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Yıl 2015, Sayı: 46, 44 - 55, 14.10.2015


The concepts, definitions, and relationships between vice crimes and non-vice crimes are complex and continually changing. The evolution of vice crime has occurred due to a confluence of factors from multiple academic fields including criminology, sociology, psychology, political science, and law. The way that vice is defined and categorized is largely based on the overarching social context and public opinion. This paper aims to elaborate upon two primary concepts. First, the main issues in differentiating between vice and non-vice crime will be discussed. Second, the relationship between and within vices and non-vice crimes will be examined with a focus on theoretical frameworks, empirical findings, and research challenges. The study of vice crime is one in which empirical findings, combined with public opinion and social context, play a large role in policy changes including the final result of legalization, regulation, or prohibition


  • Albanese, Jay, S. (1985). “The effect of casino gambling on crime”, Federal Probation, C.49,S.2, pp.39-44.
  • Allen, Chris. (2005). "The Links between Heroin, Crack Cocaine and Crime Where Does Street Crime Fit In?." British Journal of Criminology,C.45,S.3, pp.355-372.
  • Baumer, E., Lauritsen, J. L., Rosenfeld, R., ve Wright, R. (1998), “The influence of crack cocaine on robbery, burglary, and homicide rates: A cross-city, longitudinal analysis”, Journal of research in crime and delinquency, C.45,S.3, pp.316-340.
  • Boyum, David. ve Kleiman, Mark.A.R. (2003), “Breaking the drug-crime link”, The Public Interest, S.152, pp.19-38.
  • Cohen, Lawrence E., and Marcus Felson. (1979), "Social change and crime rate trends: A routine activity approach", American sociological review, C.4,S.44, pp.588-608.
  • Cook, Philip.J, (1988), “An introduction to vice”, Law and Contemporary Problems, C.51,S.1, pp.1-8.
  • Cornish, Derek B., and Ronald V. Clarke (Ed) (2013), The reasoning criminal: Rational choice perspectives on offending,
  • Transaction Publishers, New York: Springer-Verlag. Dalla, Rochelle L, (2002), "Night moves: A qualitative investigation of street-level sex work." Psychology of Women Quarterly, C.26,S.1, pp.63-73.
  • Devlin, Patrick, (1965), The enforcement of morals. Liberty Fund Edition, London: Oxford University Press.
  • