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Yıl 2011, Sayı: 29, - , 20.06.2015


The objective of this study is to investigate the power of teens over family purchasing decision process over 25 products. The study divides these 25 products into 5 main categories according to the prices/riskiness of each product. Moreover, the study distinguishes purchasing process as three sequential steps (i.e. recognition of need, information search and actual purchase), we conducted a survey over 821 high school students in Eskisehir. The study is aimed at addressing this question: What is the role (or influential power) of teens in family purchasing decision process (for each step) of these five type of product groups? The study finds that the teens are dominant player in each steps of purchasing for products at which teens are the main users. Moreover, the results are almost same for low and high risk (or price) products. Teens are selective for products directed at family use. In particular, the relative influential power of teens in family purchasing process for technology related products (e.g. TV, home theater system, DVD player, and camera) is significantly apparent while teens are not willing to contribute decision making for other products such as detergent, washing machine, soap etc


  • AHUJA, R.B. D. (1993). "Mother-Only Single Parent Family Decision Making: Comparisons to the Two Parent Family Structure with Respect to Children's Influence" Journal of Food Products Marketing, 1, 2: 57-79.
  • ATKIN, C.K. (1978), “Observation of Parent–Child Interaction in Supermarket Decision-Making” Journal of Marketing, 42: 41-45.
  • BATAT, W. (2008). “How Competent are Teenagers Aged 11-15 in Using New Technologies within Their Consumption Experience? An Exploratory Research on Consumer Behavior”, The 7th International Congress Marketing Trends, Venice, 17th - 19th January , 1-24.
  • BAO, Y. (2001). “Effects of Parental Style and Power on Adolescent’s Influence in Family Consumption Decisions”, Unpublished Dissertation, Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  • BAO, Y., FERN, E. F., SHENG S. (2007). “Parental Style and Adolescent Influence in Family Consumption Decisions: An Integrative Approach”, Journal of Business Research, 60, 7: 672-680.
  • BEATTY, S. E., TALPADE, S. (1994). “Adolescent Influence in Family Decision Making: A Replication with Extension”, Journal of Consumer Research,21, 2: 332-341.
  • BEIRAO, A. (2006) “Children Attitudes Toward Brand Mascots Mascots Design and Children Recognition” 2nd International Conference on Pluridisciplinary Perspectives on Child and Teen Consumption, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark: 1-20.
  • BELCH, G. E., BELCH M, A., CERESINO, G. (1985). "Parental and Teenage Child Influences in Family Decision Making," Journal of Business Research, 1: 163-176.
  • BEREY, L. A., POLLAY, R.W. (1968). “The Influencing Role of Child in Family Decision- Making.” Journal of Marketing Research, 5: 70-72.
  • BJURSTRÖM, E. (1994), “Children and Television Advertising: A Critical Study of International Research Concerning The Effects of TV-Commercials on Children”, Stockholm: The National Swedish Board For Consumer Policies.
  • BJURSTRÖM, E. (2002). “Consumer Socialization: How do children become consumers?” An Advertising Education Forum (AEF) Academic Advisory Board Discussion Paper, 1-10.
  • BURNS, A. C.,GILLET, P.L. (1987). "Antecedents and Outcomes of the Family Purchase Socialization Process for a Child's Toys and Games," AMA Educators' Proceedings, 53: 15-20.
  • CARUANA, A., VASSALLO, R. (2003) “Children’s Perception of Their Influence Over Purchases: The Role of Parental Communication Patterns”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 20, 1: 55-66.
  • CLULOW, C. (1993). “New Families? Changes in Societies And Family Relationships”, Sex Marital Theory, 8,3: 269- 273.
  • DARLEY, W. K. ve LIM J. (1986). "Family Decision Making in Leisure-Time Activities: An Exploratory Investigation of The Impact of Locus of Control, Child Age Influence Factor and Parental Type on Perceived Child Influence" in Advances of Consumer Research, 13: 370-374.
  • DAVIS, H.L. (1976). “Decision Making Within The Household”, Journal of Consumer Research, 2,4: 241-260.
  • DAVIS, H.L., RIGAUX, B.P. (1974). “Perception Of Marital Roles On Decision Processes”, Journal Of Consumer Research, 1: 51–62.
  • ELLWOOD, D. T. (1993). “The Changing Structure of American Families”, Journal of the American Planning Association; 59, 1: 3-8.
