), Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management, 5: 289-322.
  • CASCIO, W.F. (1990) "Strategic Human Resource management in High Technology Industry", in GOMEZ-MEJIA, L.R. VE LAWLESS, M.V. (Eds) Organization lssues in High Technology Management, Vol.11, Jai Press, Greenwich, CT.
  • CHEN, C., HUANG, J. (2009) Strategic human resource practices and innovation performance- The mediating role of knowledge management capacity, Journal of Business Research, (62): 100-114
  • CHURCHILL,G.A., FORD, N.M., WALKER, O.C. (1976) Organizational climate and job satisfaction in the salesforce, Journal of Marketing Research, 13: 323–332.
  • DAMANPOUR, F. (1991) Organizational innovation: a meta-analysis of effects of determinants and moderators, Academy of Management, 34(3): 555-590.
  • DEFRANK, R.S., IVANCEVICH, J.M. (1998) Stress on the job: an executive update, Academy of Management Executive, 12(3): 55-67.
  • DICSON, M.W., SIMITH, D.B., GROJEAN, M.W., EHRHART, M. (2001) Ethical Climate: The result of interactions between Leadership, Leader values, and follower values, Leadership Quarterly, 12: 1-21.
  • DING, D. Z., AKHTAR, S. (2001) The organizational choice of human resource management practices: A study of Chinese enterprises in three cities in the PRC. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 12: 946–964.
  • EISENHARDT, K. M., TABRIZI, B. N. (1995) Accelerating adaptive processes: Product innovation in the global computer industry, Administrative Science Quarterly, 40: 84–110.
  • FERRIS, G.R., ARTHUR, M.M., BERKSON, H.M., KAPLAN, D.M., HARREL-COOK, G., FRINK, D.D. (1998) Toward a social context theory of Human Resource Management- Organization effectiveness relationship, Human Resource Management Review, 8(3): 235- 264.
  • GRIFFIN, M.L. (2001) Job Satisfaction Among Detention Officers Assessing the Relative Contribution of Organizational Variables, Journal of Criminal Justice,29: 219-232.
  • GRZELAK, J. (1988) Conflict and cooperation, in DENG, J., MENGUC, B., BENSON, J., The impact of human resource management on export performance of Chinese manufacturing enterprises, Thunderbird International Business Review, 45(4): 409-429.
  • GUEST, D.E. (1997) Human resource management and performance: a review and research agenda, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 8: 263-276.
  • GUTHRIE, J. (2001) High-involvement work practices, turnover and productivity: Evidence from New Zealand, Academy of Management Journal, 44 (1): 180-191.
  • GUTTERIDGE, T.G., LEIBOWITZ, Z.B., SHORE, J.E. (1993) Organizational Career Development, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA.
  • GUPTA, A.K., SİNGHAL, A. (1993) Managing Human Resources for Innovation and Creativity, Research Technology Management. (May-June): 41-48.
  • GOMEZ-MEJIA, L., BALKIN, D., CARDY, R. (2004) Managing Human Resources . (4 th Ed) New Jersey , USA : Prentice Hall.
  • HORNSBY, J. S., KURATKO, D. F., ZAHRA, S. A. (2002) Middle managers’ Perceptions of the Internal Environment for Corporate Entrepreneurship: Assessing a Measurement Scale, Journal of Business Venturing, 17: 253-273.
  • HUSELID, M. (1995) Human resource management practices on turnover, productivity, and corporate financial performance, Academy of Management Journal, 38(3): 635-672.
  • JACKSON, S.E., SCHULER, R.S., RIVERO, J.C. (1989) Organizational characteristics as predictors of personnel practices. Personnel Psychology, 42: 727-86.
  • KAYA, N. (2006) The impact of Human Resource Management practices and Corporate entrepreneurship on firm performance: evidence from Turkish firms, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17(12): 2074-2090.
  • KAYA, N., KOC, E., TOPCU, D. (2010) An exploratory analysis of the influence of human resource management activities and organizational climate on job satisfaction in Turkish banks, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21 (11): 2031 – 2051.
  • KOC, E. (2006) Total Quality Management and Business Excellence in Services: The Implications of All-Inclusive Pricing System on Internal and External Customer Satisfaction in the Turkish Tourism Market”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 17 (7): 857-877.
  • KOC, T., CEYLAN, C. (2007) Factors impacting the innovative capacity of large-scale companies, Technovation, 27(3): 105-114
  • KOYS, D. J., DECOTIIS, T. A. (1991), Inductive Measures of Psychological Climate, Human Relations, 44 (3), ss.265-285.
  • KYDD, C.T., OPPENHEIM, L. (1990). Using human resource management to enhance competitiveness: Lessons from four excellent companies. Human Resource Management, 29 (2): 145-166.
  • LADO, A.A., WILSON, M. (1994) Human Resource systems and sustained competitive advantage: a competence based perspective , Academy of Management Review, 19: 699-727.
  • LAU, M.L., NGO, H. (2004) The HR system, organizational culture and product innovation, International Business Review, 13: 685-703.
