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Yıl 2015, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 2, 193 - 202, 01.07.2015


Önemli bir kavram olan, örgütsel bilgelik kavramı birçok alandaki araştırmacıların dikkatini çekmektedir. Fakat örgütsel bilgeliğin bileşenlerini oluşturan değişkenlerin veya örgütsel uygulamaların erdemlilik ve pratik olma gibi örgütün yenilikçiliği ve finansal performansı üzerine olan etkilerini tartışan çalışmalar çok azdır. Bu çalışmada, erdemlilik ve pratik olma uygulamalarının artan çevresel belirsizlikle firma yenilikçiliğini etkilediği tartışılmıştır. Ayrıca firma yenilikçiliğinin örgütsel bilgelik uygulamaları ile firmanın finansal performansı arasında kısmı bir aracı rol oynadığı anlatılmıştır. Son olarak, çalışmanın teorik ve yönetsel uygulamaları anlatılmıştır


  • BARGE, J.K., LITTLE, M. (2002). Dialogical wisdom, communicative practice, and organizational life. Communication Research, 12 (4), pp. 375-397.
  • BIERL, P., KESSLER, E., CHRISTENSEN, E. (2000). Organizational learning, knowledge and wisdom. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 13 (6), pp. 595-618.
  • BOWEN, F.E., ROSTAMI, M., STEEL, P. (2010). Timing is everything: A meta-analysis of the relationships between organizational performance and innovation. Journal of Business Research, 63 (11), pp. 1179-1185.
  • BROWN, A.D., STARKEY, K. (2000). Organizational identity and learning: A Psychodynamic Perspective. Academy of Management Review, 25, pp. 102-120.
  • CALANTONE, R.J., CAVUSGIL, T.S., ZHAO, Y. (2002). Learning orientation, firm innovation capability, and firm performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 31, pp. 515-524.
  • CAMERON, K.S., BRIGHT, D., CAZA, A. (2004). Exploring the relationships between organizational virtuousness and performance, American Behavioral Scientist, 4, pp. 766– 790.
  • CAZA, A., BARKER, B.A., CAMERON, K.S. (2004). Ethics and ethos: The buffering and amplifying effects of ethical behavior and virtuousness, Journal of Business Ethics, 52, (2), pp. 169-178.
  • CHOI, B., JONG, A.M. (2010). Assessing the impact of knowledge management strategies announcements on the market value of firms. Information & Management, 47 (1), pp. 42- 52.
  • COOPER, L.P. (2003). A research agenda to reduce risk in new product development through knowledge management: A practitioner perspective, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 20, pp. 117–140.
  • DESPHANDE, J.U., Webster, F.E. (1993). Corporate culture, customer orientation, and innovativeness in Japanese firms: A Quadrad Analysis. Journal of Marketing 57, pp. 23– 37.
  • FINEMAN, S. (1996). Emotion and organizing. In: S.R. CLEGG, C. HARDY, W.R. NORD (ed), The handbook of organizational studies, London, Sage, pp. 543-564.
  • GRANT, R.M. (1996). Prospering in dynamically-competitive environments: Organizational capability as knowledge integration. Organization Science, 7, pp. 375–387.
  • GREAVES, C.E., ZACHER, H., MCKENNA, B., ROONEY, D. (2014). Wisdom and narcissism as predictors of transformational leadership. Leadership & Organization Development Journal , 35 (4), pp. 335-358.
  • HALVERSON, R. (2004). Accessing, documenting, and communicating practical wisdom: The phronesis of school leadership practice. American Journal of Education, 111 (1), pp. 90–112.
  • HUGHES, G.J.(2001). Aristotle on ethics. Routledge, London.
  • HULT, G.T.M., HURLEY, R.F., KNIGHT, G.A. (2004). Innovativeness: Its antecedents and impact on business performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 33, pp. 429-438.
  • ISEN, A.M., DAUBMAN, K.A., NOWICKI, G.P. (1987). Positive affect facilitates creative problem solving. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52, pp. 1122-1131.
  • INTEZARI, A., PAULEEN, D.J. (2014). Management wisdom in perspective: Are you virtuous enough to succeed in volatile times? Journal of Business Ethics, 120 (3),pp. 393-404.
  • IZAK, M. (2013). The foolishness of wisdom: Towards an inclusive approach to wisdom in organization. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 29 (1),pp. 108-115.
  • JASHAPARA, A. (2004). Knowledge management: An integrated approach. FT Prentice Hall, Harlow.
