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Yıl 2016, Sayı: 47, 106 - 121, 28.01.2016


The purpose of this study is
to investigate the relationship between destructive leadership perception of
the subordinates and job satisfaction, neglect, organizational commitment,
turnover intent, job stress and the need for leadership as well as the effect
on them
. Moreover, a second aim is to
determine whether the demographic characteristics of the participants differ
according to the destructive leadership perception, or not. To reveal the
prevalence of destructive leadership behavior, data gathered from 867 employees
is used. In order to explain the relationships among the variables, data
obtained from 364 employees working in the banking, health care and education
sector is used. As a result of the study, statistically significant
correlations among above listed job results were identified and the effects
were uncovered according to the destructive leadership perception of the
In addition, it is concluded that there is a
differentiation of the demographic characteristics of the participants and the
level of prevalence of destructive leadership behavior is 42%. 


  • Aasland, M. S., Skogtad, A., Notelaers, G., Nielsen, M. B. & Einarsen, S. (2010), “The Prevalence of Destructive Leadership Behaviour”, British Journal of Management, 21, 438-452.
  • Aboyassin, N. A. & Abbood, N. (2013), “The Effect of Ineffective Leadership on Individual and Organizational Performance in Jordanian Institutions”, Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, 23(1), 68-84.
  • Ambrose, M. L., Seabright, M. A., Schminke, M. (2002), “Sabotage in the Workplace: The Role of Organizational Injustice”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 89(1), 947-965.
  • Ashforth, B. (1997), “Petty Tranny in Organizations: A Preliminary Examination of Antecedents and Consequences”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 14, 136-140.
  • Blau, G. (1989), “Testing the Generalizability of a Career Commitment Measure and Its Impact on Employee Turnover”, Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings, 53-57.
  • Bligh, M., Kohles, J. C., Pearce, C. L., Justin, J. E. & Stovall, J. F. (2007), “When the Romance is Over: Follower Perspectives of Aversive Leadership”, Applied Psychology: An International Review, 56, 528-557.
  • Bozeman, D. P. ve Perrewe, P. L. (2001), “The Effects of Item Content Overlap on Organizational Commitment Questionnaire and Turnover Cognitions Relationships”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(1), 161-73.
  • Burris, E. R., Detert, J. R., & Chiaburu, D. S. (2008), “Quitting Before Leaving: The Mediating Effects of Psychological Attachment and Detachment on Voice”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 912-922.
  • Camman, C., Fichman, M., Jenkins, D., & Klesh, J. (1979), The Michigan Organizational Assessment Questionnaire, Unpublished manuscript, Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan.
  • Chen, Y., Yu, E. & Son, J. (2014), “Beyond Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Differentiation: An Indigenous Approach to Leader-Member Relationship Differentiation”, The Leadership Quarterly, 25, 611-627.
  • Davis, K., (1988), İşletmelerde İnsan Davranışı, Çeviren: Kemal Tosun vd., İstanbul Üni. İşletme Fak. Yayını, No: 199, İstanbul.
  • De Vries, R. E., Roe, R. A. ve Taillieu, T. C. B. (2002), “Need for Leadership as a Moderator of the Relationships between Leadership and Individual Outcomes”, Leadership Quarterly, 13, 121-137.
  • Dubinsky, A. J., ve Harley, S. W. (1986), “A Path-Analytic Study of a Model of Salesperson Performance”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 14, 36-46.
  • Einarsen, S., Aasland, M. S., Skogstad, A. (2007), “Destructive Leadership Behaviour: A Definition and Conceptual Model”, The Leadership Quarterly, 18, 207-216.
  • Einarsen, S., Skogstad, A. & Aasland, M. S. (2010), “The Nature, Prevalence and Outcomes of Destructive Leadership “B. Schyns & T. Hansbrough (Der.), When Leadership Goes Wrong Destructive Leadership, Mistakes and Ethical Failures içinde, Information Age Publishing , Inc. Charlotte, NC., 145-171.
  • Farrel, D. (1983), “Exit, Voice, Loyalty, and Neglect as Responses to Job Dissatisfaction: A Multidimensional Scaling Study”, Academy of Management Journal, 26(4), 596-607.
