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İnovasyon Sürecinde Örgütü Girişimsel ve Öğrenme Odaklılığa Yönlendirmede Dönüştürücü Liderlik Tarzının Etkisi

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2, 115 - 129, 01.07.2018


Günümüzde, işletmelerin teknolojik gelişmeler ve değişen çevre koşulları karşısında sürdürülebilirliği sağlamasında, daha yenilikçi, öğrenme odaklı ve girişimci olmaları önemlidir. Başarılı işletmelerin örgütsel düzeyde edindikleri öğrenme alışkanlıkları ve girişimsel yetenekleri sayesinde, yüksek inovasyon düzeyine ulaştıkları görülmektedir. Literatür çalışmaları, inovasyonla ilgili değişimi sağlamada, en uyumlu liderlik tipinin "dönüştürücü liderlik tarzı" olduğunu belirtmektedir. Makalenin amacı, işletmenin inovasyon performansının arttırılmasında, örgütün girişim ve öğrenme odaklılığı ile yöneticilerin dönüştürücü liderlik tarzının etkilerini açıklamaktır. Saha araştırması, teknoparklarda faaliyet gösteren 120 işletmede görev yapan 239 yönetici ve eşit sayıda personelin katılımıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, girişim ve öğrenme odaklılığın, inovasyon performansı üzerinde doğrudan ve anlamlı etkisi olduğu görülmüştür. Makale, teknopark firma yöneticilerinin dönüştürücü liderlik tarzı sergilemesi ve girişimci ve öğrenme odaklı süreçleri geliştirmeleri sayesinde, inovasyon performans düzeyinin artabileceğini göstermektedir.


  • Alpkan, L.,Yılmaz, C., Bulut, Ç. (2009). Pazar Oryantasyonu Boyutlarının Firma Performansına Etkileri. Ege Akademik Bakış, 9 (2), 513-538.
  • Barasa, L., Knoben J.,Vermeulen P., Kimiyu P., Kinjanjui B. (2017). Institutions, Resources and Innovation in West Africa. Research Policy, 46, 280-291.
  • Cansız, M. ve Özbaylanlı, B. (2017). Teknoparkların Ar-Ge ve Yenilik Fikirlerine Katkıları. Verimlilik Dergisi, Bilim Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı Verimlilik Genel Müdürlüğü, 3, 125-166.
  • Çalışır, F., Gümüşsoy, Ç., Güzelsoy, E. (2013). Impacts of Learning Orientation on Product Innovation Performance. The Learning Organization, 20 (3), 176-194.
  • Engelen, A., Schmidt S., Strenger L., Brettel M. (2014). Top Management’s Transformational Leader Behaviours and Innovation Orientation. Journal of International Management, 20(2), 124-136.
  • Fornell, C. ve Larcker D. (1981). Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement. Journal of Marketing Research, 39- 50.
  • Gallego, M. ve Neto R., (2016). Strategic Orientations and Cooperation of External Agents in the Innovation Process of Rural Enterprises. Ciencia Rural, 46 (10) 1878-1884.
  • Görker, N. (2017). Dönüştürücü Liderlik Tarzı ile Girişim ve Öğrenme Odaklılığın Örgütsel İnovasyon Performansına Etkisi: Teknopark Firmaları Üzerinde Saha Araştırması. (Doktora Tezi, Beykent Üniversitesi, İstanbul).
  • Hagedoorn, J. ve Cloodt, M. (2003). Measuring İnnovative Performance: Is There an Advantage in Using Multiple Indicators?. Research Policy, ( 32) 1365–1379.
  • Hu, L. ve Bentler, P. (1999). Cut Off Criteria For Fit Indexes in Covariance Structure Analysis: Conventional Criteria Versus New Alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling Multidisciplinary Journal, 6 (1), 1-55.
  • Karabulut, T. (2015). Effects of Innovation Types on Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Turkey. Procedia Social and Behavioral Science,195 (7),1355-1364.
