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Yıl 2013, Sayı: 36, - , 01.06.2013


This paper investigates the theories used in the studies about corporate governance by a literature review and brings in a critical perspective. While emphasizing on divergent parts of corporate governance theories, fundamentally polarized between shareholder perspective and stakeholder perspective, the invalidity of one single correct corporate governance approach in current changing conditions is highlighted and a suggestion using contingency theory is implied


  • AGUILERA, R. V., JACKSON, G. (2003) “The Cross-National Diversity of Corporate Governance: Dimensions and Determinants”, Academy of Management Review, 28(3): 447-465.
  • BLAIR, M. B., (1995), Ownership and Control: Rethinking Corporate Governance for the Twenty- First Century,
  • Brookings Institution Press, Washington. BUCHHOLZ, R. A. (1989), Business Environment and Public Policy: Implications for Management and Strategy
  • Formulation, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. CARVER, J. (2000), “The Opportunity for Re-inventing Corporate Governance in Joint Venture Companies”,
  • Corporate Governance: An International Review, 8(1):75-80. CHARAN, R. (1998), Boards at Work: How Corporate Boards Create Competitive Advantage, Jossy- Bass
  • Publishers, San Francisco. CHILD, J. (1997), “Stratejic Choice in the Analysis of Action, Structure, Organizations and Environment: Retrospect and Prospect”, Organization Studies, 18(1): 43-76
  • DAVIS, J. H., SCHOORMAN, D. F. ve L. DONALDSON (1997), “Toward A Stewardship Theory Of
  • Management”, Academy of Management Review, 22(1): 20-47. DAVIES, Aç (1999), A Strategic Approach to Corporate Governance, Gower Publishing Ltd., Aldershot.
  • DEMIRAG, I. S. (1995), “Assessing Short-Term Perceptions of Group Finance Directors of Uk Companies”, The British Accounting Review, 27(4): 247-281.
  • DEMIRAG, Istemi S., CLARK, W. W. ve D. BLİNE (1998), “Financial Markets, Corporate Governance, and Management of R&D”, Demirag Istemi S. (Ed.), Corporate Governance, Accountability, and Pressures to Perform:
  • An International Study, JAI Press Inc., Connecticut, s. 93-120
  • DONALDSON, L. (2001), The Contingency Theory of Organization, Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage.
  • DONALDSON, T., PRESTON, L. E. (1995), “The Stakeholder Theory of The Corporation: Concepts, Evidence, And Implications”, Academy of Management Review, 20(1): 65-91.
  • FAMA, E. F.- JENSEN, M. C.(1983), “Separation of Ownership and Control”, Journal of Law and Economics, 26(2): 301-3
  • FILATOTCHEV, I., WRIGHT M., (2005), Corporate Governance Life-Cycle, London, Edward Elgar.
  • FILATOTCHEV, I., TOMS S. (2003), “Corporate Governance, Strategy and Survival in a Declining Industry: A study of UK Cotton Textile Companies”, Journal of Management Studies, 40(4), 895-920.
  • FLIGHSTEIN, N., FREELAND, R. (1995), “Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives on Corporate Organization”,
  • Annual Review of Sociology, 21(1): 21-43
  • FORBES, D. P., MILLIKEN, F. J. (1999), “Cognition and Corporate Governance: Understanding Boards of
  • Directors As Strategic Decision-Making Groups”, Academy of Management Review, 24(3):489-505. FREEMAN, E. R.(1984). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach, Pitman Publishing Inc., Massachusetts.
  • FREEMAN, R.E., EVAN, W. M. (1990). “Corporate governance: A stakeholder interpretation”, Journal of
  • Behavioral Economics, 19(4): 337-359. FRIEDMAN, A. L., MILES, S. (2002). “Developing stakeholder theory”, Journal of Management Studies, 39(1): 1- 22
  • GALBRAITH, J. R. (1971). “Matrix Organizations Designs”, Business Horizons, 14(1): 29-40
  • HARRIS, M., RAVIV, A. (2008). “A Theory of Board Control and Size”, Review of Financial Studies”, Oxfors
  • University Press for Society for Financial Studies, 21(4): 1797-1832