  • Ferris, G. R., Zinko, R., Brouer, R. L., Buckley, M. R. and Harvey, M. G. (2007), “Strategic Bullying as a Supplementary, Balanced Perspective on Destructive Leadership”, The Leadership Quarterly, 18, 195-206.
  • Fox, S. & Spector, P. E. (1999), “A Model of Work Frustration-Aggression”, Journal of Organizational Behavior,20, 915-931.
  • Goldman, A. (2006), ”High Toxicity Leadership: Borderline Personality Disorder and the Dysfunctional Organization”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 21, 733-746.
  • Grieffeth, R. W., Hom, P. W. ve Gaertner, S. (2000), “A Meta-Analysis of Antecedents and Correlates of Employee Turnover: Update, Moderator Tests, and Research Implications fort he Next Millennium”, Journal of Management, 26, 463-488.
  • Gündüz, Y. & Dedekorkut, S. E. (2014), “Yıkıcı Liderlik”, Mersin Üni. Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(1), 95-104.
  • Harris, K. C., Kacmar, K. M., Zivnuska, S. Z. (2007), “An Investigation of Abusive Supervision as a Predictor of Performance and the Meaning of Work as a Moderator of the Relationship”. The Leadership Quarterly, 18, 252-263.
  • Harvey, P., Stoner, J., Hochwarter, W. & Kacmar, C. (2007), “Coping with Abusive Supervision: The Neutralizing Effects of Ingratiation and Positive Affect on Negative Employee Outcomes”, The Leadership Quarterly, 18, 264-280.
  • Hoffman, B. J., Strang, S. E., Kuhnert, K. W., Campell, W. K., Kennedy, C. L. & Lo Pilato, A. C. (2013), “Leader Narcissism and Ethical Context: Effects on Ethical Leadership and Leader Effectiveness”, Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 20(1), 25-37.
  • Hogan, R. & Hogan, J. (2001), “Assessing Leadership: A View from the Dark Side”, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 9(1-2), 40–51.
  • Hoobler, H. M., Brass, D. J. (2006), “Abusive supervision and family undermining as displaced aggression”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(5), 125-133.
  • Hornstein, H. A. (1996), Brutal Bosses and their Prey, Riverhead Books, New York.
  • House, R. J. (1996), “Path-Goal Theory of Leadership: Lessons Legacy and a Reformulated Theory”, Leadership Quarterly, 7(3), 323-352.
  • House, R. J. ve Rizzo, J. R. (1972), “Role Conflict and Ambiguity as Critical Variables in Model of Organizational Behavior”, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 7, 467-505.
  • Hubert, A. B. & Veldhoven, M. V. (2001), “Risk Sectors for Undesirable Behaviour and Mobbing”, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10(4), 415-424.
  • Kelloway, E. K., Mullen, J., & Francis, L. (2006), “Divergent Effects of Transformational and Passive Leadership on Employee Safety”, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 11(1), 76-86.
  • Krasikova, D. V., Green, S. G. ve LeBreton, J. M. (2013), “Destructive Leadership: A Theoretical Review,Integration, and Future Research Agenda”, Journal of Management, 39(5), 1308-1338.
  • Li, C.F., Ge, J.J., Meng, Y. & Tian, Y.Z. (2013), “The Effect and Mediating Mechanism of Organizational Injustice on Destructive Leadership: Empirical Research in China”, Int. Conference on Management Science & Engineering (20th), July 17-19, 539-546.
  • Liou, S. R. ve Cheng, C. Y. (2010), “Organisational Climate, Organisational Commitment and Intention to Leave Amongst Hospital Nurses in Taiwan”, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19(11-12), 1635-1644.
  • Lipman-Blumen, J. (2005), “Toxic Leadership: When Grand Illusions Masquerade as Noble Vision”, Leader to Leader, 36, 29-36.
  • Lu, H., Ling, W., Wu, Y. & Liu, Y. (2012), “A Chinese Perspective on the Content and Structure of Descruptive Leadership”, Chinese Management Studies, 6(2), 271-283.
  • Luthans, F., (1994), Organizational Behavior, Newyork: McGraw-Hill, Inc.
  • Marcus, B. & Schuler, H. (2004), “Antecedents of Counterproductive Behavior at Work: A General Perspective”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(4), 647-660.
