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Yıl 2008, Sayı: 21, - , 20.06.2015


The article examines the importance and effects of the internet and computer technologies (ICT) to the government and economy, and investigates e-taxation system in Turkey. Tax service is among the leading services that are supplied by using ICT at a lot of country. That's why, e-taxation issue is one of the best area of which we can see the importance of ICT. At the article, e-taxation is defined as lodgement the tax returns and payment the tax owe electronically. Turkey's e-taxation system is discussed and it is offered the solutions to develop the system


  • ANTONELLI, C. (2003). “The Digital Divide: Understanding the Economics of New Information and Communication Technology in the Global
  • Economy”, Information Economics and Policy, Vol 15, pp: 173–199. BARNES, S.J., VIDGEN, R.T. (2006). “Data Triangulation-A Case Study in
  • E-Government”, Information & Management, Vol 43, pp: 767–777. BENGSHÝR, K.T. (2000). “Bilgi Toplumu Bakanlýðý Mekanik Bir Örgüt mü”,
  • Amme Ýdaresi Dergisi, Cilt: 33, Eylül, Sayý:3, ss: 33-62. BÝLÝÞÝM ÞURASI, (2005). Biliþim Þurasý Taslak Raporu, Türkiye 2. Biliþim
  • Þûrasý, 10-11 Mayýs 2004, Ankara, < raporlar/TaslakRapor.pdf> (17.08.2007).
  • CHANG, I-C., LI, Y-C., HUNG, W-F., and HWANG, H-G. (2005). “An
  • Empirical Study on the Impact of Quality Antecedents on Tax Payers' Acceptance of Internet Tax-Filing Systems”, Government Information Quarterly, Vol 22, pp: 389–410. DPT. (2005a). Bilgi Ekonomisine ve Bilgi Toplumuna Geçiþ, 2004 Türkiye
  • Ýktisat Kongresi Çalýþma Grubu Raporu, Rapor No: 3, Cilt 13, DPT Yayýný, Ankara, < cilt13.pdf> (16.08.2007).
  • DPT. (2005b). E-Devlet Proje ve Uygulamalarý Raporu, Devlet Planlama
  • Teþkilatý Bilgi Toplumu Dairesi, 2004 Türkiye Ýktisat Kongresi, 5-9 Mayýs 2004, < E-Devlet Proje ve Uygulamalarý.pdf>
  • DURDU, Ö.F. (2003). “Avrupa Birliði Yolunda Bilgi Teknolojisinin Türkiye
  • Ekonomisi Ýçin Önemi”, Akademik Biliþim Konferanslarý, 3-5 Subat 2003,
  • Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, < tammetin/ 171.doc> (02007). ss: 1-8.
  • EC. (2007). “ICT drives 50% of ICT Growth, Says Commission's Annual
  • Report on the Digital Economy”, European Commission Information Society Press Release, Reference: IP/07/453 Date: 30/03/2007, d=3303> (16.08.2007).
  • ERKAN, H. (1994). Bilgi Toplumu ve Ekonomik Geliþme, Ýþ Bankasý Kültür Yayýnlarý.
  • FEIGE, E.L. (2000). “Taxation for the 21st Century: The Automated Payment
  • Trasaction (APT) Tax”, Economic Policy, Volume 15, Issue 31, October, pp:473-511. FERNALD, L.W. (1988). “The Underlying Relationship Between Creativity,
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, Journal of Creative Behavior, Vol 22, Number 3, pp: 196-202. FU, J.R., FARN, C.K., and CHAO, W.P. (2006). “Acceptance of Electronic
  • Tax Filing: A Study of Taxpayer Intentions”, Information & Management Vol43, Jan, pp: 109-126. GIB. (2007). Vergimi Kolayca Nasýl Öderim?, <
  • /fileadmin/beyannamerehberi/vergimi_kolayca_nasil_oderim.pdf> (02007).
  • GOLDBERG, D.S. (2005). “E Tax: The Flat Tax as an Electronic Credit
  • VAT”, University of Maryland School of Law, Legal Studies Research Paper, No: 2005-59, <> (29.01.2007) pp:1-15.