  • JENSEN, M. C., MECKLING, W. H. (1976). “Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure”, Journal of Financial Economics, 3(4): 305-360.
  • KAY, J., SILBERSTON, A.. (1996). Corporate Governance, in The Business of Economics, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • KEASEY, K., WRIGHT M. (1997). “ Corporate Governance, Accountability and Enterprise”, Keasey, Kevin- Wright
  • Mike (Eds.),. Corporate Governance: Responsibilities, Risks and Remuneration, John Wiley & Sons, New York, s.1- 22
  • KLEIN, P., SHAPIRO, D. ve YOUNG J., (2005). “Corporate Governance, Family Ownership and Firm Value: the Canadian evidence”, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 13(6): 769-784.
  • LARCKER, D.F., RICHARDSON, SCOTT A. ve TUNA I.A. (2007). “Corporate Governance, Accounting
  • Outcomes, and Organizational Performance”, The Accounting Review, 82(4): 963- 1008.
  • LAWRENCE, P.R., LORSCH J.W. (1967). “Differentiation and Integration in Complex Organizations”,
  • Administrative Science Quarterly, 12(1): 1-47
  • LEARMOUNT, S. (2002). Corporate Governance: What Can be Learned from Japan?, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • LETZA, S., SUN, X. ve KIRKBRIDE, J. (2004). “Shareholding versus stockholding: A critical review of corporate governance”, Corporate Governance: An international Review, 12(3): 242-262.
  • LYNALL, Matthew D., GOLDEN Brian R. ve HILLMAN Amy. (2003). “Board composition from adolescence to maturity: a multitheoretic view”, Academy of Management Review, 28(3), 416-431.
  • MILES, R.H., SNOW, C.C. (1984). “Designing Strategic Human Resource Systems”, Organisational Dynamics, 13(1): 36-52.
  • O’SULLIVAN M. (2000). “The Innovative Enterprise and Corporate Governance”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 24(4): 393-416
  • PARUM, E. (2005). “Does Disclosure on Corporate Governance Lead to Openness and Transparency in How
  • Companies are Managed?”, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 13(5): 702-709. PESQUEUX, Y. (2005). “Corporate governance and accounting systems: a critical Perspective”, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 16(6): 797–823.
  • PETTIGREW, A.M. (1992). “On Studying Managerial Elites”, Strategic Management Journal, 13 (Special Issue): 163-1
  • SHLEIFER, A., VISHNY, R.W. (1997). “A Survey of Corporate Governance”, The Journal of Finance, 52(2): 737- 7
  • SIMONS, R. (1994). “How new top managers use control as levers of stratejic renewal”, Stratejic Management Journal, 15(3): 169-189
  • SIMONS, R. (1995). Levers of Control: How Managers Use Innovative Control Systems to Drive Stratejic Renewal,
  • Harvard Business School Press, Boston. TURNBULL, S. (1997). “Corporate Governance: Its Scope, Concerns, and Theories”, Corporate Governance: An
  • International Review, 5(4): 180-205
  • TRICKER, B. (2000). “Editorial: Corporate Governance – the subject whose time has come”, Corporate Governance:
  • An International Review, 8(4): 289-296. WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1975). Markets and Hierarchies: Analysis and Antitrust Implications, Free Press, New York.
  • WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1979). “Transaction-Cost Economics: The Governance of Contractual Relations”, Journal of
  • Law and Economics, 22(1): 233-261. WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1981). “The Economics of Organization: The Transaction Cost Approach” The American
  • Journal of Sociology, 87(3): 548-577. WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1983). “Credible Commitments: Using Hostages to Support Exchange”, The American Economic Review, 73(4): 519-540.
  • WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1984). “Corporate Governance”, The Yale Law Journal, 93(7): 1197- 1230.
  • WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1996). The Mechanisms of Governance, Oxford University Press, New York.


