Sürdürülebilir tedarik zincirleri, toplumun güncel gereksinimlerini gelecek nesillerin kaynaklarını tehlikeye atmadan ulaşılabilir kılmayı hedeflemektedir. Kalkınmayı sürdürülebilir kılmanın yolu, tedarik zincirinde akışı gerçekleşen tüm kaynaklara kapalı bir döngü içinde gerçekleşme yeteneği kazandırılmasını sağlamaktan geçmektedir. Burada öncelikli kaynaklar, kıt olan ve yaşamı sürdürülebilir kılan çevresel kaynaklardır. Çevre bilinçli sistemler kurmak suretiyle, tedarik zincirindeki müşteriler ve işletmeler bu kaynakların sürdürülebilirliği konusunda katkı sağlayabilmektedir. Bu çalışma, yeşil tedarik zincirinde tedarikçi seçimi gerçekleştiren bir firmanın değerlendirmesi gereken kriterler incelenmiş olup, otomotiv sektöründe üretim yapan bir firma için tedarikçi değerlendirmesi ve analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonuçlar, sürdürülebilir tedarik zincirinde tedarikçi seçimi yaparken çevreci kriterlerin etki düzeyinin otomotiv sektöründe oldukça yüksek olduğunu göstermektedir.
Akman G., (2015), Evaluating suppliers to include green supplier development prog- rams via fuzzy c-means and VIKOR methods, Computers & Industrial Engine- ering, 86, 69-82.
Awasthi A. ve G. Kannan, (2016), Green supplier development program selection using NGT and VIKOR under fuzzy environment, Computers & Industrial En- gineering, 91, 100-108.
Banaeian, N., Mobli, H., Fahimnia, B., Nielsen, I.E. ve M. Omid, (Inpress), Green supplier selection using fuzzy group decision making methods: A case study from the agri-food industry, Computers & Operations Research, Available on- line 4 March 2016
Beamon, B.M., (1999), Measuring supply chain performance, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 19(3) , 275-292.
Büyüközkan, G. ve Z. Vardaloğlu, Yeşil Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi, Erişim tarihi: 30 Mart 2016.http://www.gulcinbuyukozkan.net/ytzy8.pdf.
Chan, F.T.S ve N. Kumar, (2007), Global supplier development considering risk fac- tors using fuzzy extended AHP-based approach, Omega, 35(4), 417-431.
Dai J. ve J. Blackhurst, (2012), A Four-Phase AHP-QFD Approach For Supplier Assessment: A Sustainability Perspective, International Journal of Production Research, 50, 5474–5490.
Dobos, I. ve G. Vörösmarty, (2014), Green supplier selection and evaluation using DEA-type composite indicators, International Journal of Production Economics, 157, 273-278.
Dulmin R. ve V. Mininno, (2003), Supplier selection using a multi-criteria decision aid method, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 9(4), 177-187.
Dweiri F., Kumar S., Khan S.A. ve V. Jain, (2016)Designing an integrated AHP based decision support system for supplier selection in automotive industry, Expert Systems with Applications, 62, 273-283.
Galankashi M.R., Chegeni A., Soleimanynanadegany A., Memari,A., Anjomshoae A., Helmi S.A. ve A. Dargi, (2015), Prioritizing Green Supplier Selection Crite- ria Using Fuzzy Analytical Network Process, Procedia CIRP, 26, 689-694.
Gencer, C. ve D. Gürpınar, (2007), Analytic network process in supplier selection: A case study in an electronic firm, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 31(11), 2475- 2486.
Govindan K., Rajendran S., Sarkis J. ve P. Murugesan,(2015), Multi criteria decision making approaches for green supplier evaluation and selection: a literature re- view, Journal of Cleaner Production, 98, 66-83.
Guo, S. ve H. Zhao, (2015), Optimal site selection of electric vehicle charging station by using fuzzy TOPSIS based on sustainability perspective, Applied Energy, 158, 390-402.
Handfield, R., Walton, S.V., Sroufe, R. And S.A. Melnyk, (2002), Applying environ- mental criteria to supplier assessment: A study in the application of the Analyti- cal Hierarchy Process. European Journal of Operational Research, 141(1), 70- 87.
Heidarzade A., Mahdavi I. ve N. Mahdavi-Amiri, (2016), Supplier selection using a clustering method based on a new distance for interval type-2 fuzzy sets: A case study, Applied Soft Computing, 38, 213-231.