  • GÜMRÜK GENEL MÜDÜRLÜÐÜ, (2001). 15.10.2001 Tarih ve 2001/31
  • Sayýlý Gümrükler Genel Müdürlüðü Genelgesi, Genelgeler.aspx> (20.08.2007)
  • GÜMRÜK MÜSTEÞARLIÐI. (2007a). Bilge Edi-Web Kullaným Kýlavuzu,
  • <> (16.08.2007).
  • GÜMRÜK MÜSTEÞARLIÐI. (2007b). Bilge Sistemini Kullanan Gümrük
  • Ýdarelerinde Haziran 2007 Toplam Beyanname Sayýlarý ve EDI Oranlarý,
  • <> (16.08.2007)
  • GÜMRÜK MÜSTEÞARLIÐI. (2007c). Gümrük Partnerlerinin EDI
  • Kullanýmý, <> HANSFORD, A., LYMER, A., and PILKINGTON, C. (2006). "IT Adoption
  • Strategies and Their Application to E-filing Self-Assessment Tax Returns: The Case of the UK", eJournal of Tax Research, Vol 4, Number 1, August, Atax, The University of New South Wales, Faculty of Law, pp: 79-96. HEEKS, R., BAILUR, S. (2007). Analyzing E-Government Research:
  • Perspectives, Philosophies, Theories, Methods, and Practice”, Government Information Quarterly, Vol 24, pp: 243–265. HORST, M., KUTTSCHREUTER, M., and GUTTELING, J.M. (2007).
  • “Perceived Usefulness, Personal Experiences, Risk Perception and Trust as Determinants of Adoption of E-Government Services in the Netherlands”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol 23, pp: 1838–1852.
  • HUNG, S-Y., CHANG, C-M., and YU,T-J. (2006). Determinants of User
  • Acceptance of the E-Government Services: The Case of Online Tax Filing and Payment System”, Government Information Quarterly, Vol 23, pp: 97–122. IBB. (2007a). Elektronik Dekont Takip Sistemi, < IBB/
  • DocLib/pdf/ birimler/gelirler_mud/ index.htm> (19.08.2007).
  • IBB. (2007b). Gelirler Muhtelif Borç Sorgulama, < gelir_tahsilat/index.asp> (19.08.2007).
  • ÝNCE, N.M. (2001). Elektronik Devlet-Kamu Hizmetlerinin Sunulmasýnda
  • Yeni Ýmkanlar, DPT Yayýný, Mayýs, < bilisim/incem/e- devlet.pdf> (30.09.2003).
  • KELLECÝ, M.A. (2003). Bilgi Ekonomisi, Ýþgücü Piyasasýnýn Temel Aktörleri ve Eþitsizlik: Eðilimler, Roller, Fýrsatlar ve Riskler, Devlet Planlama Teþkilatý
  • Ekonomik Modeller ve Stratejik Araþtýrmalar Genel Müdürlüðü Yayýný, Ankara. KNACK, S. (2000). “Social Capital and the Quality of Governments:
  • Evidence from the US States”, The World Bank, Policy Research Working Papers Series, Nu 2504, December, pp:1-31.
  • MARISCAL, J. (2005). “Digital Divide in a Developing Country”,
  • Telecommunications Policy, Vol 29, pp: 409-428. MASUDA, Y. (1990). Managing in the Information Society, Cambridge MA, Basil Blackwell.
  • MEMURLAR-NET, (2007). “SSK'nýn Projesi Dünyanýn En Baþarýlý E-Devlet
  • Uygulamasý”, <> (16.08.2007).
  • MEVZUAT BÝLGÝ SÝSTEMÝ, (2005). 346 Sýra No'lu VUK Genel Tebliði, 002005 Tarih ve 25744 sayýlý Resmi Gazete,
  • <> (17.08.2007).
  • NOHUTÇU, A., DEMÝREL??, D. (2005). “Türkiye'deki E-Devlet
  • Uygulamalarý”, Türk Ýdare Dergisi, Sayý 447, Haziran 2005, t 35-doc> (16.08.2005). ss: 38-50.
  • ROMER, P.M. (1986). "Increasing Returns and Long-Run Growth", The Journal of Political Economy, Vol 94, No 5, October, pp: 1002-1037.
