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Hizmet Sektöründe Psikolojik Şiddet Algısının Çalışanlar Üzerindeki Etkilerinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2, 157 - 171, 01.07.2020


Örgütler, çalışanların performanslarını ve verimliliklerini dinamik tutacak kültürü oluşturabilirse, bu durum çalışanların yaratıcılığının geliştirilmesine katkı sağlayacaktır. Mobbing’in olduğu durumlarda, kontrolü kaybeden bireyler, görevlerini yerine getirirken kendilerini baskı altında hissetmekte ve zorla çalışmaktadırlar. Bu durum çalışanların işlerine olan tutkularını da yok etmektedir.Psikolojik şiddet algısının olmadığı örgütlerde, çalışanların işlerine olan tutkunlukları hem işten ayrılma niyetini ortadan kaldırmakta hemde yaratıcılık performanslarını arttırmaktadır. Araştırma modeli kapsamında hizmet sektöründe faaliyetde bulunan 321 çalışandan veriler toplanarak SPSS 25 ve AMOS programlarında, psikolojik şiddet algısı, çalışmaya tutkunluk, işten ayrılma niyeti ve yaratıcılık performansı arasındaki ilişkiler ve etkiler incelenmiştir


  • Amabile, T. M. (1983). The social psychology of creativity: A componential conceptualization. Journal of personality and social psychology, 45(2), 357.
  • Aroian, L. A. (1947). The probability function of the product of two normally distributed variables. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 265-271.
  • Aylan, S., & Koç, H. (2016). Relationship Between Mobbing and Intention to Leave in Hotel Industry. Journal of Tourism and gastronomy Studies, 14, 20.
  • Bal, P. M., De Cooman, R., & Mol, S. T. (2013). Dynamics of psychological contracts with work engagement and turnover intention: The influence of organizational tenure. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 22(1), 107-122.
  • Balducci, C., Fraccaroli, F., & Schaufeli, W. B. (2010). Psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES9). European Journal of Psychological Assessment.
  • Brown, T. A. (2015). Confirmatory factor analysis for applied research. Guilford publications.
  • Brown, K. W., Ryan, R. M., & Creswell, J. D. (2007). Mindfulness: Theoretical foundations and evidence for its salutary effects. Psychological inquiry, 18(4), 211-237.
  • Bulut, S. (2019). Why Mobbing is Important. OA J Behavioural Sci Psych, 2(3), 180019.
  • Bulut, S., Eiden, P., Beichel, W., Slattery, J. M., Beyersdorff, T. F., Schubert, T. J., & Krossing, I. (2011). Temperature dependence of the viscosity and conductivity of mildly functionalized and non‐functionalized [Tf2N]− ionic liquids. ChemPhysChem, 12(12), 2296-2310.
  • Burke, R. J., & Fiksenbaum, L. (2009). Work motivations, work outcomes, and health: Passion versus addiction. Journal of business ethics, 84(2), 257.
  • Cardon, M. S., Wincent, J., Singh, J., & Drnovsek, M. (2009). The nature and experience of entrepreneurial passion. Academy of management Review, 34(3), 511-532.
  • Chang, S., Gong, Y., Way, S. A., & Jia, L. (2013). Flexibility-oriented HRM systems, absorptive capacity, and market responsiveness and firm innovativeness. Journal of Management, 39(7), 1924-1951.
  • Chen, C. A., Bozeman, B., & Berman, E. (2018). The grass is greener, but why? Evidence of employees’ perceived sector mismatch from the US, New Zealand, and Taiwan. International Public Management Journal, 1-30.
  • Çiftçi, A. M. (2014). İş Ortamının Yaratıcılık Performansına Etkisi: Mutfak Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Uygulama. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Akdeniz Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Antalya.
  • Collins, C. J., & Smith, K. G. (2006). Knowledge exchange and combination: The role of human resource practices in the performance of high-technology firms. Academy of management journal, 49(3), 544-560.
  • Daniel, T. A. (2006). Bullies in the workplace: A focus on the abusive disrespect of employees. Society for Human Resource Management.
  • Day, C. (2004). A Passion for Teaching (London/New York: RoutledgeFalmer).
  • Delery, J. E., & Doty, D. H. (1996). Modes of theorizing in strategic human resource management: Tests of universalistic, contingency, and configurational performance predictions. Academy of management Journal, 39(4), 802-835.