  • ENGEL, J. F., BLACWELL, R. D., MINIARD, P.W. (1995), Consumer Behavior, Eighth edition, Fort Worth, Orlando: Dryden Press.
  • FILIATRAULT, P., RITCHIE, J.R.B. (1980), "Joint Purchasing Decisions: A Comparison of Influence Structure in Family and Couple Decision-Making Units", Journal of Consumer Research, 7 : 131-140.
  • FOXMAN, E. R., TANSUHAJ P. S. (1988), "Adolescents' and Mothers' Perceptions of Relative Influence in Family Purchase Decisions: Patterns of Agreement and Disagreement" The Journal of Consumer Research, 15: 449- 453.
  • FOXMAN, E. R., TANSUHAJ P. S., EKSTROM, K.M. (1989). “Family Members’ Perceptions of Adolescents’ Influence in Family Deision Making”, The Journal of Consumer Research, 15, 4: 482-491.
  • GÖTZE, E. (2005). “A Paradigm Shift? Children Introducing Product Innovations to Their Parents” ” 2nd International Conference on Pluridisciplinary Perspectives on Child and Teen Consumption, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark: 1-15
  • GÖTZE, E. and B. B. SCHLEGELMILCH (2001). “The Impact of Pre-School Children's Requests on Their Parents' Choice of Brands: An Empirical Analysis”, Bergen, 30 th EMAC Conference: 1-16.
  • GEUENS, M., BRENGMAN, M., S'JEGERS, R. (2003), "Food Retailing, Now and in The Future. A Consumer Perspective", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 10: 241-251.
  • GÜNERİ, B., YURT, O., KAPLAN, M.D., DELEN, M. (2009). “The Influence of Children on Family Purchasing Decisions in Turkey”, Asian Journal of Marketing, 3, 1: 20-32.
  • ISLER, L., POPPER, E.T., WARD, S. (1987). "Children's Purchase Requests and Parental Responses: Results from a Diary Study" Journal of Advertising Research, 27, 5: 28-39.
  • JENKINS, R.L. (1979). “The Influence of Children in Family Decision-Making: Parents Perceptions” , Advances in Consumer Research, 6: 413-418.
  • JOHN, D. R.(1999). “Consumer Socialization of Children: A Retrospective Look at Twenty- Five Years Of Research”, Journal of Consumer Research, 26: 193-213.
  • KOENIG, S. (2005) “Tapping The Teen Tech Buyer”, Dealerscope Philadelphia, 47: 1- 2.
  • MANGLEBURG T. F. (1992). “A Socialization Model of Children's Perceived Purchase Influence: Family Type, Hierarchy, and Parenting Practice”, Unpublished Dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  • MANGLEBURG, T. F., GREWAL, D., BRISTOL, T. (1999). "Family Type, Family Authority Relations, and Adolescents' Purchase Influence" Advances in Consumer Research, 26: 379-384.
  • MCNEAL, J.U. (1998). “Tapping The Three Kids Markets” American Demographics, 20: 37-41.
  • MEHROTRA, S., TORGES, S. (1977). "Determinants of children's Influence on Mothers' Buying Behavior", Advances in Consumer Research, 4: 56-60.
  • MOSCHIS, G. P., CHURCHILL, G. A. (1978). “Consumer Socialization: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis”, Journal of Marketing Research, 15: 599-609.
  • MOSCHIS, G. P., MOORE R. L. (1979). "Decision Making Among the Young: A Socialization Perspective." Journal of Consumer Research 6: 101-110.
  • NELSON, J. E. (1979). "Children as Information Sources in the Family Decision to Eat Out." Advances in Consumer Research 6: 419-423.
  • ROBERTS, M. L., L. H. WORTZEL, BERKELEY, R.L.(1981). "Mothers' Attitudes and Perceptions of Children's Influence and Their Effect on Family Consumption." Advances in Consumer Research 8: 730-735.
  • RUST, L. (1993). "Observations: Parents and Children Shopping Together." Journal of Advertising Research 33, 4: 65-70.
  • SCHOENBACHLER, D. D., 1-10. AYERS, D. J. and, GORDON, G. L. (1995)
  • SWINYARD, W. R., SIM, C.P. (1987). "Perception of Children's Influence on Family Decision Processes", Journal of Consumer Marketing, 4 1, 25-38.
  • SPIRO, R. L. (1983). "Persuasion in Family Decision-Making." Journal of Consumer Research, 4: 393-402.
  • STOKES, D., LOMAX, W. (2008). Marketing: A Brief Introduction, London: Thomson Learning.
  • SZYBILLO, G. J., SOSANIE, A. (1977). "Family Decision Making: Husband, Wife, and Children." Advances in Consumer Research 4: 46-49.
  • WANG, S., HOLLOWAY, B. B. BEATTY, S. E. ve HILL, W. W.
  • (2007). “Adolescent Influence in Family Purchase Decision: An Update and Cross-National Extension”, Journal of Business Research, 60: 117-1124.
  • WARD, S. (1974), "Consumer Socialization" Journal of Consumer Research, 1: 1-14.
  • WARD, S., WACKMAN, D. B. (1972), “Children's Purchase Influence Attempts and Parental Yielding”, Journal of Marketing Research, 9, 3:316-319.
  • WILLIAMS, A.J. (2002). Understanding the Hospitality Consumer, Oxford :


