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Yıl 2013, Sayı: 38, - , 01.06.2013


Although in generally differences between generations are an attractive issue for centuries, it is a quite new research topic in academic business literature. Businesses have been discussing differences between generations since the year 2000 and since then non-academic reports have been published. However almost for 5 years especially researches in management literature have gain importance. Also this worldwide issue have the same trend in Turkish literature. As it is discussed by some academics, the sociological background of generation concept is needed to be examined as a sub cultural issue. From this point of view with emic approach, this research is designed to understand differences about generations’ work mentality and work values in Turkish Businesses and also try to give some advices about how to manage generations together


  • ALDEMİR, M.C., Arbak, Y., ve ÖZMEN, Ö.N.T. (2003). “Türkiye’de İşgörme Anlayışı:Tanımı ve Boyutları”,
  • Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(1):5-28. ANGELINE, T. (2011). “Managing Generational Diversity at the Workplace : Expectations and Perceptions of
  • Different Generations of Employees”, African Journal of Business Management, 5(2) :249-255. ARSENAULT, P.M. (2004). “Validating Generational Differences: A Legitimate Diversity and Leadership Issue”,
  • The Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 25:124-141. CENNAMO, L. Ve GARDNER, D. (2008). “Generational Differences in Work Values, Outcomes and Person- organization Values Fit”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 23(8):891-906.
  • COGIN, J. (2012). “Are Generational Differences in Work Values Fact or Fiction? Multi-country Evidence and Implications”, The International Journal of Human Resources Management, 23(11):2268-2294.
  • CRAMPTON, S.M., ve HODGE, J.W. (2007). “Generations in the Workplace: Understanding Age Diversity”, The Business Review Cambridge, 9(1):16-23.
  • DEAL, J.J, ALTMAN, D.G ve ROGELBERG, S.G. (2010). “Millennials at Work: What We Know and What We
  • Need To Do (if anything)”, Journal of Business Psychology, 25:191-199. DENCKER, J.C., JOSHI, A., ve MARTOCCHIO, J.J. (2008). “Towards a Theoretical Framework Linking
  • Generational Memories to Workplace Attitudes and Behavior”, Human Resource Management Review, 18:180- 1
  • DOĞAN, B., AŞKUN, O.B., ve YOZGAT, U. (2007). Türkiye’de Yönetsel Değerler ve Yönetici Profili Üzerine
  • Bir Araştırma. İstanbul: Beta. EDMUNDS, J. ve Turner, B.S. (2005). “Global Generations: Social Change in the Twentieth Century”, The British
  • Journal of Sociology, 56(4):559-577. EGRI, C.P, ve RALTSON, D.A. (2004). “Generations Cohorts and Personal Values: A Comparison of China and the United States”, Organization Science, 15(2):210–220.
  • ERİŞ, E.D., ÖZER, P.S., ÖZMEN, Ö.N.T., ÇAKIR, Ö. ve TOZKPARAN, G. (2013). “Generation “Y” in Turkish
  • Context: Multiple Foci Research”, International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 5(1):150-161. GIANCOLA, F. (2006). “The Generation Gap: More Myth than Reality?”, Human Resource Planning, 29(4):32
  • GILLEARD, C. (2004). “Cohorts and Generations in the Study of Social Change”, Social Theory & Health, 2(1):106-119.
  • GÜRSOY, D., MAIER, T.A. ve CHI, C.G. (2008). “Generational Differences: An Examination of Work Values and Generational Gaps in The Hospitality Workforce”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 27:448-458.
  • GUSFIELD, J.R. (1957). “The Problem of Generations in an Organizational Structure”, Social Forces, 35(4):323- 3
  • İNELMAN, K., ZEYTİNOPLU, I.U., ve UYGUR, D. (2012). “Are millennials a different breed? Turkish hospitality sector front line employees’ intention to stay”. Managing the New Workforce International Perspectives on the New Millennial Generations içinde (Editörler: EDDY, S.N., LYONS, S.T ve SCHWEITGER, L.), Massachusetts
  • USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ing. JOSHI, A., DENCKER, J.C., FRANZ, G., ve MARTOCCHIO, J.J. (2010). “Unpacking generational identities in organizations”, Academy of Management Review, 35(3):392-414.