  • Demirgil, A. (2008). İşletmelerde mobbing uygulamaları ile örgütsel bağlılık ilişkisinin incelenmesine yönelik bir araştırma. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Di Martino, V., Hoel, H., & Cooper, C. L. (2003). Preventing violence and harassment in the workplace. European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions.
  • Einarsen, S., Hoel, H., & Notelaers, G. (2009). Measuring exposure to bullying and harassment at work: Validity, factor structure and psychometric properties of the Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised. Work & Stress, 23(1), 24-44.
  • Erdirençelebi, M., & Şendoğdu, A. A. (2016). Effects of Mobbing and Organizational Silence on Employee’s Performance. The Macrotheme Review, 5(5), 101-116.
  • Fong, T. C. T., & Ng, S. M. (2012). Measuring engagement at work: Validation of the Chinese version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. International journal of behavioral medicine, 19(3), 391-397.
  • Gong, Y., Huang, J. C., & Farh, J. L. (2009). Employee learning orientation, transformational leadership, and employee creativity: The mediating role of employee creative self-efficacy. Academy of management Journal, 52(4), 765-778.
  • Gong, Y., Zhou, J., & Chang, S. (2013). Core knowledge employee creativity and firm performance: The moderating role of riskiness orientation, firm size, and realized absorptive capacity. Personnel Psychology, 66(2), 443-482.
  • Goodman, L. A. (1960). On the exact variance of products. Journal of the American statistical association, 55(292), 708-713.
  • Hair, J. F., Bush, R. P., & Ortinau, D. J. (2000). Marketing research: A practical approach for the new millennium. Irwin Professional Publishing.
  • Harter, J. K., Schmidt, F. L., & Hayes, T. L. (2002). Business-unit-level relationship between employee satisfaction, employee engagement, and business outcomes: A meta-analysis. Journal of applied psychology, 87(2), 268.
  • Hayes, A. F. (2017). Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis: A regression-based approach. Guilford publications. Josipović-Jelić, Ž., Stoini, E., & Celić-Bunikić, S. (2005). The effect of mobbing on medical staff performance. Acta Clinica Croatica, 44(4), 347-352.
  • Jung, C. S., Chan, H. S., & Hsieh, C. W. (2017). Public employees’ psychological climates and turnover intention: evidence from Korean central government agencies. Public Management Review, 19(6), 880-904.
  • Kalaycı, Ş. (2006). SPSS uygulamalı çok değişkenli istatistik teknikleri [SPSS applied multivariate statistical techniques]. Ankara, Turkey: Asil Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Kassing, J. W., Piemonte, N. M., Goman, C. C., & Mitchell, C. A. (2012). Dissent expression as an indicator of work engagement and intention to leave. The Journal of Business Communication (1973), 49(3), 237-253.
  • Kerse, G., & Karabey, C. N. (2014). Personel Güçlendirme İle Bireyin Yaratıcılık Algısı Arasındaki İlişki: Bankacılık Sektöründe Bir Uygulama. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(29), 22-41.
  • Kline, P. (2014). An easy guide to factor analysis. Routledge.
  • Knox, A. (2014). Human resource management (HRM) in temporary work agencies: Evidence from the hospitality industry. The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 25(1), 81-98.
  • Lambert, E., & Hogan, N. (2009). The importance of job satisfaction and organizational commitment in shaping turnover intent: A test of a causal model. Criminal Justice Review, 34(1), 96-118.
  • Leymann, H. (1996). The content and development of mobbing at work. European journal of work and organizational psychology, 5(2), 165-184.
  • Leymann, H., & Gustafsson, A. (1996). Mobbing at work and the development of post-traumatic stress disorders. European Journal of work and organizational psychology, 5(2), 251-275.
  • Leymann, H., & Zapf, D. (Eds.). (1996). Mobbing and victimization at work (No. 2). Psychology Press.
  • MacKinnon, D. P., Warsi, G., & Dwyer, J. H. (1995). A simulation study of mediated effect measures. Multivariate behavioral research, 30(1), 41-62.
  • Namie, G., Namie, R., Stein, J., & Stein, B. M. (2004). The Workplace Bullying and Trauma Institute. 2003 report on abusive workplaces.