Hsu C., Kuo T., Chen S. ve A. Hu, (2013), Using DEMATEL to develop a carbon management model of supplier selection in green supply chain management, Jo- urnal of Cleaner Production, 56, 164-172.
Hosseini S. ve K. Barker, (2016), A Bayesian network model for resilience-based supplier selection, International Journal of Production Economics, 180, 68-87.
Humphreys, P.K., Wong, Y.K. and F.T.S Chan, (2003), Integrating environmental criteria into the supplier selection process, Journal of Materials Processing Tech- nology, 138(1–3), 349-356.
Kannan D., Govindan K. ve S. Rajendran, (2015), Fuzzy Axiomatic Design approach based green supplier selection: a case study from Singapore, Journal of Cleaner Production, 96, 194-208.
Kannan, D., Khodaverdi, D., Olfat, L., Jafarian, A. ve A. Diabat, (2013), Integrated fuzzy multi criteria decision making method and multi-objective programming approach for supplier selection and order allocation in a green supply chain, Jo- urnal of Cleaner Production, 47, 355-367.
Karsak, E.E. ve M. Dursun, (2014), An integrated supplier selection methodology in- corporating QFD and DEA with imprecise data, Expert Systems with Applicati- ons, 41, 16, 6995-7004.
Lin, Y., Lin, C., Yu, H. ve G-H. Tzeng, (2010), A novel hybrid MCDM approach for outsourcing vendor selection: A case study for a semiconductor company in Taiwan, Expert Systems with Applications, 37(7), 4796-4804.
Noci, G. (1997), Designing ‘green’ vendor rating systems for the assessment of a supplier's environmental performance, European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, 3(2), 103-114.
Nnorom, I.C. ve O. Osibanjo, (2008), Overview of electronic waste (e-waste) mana- gement practices and legislations, and their poor applications in the developing countries, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 52(6), 843-858.
Orji I.J. ve S. Wei, (2015), An innovative integration of fuzzy-logic and systems dy- namics in sustainable supplier selection: A case on manufacturing industry, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 88, 1-12.
Pacheco-Blanco B. ve Bastante-Ceca M.J., (2016), Green public procurement as an initiative for sustainable consumption. An exploratory study of Spanish public universities, Journal of Cleaner Production, 133, 648-656.
Petroni, A. and Braglia, M. (2000) Vendor Selection Using Principal Component Analysis. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 36, 63-69.
Rezaei J., Nispeling T., Sarkis J and L. Tavasszy (2016), A supplier selection life cycle approach integrating traditional and environmental criteria using the best worst method, Journal of Cleaner Production, 135, 577-588.
Saaty T. L., The Analytic Hierarchy Process, McGraw Hill International (1980).
Saaty, T.L. ve G. L. Vargas, Models, (2012), Methods, Concepts and Applications of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (second ed.) Springer Publishers, New York.
Sivakumar, R. Kannan, D. ve P. Murugesan, (2015), Green vendor evaluation and selection using AHP and Taguchi loss functions in production outsourcing in mining industry, Resources Policy, 46, 64-75.
Toloo, M. ve T. Ertay, (2014), The most cost efficient automotive vendor with price uncertainty: A new DEA approach, Measurement, 52, 135-144.
Triantaphyllou, E., (2000), Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods: A Comparative Study, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands.
Veni, K.K. Rajesh, R. ve S. Pugazhendhi, (2012), Development of Decision Making Model Using Integrated AHP and DEA for Vendor Selection, Procedia Engine- ering, 38, 3700-3708.
Wang,Y-M. ve T.M.S. Elhag, (2006), Fuzzy TOPSIS method based on alpha level sets with an application to bridge risk assessment, Expert Systems with Appli- cations, 31(2), 309-319.
Waite S., Cox P. Ve T. Tudor, (2015), Strategies for local authorities to achieve the EU 2020 50% recycling, reuse and composting target: A case study of England, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 105(A), 18-28.
Wetzstein A., Hartmann, E. Benton jr, W.C. and N. Hohenstein, (2016), A systematic Assessment of supplier selection literature – state-of-the-art and future scope, International Journal of Production Economics, In Press.
Wu, D., (2009), Supplier selection: A hybrid model using DEA, decision tree and neural network, Expert Systems with Applications, 36 (5), 9105-9112.
