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Rasyonalite ve Akışkanlık: Modernist Örgüt Kuramlarının Kompleksite Düşüncesi Ekseninde Tahlili

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 2, 135 - 154, 01.07.2019


Modernist düşünce akımının örgütleri mekanik sistemler olarak tanımlamasının bir yansıması olan makina metaforunun etkisi altında geliştirilmiş örgütsel kuramların temel varsayımlarının günümüzün kompleks küresel ortamında işlerliği sorgulanır hale gelmiştir. Eşi benzeri görülmemiş düzeydeki karşılıklı bağlılık ve bağımlılık ortamında küresel ağda etkileşime geçen sayısız aktörün, kelebek etkisi olarak da adlandırılan durumda anlatılmak istendiği gibi, hangi şekilde ve yoğunlukta ilişki kurup etkileşime gireceği ve bu etkileşimlerin nitel olarak özgün hangi yeni görüngünün belirimine yol açabileceğini kestirebilmek mümkün görünmemektedir. Her an olma halindeki şartlar altında örgütlerin neden-sonuç ilişkileri arasındaki rasyonel bağları kurarak anı idrak edebileceklerine inanmaya devam etmeleri söz konusu değildir. Kavramsal tahlile dayalı bu makale, örgütlerin birer makina olarak tanımlandıkları ontolojik konumlanmanın, örgütlerin kompleks sosyal etkileşim ağları olarak yeniden şekillenmesi akışkanlar çağında var olmayı sürdürebilmek için elzem bir düşünsel gereklilik olduğunu, modernist örgüt kuramlarının varsayımlarının karşısına kompleksite kavramını konumlayarak ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Kompleks sistemler yaklaşımını benimsemekte somut bir metafor olarak ekoloji kavramı önerilmektedir


  • Akat, İ., Budak, G. ve Budak, G. (2002). İşletme Yönetimi. (Dördüncü Baskı) Barış Yayınları: İzmir.
  • Allen, P.M. ve McGlade, J.M. (1987). Evolutionary Drive: The Effect of Microscopic Diversity, Error Making and Noise. Foundation of Physics. 17(7), s.723-788.
  • Allen, R. (2004). Penguin English Dictionary. (4.Baskı). Penguin Reference: London.
  • Altunışık, R. (2015). Büyük Veri: Fırsatlar Kaynağı mı Yoksa Yeni Sorunlar Yumağı mı? Yıldız Social Science Review. 1(1), s.45-76.
  • Amagoh, F. (2008). Perspectives on organization change: Systems and complexity theories. The Innovation Journal. 13(3), s.1-14.
  • Anderson, P. (1999). Perspective: Complexity theory and organization science. Organization Science. (10), s..216-232.
  • Argyris, C. (1994). Good Communication That Blocks Learning. Harvard Business Review. Temmuz-Ağustos, s.77-85.
  • Backlund, A. (2002). The Concept of Complexity in Organisations and Information Systems. Kybernetes. 31(1), s.30-43.
  • Bakan, İ. ve Yücel, D.K. (2011). Öğrenen Organizasyonlar. Çağdaş Yönetim Yaklaşımları. Editör: İ. Bakan. (İkinci Baskı) Beta Yayınevi: İstanbul.
  • Balle, K. (2007). Call Centers. The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies. Editörler: R.S. Clegg ve J.R. Bailey. SAGE Publications: Thousand Oaks.
  • Barth, P., Bean, R., & Davenport, T. (2012). How big data is different. Sloan Management Review, (Fall): 21–24.
  • Barton, M. ve Sutcliffe, K. (2009). Overcoming dysfunctional momentum: Organizational safety as a social achievement. Human Relations. 62(9), s.1327-1356.
  • Bauman, Z. (2000/2012). Liquid Modernity. Polity Press: Cambridge.
  • Baumard, P. (1999). Tacit Knowledge in Organizations. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks.
  • Bazerman, M.H. ve Watkins, M.D. (2004). Predictable Surprises: The Disasters You Should Have Seen Coming and How to Prevent Them. Harvard Business School Press: Boston.
  • Boal, K.B. ve Schultz, P.L. (2007). Storytelling, time and evolution: The role of strategic leadership in complex adaptive systems. The Leadership Quarterly. 18(4), s.411-428.