Yıl 2011, Sayı: 29, - , 20.06.2015


Bu çalışmanın amacı ergenlerin aile satın alım kararlarına olan etkilerini incelemektir. 25 adet ürün ya da mal nispi risk ya da fiyatları temel alınmak sureti ile 5 ana gruba bölünmüştür. Buna ilave olarak bu çalışma satın alma sürecini 3 aşamadan (ihtiyacın belirlenmesi, araştırılması ve satın alınması) oluştuğunu varsaymıştır. Cevaplandırılmak istenen soru: Her bir mal gurubunun satın alınması sürecinde ergen bu sürece ilgili ürün grup merkezinde ne kadar katkı yapmakta ya da bu sürece ne kadar etki etmektedir? Bunun için Eskişehir ilinde 821 lise öğrencisi üzerinde anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Bu anketlere uygulanan analizler ekseninde, ergenler kendilerine yönelik ürünlere (gerek düşük risk/fiyat gerekse de yüksek risk/fiyat) ait karar verme aşamalarının tümünde temel karar verici durumundadırlar. Aile kullanımına yönelik ürünlerin satın alınması sürecinde ise ergenler seçici oldukları bulunmuştur. Örneğin ergenler, aile kullanımına yönelik teknolojik ürünlerin (televizyon, ev sinema sistemi, DVD oynatıcısı ve kamera gibi) satın alınması aşamalarında aktif rol oynamaktadırlar. Bunun aksine ergenler, aile tüketimine yönelik bazı ürünlerin (örneğin deterjan, çamaşır makinesi, sabun gibi) satın alınması sürecinde etkili değildirler