Zhu, J. (2004), A buyer-seller game model for selection and negotiation of purchas- ing bids: extensions and new models, European Journal of Operations Re- search, 154, 150–156.
Zhu, Q., Sarkis, J. ve K. Lai, (2008), Green supply chain management implications for “closing the loop”, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transpor- tation Review, 44(1), 1-18.
Investigating Environmentally Conscious Supplier Selection Problem under Uncertainty
The main concern of sustainable supply chains is to enable present generation to reach their needs and aspirations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Closing the loop in a supply chain, including the resources in the forward and reverse flow, is a prerequisite for sustainable supply chains and sustainable development. Here, the primary resources are scarce resources, which have environmental and economic value. By constructing environmentally conscious systems, customers and firms in a supply chain can contribute to sustainable practice. This study investigates the evaluation criteria for environmentally conscious supplier selection problem. Supplier evaluation and analysis is carried out for a company engaged in production in the automotive industry. The results indicate that the environmental criteria have considerable effect on the final decision while evaluating the performance of green suppliers in the automotive sector
Akman G., (2015), Evaluating suppliers to include green supplier development prog- rams via fuzzy c-means and VIKOR methods, Computers & Industrial Engine- ering, 86, 69-82.
Awasthi A. ve G. Kannan, (2016), Green supplier development program selection using NGT and VIKOR under fuzzy environment, Computers & Industrial En- gineering, 91, 100-108.
Banaeian, N., Mobli, H., Fahimnia, B., Nielsen, I.E. ve M. Omid, (Inpress), Green supplier selection using fuzzy group decision making methods: A case study from the agri-food industry, Computers & Operations Research, Available on- line 4 March 2016
Beamon, B.M., (1999), Measuring supply chain performance, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 19(3) , 275-292.
Büyüközkan, G. ve Z. Vardaloğlu, Yeşil Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi, Erişim tarihi: 30 Mart 2016.http://www.gulcinbuyukozkan.net/ytzy8.pdf.
Chan, F.T.S ve N. Kumar, (2007), Global supplier development considering risk fac- tors using fuzzy extended AHP-based approach, Omega, 35(4), 417-431.
Dai J. ve J. Blackhurst, (2012), A Four-Phase AHP-QFD Approach For Supplier Assessment: A Sustainability Perspective, International Journal of Production Research, 50, 5474–5490.
Dobos, I. ve G. Vörösmarty, (2014), Green supplier selection and evaluation using DEA-type composite indicators, International Journal of Production Economics, 157, 273-278.
Dulmin R. ve V. Mininno, (2003), Supplier selection using a multi-criteria decision aid method, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 9(4), 177-187.
Dweiri F., Kumar S., Khan S.A. ve V. Jain, (2016)Designing an integrated AHP based decision support system for supplier selection in automotive industry, Expert Systems with Applications, 62, 273-283.
Galankashi M.R., Chegeni A., Soleimanynanadegany A., Memari,A., Anjomshoae A., Helmi S.A. ve A. Dargi, (2015), Prioritizing Green Supplier Selection Crite- ria Using Fuzzy Analytical Network Process, Procedia CIRP, 26, 689-694.
Gencer, C. ve D. Gürpınar, (2007), Analytic network process in supplier selection: A case study in an electronic firm, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 31(11), 2475- 2486.
Govindan K., Rajendran S., Sarkis J. ve P. Murugesan,(2015), Multi criteria decision making approaches for green supplier evaluation and selection: a literature re- view, Journal of Cleaner Production, 98, 66-83.
Guo, S. ve H. Zhao, (2015), Optimal site selection of electric vehicle charging station by using fuzzy TOPSIS based on sustainability perspective, Applied Energy, 158, 390-402.
Handfield, R., Walton, S.V., Sroufe, R. And S.A. Melnyk, (2002), Applying environ- mental criteria to supplier assessment: A study in the application of the Analyti- cal Hierarchy Process. European Journal of Operational Research, 141(1), 70- 87.
Heidarzade A., Mahdavi I. ve N. Mahdavi-Amiri, (2016), Supplier selection using a clustering method based on a new distance for interval type-2 fuzzy sets: A case study, Applied Soft Computing, 38, 213-231.
Hsu C., Kuo T., Chen S. ve A. Hu, (2013), Using DEMATEL to develop a carbon management model of supplier selection in green supply chain management, Jo- urnal of Cleaner Production, 56, 164-172.