  • Boulton, J. ve Allen, P. M. (2016). Complexity Perspective. Advanced Strategic Management: A Multi-Perspective Approach. Editörler: M. Jenkins, V. Ambrosini ve N. Collier. (Üçüncü Baskı) Palgrave Macmillan: London, s.285
  • Boyd, D ve Crawford, K. (2012). Critical questions for big data. Information and Communication Society. 15(5), s.662-679.
  • Burns, T. ve Stalker, G.M. (1961). The Management of Innovation. Oxford University Press: New York.
  • Burns, T. (1971). Mechanistic Organismic Structures. Organization Theory. Editör: D.S. Pugh. Penguin Books: London.
  • Burrell, G. ve Morgan, G. (1979). Sociological Paradigms and Organisational Analysis. Heinemann: London.
  • Capra, F. (1996). The Web of Life. Anchor Books: New York.
  • Chapman, K. (2016). Complexity and Creative Capacity: Rethinking knowledge transfer, adaptive management and wicked environmental problems. Routledge: New York.
  • Chia, R. (2005). Organization theory as a postmodern science. The Oxford Handbook of Organization Theory. Editörler: H. Tsoukas ve C. Knudsen. Oxford Universtiy Press: New York, s.113-140.
  • Chia, R. (2012). Rediscovering Becoming: Insights from an Oriental Perspective on Process Organization Studies. Process, Sensemaking & Organizing. Editörler: T. Hernes ve S. Maitlis. Oxford University Press: New York, s.112-139.
  • Catino, M. (2013). Organizational Myopia: Problems of Foresight in Organizations. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
  • Collier, B. ve Maclachlan, J. (1998). Charles Babbage and the Engines of Perfection. Oxford University Press: New York.
  • Cornelissen, J.P., Kafouros, M. ve Lock, A.R. (2009). Metaphorical Images of Organization: How Organizational Researchers Develop and Select Organizational Metaphors. Exploring Organizational Dynamics. Editör: Smaranda Boroş. SAGE Publications: London, s.182-216.
  • Dougherty, D. (2008). Snapshot: From 20th Century Knowledge Management to 21st Century Challenges. The SAGE Handbook of New Approaches in Management and Organization. Editörler: D. Barry ve H. Hansen. SAGE Publications: Thousand Oaks, s.154-155.
  • Dunne, D. ve Dougherty, D. (2006). Learning for innovation in science-based industries: The case of bio-pharmaceuticals. Working Paper: Rutgers University.
  • Dooley, K. (1997). A complex adaptive systems of organization change. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology & Life Science. 1, s.69-97.
  • Dyke, M. (2009). An enabling framework for reflexive learning: Experiential learning and reflexivity in contemporary modernity. International Journal of Lifelong Education. 28(3), s.289-310.
  • Erşahan, B., Büyükbeşe, T., Bakan, İ. ve Sezer, B. (2011). Örgütsel Ustalık. Çağdaş Yönetim Yaklaşımları. Editör: İ. Bakan. (İkinci Baskı) Beta Yayınevi: İstanbul.
  • Ewing, J. (2015). Apple and Google Create a Buzz at Frankfurt Motor Show. create-a-buzz-at-frankfurt-motor-show.html
  • Fayol, H. (1916/2013). General and Industrial Management. Martino Publishing: Mansfield.
  • Follett, M.P. (1924). Creative Experience. Martino Publishing: Mansfield Centre.
  • Fonseca, J. (2002). Complexity and Innovation in Organizations. Routledge: London.
  • Goerner, S. (1994). Chaos and the Evolving Ecological Universe. Gordon and Breach Publications.
  • Grant, R.M. ve Jordan, J. (2014). Foundations of Strategy. Wiley: New York.
  • Goldstein, J., Hazy, J.K. ve Lichtenstein, B.B. (2010). Complexity and the Nexus of Leadership: Leveraging Nonlinear Science to Create Ecologies of Innovation. Palgrave Macmillan: London.
  • Hagon, T. (2016). Mercedes-Benz now sees Google and Apple as its main rivals. Google-and-Apple-as-its-main-rivals
  • Halley, J.D. ve Winkler, D.A. (2008). Classification of emergence and its relation to self-organization. Emergence. 13(5), s.10-15.