  • Mobley, W. H. (1982), “Some Unanswered Questions in Turnover With Withdrawn Research”, The Academy of Management Review, 7(1), 111-116.
  • Moore, E. J. (2000), “One Road To Turnover: An Examination of Work Exhaustion in Technology Professionals”, MIS Quarterly, 24(1), 141-168.
  • Namie,G. & Namie,R. (2000), The Bully at Work. What You can do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim the Dignity on the Job, Naperville:Sourcebooks,Inc.
  • Nyberg, A., Holmberg, I., Bernin, P., Alderling, M., Akerblom, S., Widerszal-Bazyl, M., Magrin, M. E., Hasselhorn, H. M., Milczarek, M., D’Angelo, G., Denk, M., Westerlund, H. & Theorell, T. (2011), “Destructive Managerial Leadership and Psychological Well-being among Employees in Swedish, Polish, and Italian Hotels”, Work, 39, 267-281.
  • Paunonen, S. V., Lönnqvist, J. E., Verkasalo, M., Leikas, S., & Nissinen, V. (2006), “Narcissism and Emergent Leadership in Military Cadets”, Leadership Quarterly, 17(5), 475-486.
  • Reed, G. E. & Bullis, R. C. (2009), “The Impact of Destructive Leadership on Senior Military Officers and Civilian Employees”,Armed Forces & Society, 36(1), 5-18.
  • Robbins, S. P. ve Judge, T. A. (2012), “Örgütsel Davranış”, 14.Basımdan Çeviri, İnci Erdem (Çev. Ed.), Nobel, İstanbul.
  • Rosenthal, S. A. & Pittinsky, T. L. (2006), “Narcissistic leadership”, The Leadership Quarterly, 17(6), 617-633.
  • Rusbult, C. E., Farrel D., Rogers G., Mainous III A. G. (1988), “Impact of Exchange Variables on Exit, Voice, Loyalty and Neglect: An Integrative Model of Responses to Declining Job Satisfaction”, Academy of Management Journal, 31(3), 599-627.
  • Sackett, P. R. & De Vore, C. J. (2001), “Counterproductive Behaviors at Work”. N. Anderson, D. S. Ones, H. K. Sinangil and C. Viswesvaran (Der.), Handbook of Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology içinde, 1, 145–164.
  • Schaubroeck, J., Walumbwa, F., Ganster, D., & Kepes, S. (2007), “Destructive Leaders Traits and the Neutralizing Influence of an “Enriched” Job”, The Leadership Quarterly, 18, 236-251.
  • Schyns, B. & Schilling, J. (2013), “How Bad are the effects of Bad Leaders” A Meta-Analysis of Destructive Leadership and its Outcomes”, The Leadership Quarterly, 24, 138-158.
  • Tepper, B. J. (2000), “Consequences of Abusive Supervision”, Academy of Management Journal, 43(2), 178-190.
  • Tepper, B. J., Carr, J. C., Breaux, D. M., Geider, S., Hu, C. & Hua, W. (2009) “Abusive Supervision, Intentions to Quit, and Employees’ Workplace Deviance: A Power/Dependence analysis”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 109, 156-167.
  • Tett, R. P. ve Meyer, J. P. (1993), “Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Turnover Intention, and Turnover: Path Analysis Based on Meta-Analytic Findings”, Personnel Psychology, 46, 259-293.
  • Thoroughgood, C. N., Hunter, S. T. & Sawyer, K. B. (2011), “Bad Apples, Bad Barrels, and Broken Followers? An Empirical Examination of Contextual Influences on Follower Perceptions and Reactions to Aversive Leadership”, Journal of Business Ethics, 100, 647-672.
  • Tran, Q., Tian, Y., Li, C. & Sankoh, F. P. (2014), “Impact of Destructive Leadership on Subordinate Behaviour via Voice Behavior, Loyalty and Neglect in Hanoi, Vietnam”, Journal of Applied Sciences, 14(9), 2320-2330.
  • Turnley, W. H. ve Feldman, D. C. (1999), “The Impact of Psychological Contract Violations on Exit, Voice, Loyalty and Neglect”, Human Relations, 52(7), 895-922.