  • SAYGILI, Þ. (2001). “Yeni Ekonomi ve Avrupa Birliði:Yeni Ekonomi
  • Sürecinde ABD-Japonya Çerçevesinde Türkiye'nin Yeri” Yeni Ekonomi El Kitabý, TCMB Yayýnlarý, Ankara, ss: 211-231. SSK. (2004). Sosyal Sigorta Ýþlemleri Yönetmeliði, 16 Ocak 2004 Tarihli, 25348 Sayýlý Resmi Gazete, < guvenligi/is_guv_tuz_yon/ssk_sosyal_sigorta_islemleri_yonetmeligi.htm> (02007)
  • SSK. (2007a). E-Bildirge Kullaným Kýlavuzu, <
  • /sskdownloads/anasayfa/kilavuz.doc> (16.08.2007).
  • SSK. (2007b). Ýþverenlere Yönelik Bilgiler – E-Bildirge Nedir?, (02007).
  • SSK. (2007c). Ýþverenlere Yönelik Bilgiler - Hangi Ýþverenler E-Bildirge
  • Vermek Zorundadýr?, < ut /p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_DJ? cpid=393> (16.08.2007).
  • TBMM, (2003). 4958 Sayýlý Sosyal Sigortalar Kurumu Kanunu, 06/08/2003
  • Tarihli, 25191 Sayýlý Resmi Gazete, < /kanunlar/k4958.html> (17.08.2007)
  • TITAH, R. and BARKI, H. (2005). “E-Government Adoption and Acceptance: A Literature Review”, International Journal of Electronic
  • Government Research, Vol 2, Issue 3, pp: 23-57. TORRES, L., PINA, V., and ACERETE, (2005). B. “E-Government
  • Developments on Delivering Public Services among EU Cities", Government Information Quarterly, Vol 22, pp: 217–238. TURKPOINT, (2007). E-Belediye Hizmetinde Borç Öðrenme Ýlk Sýrada,
  • <> (19.08.2007).
  • TURNER, L. and APELT, C. (2004). “Globalisation, Innovation and Information Sharing in Tax Systems: The Australian Experience of the Diffusion and Adoption of Electronic Lodgement”, eJournal of Tax Research,
  • Atax, The University of New South Wales, Faculty of Law, Volume 2, Number 2, p: 241-269. VERGIPORTALI, (2005). E-Beyanname Kýlavuzu-Aralýk 2005,
  • <http://www.vergiportali. com/doc/pb/e-beyanname.pdf> (17.08.2007).
  • WANG, Y,-SHUN, 2002, “The Adoption of Electronic Tax Filling Systems:
  • An Empirical Study”,Government Information Quarterly,Vol 20, pp:333-352. YARANLI, Ý.O. (2002). “E-Devlet'e Doðru Ödüllü Bir Proje: VEDOP
  • Internet Vergi Dairesi”, VIII. Türkiye'de Internet Konferansý, Askeri Müze/Harbiye Kültür Sitesi, 19-21 Aralýk 2002, Ýstanbul, <http://inet-> (
  • YILDIZ, M. (2007). “E-Government Research-Reviewing the Literature
  • Limitations, and Ways Forward", Government Information Quarterly, Vol 24, pp: 646–665. ZHANG, F-H. and CHEN, J. (2005). “Resource Acquisition and Innovation
  • Performance in Chinese Hi-Tech Firms: An Empirical Study Based on BP Neural Network”, Engineering Management Conference Proceedings, (02007) pp: 427-430.


Yıl 2008, Sayı: 21, - , 20.06.2015


Bu makalede internet-bilgisayar teknolojilerinin (IBT'nin) devlet ve ekonomi açýsýndan önemi ve baþlýca etkileri genel olarak tartýþýlmakta, IBT'nin vergilendirme alanýnda kullanýlmasýyla ortaya çýkan e-vergilendirme sistemi, Türkiye'deki uygulama boyutuyla incelenmektedir. IBT yardýmýyla arz edilen kamu hizmetleri arasýnda, vergilendirme hizmetleri pek çok ülkede ilk sýralarda yer alýr. Bu nedenle e-vergilendirme, IBT'nin devlet için öneminin gözlenebildiði en güzel alanlardan biridir. Bu makalede e-vergilendirme, vergi beyannamesinin elektronik olarak alýnmasý ve verginin elektronik olarak ödenmesi olarak tanýmlanmaktadýr. Türkiye'de bu yönde kurulan ve hala geliþmekte olan sistem incelenmekte, e-vergilendirme sisteminin geliþtirilmesi için öneriler sunulmaktadýr


  • ANTONELLI, C. (2003). “The Digital Divide: Understanding the Economics of New Information and Communication Technology in the Global
  • Economy”, Information Economics and Policy, Vol 15, pp: 173–199. BARNES, S.J., VIDGEN, R.T. (2006). “Data Triangulation-A Case Study in
  • E-Government”, Information & Management, Vol 43, pp: 767–777. BENGSHÝR, K.T. (2000). “Bilgi Toplumu Bakanlýðý Mekanik Bir Örgüt mü”,
  • Amme Ýdaresi Dergisi, Cilt: 33, Eylül, Sayý:3, ss: 33-62. BÝLÝÞÝM ÞURASI, (2005). Biliþim Þurasý Taslak Raporu, Türkiye 2. Biliþim
  • Þûrasý, 10-11 Mayýs 2004, Ankara, < raporlar/TaslakRapor.pdf> (17.08.2007).