  • Hammond, J.S., Keeney, R.L. ve Raiffa, H. (1998). The Hidden Traps in Decision Making. Harvard Business Review. 76(5), s.47-58.
  • Held, D. ve McGrew, A. (2003). “Globalization”. The Global Transformations Reader: An Introduction to the Globalization Debate. Editörler: D. Held ve A. McGrew. Polity Press: Cambridge, s.1-50.
  • Hernes, T. (2014). A process theory of organization. Oxford University Press: New York.
  • Höpfl, H.M. (2015). Post-buraucracy and Weber’s Modern Bureaucrat. Organizational Change Management. 19(1), s.8-21.
  • Kamoche, K.N., Cunha, M.P. ve Cunha, J.V. (2002). “Introduction and Overview”. Organizational Improvisation. Editörler: K.N. Kamoche, M.P. Cunha ve J.V. Cunha. Routledge: New York, s.1-11.
  • Keskin, H., Akgün, A. ve Koçoğlu, İ. (2016). Örgüt Teorisi. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık: Ankara.
  • Kitchin, R. (2014). Big Data, new epistemologies and paradigm shifts. Big Data & Society. April-June, s.1-12.
  • Lampitt, A. (2013). Hadoop: Analysis at massive scale in Info- world, rerun-1-all-sm.pdf, s.8-12. Data
  • Levy, D. (2000). Applications and limitations of complexity theory in organization theory and strategy. Handbook of Strategic Management. Editörler: J. Rabin ve G. Miller. (İkinci Baskı) CRC Press: Boca Raton, s.67-87.
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  • Lorenz, E.N. (1993). The Essence of Chaos. University of Washington Press: Seattle.
  • Lune, H. (2010). Understanding Organizations. Polity Press: Cambridge.
  • Maguire, S., Allen, P. ve McKelvey, B. (2011). Complexity and Management: Introducing the SAGE Handbook. The SAGE Handbookf of Complexity and Management. Editörler: P. Allen, S. Maguire ve B. McKelvey. SAGE Publications: Thousand Oaks, s.1-30.
  • Manyika, J., Chui, M., Brown, B., Bughin, J., Dobbs, R., Roxburgh, C. ve Byers, A.H. (2011). Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity. McKinsey Global Institute: San Francisco.
  • March, J.G. (2008). Exploring Organizations. Stanford Business Books: California.
  • Marion, R. (1999). The edge of organization: Chaos and complexity theories of formal social organizations. SAGE Publications: Thousand Oaks.
  • McAuley, J., Duberley, J. & Johnson, P. (2007). Organization Theory: Challenges and Perspectives. FT Prentice Hall: Essex.
  • Meiss, J.D. (1995) Frequently asked questions about nonlinear science. (version 1.0.9) Newsgroup sci.nonlinear: Department of Applied Mathematics ant University of Colorado at Boulder, s.1-31.
  • Mendenhall, M.E., Macomber, J.H. ve Cutright, M. (2000). Mary Parker Follett: prophet of chaos and complexity. Journal of Management History. 6(4), s.191
  • Merali, Y. ve Allen, P. M. (2011). Complexity and Management: Introducing the SAGE Handbook. The SAGE Handbook of Complexity and Management. Editörler: P. Allen, S. Maguire ve B. McKelvey. SAGE Publications: Thousand Oaks, s.1-30.
  • Morgan, G. (2006). Images of Organization. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks.
  • Otley, D.T. ve Berry, A.J. (1980). Control, Organization and Accounting. Accounting, Organizations and Society. (5), s.231-246.
  • Parker, D. ve Stacey, R. (1994). Chaos, Management and Economics: The Implications of Nonlinear Thinking. The Institute of Economic Affairs: London.
  • Patnaik, R. (2012). Strategic planning through complexity: overcoming impediments to forecast and schedule. Journal of Business Strategy. 9(1), s.27-36.
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  • Richardson, K.A. (2008). Managing Complex Organizations: Complexity Thinking and the Science and Art of Management. E:CO. 10(2), s.13-26.