  • Ugboro, I. ve Obeng, K. (2000), “Top Management Leadership, Employee Empowerment, Job Satisfaction, and Customer Satisfaction in Total Quality Management Organizations: An Empirical Study”, Journal of Quality Management, 5(2), 247-272.
  • Uymaz, A. O. (2013), “Yıkıcı Liderlik Ölçeği Geliştirme Çalışması”, İ. Ü. İşletme Fakültesi İşletme İktisadı Enstitüsü Yönetim Dergisi, 24(75), 37-57.
  • Van de Vliert, E. & Einarsen, S. (2008), “Cultural Construals of Destructive versus Constructive Leadership in Major World Niches”, International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 8(3), 275-295.
  • Wilson, M. G., Dejoy, D. M., Vandenberg, R. J., Richardson, H. A. ve Mc Grath, A. L. (2004), “Work Characteristics and Employee Health and Well-Being:Test of a Model of Healthy Work Organization”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 77, 565-588.
  • Yaşın, F. (2013), “İş Doyumsuzluğuna Verilen Tepkiler Ölçeği: Geçerlilik ve Güvenilirlik Çalışması”, Nesne, 1(2), 1-20.
  • Yazıcıoğlu, İ. ve Topaloğlu, I. G. (2009), “Örgütsel Adalet ve Bağlılık İlişkisi: Konaklama İşletmelerinde Bir Uygulama”, İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1(1), 3-16.
  • Yen, T. Q., Tian, Y. & Sankoh, F. P. (2013), “The Impact of Prevalent Destructive Leadership Behaviour on Subordinate Employees in a Firm”, American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 3, 595-600.
  • Zapf, D., Knorz, C., & Kulla, M. (1996,. “On the Relationships between Mobbing Factors, and Job Content, Social Work Environment and Health Outcomes”, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5, 215-238.


Yıl 2016, Sayı: 47, 106 - 121, 28.01.2016


çalışmanın amacı, izleyicilerin
yıkıcı liderlik algısının; iş tatmini, savsaklama, örgütsel bağlılık, işten
ayrılma eğilimi, iş stresi ve liderliğe duyulan ihtiyaç ile olan ilişkisini ve bunlar
üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaktır. Bununla birlikte katılımcıların demografik
özelliklerinin, yıkıcı liderlik algısına göre farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığını
tespit etmektir. Son olarak da yıkıcı liderlik davranışının yaygınlığını ortaya
çıkartmaktır. Yıkıcı liderlik davranışının yaygınlığını tespit etmek amacıyla
867, değişkenler arasındaki ilişkileri açıklamak üzere ise bankacılık, sağlık
ve eğitim iş kollarında çalışan 364 çalışandan elde edilen veriler
kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda izleyicilerin yıkıcı liderlik algısına göre
yukarıda sıralanan iş sonuçları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı
ilişkilerin varlığı tespit edilmiş ve etkileri ortaya çıkartılmıştır. Ayrıca
katılımcıların demografik özelliklerinin farklılaştığı ve yıkıcı liderlik
davranışının yaygınlık düzeyinin %42 olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.  


  • Aasland, M. S., Skogtad, A., Notelaers, G., Nielsen, M. B. & Einarsen, S. (2010), “The Prevalence of Destructive Leadership Behaviour”, British Journal of Management, 21, 438-452.
  • Aboyassin, N. A. & Abbood, N. (2013), “The Effect of Ineffective Leadership on Individual and Organizational Performance in Jordanian Institutions”, Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, 23(1), 68-84.
  • Ambrose, M. L., Seabright, M. A., Schminke, M. (2002), “Sabotage in the Workplace: The Role of Organizational Injustice”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 89(1), 947-965.
  • Ashforth, B. (1997), “Petty Tranny in Organizations: A Preliminary Examination of Antecedents and Consequences”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 14, 136-140.
  • Blau, G. (1989), “Testing the Generalizability of a Career Commitment Measure and Its Impact on Employee Turnover”, Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings, 53-57.
  • Bligh, M., Kohles, J. C., Pearce, C. L., Justin, J. E. & Stovall, J. F. (2007), “When the Romance is Over: Follower Perspectives of Aversive Leadership”, Applied Psychology: An International Review, 56, 528-557.