  • CHANG, I-C., LI, Y-C., HUNG, W-F., and HWANG, H-G. (2005). “An
  • Empirical Study on the Impact of Quality Antecedents on Tax Payers' Acceptance of Internet Tax-Filing Systems”, Government Information Quarterly, Vol 22, pp: 389–410. DPT. (2005a). Bilgi Ekonomisine ve Bilgi Toplumuna Geçiþ, 2004 Türkiye
  • Ýktisat Kongresi Çalýþma Grubu Raporu, Rapor No: 3, Cilt 13, DPT Yayýný, Ankara, < cilt13.pdf> (16.08.2007).
  • DPT. (2005b). E-Devlet Proje ve Uygulamalarý Raporu, Devlet Planlama
  • Teþkilatý Bilgi Toplumu Dairesi, 2004 Türkiye Ýktisat Kongresi, 5-9 Mayýs 2004, < E-Devlet Proje ve Uygulamalarý.pdf>
  • DURDU, Ö.F. (2003). “Avrupa Birliði Yolunda Bilgi Teknolojisinin Türkiye
  • Ekonomisi Ýçin Önemi”, Akademik Biliþim Konferanslarý, 3-5 Subat 2003,
  • Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, < tammetin/ 171.doc> (02007). ss: 1-8.
  • EC. (2007). “ICT drives 50% of ICT Growth, Says Commission's Annual
  • Report on the Digital Economy”, European Commission Information Society Press Release, Reference: IP/07/453 Date: 30/03/2007, d=3303> (16.08.2007).
  • ERKAN, H. (1994). Bilgi Toplumu ve Ekonomik Geliþme, Ýþ Bankasý Kültür Yayýnlarý.
  • FEIGE, E.L. (2000). “Taxation for the 21st Century: The Automated Payment
  • Trasaction (APT) Tax”, Economic Policy, Volume 15, Issue 31, October, pp:473-511. FERNALD, L.W. (1988). “The Underlying Relationship Between Creativity,
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, Journal of Creative Behavior, Vol 22, Number 3, pp: 196-202. FU, J.R., FARN, C.K., and CHAO, W.P. (2006). “Acceptance of Electronic
  • Tax Filing: A Study of Taxpayer Intentions”, Information & Management Vol43, Jan, pp: 109-126. GIB. (2007). Vergimi Kolayca Nasýl Öderim?, <
  • /fileadmin/beyannamerehberi/vergimi_kolayca_nasil_oderim.pdf> (02007).
  • GOLDBERG, D.S. (2005). “E Tax: The Flat Tax as an Electronic Credit
  • VAT”, University of Maryland School of Law, Legal Studies Research Paper, No: 2005-59, <> (29.01.2007) pp:1-15.
  • GÜMRÜK GENEL MÜDÜRLÜÐÜ, (2001). 15.10.2001 Tarih ve 2001/31
  • Sayýlý Gümrükler Genel Müdürlüðü Genelgesi, Genelgeler.aspx> (20.08.2007)
  • GÜMRÜK MÜSTEÞARLIÐI. (2007a). Bilge Edi-Web Kullaným Kýlavuzu,
  • <> (16.08.2007).