  • Rubenstein, Ira. (2013). Big data: the end of privacy or a new beginning? International Data Privacy Law. 3(2), s.74-87.
  • Schneider, M. ve Somers, M. (2006). Organizations as complex adaptive systems: Implications of Complexity Theory for Leadership Research. The Leadership Quarterly. (17), s.351-365.
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Rationality and Fluidity: Analysis of Modernist Organization Theories through the Lens of Complexity Thinking

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 2, 135 - 154, 01.07.2019


Organizational studies had been substantially influenced by the basic underlying assumptions of the modernist stream of thought which embraced ‘machine metaphor’ as the ontological ground on which entire theories of organization and management had been built. Given the unprecedented level of interdependence and interconnectednes and the amount of data and information flowing in the global network, organizations seem to be haunted by the feeble references of linear causality in their endeavors to survive under the circumstances of complexity. This article intends to diagnose and analyze the need for replacing the ingrained assumptions of modernist organization and management theories with the ones postulated by complexity thinking which puts special emphasis on concepts like evolution, interaction, symbiosis and nonlinearity. Ecology metaphore, as suggested in the article, could serve as a plausible anchor to explicate the ‘in-the-making’ nature of the interactions between the constituting parts of the whole, namely organization


  • Akat, İ., Budak, G. ve Budak, G. (2002). İşletme Yönetimi. (Dördüncü Baskı) Barış Yayınları: İzmir.
  • Allen, P.M. ve McGlade, J.M. (1987). Evolutionary Drive: The Effect of Microscopic Diversity, Error Making and Noise. Foundation of Physics. 17(7), s.723-788.
  • Allen, R. (2004). Penguin English Dictionary. (4.Baskı). Penguin Reference: London.
  • Altunışık, R. (2015). Büyük Veri: Fırsatlar Kaynağı mı Yoksa Yeni Sorunlar Yumağı mı? Yıldız Social Science Review. 1(1), s.45-76.
  • Amagoh, F. (2008). Perspectives on organization change: Systems and complexity theories. The Innovation Journal. 13(3), s.1-14.
  • Anderson, P. (1999). Perspective: Complexity theory and organization science. Organization Science. (10), s..216-232.
  • Argyris, C. (1994). Good Communication That Blocks Learning. Harvard Business Review. Temmuz-Ağustos, s.77-85.
  • Backlund, A. (2002). The Concept of Complexity in Organisations and Information Systems. Kybernetes. 31(1), s.30-43.
  • Bakan, İ. ve Yücel, D.K. (2011). Öğrenen Organizasyonlar. Çağdaş Yönetim Yaklaşımları. Editör: İ. Bakan. (İkinci Baskı) Beta Yayınevi: İstanbul.
  • Balle, K. (2007). Call Centers. The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies. Editörler: R.S. Clegg ve J.R. Bailey. SAGE Publications: Thousand Oaks.
  • Barth, P., Bean, R., & Davenport, T. (2012). How big data is different. Sloan Management Review, (Fall): 21–24.
  • Barton, M. ve Sutcliffe, K. (2009). Overcoming dysfunctional momentum: Organizational safety as a social achievement. Human Relations. 62(9), s.1327-1356.
  • Bauman, Z. (2000/2012). Liquid Modernity. Polity Press: Cambridge.
  • Baumard, P. (1999). Tacit Knowledge in Organizations. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks.
  • Bazerman, M.H. ve Watkins, M.D. (2004). Predictable Surprises: The Disasters You Should Have Seen Coming and How to Prevent Them. Harvard Business School Press: Boston.
  • Boal, K.B. ve Schultz, P.L. (2007). Storytelling, time and evolution: The role of strategic leadership in complex adaptive systems. The Leadership Quarterly. 18(4), s.411-428.
  • Boulton, J. ve Allen, P. M. (2016). Complexity Perspective. Advanced Strategic Management: A Multi-Perspective Approach. Editörler: M. Jenkins, V. Ambrosini ve N. Collier. (Üçüncü Baskı) Palgrave Macmillan: London, s.285
  • Boyd, D ve Crawford, K. (2012). Critical questions for big data. Information and Communication Society. 15(5), s.662-679.
  • Burns, T. ve Stalker, G.M. (1961). The Management of Innovation. Oxford University Press: New York.