  • Bozeman, D. P. ve Perrewe, P. L. (2001), “The Effects of Item Content Overlap on Organizational Commitment Questionnaire and Turnover Cognitions Relationships”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(1), 161-73.
  • Burris, E. R., Detert, J. R., & Chiaburu, D. S. (2008), “Quitting Before Leaving: The Mediating Effects of Psychological Attachment and Detachment on Voice”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 912-922.
  • Camman, C., Fichman, M., Jenkins, D., & Klesh, J. (1979), The Michigan Organizational Assessment Questionnaire, Unpublished manuscript, Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan.
  • Chen, Y., Yu, E. & Son, J. (2014), “Beyond Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Differentiation: An Indigenous Approach to Leader-Member Relationship Differentiation”, The Leadership Quarterly, 25, 611-627.
  • Davis, K., (1988), İşletmelerde İnsan Davranışı, Çeviren: Kemal Tosun vd., İstanbul Üni. İşletme Fak. Yayını, No: 199, İstanbul.
  • De Vries, R. E., Roe, R. A. ve Taillieu, T. C. B. (2002), “Need for Leadership as a Moderator of the Relationships between Leadership and Individual Outcomes”, Leadership Quarterly, 13, 121-137.
  • Dubinsky, A. J., ve Harley, S. W. (1986), “A Path-Analytic Study of a Model of Salesperson Performance”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 14, 36-46.
  • Einarsen, S., Aasland, M. S., Skogstad, A. (2007), “Destructive Leadership Behaviour: A Definition and Conceptual Model”, The Leadership Quarterly, 18, 207-216.
  • Einarsen, S., Skogstad, A. & Aasland, M. S. (2010), “The Nature, Prevalence and Outcomes of Destructive Leadership “B. Schyns & T. Hansbrough (Der.), When Leadership Goes Wrong Destructive Leadership, Mistakes and Ethical Failures içinde, Information Age Publishing , Inc. Charlotte, NC., 145-171.
  • Farrel, D. (1983), “Exit, Voice, Loyalty, and Neglect as Responses to Job Dissatisfaction: A Multidimensional Scaling Study”, Academy of Management Journal, 26(4), 596-607.
  • Ferris, G. R., Zinko, R., Brouer, R. L., Buckley, M. R. and Harvey, M. G. (2007), “Strategic Bullying as a Supplementary, Balanced Perspective on Destructive Leadership”, The Leadership Quarterly, 18, 195-206.
  • Fox, S. & Spector, P. E. (1999), “A Model of Work Frustration-Aggression”, Journal of Organizational Behavior,20, 915-931.
  • Goldman, A. (2006), ”High Toxicity Leadership: Borderline Personality Disorder and the Dysfunctional Organization”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 21, 733-746.
  • Grieffeth, R. W., Hom, P. W. ve Gaertner, S. (2000), “A Meta-Analysis of Antecedents and Correlates of Employee Turnover: Update, Moderator Tests, and Research Implications fort he Next Millennium”, Journal of Management, 26, 463-488.
  • Gündüz, Y. & Dedekorkut, S. E. (2014), “Yıkıcı Liderlik”, Mersin Üni. Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(1), 95-104.
  • Harris, K. C., Kacmar, K. M., Zivnuska, S. Z. (2007), “An Investigation of Abusive Supervision as a Predictor of Performance and the Meaning of Work as a Moderator of the Relationship”. The Leadership Quarterly, 18, 252-263.
  • Harvey, P., Stoner, J., Hochwarter, W. & Kacmar, C. (2007), “Coping with Abusive Supervision: The Neutralizing Effects of Ingratiation and Positive Affect on Negative Employee Outcomes”, The Leadership Quarterly, 18, 264-280.
  • Hoffman, B. J., Strang, S. E., Kuhnert, K. W., Campell, W. K., Kennedy, C. L. & Lo Pilato, A. C. (2013), “Leader Narcissism and Ethical Context: Effects on Ethical Leadership and Leader Effectiveness”, Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 20(1), 25-37.
  • Hogan, R. & Hogan, J. (2001), “Assessing Leadership: A View from the Dark Side”, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 9(1-2), 40–51.