  • KANE, J., PATAPAN, H. (2006). In search of prudence: The hidden problem of managerial reform. Public Administration Review, 66 (5), pp. 711-724.
  • KEKES, J. (1983). Wisdom. American Philosophical Quarterly, 20 (3), pp. 277-286.
  • KESSLER, E.H. (2006). Organizational wisdom: Human, managerial, and strategic implications. Group & Organization Management, 31 (3), pp. 296-299.
  • KITCHENER, K.S., BRENNER, H.G., (1990). Wisdom and reflective judgment: Knowing in the face of uncertainty. R. Sternberg, (ed.), Wisdom: Its nature, origins, and development, pp. 212-229. New York: Cambridge.
  • KORAC-KAKABADSE, N., KORAC-KAKABADSE, A., KOUZMIN, A. (2001). Leadership renewal: Towards the philosophy of wisdom. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 67 (2),pp. 207-227.
  • KÜPERS, W.M. (2007). Phenomenology and integral pheno-practice of wisdom in leadership and organization, Social Epistemology, 21 (2),pp. 169-193.
  • KÜPERS, W.M. (2008). Embodied "inter-learning" - An integral phenomenology of learning in and by organizations. The Learning Organization, 15 (5), pp. 388-408.
  • LIU, W. (2011). An all-inclusive ınterpretation of Aristotle's contemplative life. Sophia, 50 (1), pp. 57-71.
  • MALAN, L.-C., KRIGER, M. P. (1998). Making sense of managerial wisdom. Journal of Management Inquiry, 7 (3),pp. 242-251.
  • MCCULLOUGH, M.E., SNYDER, C.R. (2000). Classical sources of human strength: revisiting an old home and building a new one. Journal of Social And Clinical Psychology, 19,pp. 1-10.
  • MCKENNA, B., ROONEY, D., BOAL, K.B. (2009). Wisdom principles as a meta-theoretical basis for evaluating leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 20 (2), pp. 177-190.
  • MEACHAM, J. A. (1990). The loss of wisdom. In R. J. Sternberg (ed.), Wisdom: Its Nature, Origins and Development, pp. 181-211.New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  • MELÉ, D. (2010). Practical wisdom in managerial decision making. The Journal of Management Development, 29 (7/8), pp. 637-645.
  • MICK, D.G., BATEMAN, T.S., LUTZ, R.J. (2009). Wisdom: Exploring the pinnacle of human virtues as a central link from micromarketing to macro marketing. Journal of Macromarketing, 29 (2), pp. 98-118.
  • MOHRMAN, S.A., FINEGOLD, D., MOHRMAN, A.M. (2003). An empirical model of the organization knowledge system in new product development firms. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 20, pp. 7–38.
  • MORALES-SÁNCHEZ, R., CABELLO-MEDINA, C. (2013). The role of four universal moral competencies in ethical decision-making. Journal of Business Ethics, 116 (4), pp. 717-734.
  • MORSE, J. (1999). Who is the ethics expert? The original footnote to Plato. Business Ethics Quarterly, 9 (4), pp. 693–697.
  • NONAKA, I., TOYAMA, R. (2005). The theory of the knowledge-creating firm: Subjectivity, objectivity and synthesis. Industrial and Corporate Change, 14 (3), pp. 419- 436.
  • OLIVER, D., STATLER, M., ROOS, J. (2010). A meta-ethical perspective on organizational identity. Journal of Business Ethics, 94 (3),pp. 427-440.
  • REGO, A., RIBEIRO, N., CUNHA, M.P. (2010). Perceptions of organizational virtuousness and happiness as predictors of organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Business Ethics, 93 (2), pp. 215-235.
  • ROONEY, D., MCKENNa, B. (2005). Should the knowledge-based economy be a savant or a sage?. Wisdom and socially intelligent innovation, Prometheus 23, (3), 307-323.
  • ROONEY, D., MCKENNA, B., (2008). Wisdom in public administration: Looking for sociology of wise practice. Public Administration Review, 68 (4), 709-721.
  • ROWLEY, J., (2006). What do we need to know about wisdom? Management Decision, 44 (9), pp. 1246-1257.
  • ROWLEY, J., (2006). Where is the wisdom that we have lost in knowledge? Journal of Documentation, 62 (2), pp. 251-270.
  • SEGON, M., BOOTH, C. (2015). Virtue: The missing ethics element in emotional ıntelligence. Journal of Business Ethics, 128 (4), pp. 789-802.
  • SELIGMAN, M.E.P., CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, M. (2000). Positive Psychology: An Introduction. American Psychologist 55, pp. 5-14.