  • Noring, S. (2000). Mobbing: Emotional abuse in the American workplace. American Journal of Public Health, 90(4), 636.
  • Nunnally, J. C. (1978). Psychometric Theory: 2d Ed. McGraw-Hill. Özdamar, K. (2013). Paket programlar ile istatistiksel veri analizi (Cilt 1). Ankara: Nisan Kitapevi.
  • Polat, M., & Meydan, C. H. (2010). Örgütsel özdeşleşmenin sinizm ve işten ayrılma niyeti ile ilişkisi üzerine bir araştırma. Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(1), 145- 172.
  • Saeed, R., Lodhi, R. N., Iqbal, A., Nayyab, H. H., Mussawar, S., & Yaseen, S. (2013). Factors influencing job satisfaction of employees in telecom sector of Pakistan. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 16(11), 1476-1482.
  • Safiullah, A. B. (2015). Employee motivation and its most influential factors: A Study on the telecommunication industry in Bangladesh. World, 5(1), 79-92.
  • Shallcross, L., Sheehan, M., & Ramsay, S. (2008). Workplace mobbing: Experiences in the public sector. Workplace Mobbing: Experiences in the public sector, 13(2), 56-70.
  • Shimazu, A., Schaufeli, W. B., Kosugi, S., Suzuki, A., Nashiwa, H., Kato, A., ... & Goto, R. (2008). Work engagement in Japan: validation of the Japanese version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. Applied Psychology, 57(3), 510-523.
  • Sobel, M. E. (1982). Asymptotic confidence intervals for indirect effects in structural equation models. Sociological methodology, 13, 290-312.
  • Sökmen, A., & Mete, E. S. (2016). Bezdirinin İş Performansi, İş Tatmini Ve İşten Ayrilma Niyeti Üzerindeki Etkisi: Ankara’da Bir Araştirma. Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(3), 271-295.
  • Sternberg, R. J. (1986). A triangular theory of love. Psychological review, 93(2), 119.
  • Tanjeen, E. (2013). A study on factors affecting job satisfaction of Telecommunication industries in Bangladesh. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 8(6), 80-86.
  • Tanrıverdi, H., Koçaslan, G., & Taştan, N. O. (2018). Psikolojik şiddet algısı, tükenmişlik sendromu ve işten ayrılma niyeti arasındaki ilişki: Banka çalışanları üzerinde bir araştırma. Yönetim ve Ekonomi: Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(1), 113-131.
  • Thomas, J. R., Nelson, J. K., & Silverman, S. J. (2015). Research methods in physical activity. Human kinetics.
  • Tierney, P., Farmer, S. M., & Graen, G. B. (1999). An examination of leadership and employee creativity: The relevance of traits and relationships. Personnel psychology, 52(3), 591-620.
  • Tigrel, E. Y., & Kokalan, O. (2009). Academic mobbing in Turkey. International Journal of Behavioral, Cognitive, Educational and Psychological Sciences, 1(2), 91-99.
  • Tsai, C. Y., Horng, J. S., Liu, C. H., & Hu, D. C. (2015). Work environment and atmosphere: The role of organizational support in the creativity performance of tourism and hospitality organizations. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 46, 26-35.
  • Vallerand, R. J., & Houlfort, N. (2003). Passion at Work: Toward a New Conceptualization, Vol. 7. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
  • Vallerand, R. J., Houlfort, N., & Fores, J. (2003). Passion at work. Emerging perspectives on values in organizations, 175-204.
  • Vallerand, R. J., Houlfort, N., & Forest, J. (2014). Passion for work: Determinants and outcomes. Oxford handbook of work engagement, motivation, and selfdetermination theory, 85-105.
  • Woodman, R. W., Sawyer, J. E., & Griffin, R. W. (1993). Toward a theory of organizational creativity. Academy of management review, 18(2), 293-321.
  • Wynen, J., Op de Beeck, S., & Hondeghem, A. (2013). Interorganizational mobility within the US federal government: Examining the effect of individual and organizational factors. Public Administration Review, 73(6), 869-881.
  • Zapf, D., Knorz, C., & Kulla, M. (1996). On the relationship between mobbing factors, and job content, social work environment, and health outcomes. European Journal of work and organizational psychology, 5(2), 215-237.