  • Hoobler, H. M., Brass, D. J. (2006), “Abusive supervision and family undermining as displaced aggression”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(5), 125-133.
  • Hornstein, H. A. (1996), Brutal Bosses and their Prey, Riverhead Books, New York.
  • House, R. J. (1996), “Path-Goal Theory of Leadership: Lessons Legacy and a Reformulated Theory”, Leadership Quarterly, 7(3), 323-352.
  • House, R. J. ve Rizzo, J. R. (1972), “Role Conflict and Ambiguity as Critical Variables in Model of Organizational Behavior”, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 7, 467-505.
  • Hubert, A. B. & Veldhoven, M. V. (2001), “Risk Sectors for Undesirable Behaviour and Mobbing”, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10(4), 415-424.
  • Kelloway, E. K., Mullen, J., & Francis, L. (2006), “Divergent Effects of Transformational and Passive Leadership on Employee Safety”, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 11(1), 76-86.
  • Krasikova, D. V., Green, S. G. ve LeBreton, J. M. (2013), “Destructive Leadership: A Theoretical Review,Integration, and Future Research Agenda”, Journal of Management, 39(5), 1308-1338.
  • Li, C.F., Ge, J.J., Meng, Y. & Tian, Y.Z. (2013), “The Effect and Mediating Mechanism of Organizational Injustice on Destructive Leadership: Empirical Research in China”, Int. Conference on Management Science & Engineering (20th), July 17-19, 539-546.
  • Liou, S. R. ve Cheng, C. Y. (2010), “Organisational Climate, Organisational Commitment and Intention to Leave Amongst Hospital Nurses in Taiwan”, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19(11-12), 1635-1644.
  • Lipman-Blumen, J. (2005), “Toxic Leadership: When Grand Illusions Masquerade as Noble Vision”, Leader to Leader, 36, 29-36.
  • Lu, H., Ling, W., Wu, Y. & Liu, Y. (2012), “A Chinese Perspective on the Content and Structure of Descruptive Leadership”, Chinese Management Studies, 6(2), 271-283.
  • Luthans, F., (1994), Organizational Behavior, Newyork: McGraw-Hill, Inc.
  • Marcus, B. & Schuler, H. (2004), “Antecedents of Counterproductive Behavior at Work: A General Perspective”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(4), 647-660.
  • Mobley, W. H. (1982), “Some Unanswered Questions in Turnover With Withdrawn Research”, The Academy of Management Review, 7(1), 111-116.
  • Moore, E. J. (2000), “One Road To Turnover: An Examination of Work Exhaustion in Technology Professionals”, MIS Quarterly, 24(1), 141-168.
  • Namie,G. & Namie,R. (2000), The Bully at Work. What You can do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim the Dignity on the Job, Naperville:Sourcebooks,Inc.
  • Nyberg, A., Holmberg, I., Bernin, P., Alderling, M., Akerblom, S., Widerszal-Bazyl, M., Magrin, M. E., Hasselhorn, H. M., Milczarek, M., D’Angelo, G., Denk, M., Westerlund, H. & Theorell, T. (2011), “Destructive Managerial Leadership and Psychological Well-being among Employees in Swedish, Polish, and Italian Hotels”, Work, 39, 267-281.
  • Paunonen, S. V., Lönnqvist, J. E., Verkasalo, M., Leikas, S., & Nissinen, V. (2006), “Narcissism and Emergent Leadership in Military Cadets”, Leadership Quarterly, 17(5), 475-486.
  • Reed, G. E. & Bullis, R. C. (2009), “The Impact of Destructive Leadership on Senior Military Officers and Civilian Employees”,Armed Forces & Society, 36(1), 5-18.
  • Robbins, S. P. ve Judge, T. A. (2012), “Örgütsel Davranış”, 14.Basımdan Çeviri, İnci Erdem (Çev. Ed.), Nobel, İstanbul.
  • Rosenthal, S. A. & Pittinsky, T. L. (2006), “Narcissistic leadership”, The Leadership Quarterly, 17(6), 617-633.