  • SOSIK, J.J., LEE, D.L. (2002). Mentoring in organizations: A social judgment perspective for developing tomorrow's leaders. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 8 (4), pp. 17-32.
  • SPILLER, C. PIO, E. ERAKOVIC, L., HENARE, M. (2011), Wise up: Creating organizational wisdom through an ethic of Kaitiakitanga. Journal of Business Ethics, 104 (2), pp. 223-235.
  • STAW, B.M., BARSADE, S.C., (1993). Affect and managerial performance: a test of the sadderbut-wiser vs. happier-and-smarter hypotheses. Administrative Science Quarterly 38, pp. 304-331.
  • STERNBERG, R.J., (1998). Wisdom: Its Nature, Origins, and Development. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, MA.
  • TONER, C. (2014). The full unity of the virtues. The Journal of Ethics 18 (3), pp. 207-227.
  • WALTER, G.A. (1993). Wisdom's critical requirement for scientific objectivity in organizational behavior research: Explicit reporting of research values. In: R.T. Golembiewski (ed.), Handbook of Organizational Behavior, M. Dekker, New York. pp. 491–524.
  • WEICK, K.E. (1998). The attitude of wisdom: Ambivalence as the optimal compromise. In: S. Srivasta & D.L. Cooperrider (ed.), Organizational Wisdom and Executive Courage, New Lexington Press, San Francisco , pp. 40-64.
  • WHETSTONE, J.T., (2003). The language of managerial excellence: Virtues as understood and applied. Journal of Business Ethics, 44,pp. 343–357.
  • WRIGHT, A. (2005). The role of scenarios as prospective sensemaking devices. Management Decision, 43 (1), pp. 86-101.
  • YANG, S-Y. (2011). Wisdom displayed through leadership: Exploring leadership-related wisdom, The Leadership Quarterly, 22 (4), pp. 616-632.
  • YAZDANI, N., MURAD, H.S. (2015). Toward an ethical theory of organizing. Journal of Business Ethics, 127 (2), pp. 399-417.
  • YUENGERT, A. (2011). Economics and interdisciplinary exchange in catholic social teaching and "Caritas in Veritate, Journal of Business Ethics, Supplement 100, pp. 41-54.


Yıl 2015, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 2, 193 - 202, 01.07.2015


As a fascinating concept, the term organizational wisdom started to attract many researchers from a variety of disciplines. Nevertheless, how the organizational wisdom related practices, such as virtue and practicality, impact the firm innovativeness and financial performance is rarely argued in the literature. We argued that virtue and practicality practices positively impact the firm’s innovativeness with increasing level of environmental uncertainty. We also mentioned that firm innovativeness positively mediates the relationship between organizational wisdom and firm financial performance. Further, we argued the managerial and theoretical implications of the study.


  • BARGE, J.K., LITTLE, M. (2002). Dialogical wisdom, communicative practice, and organizational life. Communication Research, 12 (4), pp. 375-397.
  • BIERL, P., KESSLER, E., CHRISTENSEN, E. (2000). Organizational learning, knowledge and wisdom. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 13 (6), pp. 595-618.
  • BOWEN, F.E., ROSTAMI, M., STEEL, P. (2010). Timing is everything: A meta-analysis of the relationships between organizational performance and innovation. Journal of Business Research, 63 (11), pp. 1179-1185.
  • BROWN, A.D., STARKEY, K. (2000). Organizational identity and learning: A Psychodynamic Perspective. Academy of Management Review, 25, pp. 102-120.
  • CALANTONE, R.J., CAVUSGIL, T.S., ZHAO, Y. (2002). Learning orientation, firm innovation capability, and firm performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 31, pp. 515-524.
  • CAMERON, K.S., BRIGHT, D., CAZA, A. (2004). Exploring the relationships between organizational virtuousness and performance, American Behavioral Scientist, 4, pp. 766– 790.
  • CAZA, A., BARKER, B.A., CAMERON, K.S. (2004). Ethics and ethos: The buffering and amplifying effects of ethical behavior and virtuousness, Journal of Business Ethics, 52, (2), pp. 169-178.
  • CHOI, B., JONG, A.M. (2010). Assessing the impact of knowledge management strategies announcements on the market value of firms. Information & Management, 47 (1), pp. 42- 52.
  • COOPER, L.P. (2003). A research agenda to reduce risk in new product development through knowledge management: A practitioner perspective, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 20, pp. 117–140.