  • Zigarmi, D., Nimon, K., Houson, D., Witt, D., & Diehl, J. (2009). Beyond engagement: Toward a framework and operational definition for employee work passion. Human Resource Development Review, 8(3), 300-326.

Examination of the Effects of Psychological Violence Perception on Service Workers

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2, 157 - 171, 01.07.2020


In cases of mobbing, individuals who lose control, feel themselves under pressure while performing their duties and work hard. This also destroys employees' passion for their jobs. In organizations where there is no perception of psychological violence, employees' passion for their work both eliminates the intention to leave and increases their creative performance. Within the scope of the research model, data were collected from 321 employees operating in the service sector and the relationships and effects between psychological violence perception, Work Engagement, intention to leave and creativity performance were analyzed in SPSS 25 and AMOS programs.


  • Amabile, T. M. (1983). The social psychology of creativity: A componential conceptualization. Journal of personality and social psychology, 45(2), 357.
  • Aroian, L. A. (1947). The probability function of the product of two normally distributed variables. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 265-271.
  • Aylan, S., & Koç, H. (2016). Relationship Between Mobbing and Intention to Leave in Hotel Industry. Journal of Tourism and gastronomy Studies, 14, 20.
  • Bal, P. M., De Cooman, R., & Mol, S. T. (2013). Dynamics of psychological contracts with work engagement and turnover intention: The influence of organizational tenure. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 22(1), 107-122.
  • Balducci, C., Fraccaroli, F., & Schaufeli, W. B. (2010). Psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES9). European Journal of Psychological Assessment.
  • Brown, T. A. (2015). Confirmatory factor analysis for applied research. Guilford publications.
  • Brown, K. W., Ryan, R. M., & Creswell, J. D. (2007). Mindfulness: Theoretical foundations and evidence for its salutary effects. Psychological inquiry, 18(4), 211-237.
  • Bulut, S. (2019). Why Mobbing is Important. OA J Behavioural Sci Psych, 2(3), 180019.
  • Bulut, S., Eiden, P., Beichel, W., Slattery, J. M., Beyersdorff, T. F., Schubert, T. J., & Krossing, I. (2011). Temperature dependence of the viscosity and conductivity of mildly functionalized and non‐functionalized [Tf2N]− ionic liquids. ChemPhysChem, 12(12), 2296-2310.
  • Burke, R. J., & Fiksenbaum, L. (2009). Work motivations, work outcomes, and health: Passion versus addiction. Journal of business ethics, 84(2), 257.
  • Cardon, M. S., Wincent, J., Singh, J., & Drnovsek, M. (2009). The nature and experience of entrepreneurial passion. Academy of management Review, 34(3), 511-532.
  • Chang, S., Gong, Y., Way, S. A., & Jia, L. (2013). Flexibility-oriented HRM systems, absorptive capacity, and market responsiveness and firm innovativeness. Journal of Management, 39(7), 1924-1951.
  • Chen, C. A., Bozeman, B., & Berman, E. (2018). The grass is greener, but why? Evidence of employees’ perceived sector mismatch from the US, New Zealand, and Taiwan. International Public Management Journal, 1-30.
  • Çiftçi, A. M. (2014). İş Ortamının Yaratıcılık Performansına Etkisi: Mutfak Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Uygulama. Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). Akdeniz Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Antalya.
  • Collins, C. J., & Smith, K. G. (2006). Knowledge exchange and combination: The role of human resource practices in the performance of high-technology firms. Academy of management journal, 49(3), 544-560.
  • Daniel, T. A. (2006). Bullies in the workplace: A focus on the abusive disrespect of employees. Society for Human Resource Management.
  • Day, C. (2004). A Passion for Teaching (London/New York: RoutledgeFalmer).
  • Delery, J. E., & Doty, D. H. (1996). Modes of theorizing in strategic human resource management: Tests of universalistic, contingency, and configurational performance predictions. Academy of management Journal, 39(4), 802-835.
  • Demirgil, A. (2008). İşletmelerde mobbing uygulamaları ile örgütsel bağlılık ilişkisinin incelenmesine yönelik bir araştırma. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Di Martino, V., Hoel, H., & Cooper, C. L. (2003). Preventing violence and harassment in the workplace. European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions.
  • Einarsen, S., Hoel, H., & Notelaers, G. (2009). Measuring exposure to bullying and harassment at work: Validity, factor structure and psychometric properties of the Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised. Work & Stress, 23(1), 24-44.