  • JOSHI, A., DENCKER, J.C., FRANZ, G., (2011). “Generations in Organizations”, Research in Organizational Behavior, 31:177-205.
  • KELEŞ, H.N. (2011). “Y Kuşağı Çalışanların Motivasyon Profillerinin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Araştırma”,
  • Organizasyon ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2):129-139. KYLES, D. (2005). “Managing Your Multigenerational Workforce”, Strategic Finance, 14:53-55.
  • KUPPERSCHMIDT, B.R. (2000). “Multigeneration Employees: Strategies for Effective Management”, The Health Care Manager, 19(1):65-76.
  • LESTER, S.W., STANDIFER, R.L., SCHULTZ, N.J. ve WINDSOR, J.M. (2012). “Actual Versus Perceived
  • Generational Differences at Work : An Empirical Examination”, Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 19(3):341-354. LOWER, J. (2008). “Brace Yourself Here Comes Generations Y”, Critical Care Nurse, 28(5):80-84.
  • LYNTON, N. ve APRIL, K. (2012). “Connected but not Alike: Cross-cultural Comparison of Generation Y in China and South Africa”, Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review, 8(1):67-80.
  • MACKY, K., GARDNER, D., ve FORSTHY, S. (2008). “Generational Differences at Work: Introduction and Overview”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 23(8) 857-861.
  • MANNHEIM, K. (1952). “The Problem of Generations”, From Essays on the Sociology of Knowledge, 276-322,
  • Copyright © 1998. Reproduced by permission of Taylor & Francis Books UK.
  • McCRINDLE, M. (2006). “New Generations at Work: Attracting, Recruiting, Retraining & Training Generation Y”.
  • McCrindle Research. (Erişim: XXXXXX) MURPHY, E.F., GORDON, J.D. and ANDERSON, T.L. 2004. “Cross-Cultural, Cross-cultural Age and Cross- cultural Generational Differences Between the United States and Japan”, Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 9:21-48.
  • ÖZER, P.S. (2007). “Bilgi Çağında Yeni Bir Kuşak Farklı Bir Sınıf: Y Kuşağı Bilgi İşçileri ve Kariyerlerinin
  • Yönetimi”, Kariyer Yönetimi ve İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi Uygulamaları, (Editör: ŞİMŞEK vd.), Ankara:Gazi Kitabevi. PARRY, E. ve Urwin, P. (2011). “Generational Differences in Work Values: A Review of Theory and Evidence”,
  • International Journal of Management Reviews, 13(1):79-96. PEKALA, N. (2001). “Conquering the Generational Divide”, Journal of Property Management, 66(6):30-38.
  • RALTSON, D.A, GUSTAFSON, D.J., CHEUNG, F.M. ve TERPSTRA, R.H. (1993). “Differences in Managerial
  • Values: A Study of U.S. Hong Kong and PRC Managers”, Journal of International Business Studies, 24(2):249- 2
  • SCHUMAN, H. ve SCOTT, J. (1989). “Generations and Collective Memories”, American Sociological Review,54(3):359-381.
  • SMITH, T.W. (2000). “Changes in the Generation Gap 1972-1998”, National Opinion Research Center, University of Chicago, GSS Social Change Report, No:43, October, 1-41.
  • SUMOLA, K., W. ve SUTTON, C.D. 2002. “Generational Differences: Revisiting Generational Work Values for
  • New Millennium”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23:363-382. SUSAETA, L., PIN, J.R., IDROVO, S., BELIZON, M.J., ESPEJO, A., GALLIFA, A., AGUIRRE, M. ve PEDROZO, E.A. (2011). “Generation or Culture? Work Attitude Drivers: An Analysis in Latin America and Iberian
  • Countries”, IESE Business School University Navarra, Working Paper, WP-919, May-2011.
  • THEIMANN, N.M., APRIL, K. ve BLASS, E. (2006). “Context Tension: Cultural Influences on Leadership and Management Practice”, Reflections, 7(4):38-51.
  • TWENGE, J.M. (2010). “A Review of the Empirical Evidence on Generational Differences in Work Attitudes”, Journal of Business Psychology, 25:201-210.
  • YELKİALAN, N. ve ALTIN, E. (2010). “Farklı Kuşakların Yönetimi”, Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(2):13-17.
  • ZEESHAN, A. ve IRAM, A. (2012). “Generational Diversity: Strategies to Bridge The Diversity Gap”,
  • International Journal of Engineering and Management Science, 3(3):315-318. (Erişim Tarihi :21.01.2013) --------------, (2008), “Managing Tomorrow’s People Millennials at Work: Perspectives from a New Generation”,


