Abstract. In this study, two different experiments were carried out during the periods of 17 Feb.-25 Aug. 2002 and 26 Aug. 2002-27 Feb. 2003. In each of these experiments, the influence of greenhouse volume on the various properties of tomoto plants were investigated. The volumes of the 36 rrr', greenhouses used were as follows: one of them was held fixed and the others were reduced by 10, 20 and 30 % (variable vertically) for this purpose, following the plantation, plant height, measurrements plant quelity, plant weight, plant diamenter, plant height and plant yield measurements during the crop times were determineddepending on the greenhouse type. The influence of greenhouse volume variations on the investigated tomatoes was fount statically impotant.
Degisik sera konstrilksiyonlannda 17 Subat - 25 Agustos 2002 ve 26 Agustos2002- 27 Subat 2003 tarihleri arasmda iki ayn deneme olarak
gerceklestirilen bu cahsmada; her birisi 36 m2 taban alanma sahip birisi sabit, digerleri de hacmi % 10 oranmda kucultulrnus sabit sera, hacrni %20 oranmda kucultulrnus sabit sera ve hacmi %30 oranma kadar kuculebilen hacim kontrollii-hareketli sera tiplerinin, do mates bitkisinin bazt bitkisel ozelliklerine etkileri arasunlrrustrr. Bu arnacla; dikirni takiben 15 gun arahklarla yapilan bitki boyu olcurnu ve hasat zamanlarmdaki meyve sayisi, meyve aglrhgl, meyve capi, meyve boyu ve iiriln verirni olculerek sera tiplerine gore degisirnleri incelenmistir. incelenen bitkisel ozelliklere hacim degisiminin etkisi istatistiksel olarak onernli bulunrnustur.
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Konular | Mühendislik |
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 15 Aralık 2004 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2004 Sayı: 007 |