  • Erdirençelebi, M., & Şendoğdu, A. A. (2016). Effects of Mobbing and Organizational Silence on Employee’s Performance. The Macrotheme Review, 5(5), 101-116.
  • Fong, T. C. T., & Ng, S. M. (2012). Measuring engagement at work: Validation of the Chinese version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. International journal of behavioral medicine, 19(3), 391-397.
  • Gong, Y., Huang, J. C., & Farh, J. L. (2009). Employee learning orientation, transformational leadership, and employee creativity: The mediating role of employee creative self-efficacy. Academy of management Journal, 52(4), 765-778.
  • Gong, Y., Zhou, J., & Chang, S. (2013). Core knowledge employee creativity and firm performance: The moderating role of riskiness orientation, firm size, and realized absorptive capacity. Personnel Psychology, 66(2), 443-482.
  • Goodman, L. A. (1960). On the exact variance of products. Journal of the American statistical association, 55(292), 708-713.
  • Hair, J. F., Bush, R. P., & Ortinau, D. J. (2000). Marketing research: A practical approach for the new millennium. Irwin Professional Publishing.
  • Harter, J. K., Schmidt, F. L., & Hayes, T. L. (2002). Business-unit-level relationship between employee satisfaction, employee engagement, and business outcomes: A meta-analysis. Journal of applied psychology, 87(2), 268.
  • Hayes, A. F. (2017). Introduction to mediation, moderation, and conditional process analysis: A regression-based approach. Guilford publications. Josipović-Jelić, Ž., Stoini, E., & Celić-Bunikić, S. (2005). The effect of mobbing on medical staff performance. Acta Clinica Croatica, 44(4), 347-352.
  • Jung, C. S., Chan, H. S., & Hsieh, C. W. (2017). Public employees’ psychological climates and turnover intention: evidence from Korean central government agencies. Public Management Review, 19(6), 880-904.
  • Kalaycı, Ş. (2006). SPSS uygulamalı çok değişkenli istatistik teknikleri [SPSS applied multivariate statistical techniques]. Ankara, Turkey: Asil Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Kassing, J. W., Piemonte, N. M., Goman, C. C., & Mitchell, C. A. (2012). Dissent expression as an indicator of work engagement and intention to leave. The Journal of Business Communication (1973), 49(3), 237-253.
  • Kerse, G., & Karabey, C. N. (2014). Personel Güçlendirme İle Bireyin Yaratıcılık Algısı Arasındaki İlişki: Bankacılık Sektöründe Bir Uygulama. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(29), 22-41.
  • Kline, P. (2014). An easy guide to factor analysis. Routledge.
  • Knox, A. (2014). Human resource management (HRM) in temporary work agencies: Evidence from the hospitality industry. The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 25(1), 81-98.
  • Lambert, E., & Hogan, N. (2009). The importance of job satisfaction and organizational commitment in shaping turnover intent: A test of a causal model. Criminal Justice Review, 34(1), 96-118.
  • Leymann, H. (1996). The content and development of mobbing at work. European journal of work and organizational psychology, 5(2), 165-184.
  • Leymann, H., & Gustafsson, A. (1996). Mobbing at work and the development of post-traumatic stress disorders. European Journal of work and organizational psychology, 5(2), 251-275.
  • Leymann, H., & Zapf, D. (Eds.). (1996). Mobbing and victimization at work (No. 2). Psychology Press.
  • MacKinnon, D. P., Warsi, G., & Dwyer, J. H. (1995). A simulation study of mediated effect measures. Multivariate behavioral research, 30(1), 41-62.
  • Namie, G., Namie, R., Stein, J., & Stein, B. M. (2004). The Workplace Bullying and Trauma Institute. 2003 report on abusive workplaces.
  • Noring, S. (2000). Mobbing: Emotional abuse in the American workplace. American Journal of Public Health, 90(4), 636.
  • Nunnally, J. C. (1978). Psychometric Theory: 2d Ed. McGraw-Hill. Özdamar, K. (2013). Paket programlar ile istatistiksel veri analizi (Cilt 1). Ankara: Nisan Kitapevi.