Yıl 2013, Sayı: 38, - , 01.06.2013


Kuşaklar arasındaki farklılıklar yüzyıllardır ilgi çeken bir konu olmakla birlikte, işletmecilik alanında bilimsel araştırmalara konu olması henüz yenidir. İş dünyası 2000’li yıllarda çok sayıda rapor ve akademi dışından yayınla kuşak farklılıklarını tartışmaya başlamış ancak yönetim ve insan kaynakları yazınında araştırmalar özellikle son beş yıldır ivme kazanmıştır. Türk iş dünyası ve akademik yazın açısından da seyir benzer şekildedir. Kuşak olgusunun sosyoloji disiplini temelindeki tanımı, ulusal bir alt kültür olarak incelenmesi düşüncesini de beraberinde getirmektedir. Bu çalışma emik yaklaşım benimsenerek Türkiye’de çalışma yaşamında kuşakların iş görme anlayışı ve iş değerleri arasındaki farklılıkları sorgulamak ve kuşakların bir arada yönetimine ilişkin geliştirilecek strateji önerilerine yol gösterici olmak üzere tasarlanmıştır


  • ALDEMİR, M.C., Arbak, Y., ve ÖZMEN, Ö.N.T. (2003). “Türkiye’de İşgörme Anlayışı:Tanımı ve Boyutları”,
  • Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(1):5-28. ANGELINE, T. (2011). “Managing Generational Diversity at the Workplace : Expectations and Perceptions of
  • Different Generations of Employees”, African Journal of Business Management, 5(2) :249-255. ARSENAULT, P.M. (2004). “Validating Generational Differences: A Legitimate Diversity and Leadership Issue”,
  • The Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 25:124-141. CENNAMO, L. Ve GARDNER, D. (2008). “Generational Differences in Work Values, Outcomes and Person- organization Values Fit”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 23(8):891-906.
  • COGIN, J. (2012). “Are Generational Differences in Work Values Fact or Fiction? Multi-country Evidence and Implications”, The International Journal of Human Resources Management, 23(11):2268-2294.
  • CRAMPTON, S.M., ve HODGE, J.W. (2007). “Generations in the Workplace: Understanding Age Diversity”, The Business Review Cambridge, 9(1):16-23.
  • DEAL, J.J, ALTMAN, D.G ve ROGELBERG, S.G. (2010). “Millennials at Work: What We Know and What We
  • Need To Do (if anything)”, Journal of Business Psychology, 25:191-199. DENCKER, J.C., JOSHI, A., ve MARTOCCHIO, J.J. (2008). “Towards a Theoretical Framework Linking
  • Generational Memories to Workplace Attitudes and Behavior”, Human Resource Management Review, 18:180- 1
  • DOĞAN, B., AŞKUN, O.B., ve YOZGAT, U. (2007). Türkiye’de Yönetsel Değerler ve Yönetici Profili Üzerine
  • Bir Araştırma. İstanbul: Beta. EDMUNDS, J. ve Turner, B.S. (2005). “Global Generations: Social Change in the Twentieth Century”, The British
  • Journal of Sociology, 56(4):559-577. EGRI, C.P, ve RALTSON, D.A. (2004). “Generations Cohorts and Personal Values: A Comparison of China and the United States”, Organization Science, 15(2):210–220.
  • ERİŞ, E.D., ÖZER, P.S., ÖZMEN, Ö.N.T., ÇAKIR, Ö. ve TOZKPARAN, G. (2013). “Generation “Y” in Turkish
  • Context: Multiple Foci Research”, International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 5(1):150-161. GIANCOLA, F. (2006). “The Generation Gap: More Myth than Reality?”, Human Resource Planning, 29(4):32
  • GILLEARD, C. (2004). “Cohorts and Generations in the Study of Social Change”, Social Theory & Health, 2(1):106-119.
  • GÜRSOY, D., MAIER, T.A. ve CHI, C.G. (2008). “Generational Differences: An Examination of Work Values and Generational Gaps in The Hospitality Workforce”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 27:448-458.
  • GUSFIELD, J.R. (1957). “The Problem of Generations in an Organizational Structure”, Social Forces, 35(4):323- 3
  • İNELMAN, K., ZEYTİNOPLU, I.U., ve UYGUR, D. (2012). “Are millennials a different breed? Turkish hospitality sector front line employees’ intention to stay”. Managing the New Workforce International Perspectives on the New Millennial Generations içinde (Editörler: EDDY, S.N., LYONS, S.T ve SCHWEITGER, L.), Massachusetts
  • USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ing. JOSHI, A., DENCKER, J.C., FRANZ, G., ve MARTOCCHIO, J.J. (2010). “Unpacking generational identities in organizations”, Academy of Management Review, 35(3):392-414.