Yıl 2013, Sayı: 36, - , 01.06.2013


Bu çalışma, kurumsal yönetim ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalarda kullanılan teorileri literatür taraması yaparak incelemekte ve eleştirel bir bakış açısı kazandırmaktadır. Temelinde hissedar yaklaşımı ile paydaş yaklaşımı arasında kutuplaşan kurumsal yönetim teorilerinin birbirlerinden ayrışan yönleri üzerinde durularak günümüz değişen koşullarında tek bir doğru kurumsal yönetim anlayışının geçerli olmayacağı görüşü vurgulanmakta ve durumsallık teorisini kullanan bir önerme içermektedir


  • AGUILERA, R. V., JACKSON, G. (2003) “The Cross-National Diversity of Corporate Governance: Dimensions and Determinants”, Academy of Management Review, 28(3): 447-465.
  • BLAIR, M. B., (1995), Ownership and Control: Rethinking Corporate Governance for the Twenty- First Century,
  • Brookings Institution Press, Washington. BUCHHOLZ, R. A. (1989), Business Environment and Public Policy: Implications for Management and Strategy
  • Formulation, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey. CARVER, J. (2000), “The Opportunity for Re-inventing Corporate Governance in Joint Venture Companies”,
  • Corporate Governance: An International Review, 8(1):75-80. CHARAN, R. (1998), Boards at Work: How Corporate Boards Create Competitive Advantage, Jossy- Bass
  • Publishers, San Francisco. CHILD, J. (1997), “Stratejic Choice in the Analysis of Action, Structure, Organizations and Environment: Retrospect and Prospect”, Organization Studies, 18(1): 43-76
  • DAVIS, J. H., SCHOORMAN, D. F. ve L. DONALDSON (1997), “Toward A Stewardship Theory Of
  • Management”, Academy of Management Review, 22(1): 20-47. DAVIES, Aç (1999), A Strategic Approach to Corporate Governance, Gower Publishing Ltd., Aldershot.
  • DEMIRAG, I. S. (1995), “Assessing Short-Term Perceptions of Group Finance Directors of Uk Companies”, The British Accounting Review, 27(4): 247-281.
  • DEMIRAG, Istemi S., CLARK, W. W. ve D. BLİNE (1998), “Financial Markets, Corporate Governance, and Management of R&D”, Demirag Istemi S. (Ed.), Corporate Governance, Accountability, and Pressures to Perform:
  • An International Study, JAI Press Inc., Connecticut, s. 93-120
  • DONALDSON, L. (2001), The Contingency Theory of Organization, Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage.
  • DONALDSON, T., PRESTON, L. E. (1995), “The Stakeholder Theory of The Corporation: Concepts, Evidence, And Implications”, Academy of Management Review, 20(1): 65-91.
  • FAMA, E. F.- JENSEN, M. C.(1983), “Separation of Ownership and Control”, Journal of Law and Economics, 26(2): 301-3
  • FILATOTCHEV, I., WRIGHT M., (2005), Corporate Governance Life-Cycle, London, Edward Elgar.
  • FILATOTCHEV, I., TOMS S. (2003), “Corporate Governance, Strategy and Survival in a Declining Industry: A study of UK Cotton Textile Companies”, Journal of Management Studies, 40(4), 895-920.
  • FLIGHSTEIN, N., FREELAND, R. (1995), “Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives on Corporate Organization”,
  • Annual Review of Sociology, 21(1): 21-43
  • FORBES, D. P., MILLIKEN, F. J. (1999), “Cognition and Corporate Governance: Understanding Boards of
  • Directors As Strategic Decision-Making Groups”, Academy of Management Review, 24(3):489-505. FREEMAN, E. R.(1984). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach, Pitman Publishing Inc., Massachusetts.
  • FREEMAN, R.E., EVAN, W. M. (1990). “Corporate governance: A stakeholder interpretation”, Journal of
  • Behavioral Economics, 19(4): 337-359. FRIEDMAN, A. L., MILES, S. (2002). “Developing stakeholder theory”, Journal of Management Studies, 39(1): 1- 22
  • GALBRAITH, J. R. (1971). “Matrix Organizations Designs”, Business Horizons, 14(1): 29-40
  • HARRIS, M., RAVIV, A. (2008). “A Theory of Board Control and Size”, Review of Financial Studies”, Oxfors
  • University Press for Society for Financial Studies, 21(4): 1797-1832
  • JENSEN, M. C., MECKLING, W. H. (1976). “Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure”, Journal of Financial Economics, 3(4): 305-360.
  • KAY, J., SILBERSTON, A.. (1996). Corporate Governance, in The Business of Economics, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • KEASEY, K., WRIGHT M. (1997). “ Corporate Governance, Accountability and Enterprise”, Keasey, Kevin- Wright
  • Mike (Eds.),. Corporate Governance: Responsibilities, Risks and Remuneration, John Wiley & Sons, New York, s.1- 22