  • LAURSEN, K. (2002) HRM Practices for Innovation Performance. International Journal of the Economic Business, 9 (1), 139–166.
  • LAURSEN, K., FOSS, N. (2003) New HRM practices, complementarities and the impacton innovation performance, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 27: 243–63.
  • LAWLER, E. E. (2000) Rewarding excellence, San Francisko, Josey-Bass.
  • LEE, J., MILLER, D. (1999) People matter: commitment to employees, strategy and performance in Korean firms, Strategic Management Journal, 20: 579-593.
  • LITWIN G., STRINGER, R. (1968) Motivation and organizational climate. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • MABEY, C., SALAMAN, G. (1995) Strategic Human Resource Management : A Reader. Oxford : Blackwell
  • MARK, S.K.M., AKHTAR S. (2003) Human resources management practices, strategic orientations, and company performance: a correlation study of publicly listed companies, Journal of American Academy.
  • MCMURRAY, A. J., SCOTT, D.R. PACE, WAYNE, R. (2004) The Relationship Between Organizational Commitment and Organizational Climate in Manufacturing, Human Resource Development Quarterly, 15(1): 473-488.
  • MILKOVICH, T.G., BOUDREAU, W.J. (1998) Human Resource Management, (8th edition), Boston, Irwin.
  • MILES, R., SNOW, C. C. (1984) Designing strategic human resource systems, Organizational Dynamics, 13: 36-52
  • MIRVIS, P.H. (1997) Human Resource Management: leaders, laggards and followers, Academy of Management Executive, 11: 43-56.
  • MONTES, F. J.L., MORENO, A. R., FERNANDEZ, L.M.M. (2004) Assessing the Organizational Climate and Contractual Relationship for Perceptions of Support for Innovation, International Journal of Manpower, 25 (2): 167-180.
  • MORAN, E.T., VOLKWEIN, J.F. (1992) The cultural approach to the formation of organizational climate, Human Relations, 45 (1): 19–47.
  • MUMFORD, M.D. (2000) Managing creative people: strategies and tactics for innovation. Human Resource Management Review, 10: 313–351.
  • OLIAN, J.D., RYNES, S.L. (1984) Organizational staffing: Integrating practice with strategy. Industrial Relations, 23: 170-183.
  • PARASURAMAN A., ZEITHAML, V.A., BERRY, L.L. (1985) A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research, Journal of Marketing, 49: 41 - 50.
  • PELHAM, A.M., WILSON, D.T. (1996) A Longitudinal Study of the Impact of Market Structure, Firm Structure, Strategy, and Market Orientation, Culture on Dimension of Small Firm Performance, Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science, 24(1): 27-43.
  • PFEFFER, J. (1998) Seven Practices of successful organizations, California Management Review, 40 (2): 96-124.
  • RAGHURAM, S., ARVEY, R. (1994) Business Strategy Links with Staffing and Training Practices, Human Resources Planning, 17(3): 55–73.
  • ROGG, K.L., SCHMITH, D.B., SHULL, C., SCHMITT, N. (2001) Human Resource Practices, organizational climate, and customer satisfaction, Journal of Management, 27: 431-449.
  • SCARBROUGH, H. (2003) Knowledge Management , HRM and innovation process, International Journal of Manpower, (24): 501-516
  • SCHNEIDER, B., REICHERS, A. (1983) On the etiology of climates, Personnel Psychology 36: 19-39.
  • SCHULER, R., JACKSON, S. (1987) Linking competitive strategies and human resource management practices, Academy of Management Executive, 1(3): 207-219.
  • SCHWEPKER JR, C. H. (2001) Ethical Climate’s Relationship To Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention in the Salesforce, Journal of Business Research, 54:39-52.
  • SPARROW, P., GASTON, K. (1996) Generic Climate maps: A Strategic application of climate survey data, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 17: 679-698.
  • SUBRAMANIAM, M., YOUNDT, M.A. (2005) The influence of intellectual capital on the nature of innovative capabilities, Academy of Management Journal, 48(3): 450-464.
  • VAN VIANEN, A. E. M., PRINS, M. G. (1997) Changes in newcomers' person-climate fit following the first stage of socialization, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 5: 101-114.
  • WERTHER, W. B., DAVIS K. (1996) Human Resources and Personnel Management, McGraw-Hill, USA.
  • WILSON, D.T., JANTRANIA, S. (1996) Understanding the value of a relationship In: Asia - Australia Marketing Journal, 2(1):55-66.
  • WOOD, S., DE MENEZES, L. (1998) High commitment management in the UK: Evidence from the workplace industrial relations survey, and employers’ manpower and skills practices survey, Human Relations,51(4): 485-515.
  • YOUNDT, M.A., SNELL S.A., DEAN J.W., LEPAK D.P. (1996) Human resource management, manufacturing strategy, and firm performance. Academy of Management Journal, 39(4): 836-866.
  • XIAO, J. (1996) The relationship between organizational factors and the transfer of training in the electronics industry in Shenzhen, China, Human Resource Development Quarterly, 7(1): 55-73.
Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 14 Sayı: 1

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