  • Polat, M., & Meydan, C. H. (2010). Örgütsel özdeşleşmenin sinizm ve işten ayrılma niyeti ile ilişkisi üzerine bir araştırma. Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(1), 145- 172.
  • Saeed, R., Lodhi, R. N., Iqbal, A., Nayyab, H. H., Mussawar, S., & Yaseen, S. (2013). Factors influencing job satisfaction of employees in telecom sector of Pakistan. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 16(11), 1476-1482.
  • Safiullah, A. B. (2015). Employee motivation and its most influential factors: A Study on the telecommunication industry in Bangladesh. World, 5(1), 79-92.
  • Shallcross, L., Sheehan, M., & Ramsay, S. (2008). Workplace mobbing: Experiences in the public sector. Workplace Mobbing: Experiences in the public sector, 13(2), 56-70.
  • Shimazu, A., Schaufeli, W. B., Kosugi, S., Suzuki, A., Nashiwa, H., Kato, A., ... & Goto, R. (2008). Work engagement in Japan: validation of the Japanese version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. Applied Psychology, 57(3), 510-523.
  • Sobel, M. E. (1982). Asymptotic confidence intervals for indirect effects in structural equation models. Sociological methodology, 13, 290-312.
  • Sökmen, A., & Mete, E. S. (2016). Bezdirinin İş Performansi, İş Tatmini Ve İşten Ayrilma Niyeti Üzerindeki Etkisi: Ankara’da Bir Araştirma. Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(3), 271-295.
  • Sternberg, R. J. (1986). A triangular theory of love. Psychological review, 93(2), 119.
  • Tanjeen, E. (2013). A study on factors affecting job satisfaction of Telecommunication industries in Bangladesh. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 8(6), 80-86.
  • Tanrıverdi, H., Koçaslan, G., & Taştan, N. O. (2018). Psikolojik şiddet algısı, tükenmişlik sendromu ve işten ayrılma niyeti arasındaki ilişki: Banka çalışanları üzerinde bir araştırma. Yönetim ve Ekonomi: Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(1), 113-131.
  • Thomas, J. R., Nelson, J. K., & Silverman, S. J. (2015). Research methods in physical activity. Human kinetics.
  • Tierney, P., Farmer, S. M., & Graen, G. B. (1999). An examination of leadership and employee creativity: The relevance of traits and relationships. Personnel psychology, 52(3), 591-620.
  • Tigrel, E. Y., & Kokalan, O. (2009). Academic mobbing in Turkey. International Journal of Behavioral, Cognitive, Educational and Psychological Sciences, 1(2), 91-99.
  • Tsai, C. Y., Horng, J. S., Liu, C. H., & Hu, D. C. (2015). Work environment and atmosphere: The role of organizational support in the creativity performance of tourism and hospitality organizations. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 46, 26-35.
  • Vallerand, R. J., & Houlfort, N. (2003). Passion at Work: Toward a New Conceptualization, Vol. 7. Charlotte: Information Age Publishing.
  • Vallerand, R. J., Houlfort, N., & Fores, J. (2003). Passion at work. Emerging perspectives on values in organizations, 175-204.
  • Vallerand, R. J., Houlfort, N., & Forest, J. (2014). Passion for work: Determinants and outcomes. Oxford handbook of work engagement, motivation, and selfdetermination theory, 85-105.
  • Woodman, R. W., Sawyer, J. E., & Griffin, R. W. (1993). Toward a theory of organizational creativity. Academy of management review, 18(2), 293-321.
  • Wynen, J., Op de Beeck, S., & Hondeghem, A. (2013). Interorganizational mobility within the US federal government: Examining the effect of individual and organizational factors. Public Administration Review, 73(6), 869-881.
  • Zapf, D., Knorz, C., & Kulla, M. (1996). On the relationship between mobbing factors, and job content, social work environment, and health outcomes. European Journal of work and organizational psychology, 5(2), 215-237.
  • Zigarmi, D., Nimon, K., Houson, D., Witt, D., & Diehl, J. (2009). Beyond engagement: Toward a framework and operational definition for employee work passion. Human Resource Development Review, 8(3), 300-326.
Toplam 64 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Zafer Adiguzel Bu kişi benim

Irem Kucukoglu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Adiguzel, Z., & Kucukoglu, I. (2020). Examination of the Effects of Psychological Violence Perception on Service Workers. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 21(2), 157-171.