  • GÜMRÜK MÜSTEÞARLIÐI. (2007b). Bilge Sistemini Kullanan Gümrük
  • Ýdarelerinde Haziran 2007 Toplam Beyanname Sayýlarý ve EDI Oranlarý,
  • <> (16.08.2007)
  • GÜMRÜK MÜSTEÞARLIÐI. (2007c). Gümrük Partnerlerinin EDI
  • Kullanýmý, <> HANSFORD, A., LYMER, A., and PILKINGTON, C. (2006). "IT Adoption
  • Strategies and Their Application to E-filing Self-Assessment Tax Returns: The Case of the UK", eJournal of Tax Research, Vol 4, Number 1, August, Atax, The University of New South Wales, Faculty of Law, pp: 79-96. HEEKS, R., BAILUR, S. (2007). Analyzing E-Government Research:
  • Perspectives, Philosophies, Theories, Methods, and Practice”, Government Information Quarterly, Vol 24, pp: 243–265. HORST, M., KUTTSCHREUTER, M., and GUTTELING, J.M. (2007).
  • “Perceived Usefulness, Personal Experiences, Risk Perception and Trust as Determinants of Adoption of E-Government Services in the Netherlands”, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol 23, pp: 1838–1852.
  • HUNG, S-Y., CHANG, C-M., and YU,T-J. (2006). Determinants of User
  • Acceptance of the E-Government Services: The Case of Online Tax Filing and Payment System”, Government Information Quarterly, Vol 23, pp: 97–122. IBB. (2007a). Elektronik Dekont Takip Sistemi, < IBB/
  • DocLib/pdf/ birimler/gelirler_mud/ index.htm> (19.08.2007).
  • IBB. (2007b). Gelirler Muhtelif Borç Sorgulama, < gelir_tahsilat/index.asp> (19.08.2007).
  • ÝNCE, N.M. (2001). Elektronik Devlet-Kamu Hizmetlerinin Sunulmasýnda
  • Yeni Ýmkanlar, DPT Yayýný, Mayýs, < bilisim/incem/e- devlet.pdf> (30.09.2003).
  • KELLECÝ, M.A. (2003). Bilgi Ekonomisi, Ýþgücü Piyasasýnýn Temel Aktörleri ve Eþitsizlik: Eðilimler, Roller, Fýrsatlar ve Riskler, Devlet Planlama Teþkilatý
  • Ekonomik Modeller ve Stratejik Araþtýrmalar Genel Müdürlüðü Yayýný, Ankara. KNACK, S. (2000). “Social Capital and the Quality of Governments:
  • Evidence from the US States”, The World Bank, Policy Research Working Papers Series, Nu 2504, December, pp:1-31.
  • MARISCAL, J. (2005). “Digital Divide in a Developing Country”,
  • Telecommunications Policy, Vol 29, pp: 409-428. MASUDA, Y. (1990). Managing in the Information Society, Cambridge MA, Basil Blackwell.
  • MEMURLAR-NET, (2007). “SSK'nýn Projesi Dünyanýn En Baþarýlý E-Devlet
  • Uygulamasý”, <> (16.08.2007).
  • MEVZUAT BÝLGÝ SÝSTEMÝ, (2005). 346 Sýra No'lu VUK Genel Tebliði, 002005 Tarih ve 25744 sayýlý Resmi Gazete,
  • <> (17.08.2007).
  • NOHUTÇU, A., DEMÝREL??, D. (2005). “Türkiye'deki E-Devlet
  • Uygulamalarý”, Türk Ýdare Dergisi, Sayý 447, Haziran 2005, t 35-doc> (16.08.2005). ss: 38-50.
  • ROMER, P.M. (1986). "Increasing Returns and Long-Run Growth", The Journal of Political Economy, Vol 94, No 5, October, pp: 1002-1037.
  • SAYGILI, Þ. (2001). “Yeni Ekonomi ve Avrupa Birliði:Yeni Ekonomi
  • Sürecinde ABD-Japonya Çerçevesinde Türkiye'nin Yeri” Yeni Ekonomi El Kitabý, TCMB Yayýnlarý, Ankara, ss: 211-231. SSK. (2004). Sosyal Sigorta Ýþlemleri Yönetmeliði, 16 Ocak 2004 Tarihli, 25348 Sayýlý Resmi Gazete, < guvenligi/is_guv_tuz_yon/ssk_sosyal_sigorta_islemleri_yonetmeligi.htm> (02007)
  • SSK. (2007a). E-Bildirge Kullaným Kýlavuzu, <
  • /sskdownloads/anasayfa/kilavuz.doc> (16.08.2007).