  • Rusbult, C. E., Farrel D., Rogers G., Mainous III A. G. (1988), “Impact of Exchange Variables on Exit, Voice, Loyalty and Neglect: An Integrative Model of Responses to Declining Job Satisfaction”, Academy of Management Journal, 31(3), 599-627.
  • Sackett, P. R. & De Vore, C. J. (2001), “Counterproductive Behaviors at Work”. N. Anderson, D. S. Ones, H. K. Sinangil and C. Viswesvaran (Der.), Handbook of Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology içinde, 1, 145–164.
  • Schaubroeck, J., Walumbwa, F., Ganster, D., & Kepes, S. (2007), “Destructive Leaders Traits and the Neutralizing Influence of an “Enriched” Job”, The Leadership Quarterly, 18, 236-251.
  • Schyns, B. & Schilling, J. (2013), “How Bad are the effects of Bad Leaders” A Meta-Analysis of Destructive Leadership and its Outcomes”, The Leadership Quarterly, 24, 138-158.
  • Tepper, B. J. (2000), “Consequences of Abusive Supervision”, Academy of Management Journal, 43(2), 178-190.
  • Tepper, B. J., Carr, J. C., Breaux, D. M., Geider, S., Hu, C. & Hua, W. (2009) “Abusive Supervision, Intentions to Quit, and Employees’ Workplace Deviance: A Power/Dependence analysis”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 109, 156-167.
  • Tett, R. P. ve Meyer, J. P. (1993), “Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Turnover Intention, and Turnover: Path Analysis Based on Meta-Analytic Findings”, Personnel Psychology, 46, 259-293.
  • Thoroughgood, C. N., Hunter, S. T. & Sawyer, K. B. (2011), “Bad Apples, Bad Barrels, and Broken Followers? An Empirical Examination of Contextual Influences on Follower Perceptions and Reactions to Aversive Leadership”, Journal of Business Ethics, 100, 647-672.
  • Tran, Q., Tian, Y., Li, C. & Sankoh, F. P. (2014), “Impact of Destructive Leadership on Subordinate Behaviour via Voice Behavior, Loyalty and Neglect in Hanoi, Vietnam”, Journal of Applied Sciences, 14(9), 2320-2330.
  • Turnley, W. H. ve Feldman, D. C. (1999), “The Impact of Psychological Contract Violations on Exit, Voice, Loyalty and Neglect”, Human Relations, 52(7), 895-922.
  • Ugboro, I. ve Obeng, K. (2000), “Top Management Leadership, Employee Empowerment, Job Satisfaction, and Customer Satisfaction in Total Quality Management Organizations: An Empirical Study”, Journal of Quality Management, 5(2), 247-272.
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Toplam 64 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Emre Sezici

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Ocak 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Sayı: 47

Kaynak Göster

APA Sezici, E. (2016). İZLEYİCİLERİN YIKICI LİDERLİK ALGISI VE SONUÇLARI. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(47), 106-121.
AMA Sezici E. İZLEYİCİLERİN YIKICI LİDERLİK ALGISI VE SONUÇLARI. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Ocak 2016;(47):106-121.
Chicago Sezici, Emre. “İZLEYİCİLERİN YIKICI LİDERLİK ALGISI VE SONUÇLARI”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 47 (Ocak 2016): 106-21.
EndNote Sezici E (01 Ocak 2016) İZLEYİCİLERİN YIKICI LİDERLİK ALGISI VE SONUÇLARI. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 47 106–121.
IEEE E. Sezici, “İZLEYİCİLERİN YIKICI LİDERLİK ALGISI VE SONUÇLARI”, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 47, ss. 106–121, Ocak 2016.
ISNAD Sezici, Emre. “İZLEYİCİLERİN YIKICI LİDERLİK ALGISI VE SONUÇLARI”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 47 (Ocak 2016), 106-121.
JAMA Sezici E. İZLEYİCİLERİN YIKICI LİDERLİK ALGISI VE SONUÇLARI. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2016;:106–121.
MLA Sezici, Emre. “İZLEYİCİLERİN YIKICI LİDERLİK ALGISI VE SONUÇLARI”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 47, 2016, ss. 106-21.
Vancouver Sezici E. İZLEYİCİLERİN YIKICI LİDERLİK ALGISI VE SONUÇLARI. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2016(47):106-21.

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