  • DESPHANDE, J.U., Webster, F.E. (1993). Corporate culture, customer orientation, and innovativeness in Japanese firms: A Quadrad Analysis. Journal of Marketing 57, pp. 23– 37.
  • FINEMAN, S. (1996). Emotion and organizing. In: S.R. CLEGG, C. HARDY, W.R. NORD (ed), The handbook of organizational studies, London, Sage, pp. 543-564.
  • GRANT, R.M. (1996). Prospering in dynamically-competitive environments: Organizational capability as knowledge integration. Organization Science, 7, pp. 375–387.
  • GREAVES, C.E., ZACHER, H., MCKENNA, B., ROONEY, D. (2014). Wisdom and narcissism as predictors of transformational leadership. Leadership & Organization Development Journal , 35 (4), pp. 335-358.
  • HALVERSON, R. (2004). Accessing, documenting, and communicating practical wisdom: The phronesis of school leadership practice. American Journal of Education, 111 (1), pp. 90–112.
  • HUGHES, G.J.(2001). Aristotle on ethics. Routledge, London.
  • HULT, G.T.M., HURLEY, R.F., KNIGHT, G.A. (2004). Innovativeness: Its antecedents and impact on business performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 33, pp. 429-438.
  • ISEN, A.M., DAUBMAN, K.A., NOWICKI, G.P. (1987). Positive affect facilitates creative problem solving. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52, pp. 1122-1131.
  • INTEZARI, A., PAULEEN, D.J. (2014). Management wisdom in perspective: Are you virtuous enough to succeed in volatile times? Journal of Business Ethics, 120 (3),pp. 393-404.
  • IZAK, M. (2013). The foolishness of wisdom: Towards an inclusive approach to wisdom in organization. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 29 (1),pp. 108-115.
  • JASHAPARA, A. (2004). Knowledge management: An integrated approach. FT Prentice Hall, Harlow.
  • KANE, J., PATAPAN, H. (2006). In search of prudence: The hidden problem of managerial reform. Public Administration Review, 66 (5), pp. 711-724.
  • KEKES, J. (1983). Wisdom. American Philosophical Quarterly, 20 (3), pp. 277-286.
  • KESSLER, E.H. (2006). Organizational wisdom: Human, managerial, and strategic implications. Group & Organization Management, 31 (3), pp. 296-299.
  • KITCHENER, K.S., BRENNER, H.G., (1990). Wisdom and reflective judgment: Knowing in the face of uncertainty. R. Sternberg, (ed.), Wisdom: Its nature, origins, and development, pp. 212-229. New York: Cambridge.
  • KORAC-KAKABADSE, N., KORAC-KAKABADSE, A., KOUZMIN, A. (2001). Leadership renewal: Towards the philosophy of wisdom. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 67 (2),pp. 207-227.
  • KÜPERS, W.M. (2007). Phenomenology and integral pheno-practice of wisdom in leadership and organization, Social Epistemology, 21 (2),pp. 169-193.
  • KÜPERS, W.M. (2008). Embodied "inter-learning" - An integral phenomenology of learning in and by organizations. The Learning Organization, 15 (5), pp. 388-408.
  • LIU, W. (2011). An all-inclusive ınterpretation of Aristotle's contemplative life. Sophia, 50 (1), pp. 57-71.
  • MALAN, L.-C., KRIGER, M. P. (1998). Making sense of managerial wisdom. Journal of Management Inquiry, 7 (3),pp. 242-251.
  • MCCULLOUGH, M.E., SNYDER, C.R. (2000). Classical sources of human strength: revisiting an old home and building a new one. Journal of Social And Clinical Psychology, 19,pp. 1-10.
  • MCKENNA, B., ROONEY, D., BOAL, K.B. (2009). Wisdom principles as a meta-theoretical basis for evaluating leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 20 (2), pp. 177-190.
  • MEACHAM, J. A. (1990). The loss of wisdom. In R. J. Sternberg (ed.), Wisdom: Its Nature, Origins and Development, pp. 181-211.New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
  • MELÉ, D. (2010). Practical wisdom in managerial decision making. The Journal of Management Development, 29 (7/8), pp. 637-645.
  • MICK, D.G., BATEMAN, T.S., LUTZ, R.J. (2009). Wisdom: Exploring the pinnacle of human virtues as a central link from micromarketing to macro marketing. Journal of Macromarketing, 29 (2), pp. 98-118.
  • MOHRMAN, S.A., FINEGOLD, D., MOHRMAN, A.M. (2003). An empirical model of the organization knowledge system in new product development firms. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 20, pp. 7–38.