  • AHUJA, R.B. D. (1993). "Mother-Only Single Parent Family Decision Making: Comparisons to the Two Parent Family Structure with Respect to Children's Influence" Journal of Food Products Marketing, 1, 2: 57-79.
  • ATKIN, C.K. (1978), “Observation of Parent–Child Interaction in Supermarket Decision-Making” Journal of Marketing, 42: 41-45.
  • BATAT, W. (2008). “How Competent are Teenagers Aged 11-15 in Using New Technologies within Their Consumption Experience? An Exploratory Research on Consumer Behavior”, The 7th International Congress Marketing Trends, Venice, 17th - 19th January , 1-24.
  • BAO, Y. (2001). “Effects of Parental Style and Power on Adolescent’s Influence in Family Consumption Decisions”, Unpublished Dissertation, Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  • BAO, Y., FERN, E. F., SHENG S. (2007). “Parental Style and Adolescent Influence in Family Consumption Decisions: An Integrative Approach”, Journal of Business Research, 60, 7: 672-680.
  • BEATTY, S. E., TALPADE, S. (1994). “Adolescent Influence in Family Decision Making: A Replication with Extension”, Journal of Consumer Research,21, 2: 332-341.
  • BEIRAO, A. (2006) “Children Attitudes Toward Brand Mascots Mascots Design and Children Recognition” 2nd International Conference on Pluridisciplinary Perspectives on Child and Teen Consumption, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark: 1-20.
  • BELCH, G. E., BELCH M, A., CERESINO, G. (1985). "Parental and Teenage Child Influences in Family Decision Making," Journal of Business Research, 1: 163-176.
  • BEREY, L. A., POLLAY, R.W. (1968). “The Influencing Role of Child in Family Decision- Making.” Journal of Marketing Research, 5: 70-72.
  • BJURSTRÖM, E. (1994), “Children and Television Advertising: A Critical Study of International Research Concerning The Effects of TV-Commercials on Children”, Stockholm: The National Swedish Board For Consumer Policies.
  • BJURSTRÖM, E. (2002). “Consumer Socialization: How do children become consumers?” An Advertising Education Forum (AEF) Academic Advisory Board Discussion Paper, 1-10.
  • BURNS, A. C.,GILLET, P.L. (1987). "Antecedents and Outcomes of the Family Purchase Socialization Process for a Child's Toys and Games," AMA Educators' Proceedings, 53: 15-20.
  • CARUANA, A., VASSALLO, R. (2003) “Children’s Perception of Their Influence Over Purchases: The Role of Parental Communication Patterns”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 20, 1: 55-66.
  • CLULOW, C. (1993). “New Families? Changes in Societies And Family Relationships”, Sex Marital Theory, 8,3: 269- 273.
  • DARLEY, W. K. ve LIM J. (1986). "Family Decision Making in Leisure-Time Activities: An Exploratory Investigation of The Impact of Locus of Control, Child Age Influence Factor and Parental Type on Perceived Child Influence" in Advances of Consumer Research, 13: 370-374.
  • DAVIS, H.L. (1976). “Decision Making Within The Household”, Journal of Consumer Research, 2,4: 241-260.
  • DAVIS, H.L., RIGAUX, B.P. (1974). “Perception Of Marital Roles On Decision Processes”, Journal Of Consumer Research, 1: 51–62.
  • ELLWOOD, D. T. (1993). “The Changing Structure of American Families”, Journal of the American Planning Association; 59, 1: 3-8.
  • ENGEL, J. F., BLACWELL, R. D., MINIARD, P.W. (1995), Consumer Behavior, Eighth edition, Fort Worth, Orlando: Dryden Press.
  • FILIATRAULT, P., RITCHIE, J.R.B. (1980), "Joint Purchasing Decisions: A Comparison of Influence Structure in Family and Couple Decision-Making Units", Journal of Consumer Research, 7 : 131-140.
  • FOXMAN, E. R., TANSUHAJ P. S. (1988), "Adolescents' and Mothers' Perceptions of Relative Influence in Family Purchase Decisions: Patterns of Agreement and Disagreement" The Journal of Consumer Research, 15: 449- 453.
  • FOXMAN, E. R., TANSUHAJ P. S., EKSTROM, K.M. (1989). “Family Members’ Perceptions of Adolescents’ Influence in Family Deision Making”, The Journal of Consumer Research, 15, 4: 482-491.
  • GÖTZE, E. (2005). “A Paradigm Shift? Children Introducing Product Innovations to Their Parents” ” 2nd International Conference on Pluridisciplinary Perspectives on Child and Teen Consumption, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark: 1-15
  • GÖTZE, E. and B. B. SCHLEGELMILCH (2001). “The Impact of Pre-School Children's Requests on Their Parents' Choice of Brands: An Empirical Analysis”, Bergen, 30 th EMAC Conference: 1-16.
  • GEUENS, M., BRENGMAN, M., S'JEGERS, R. (2003), "Food Retailing, Now and in The Future. A Consumer Perspective", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 10: 241-251.
  • GÜNERİ, B., YURT, O., KAPLAN, M.D., DELEN, M. (2009). “The Influence of Children on Family Purchasing Decisions in Turkey”, Asian Journal of Marketing, 3, 1: 20-32.
  • ISLER, L., POPPER, E.T., WARD, S. (1987). "Children's Purchase Requests and Parental Responses: Results from a Diary Study" Journal of Advertising Research, 27, 5: 28-39.
  • JENKINS, R.L. (1979). “The Influence of Children in Family Decision-Making: Parents Perceptions” , Advances in Consumer Research, 6: 413-418.
  • JOHN, D. R.(1999). “Consumer Socialization of Children: A Retrospective Look at Twenty- Five Years Of Research”, Journal of Consumer Research, 26: 193-213.
  • KOENIG, S. (2005) “Tapping The Teen Tech Buyer”, Dealerscope Philadelphia, 47: 1- 2.
  • MANGLEBURG T. F. (1992). “A Socialization Model of Children's Perceived Purchase Influence: Family Type, Hierarchy, and Parenting Practice”, Unpublished Dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
  • MANGLEBURG, T. F., GREWAL, D., BRISTOL, T. (1999). "Family Type, Family Authority Relations, and Adolescents' Purchase Influence" Advances in Consumer Research, 26: 379-384.
  • MCNEAL, J.U. (1998). “Tapping The Three Kids Markets” American Demographics, 20: 37-41.
  • MEHROTRA, S., TORGES, S. (1977). "Determinants of children's Influence on Mothers' Buying Behavior", Advances in Consumer Research, 4: 56-60.
  • MOSCHIS, G. P., CHURCHILL, G. A. (1978). “Consumer Socialization: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis”, Journal of Marketing Research, 15: 599-609.
  • MOSCHIS, G. P., MOORE R. L. (1979). "Decision Making Among the Young: A Socialization Perspective." Journal of Consumer Research 6: 101-110.
  • NELSON, J. E. (1979). "Children as Information Sources in the Family Decision to Eat Out." Advances in Consumer Research 6: 419-423.
  • ROBERTS, M. L., L. H. WORTZEL, BERKELEY, R.L.(1981). "Mothers' Attitudes and Perceptions of Children's Influence and Their Effect on Family Consumption." Advances in Consumer Research 8: 730-735.
  • RUST, L. (1993). "Observations: Parents and Children Shopping Together." Journal of Advertising Research 33, 4: 65-70.
  • SCHOENBACHLER, D. D., 1-10. AYERS, D. J. and, GORDON, G. L. (1995)
  • SWINYARD, W. R., SIM, C.P. (1987). "Perception of Children's Influence on Family Decision Processes", Journal of Consumer Marketing, 4 1, 25-38.
  • SPIRO, R. L. (1983). "Persuasion in Family Decision-Making." Journal of Consumer Research, 4: 393-402.
  • STOKES, D., LOMAX, W. (2008). Marketing: A Brief Introduction, London: Thomson Learning.
  • SZYBILLO, G. J., SOSANIE, A. (1977). "Family Decision Making: Husband, Wife, and Children." Advances in Consumer Research 4: 46-49.
  • WANG, S., HOLLOWAY, B. B. BEATTY, S. E. ve HILL, W. W.
  • (2007). “Adolescent Influence in Family Purchase Decision: An Update and Cross-National Extension”, Journal of Business Research, 60: 117-1124.
  • WARD, S. (1974), "Consumer Socialization" Journal of Consumer Research, 1: 1-14.
  • WARD, S., WACKMAN, D. B. (1972), “Children's Purchase Influence Attempts and Parental Yielding”, Journal of Marketing Research, 9, 3:316-319.
  • WILLIAMS, A.J. (2002). Understanding the Hospitality Consumer, Oxford :
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Elif Aslan Bu kişi benim