  • JOSHI, A., DENCKER, J.C., FRANZ, G., (2011). “Generations in Organizations”, Research in Organizational Behavior, 31:177-205.
  • KELEŞ, H.N. (2011). “Y Kuşağı Çalışanların Motivasyon Profillerinin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Araştırma”,
  • Organizasyon ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2):129-139. KYLES, D. (2005). “Managing Your Multigenerational Workforce”, Strategic Finance, 14:53-55.
  • KUPPERSCHMIDT, B.R. (2000). “Multigeneration Employees: Strategies for Effective Management”, The Health Care Manager, 19(1):65-76.
  • LESTER, S.W., STANDIFER, R.L., SCHULTZ, N.J. ve WINDSOR, J.M. (2012). “Actual Versus Perceived
  • Generational Differences at Work : An Empirical Examination”, Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 19(3):341-354. LOWER, J. (2008). “Brace Yourself Here Comes Generations Y”, Critical Care Nurse, 28(5):80-84.
  • LYNTON, N. ve APRIL, K. (2012). “Connected but not Alike: Cross-cultural Comparison of Generation Y in China and South Africa”, Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review, 8(1):67-80.
  • MACKY, K., GARDNER, D., ve FORSTHY, S. (2008). “Generational Differences at Work: Introduction and Overview”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 23(8) 857-861.
  • MANNHEIM, K. (1952). “The Problem of Generations”, From Essays on the Sociology of Knowledge, 276-322,
  • Copyright © 1998. Reproduced by permission of Taylor & Francis Books UK.
  • McCRINDLE, M. (2006). “New Generations at Work: Attracting, Recruiting, Retraining & Training Generation Y”.
  • McCrindle Research. (Erişim: XXXXXX) MURPHY, E.F., GORDON, J.D. and ANDERSON, T.L. 2004. “Cross-Cultural, Cross-cultural Age and Cross- cultural Generational Differences Between the United States and Japan”, Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 9:21-48.
  • ÖZER, P.S. (2007). “Bilgi Çağında Yeni Bir Kuşak Farklı Bir Sınıf: Y Kuşağı Bilgi İşçileri ve Kariyerlerinin
  • Yönetimi”, Kariyer Yönetimi ve İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi Uygulamaları, (Editör: ŞİMŞEK vd.), Ankara:Gazi Kitabevi. PARRY, E. ve Urwin, P. (2011). “Generational Differences in Work Values: A Review of Theory and Evidence”,
  • International Journal of Management Reviews, 13(1):79-96. PEKALA, N. (2001). “Conquering the Generational Divide”, Journal of Property Management, 66(6):30-38.
  • RALTSON, D.A, GUSTAFSON, D.J., CHEUNG, F.M. ve TERPSTRA, R.H. (1993). “Differences in Managerial
  • Values: A Study of U.S. Hong Kong and PRC Managers”, Journal of International Business Studies, 24(2):249- 2
  • SCHUMAN, H. ve SCOTT, J. (1989). “Generations and Collective Memories”, American Sociological Review,54(3):359-381.
  • SMITH, T.W. (2000). “Changes in the Generation Gap 1972-1998”, National Opinion Research Center, University of Chicago, GSS Social Change Report, No:43, October, 1-41.
  • SUMOLA, K., W. ve SUTTON, C.D. 2002. “Generational Differences: Revisiting Generational Work Values for
  • New Millennium”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23:363-382. SUSAETA, L., PIN, J.R., IDROVO, S., BELIZON, M.J., ESPEJO, A., GALLIFA, A., AGUIRRE, M. ve PEDROZO, E.A. (2011). “Generation or Culture? Work Attitude Drivers: An Analysis in Latin America and Iberian
  • Countries”, IESE Business School University Navarra, Working Paper, WP-919, May-2011.
  • THEIMANN, N.M., APRIL, K. ve BLASS, E. (2006). “Context Tension: Cultural Influences on Leadership and Management Practice”, Reflections, 7(4):38-51.
  • TWENGE, J.M. (2010). “A Review of the Empirical Evidence on Generational Differences in Work Attitudes”, Journal of Business Psychology, 25:201-210.
  • YELKİALAN, N. ve ALTIN, E. (2010). “Farklı Kuşakların Yönetimi”, Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 8(2):13-17.
  • ZEESHAN, A. ve IRAM, A. (2012). “Generational Diversity: Strategies to Bridge The Diversity Gap”,
  • International Journal of Engineering and Management Science, 3(3):315-318. (Erişim Tarihi :21.01.2013) --------------, (2008), “Managing Tomorrow’s People Millennials at Work: Perspectives from a New Generation”,
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Pinar Süral Özer Bu kişi benim