Hosseini S. ve K. Barker, (2016), A Bayesian network model for resilience-based supplier selection, International Journal of Production Economics, 180, 68-87.
Humphreys, P.K., Wong, Y.K. and F.T.S Chan, (2003), Integrating environmental criteria into the supplier selection process, Journal of Materials Processing Tech- nology, 138(1–3), 349-356.
Kannan D., Govindan K. ve S. Rajendran, (2015), Fuzzy Axiomatic Design approach based green supplier selection: a case study from Singapore, Journal of Cleaner Production, 96, 194-208.
Kannan, D., Khodaverdi, D., Olfat, L., Jafarian, A. ve A. Diabat, (2013), Integrated fuzzy multi criteria decision making method and multi-objective programming approach for supplier selection and order allocation in a green supply chain, Jo- urnal of Cleaner Production, 47, 355-367.
Karsak, E.E. ve M. Dursun, (2014), An integrated supplier selection methodology in- corporating QFD and DEA with imprecise data, Expert Systems with Applicati- ons, 41, 16, 6995-7004.
Lin, Y., Lin, C., Yu, H. ve G-H. Tzeng, (2010), A novel hybrid MCDM approach for outsourcing vendor selection: A case study for a semiconductor company in Taiwan, Expert Systems with Applications, 37(7), 4796-4804.
Noci, G. (1997), Designing ‘green’ vendor rating systems for the assessment of a supplier's environmental performance, European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, 3(2), 103-114.
Nnorom, I.C. ve O. Osibanjo, (2008), Overview of electronic waste (e-waste) mana- gement practices and legislations, and their poor applications in the developing countries, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 52(6), 843-858.
Orji I.J. ve S. Wei, (2015), An innovative integration of fuzzy-logic and systems dy- namics in sustainable supplier selection: A case on manufacturing industry, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 88, 1-12.
Pacheco-Blanco B. ve Bastante-Ceca M.J., (2016), Green public procurement as an initiative for sustainable consumption. An exploratory study of Spanish public universities, Journal of Cleaner Production, 133, 648-656.
Petroni, A. and Braglia, M. (2000) Vendor Selection Using Principal Component Analysis. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 36, 63-69.
Rezaei J., Nispeling T., Sarkis J and L. Tavasszy (2016), A supplier selection life cycle approach integrating traditional and environmental criteria using the best worst method, Journal of Cleaner Production, 135, 577-588.
Saaty T. L., The Analytic Hierarchy Process, McGraw Hill International (1980).
Saaty, T.L. ve G. L. Vargas, Models, (2012), Methods, Concepts and Applications of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (second ed.) Springer Publishers, New York.
Sivakumar, R. Kannan, D. ve P. Murugesan, (2015), Green vendor evaluation and selection using AHP and Taguchi loss functions in production outsourcing in mining industry, Resources Policy, 46, 64-75.
Toloo, M. ve T. Ertay, (2014), The most cost efficient automotive vendor with price uncertainty: A new DEA approach, Measurement, 52, 135-144.
Triantaphyllou, E., (2000), Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods: A Comparative Study, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands.
Veni, K.K. Rajesh, R. ve S. Pugazhendhi, (2012), Development of Decision Making Model Using Integrated AHP and DEA for Vendor Selection, Procedia Engine- ering, 38, 3700-3708.
Wang,Y-M. ve T.M.S. Elhag, (2006), Fuzzy TOPSIS method based on alpha level sets with an application to bridge risk assessment, Expert Systems with Appli- cations, 31(2), 309-319.
Waite S., Cox P. Ve T. Tudor, (2015), Strategies for local authorities to achieve the EU 2020 50% recycling, reuse and composting target: A case study of England, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 105(A), 18-28.
Wetzstein A., Hartmann, E. Benton jr, W.C. and N. Hohenstein, (2016), A systematic Assessment of supplier selection literature – state-of-the-art and future scope, International Journal of Production Economics, In Press.
Wu, D., (2009), Supplier selection: A hybrid model using DEA, decision tree and neural network, Expert Systems with Applications, 36 (5), 9105-9112.
Zhu, J. (2004), A buyer-seller game model for selection and negotiation of purchas- ing bids: extensions and new models, European Journal of Operations Re- search, 154, 150–156.
Zhu, Q., Sarkis, J. ve K. Lai, (2008), Green supply chain management implications for “closing the loop”, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transpor- tation Review, 44(1), 1-18.