  • SSK. (2007b). Ýþverenlere Yönelik Bilgiler – E-Bildirge Nedir?, (02007).
  • SSK. (2007c). Ýþverenlere Yönelik Bilgiler - Hangi Ýþverenler E-Bildirge
  • Vermek Zorundadýr?, < ut /p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_DJ? cpid=393> (16.08.2007).
  • TBMM, (2003). 4958 Sayýlý Sosyal Sigortalar Kurumu Kanunu, 06/08/2003
  • Tarihli, 25191 Sayýlý Resmi Gazete, < /kanunlar/k4958.html> (17.08.2007)
  • TITAH, R. and BARKI, H. (2005). “E-Government Adoption and Acceptance: A Literature Review”, International Journal of Electronic
  • Government Research, Vol 2, Issue 3, pp: 23-57. TORRES, L., PINA, V., and ACERETE, (2005). B. “E-Government
  • Developments on Delivering Public Services among EU Cities", Government Information Quarterly, Vol 22, pp: 217–238. TURKPOINT, (2007). E-Belediye Hizmetinde Borç Öðrenme Ýlk Sýrada,
  • <> (19.08.2007).
  • TURNER, L. and APELT, C. (2004). “Globalisation, Innovation and Information Sharing in Tax Systems: The Australian Experience of the Diffusion and Adoption of Electronic Lodgement”, eJournal of Tax Research,
  • Atax, The University of New South Wales, Faculty of Law, Volume 2, Number 2, p: 241-269. VERGIPORTALI, (2005). E-Beyanname Kýlavuzu-Aralýk 2005,
  • <http://www.vergiportali. com/doc/pb/e-beyanname.pdf> (17.08.2007).
  • WANG, Y,-SHUN, 2002, “The Adoption of Electronic Tax Filling Systems:
  • An Empirical Study”,Government Information Quarterly,Vol 20, pp:333-352. YARANLI, Ý.O. (2002). “E-Devlet'e Doðru Ödüllü Bir Proje: VEDOP
  • Internet Vergi Dairesi”, VIII. Türkiye'de Internet Konferansý, Askeri Müze/Harbiye Kültür Sitesi, 19-21 Aralýk 2002, Ýstanbul, <http://inet-> (
  • YILDIZ, M. (2007). “E-Government Research-Reviewing the Literature
  • Limitations, and Ways Forward", Government Information Quarterly, Vol 24, pp: 646–665. ZHANG, F-H. and CHEN, J. (2005). “Resource Acquisition and Innovation
  • Performance in Chinese Hi-Tech Firms: An Empirical Study Based on BP Neural Network”, Engineering Management Conference Proceedings, (02007) pp: 427-430.
Toplam 75 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
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Ferhat Başkan Özgen Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Haziran 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Sayı: 21

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Özgen, Ferhat Başkan. “İNTERNET-BİLGİSAYAR TEKNOLOJİLERİNİN ÖNEMİ VE TÜRKİYE’DE E-VERGİLENDİRME SİSTEMİ”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 21 (Haziran 2015).
EndNote Özgen FB (01 Haziran 2015) İNTERNET-BİLGİSAYAR TEKNOLOJİLERİNİN ÖNEMİ VE TÜRKİYE’DE E-VERGİLENDİRME SİSTEMİ. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 21
IEEE F. B. Özgen, “İNTERNET-BİLGİSAYAR TEKNOLOJİLERİNİN ÖNEMİ VE TÜRKİYE’DE E-VERGİLENDİRME SİSTEMİ”, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 21, Haziran 2015.
ISNAD Özgen, Ferhat Başkan. “İNTERNET-BİLGİSAYAR TEKNOLOJİLERİNİN ÖNEMİ VE TÜRKİYE’DE E-VERGİLENDİRME SİSTEMİ”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 21 (Haziran 2015).
MLA Özgen, Ferhat Başkan. “İNTERNET-BİLGİSAYAR TEKNOLOJİLERİNİN ÖNEMİ VE TÜRKİYE’DE E-VERGİLENDİRME SİSTEMİ”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 21, 2015.
Vancouver Özgen FB. İNTERNET-BİLGİSAYAR TEKNOLOJİLERİNİN ÖNEMİ VE TÜRKİYE’DE E-VERGİLENDİRME SİSTEMİ. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2015(21).

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