  • MORALES-SÁNCHEZ, R., CABELLO-MEDINA, C. (2013). The role of four universal moral competencies in ethical decision-making. Journal of Business Ethics, 116 (4), pp. 717-734.
  • MORSE, J. (1999). Who is the ethics expert? The original footnote to Plato. Business Ethics Quarterly, 9 (4), pp. 693–697.
  • NONAKA, I., TOYAMA, R. (2005). The theory of the knowledge-creating firm: Subjectivity, objectivity and synthesis. Industrial and Corporate Change, 14 (3), pp. 419- 436.
  • OLIVER, D., STATLER, M., ROOS, J. (2010). A meta-ethical perspective on organizational identity. Journal of Business Ethics, 94 (3),pp. 427-440.
  • REGO, A., RIBEIRO, N., CUNHA, M.P. (2010). Perceptions of organizational virtuousness and happiness as predictors of organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Business Ethics, 93 (2), pp. 215-235.
  • ROONEY, D., MCKENNa, B. (2005). Should the knowledge-based economy be a savant or a sage?. Wisdom and socially intelligent innovation, Prometheus 23, (3), 307-323.
  • ROONEY, D., MCKENNA, B., (2008). Wisdom in public administration: Looking for sociology of wise practice. Public Administration Review, 68 (4), 709-721.
  • ROWLEY, J., (2006). What do we need to know about wisdom? Management Decision, 44 (9), pp. 1246-1257.
  • ROWLEY, J., (2006). Where is the wisdom that we have lost in knowledge? Journal of Documentation, 62 (2), pp. 251-270.
  • SEGON, M., BOOTH, C. (2015). Virtue: The missing ethics element in emotional ıntelligence. Journal of Business Ethics, 128 (4), pp. 789-802.
  • SELIGMAN, M.E.P., CSIKSZENTMIHALYI, M. (2000). Positive Psychology: An Introduction. American Psychologist 55, pp. 5-14.
  • SOSIK, J.J., LEE, D.L. (2002). Mentoring in organizations: A social judgment perspective for developing tomorrow's leaders. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 8 (4), pp. 17-32.
  • SPILLER, C. PIO, E. ERAKOVIC, L., HENARE, M. (2011), Wise up: Creating organizational wisdom through an ethic of Kaitiakitanga. Journal of Business Ethics, 104 (2), pp. 223-235.
  • STAW, B.M., BARSADE, S.C., (1993). Affect and managerial performance: a test of the sadderbut-wiser vs. happier-and-smarter hypotheses. Administrative Science Quarterly 38, pp. 304-331.
  • STERNBERG, R.J., (1998). Wisdom: Its Nature, Origins, and Development. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, MA.
  • TONER, C. (2014). The full unity of the virtues. The Journal of Ethics 18 (3), pp. 207-227.
  • WALTER, G.A. (1993). Wisdom's critical requirement for scientific objectivity in organizational behavior research: Explicit reporting of research values. In: R.T. Golembiewski (ed.), Handbook of Organizational Behavior, M. Dekker, New York. pp. 491–524.
  • WEICK, K.E. (1998). The attitude of wisdom: Ambivalence as the optimal compromise. In: S. Srivasta & D.L. Cooperrider (ed.), Organizational Wisdom and Executive Courage, New Lexington Press, San Francisco , pp. 40-64.
  • WHETSTONE, J.T., (2003). The language of managerial excellence: Virtues as understood and applied. Journal of Business Ethics, 44,pp. 343–357.
  • WRIGHT, A. (2005). The role of scenarios as prospective sensemaking devices. Management Decision, 43 (1), pp. 86-101.
  • YANG, S-Y. (2011). Wisdom displayed through leadership: Exploring leadership-related wisdom, The Leadership Quarterly, 22 (4), pp. 616-632.
  • YAZDANI, N., MURAD, H.S. (2015). Toward an ethical theory of organizing. Journal of Business Ethics, 127 (2), pp. 399-417.
  • YUENGERT, A. (2011). Economics and interdisciplinary exchange in catholic social teaching and "Caritas in Veritate, Journal of Business Ethics, Supplement 100, pp. 41-54.
Toplam 58 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ali Ekber Akgün Bu kişi benim

Sümeyye Yücebilgilli Kırçovalı Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Akgün, A. E., & Kırçovalı, S. Y. (2015). ORGANIZATIONAL WISDOM AND ITS IMPACT ON FIRM INNOVATION AND PERFORMANCE. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 16(2), 193-202.