  • Burns, T. (1971). Mechanistic Organismic Structures. Organization Theory. Editör: D.S. Pugh. Penguin Books: London.
  • Burrell, G. ve Morgan, G. (1979). Sociological Paradigms and Organisational Analysis. Heinemann: London.
  • Capra, F. (1996). The Web of Life. Anchor Books: New York.
  • Chapman, K. (2016). Complexity and Creative Capacity: Rethinking knowledge transfer, adaptive management and wicked environmental problems. Routledge: New York.
  • Chia, R. (2005). Organization theory as a postmodern science. The Oxford Handbook of Organization Theory. Editörler: H. Tsoukas ve C. Knudsen. Oxford Universtiy Press: New York, s.113-140.
  • Chia, R. (2012). Rediscovering Becoming: Insights from an Oriental Perspective on Process Organization Studies. Process, Sensemaking & Organizing. Editörler: T. Hernes ve S. Maitlis. Oxford University Press: New York, s.112-139.
  • Catino, M. (2013). Organizational Myopia: Problems of Foresight in Organizations. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
  • Collier, B. ve Maclachlan, J. (1998). Charles Babbage and the Engines of Perfection. Oxford University Press: New York.
  • Cornelissen, J.P., Kafouros, M. ve Lock, A.R. (2009). Metaphorical Images of Organization: How Organizational Researchers Develop and Select Organizational Metaphors. Exploring Organizational Dynamics. Editör: Smaranda Boroş. SAGE Publications: London, s.182-216.
  • Dougherty, D. (2008). Snapshot: From 20th Century Knowledge Management to 21st Century Challenges. The SAGE Handbook of New Approaches in Management and Organization. Editörler: D. Barry ve H. Hansen. SAGE Publications: Thousand Oaks, s.154-155.
  • Dunne, D. ve Dougherty, D. (2006). Learning for innovation in science-based industries: The case of bio-pharmaceuticals. Working Paper: Rutgers University.
  • Dooley, K. (1997). A complex adaptive systems of organization change. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology & Life Science. 1, s.69-97.
  • Dyke, M. (2009). An enabling framework for reflexive learning: Experiential learning and reflexivity in contemporary modernity. International Journal of Lifelong Education. 28(3), s.289-310.
  • Erşahan, B., Büyükbeşe, T., Bakan, İ. ve Sezer, B. (2011). Örgütsel Ustalık. Çağdaş Yönetim Yaklaşımları. Editör: İ. Bakan. (İkinci Baskı) Beta Yayınevi: İstanbul.
  • Ewing, J. (2015). Apple and Google Create a Buzz at Frankfurt Motor Show. create-a-buzz-at-frankfurt-motor-show.html
  • Fayol, H. (1916/2013). General and Industrial Management. Martino Publishing: Mansfield.
  • Follett, M.P. (1924). Creative Experience. Martino Publishing: Mansfield Centre.
  • Fonseca, J. (2002). Complexity and Innovation in Organizations. Routledge: London.
  • Goerner, S. (1994). Chaos and the Evolving Ecological Universe. Gordon and Breach Publications.
  • Grant, R.M. ve Jordan, J. (2014). Foundations of Strategy. Wiley: New York.
  • Goldstein, J., Hazy, J.K. ve Lichtenstein, B.B. (2010). Complexity and the Nexus of Leadership: Leveraging Nonlinear Science to Create Ecologies of Innovation. Palgrave Macmillan: London.
  • Hagon, T. (2016). Mercedes-Benz now sees Google and Apple as its main rivals. Google-and-Apple-as-its-main-rivals
  • Halley, J.D. ve Winkler, D.A. (2008). Classification of emergence and its relation to self-organization. Emergence. 13(5), s.10-15.
  • Hammond, J.S., Keeney, R.L. ve Raiffa, H. (1998). The Hidden Traps in Decision Making. Harvard Business Review. 76(5), s.47-58.
  • Held, D. ve McGrew, A. (2003). “Globalization”. The Global Transformations Reader: An Introduction to the Globalization Debate. Editörler: D. Held ve A. McGrew. Polity Press: Cambridge, s.1-50.
  • Hernes, T. (2014). A process theory of organization. Oxford University Press: New York.