  • KLEIN, P., SHAPIRO, D. ve YOUNG J., (2005). “Corporate Governance, Family Ownership and Firm Value: the Canadian evidence”, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 13(6): 769-784.
  • LARCKER, D.F., RICHARDSON, SCOTT A. ve TUNA I.A. (2007). “Corporate Governance, Accounting
  • Outcomes, and Organizational Performance”, The Accounting Review, 82(4): 963- 1008.
  • LAWRENCE, P.R., LORSCH J.W. (1967). “Differentiation and Integration in Complex Organizations”,
  • Administrative Science Quarterly, 12(1): 1-47
  • LEARMOUNT, S. (2002). Corporate Governance: What Can be Learned from Japan?, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • LETZA, S., SUN, X. ve KIRKBRIDE, J. (2004). “Shareholding versus stockholding: A critical review of corporate governance”, Corporate Governance: An international Review, 12(3): 242-262.
  • LYNALL, Matthew D., GOLDEN Brian R. ve HILLMAN Amy. (2003). “Board composition from adolescence to maturity: a multitheoretic view”, Academy of Management Review, 28(3), 416-431.
  • MILES, R.H., SNOW, C.C. (1984). “Designing Strategic Human Resource Systems”, Organisational Dynamics, 13(1): 36-52.
  • O’SULLIVAN M. (2000). “The Innovative Enterprise and Corporate Governance”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 24(4): 393-416
  • PARUM, E. (2005). “Does Disclosure on Corporate Governance Lead to Openness and Transparency in How
  • Companies are Managed?”, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 13(5): 702-709. PESQUEUX, Y. (2005). “Corporate governance and accounting systems: a critical Perspective”, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 16(6): 797–823.
  • PETTIGREW, A.M. (1992). “On Studying Managerial Elites”, Strategic Management Journal, 13 (Special Issue): 163-1
  • SHLEIFER, A., VISHNY, R.W. (1997). “A Survey of Corporate Governance”, The Journal of Finance, 52(2): 737- 7
  • SIMONS, R. (1994). “How new top managers use control as levers of stratejic renewal”, Stratejic Management Journal, 15(3): 169-189
  • SIMONS, R. (1995). Levers of Control: How Managers Use Innovative Control Systems to Drive Stratejic Renewal,
  • Harvard Business School Press, Boston. TURNBULL, S. (1997). “Corporate Governance: Its Scope, Concerns, and Theories”, Corporate Governance: An
  • International Review, 5(4): 180-205
  • TRICKER, B. (2000). “Editorial: Corporate Governance – the subject whose time has come”, Corporate Governance:
  • An International Review, 8(4): 289-296. WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1975). Markets and Hierarchies: Analysis and Antitrust Implications, Free Press, New York.
  • WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1979). “Transaction-Cost Economics: The Governance of Contractual Relations”, Journal of
  • Law and Economics, 22(1): 233-261. WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1981). “The Economics of Organization: The Transaction Cost Approach” The American
  • Journal of Sociology, 87(3): 548-577. WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1983). “Credible Commitments: Using Hostages to Support Exchange”, The American Economic Review, 73(4): 519-540.
  • WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1984). “Corporate Governance”, The Yale Law Journal, 93(7): 1197- 1230.
  • WILLIAMSON, O.E. (1996). The Mechanisms of Governance, Oxford University Press, New York.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Banu Dincer Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Sayı: 36

Kaynak Göster

APA Dincer, B. (2013). KURUMSAL YÖNETİMİN FARKLI TEORİLER YOLUYLA DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(36).
AMA Dincer B. KURUMSAL YÖNETİMİN FARKLI TEORİLER YOLUYLA DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Haziran 2013;(36).
Chicago Dincer, Banu. “KURUMSAL YÖNETİMİN FARKLI TEORİLER YOLUYLA DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 36 (Haziran 2013).
EndNote Dincer B (01 Haziran 2013) KURUMSAL YÖNETİMİN FARKLI TEORİLER YOLUYLA DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 36
IEEE B. Dincer, “KURUMSAL YÖNETİMİN FARKLI TEORİLER YOLUYLA DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 36, Haziran 2013.
ISNAD Dincer, Banu. “KURUMSAL YÖNETİMİN FARKLI TEORİLER YOLUYLA DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 36 (Haziran 2013).
MLA Dincer, Banu. “KURUMSAL YÖNETİMİN FARKLI TEORİLER YOLUYLA DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 36, 2013.
Vancouver Dincer B. KURUMSAL YÖNETİMİN FARKLI TEORİLER YOLUYLA DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2013(36).

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