  • Kaya, N. ve Patton, J. (2011). The effects of knowledge-based resources, market orientation and learning orientation on ınnovation performance: an empirical study of Turkish firms. Journal of International Development, 23(2), 204-219.
  • Kim, N., Slater, S., Im, S. (2013). Impact Of Knowledge Type And Strategic Orientation On New Product Creativity And Advantage in High Technology Firms. Journal of Production Innovation Management, 30(1),136-153.
  • Li, J., Chen, Y., Tang G., Jin J. (2014). Ceo's Transformational Leadership and Product Innovation Performance: The Roles of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Technology Orientation. Innovation Management, 31(S1), 2-17.
  • Li, Y., Liu, Y., Zhao Y. (2006). The Role of Market and Entrepreneurship Orientation and Internal Control in the New Product Development Activities of Chinese Firms. Industrial Marketing Management, 35, 336-347.
  • Mu, J.,Thomas, E., Peng, G., Benedetto, D. (2016). Strategic Orientation And New Product Development Performance: The Role of Networking Capability and Ability. Industrial Marketing Management, 29 (9), 1-15.
  • Muchiri, M. ve Mc.Murray A. (2015). Entrepreneurial Orientation within Small Firms: A Critical Review of why Leadership and Contextual Factors Matter. Small Entreprise Research, 22 (1),17-31.
  • Mokhber I., Khairuzzaman W., Vakilbashi A. (2015). Effect of Transformational Leadership and its Components on Organizational Innovation. Iranian Journal of Management Studies, 8 (2), 221-241.
  • Nguyen, T., Barrett, N., Fletcher, R. (2006). Information Internalisation and Evidence From Vietnamese Firms. International Business Review,15(6), 682- 701.
  • Nielsen, K. ve Cleal, B. (2011). Under Which Conditions Do Middle Managers Exhibit Transformational Leadership Behaviors?. The Leadership Quarterly, 22(2), 344-352.
  • Özşahin, M. (2011). Yüksek Performanslı İşletmelerde Liderlik, Rekabetçi İklim ve Performans İlişkisi. (Doktora Tezi, Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul).
  • Podsakoff, P., Mac Kenzie S., Bommer W. (1996). Transformational Leader Behaviors and Substitutes for Leadership As Determinants of Employee Satisfaction, Commitment, Trust and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. Journal of Management, 22 (2), 259-298.
  • Schumacher, R. ve Lomax R. (2010). A Beginner's Guide to Structural Equation Modelling. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Sinkula J., Baker W., Noordewier, T. (1997). A Framework for Market-Based Organizational Learning: Linking Values, Knowledge and Behavior. Journal of Academic Marketing Science, 25(9), 305-318.
  • Sutanto, E. M. (2017). The Influence of Organizational Learning Capability and Organizational Creativity on Organizational Innovation of Universities in East Indonesia. Asia Pacific Management Review, 22 (3),128-135.
  • Taşgit Y. ve Demirel, E. (2016). İnovasyon Performansı Ölçüm Kriterlerini Nitel Araştırma ile Belirleme. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 307-329.
  • Tajeddini, K. (2015).Using the Integration of Disparate Antecedent to Drive Innovation Performance. Tekhne- Applied Management Studies, 13, 34-50.
  • Tavassoli, S. ve Karlsson, C. (2015). Persistence of Various Types of Innovation Analyzed And Explained. Research Policy, 44(10),1887–1901.
  • Zhang W., Wang, H., Pearce C. (2014). Consideration for Future Consequences as an Antecedent of Transformational Leadership Behaviour. The Leadership Quarterly, 25 (2), 329-343.