  • Höpfl, H.M. (2015). Post-buraucracy and Weber’s Modern Bureaucrat. Organizational Change Management. 19(1), s.8-21.
  • Kamoche, K.N., Cunha, M.P. ve Cunha, J.V. (2002). “Introduction and Overview”. Organizational Improvisation. Editörler: K.N. Kamoche, M.P. Cunha ve J.V. Cunha. Routledge: New York, s.1-11.
  • Keskin, H., Akgün, A. ve Koçoğlu, İ. (2016). Örgüt Teorisi. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık: Ankara.
  • Kitchin, R. (2014). Big Data, new epistemologies and paradigm shifts. Big Data & Society. April-June, s.1-12.
  • Lampitt, A. (2013). Hadoop: Analysis at massive scale in Info- world, rerun-1-all-sm.pdf, s.8-12. Data
  • Levy, D. (2000). Applications and limitations of complexity theory in organization theory and strategy. Handbook of Strategic Management. Editörler: J. Rabin ve G. Miller. (İkinci Baskı) CRC Press: Boca Raton, s.67-87.
  • Li, F. (2007). What is E-Business? Blackwell Publishing: Oxford.
  • Lorenz, E.N. (1993). The Essence of Chaos. University of Washington Press: Seattle.
  • Lune, H. (2010). Understanding Organizations. Polity Press: Cambridge.
  • Maguire, S., Allen, P. ve McKelvey, B. (2011). Complexity and Management: Introducing the SAGE Handbook. The SAGE Handbookf of Complexity and Management. Editörler: P. Allen, S. Maguire ve B. McKelvey. SAGE Publications: Thousand Oaks, s.1-30.
  • Manyika, J., Chui, M., Brown, B., Bughin, J., Dobbs, R., Roxburgh, C. ve Byers, A.H. (2011). Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity. McKinsey Global Institute: San Francisco.
  • March, J.G. (2008). Exploring Organizations. Stanford Business Books: California.
  • Marion, R. (1999). The edge of organization: Chaos and complexity theories of formal social organizations. SAGE Publications: Thousand Oaks.
  • McAuley, J., Duberley, J. & Johnson, P. (2007). Organization Theory: Challenges and Perspectives. FT Prentice Hall: Essex.
  • Meiss, J.D. (1995) Frequently asked questions about nonlinear science. (version 1.0.9) Newsgroup sci.nonlinear: Department of Applied Mathematics ant University of Colorado at Boulder, s.1-31.
  • Mendenhall, M.E., Macomber, J.H. ve Cutright, M. (2000). Mary Parker Follett: prophet of chaos and complexity. Journal of Management History. 6(4), s.191
  • Merali, Y. ve Allen, P. M. (2011). Complexity and Management: Introducing the SAGE Handbook. The SAGE Handbook of Complexity and Management. Editörler: P. Allen, S. Maguire ve B. McKelvey. SAGE Publications: Thousand Oaks, s.1-30.
  • Morgan, G. (2006). Images of Organization. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks.
  • Otley, D.T. ve Berry, A.J. (1980). Control, Organization and Accounting. Accounting, Organizations and Society. (5), s.231-246.
  • Parker, D. ve Stacey, R. (1994). Chaos, Management and Economics: The Implications of Nonlinear Thinking. The Institute of Economic Affairs: London.
  • Patnaik, R. (2012). Strategic planning through complexity: overcoming impediments to forecast and schedule. Journal of Business Strategy. 9(1), s.27-36.
  • Pettigrew, A.M. (1990). Longitudinal Field Research on Change: Theory and Practice. Organization Science. 1(3), s.267-292.
  • Richardson, K.A. (2008). Managing Complex Organizations: Complexity Thinking and the Science and Art of Management. E:CO. 10(2), s.13-26.
  • Rubenstein, Ira. (2013). Big data: the end of privacy or a new beginning? International Data Privacy Law. 3(2), s.74-87.
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Toplam 88 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ahmet Hakan Yüksel Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 20 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Yüksel, A. H. (2019). Rasyonalite ve Akışkanlık: Modernist Örgüt Kuramlarının Kompleksite Düşüncesi Ekseninde Tahlili. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 20(2), 135-154.