Engin Deniz Eriş Bu kişi benim

Ömür Neczan Bu kişi benim

Timurcanday Özmen Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Sayı: 38

Kaynak Göster

APA Özer, P. S., Eriş, E. D., Neczan, Ö., Özmen, T. (2013). KUŞAKLARIN FARKLILAŞAN İŞ DEĞERLERİNE İLİŞKİN EMİK BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(38).
AMA Özer PS, Eriş ED, Neczan Ö, Özmen T. KUŞAKLARIN FARKLILAŞAN İŞ DEĞERLERİNE İLİŞKİN EMİK BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Haziran 2013;(38).
Chicago Özer, Pinar Süral, Engin Deniz Eriş, Ömür Neczan, ve Timurcanday Özmen. “KUŞAKLARIN FARKLILAŞAN İŞ DEĞERLERİNE İLİŞKİN EMİK BİR ARAŞTIRMA”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 38 (Haziran 2013).
EndNote Özer PS, Eriş ED, Neczan Ö, Özmen T (01 Haziran 2013) KUŞAKLARIN FARKLILAŞAN İŞ DEĞERLERİNE İLİŞKİN EMİK BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 38
IEEE P. S. Özer, E. D. Eriş, Ö. Neczan, ve T. Özmen, “KUŞAKLARIN FARKLILAŞAN İŞ DEĞERLERİNE İLİŞKİN EMİK BİR ARAŞTIRMA”, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 38, Haziran 2013.
ISNAD Özer, Pinar Süral vd. “KUŞAKLARIN FARKLILAŞAN İŞ DEĞERLERİNE İLİŞKİN EMİK BİR ARAŞTIRMA”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 38 (Haziran 2013).
JAMA Özer PS, Eriş ED, Neczan Ö, Özmen T. KUŞAKLARIN FARKLILAŞAN İŞ DEĞERLERİNE İLİŞKİN EMİK BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2013.
MLA Özer, Pinar Süral vd. “KUŞAKLARIN FARKLILAŞAN İŞ DEĞERLERİNE İLİŞKİN EMİK BİR ARAŞTIRMA”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 38, 2013.
Vancouver Özer PS, Eriş ED, Neczan Ö, Özmen T. KUŞAKLARIN FARKLILAŞAN İŞ DEĞERLERİNE İLİŞKİN EMİK BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2013(38).

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