The Impact of the Transformational Leadership on Becoming Entrepreneurial and Learning Oriented Firm in the Innovation Process

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2, 115 - 129, 01.07.2018


Today, it is important for businesses to be innovative, learning-oriented and entrepreneurial in the face of technological developments and changing environmental conditions. Successful businesses are seen to achieve a high level of innovation through their learning habits and their entrepreneurial skills. Literature studies state that the most adaptible leadership type is "transformative leadership style" in providing for the innovation. The aim of the article is to explain the influence transformational leadership style in enchancing the innovation performance through learning and entreprenuirship orientation. The fieldwork was conducted with the participation of 239 managers and an equal number of personnel from 120 enterprises operating in technoparks. As a result of the research, it is seen that the entrepreneurial and learning orientation is a direct and significant influence on the innovation performance.The article shows that innovation levels can be enhanced by executives demonstrating transformative leadership and improved entrepreneurial and learning-oriented processes


  • Alpkan, L.,Yılmaz, C., Bulut, Ç. (2009). Pazar Oryantasyonu Boyutlarının Firma Performansına Etkileri. Ege Akademik Bakış, 9 (2), 513-538.
  • Barasa, L., Knoben J.,Vermeulen P., Kimiyu P., Kinjanjui B. (2017). Institutions, Resources and Innovation in West Africa. Research Policy, 46, 280-291.
  • Cansız, M. ve Özbaylanlı, B. (2017). Teknoparkların Ar-Ge ve Yenilik Fikirlerine Katkıları. Verimlilik Dergisi, Bilim Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı Verimlilik Genel Müdürlüğü, 3, 125-166.
  • Çalışır, F., Gümüşsoy, Ç., Güzelsoy, E. (2013). Impacts of Learning Orientation on Product Innovation Performance. The Learning Organization, 20 (3), 176-194.
  • Engelen, A., Schmidt S., Strenger L., Brettel M. (2014). Top Management’s Transformational Leader Behaviours and Innovation Orientation. Journal of International Management, 20(2), 124-136.
  • Fornell, C. ve Larcker D. (1981). Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement. Journal of Marketing Research, 39- 50.
  • Gallego, M. ve Neto R., (2016). Strategic Orientations and Cooperation of External Agents in the Innovation Process of Rural Enterprises. Ciencia Rural, 46 (10) 1878-1884.
  • Görker, N. (2017). Dönüştürücü Liderlik Tarzı ile Girişim ve Öğrenme Odaklılığın Örgütsel İnovasyon Performansına Etkisi: Teknopark Firmaları Üzerinde Saha Araştırması. (Doktora Tezi, Beykent Üniversitesi, İstanbul).
  • Hagedoorn, J. ve Cloodt, M. (2003). Measuring İnnovative Performance: Is There an Advantage in Using Multiple Indicators?. Research Policy, ( 32) 1365–1379.
  • Hu, L. ve Bentler, P. (1999). Cut Off Criteria For Fit Indexes in Covariance Structure Analysis: Conventional Criteria Versus New Alternatives. Structural Equation Modeling Multidisciplinary Journal, 6 (1), 1-55.
  • Karabulut, T. (2015). Effects of Innovation Types on Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Turkey. Procedia Social and Behavioral Science,195 (7),1355-1364.
  • Kaya, N. ve Patton, J. (2011). The effects of knowledge-based resources, market orientation and learning orientation on ınnovation performance: an empirical study of Turkish firms. Journal of International Development, 23(2), 204-219.
  • Kim, N., Slater, S., Im, S. (2013). Impact Of Knowledge Type And Strategic Orientation On New Product Creativity And Advantage in High Technology Firms. Journal of Production Innovation Management, 30(1),136-153.
  • Li, J., Chen, Y., Tang G., Jin J. (2014). Ceo's Transformational Leadership and Product Innovation Performance: The Roles of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Technology Orientation. Innovation Management, 31(S1), 2-17.
  • Li, Y., Liu, Y., Zhao Y. (2006). The Role of Market and Entrepreneurship Orientation and Internal Control in the New Product Development Activities of Chinese Firms. Industrial Marketing Management, 35, 336-347.
  • Mu, J.,Thomas, E., Peng, G., Benedetto, D. (2016). Strategic Orientation And New Product Development Performance: The Role of Networking Capability and Ability. Industrial Marketing Management, 29 (9), 1-15.
  • Muchiri, M. ve Mc.Murray A. (2015). Entrepreneurial Orientation within Small Firms: A Critical Review of why Leadership and Contextual Factors Matter. Small Entreprise Research, 22 (1),17-31.
  • Mokhber I., Khairuzzaman W., Vakilbashi A. (2015). Effect of Transformational Leadership and its Components on Organizational Innovation. Iranian Journal of Management Studies, 8 (2), 221-241.
  • Nguyen, T., Barrett, N., Fletcher, R. (2006). Information Internalisation and Evidence From Vietnamese Firms. International Business Review,15(6), 682- 701.
  • Nielsen, K. ve Cleal, B. (2011). Under Which Conditions Do Middle Managers Exhibit Transformational Leadership Behaviors?. The Leadership Quarterly, 22(2), 344-352.
  • Özşahin, M. (2011). Yüksek Performanslı İşletmelerde Liderlik, Rekabetçi İklim ve Performans İlişkisi. (Doktora Tezi, Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul).
  • Podsakoff, P., Mac Kenzie S., Bommer W. (1996). Transformational Leader Behaviors and Substitutes for Leadership As Determinants of Employee Satisfaction, Commitment, Trust and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors. Journal of Management, 22 (2), 259-298.
  • Schumacher, R. ve Lomax R. (2010). A Beginner's Guide to Structural Equation Modelling. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Sinkula J., Baker W., Noordewier, T. (1997). A Framework for Market-Based Organizational Learning: Linking Values, Knowledge and Behavior. Journal of Academic Marketing Science, 25(9), 305-318.
  • Sutanto, E. M. (2017). The Influence of Organizational Learning Capability and Organizational Creativity on Organizational Innovation of Universities in East Indonesia. Asia Pacific Management Review, 22 (3),128-135.
  • Taşgit Y. ve Demirel, E. (2016). İnovasyon Performansı Ölçüm Kriterlerini Nitel Araştırma ile Belirleme. İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 307-329.
  • Tajeddini, K. (2015).Using the Integration of Disparate Antecedent to Drive Innovation Performance. Tekhne- Applied Management Studies, 13, 34-50.
  • Tavassoli, S. ve Karlsson, C. (2015). Persistence of Various Types of Innovation Analyzed And Explained. Research Policy, 44(10),1887–1901.
  • Zhang W., Wang, H., Pearce C. (2014). Consideration for Future Consequences as an Antecedent of Transformational Leadership Behaviour. The Leadership Quarterly, 25 (2), 329-343.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Nuray Görker Bu kişi benim

Oya Erdil Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 19 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Görker, N., & Erdil, O. (2018). İnovasyon Sürecinde Örgütü Girişimsel ve Öğrenme Odaklılığa Yönlendirmede Dönüştürücü Liderlik Tarzının Etkisi. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 19(2), 115-129.