Ridvan Karalar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Haziran 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Sayı: 29

Kaynak Göster

APA Aslan, E., & Karalar, R. (2015). THE EFFECTS OF TURKISH TEENS OVER FAMILY PURCHASE OF VARIOUS PRODUCTS. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(29).
AMA Aslan E, Karalar R. THE EFFECTS OF TURKISH TEENS OVER FAMILY PURCHASE OF VARIOUS PRODUCTS. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Haziran 2015;(29).
Chicago Aslan, Elif, ve Ridvan Karalar. “THE EFFECTS OF TURKISH TEENS OVER FAMILY PURCHASE OF VARIOUS PRODUCTS”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 29 (Haziran 2015).
EndNote Aslan E, Karalar R (01 Haziran 2015) THE EFFECTS OF TURKISH TEENS OVER FAMILY PURCHASE OF VARIOUS PRODUCTS. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 29
IEEE E. Aslan ve R. Karalar, “THE EFFECTS OF TURKISH TEENS OVER FAMILY PURCHASE OF VARIOUS PRODUCTS”, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 29, Haziran 2015.
ISNAD Aslan, Elif - Karalar, Ridvan. “THE EFFECTS OF TURKISH TEENS OVER FAMILY PURCHASE OF VARIOUS PRODUCTS”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 29 (Haziran 2015).
JAMA Aslan E, Karalar R. THE EFFECTS OF TURKISH TEENS OVER FAMILY PURCHASE OF VARIOUS PRODUCTS. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2015.
MLA Aslan, Elif ve Ridvan Karalar. “THE EFFECTS OF TURKISH TEENS OVER FAMILY PURCHASE OF VARIOUS PRODUCTS”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 29, 2015.
Vancouver Aslan E, Karalar R. THE EFFECTS OF TURKISH TEENS OVER FAMILY PURCHASE OF VARIOUS PRODUCTS. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2015(29).

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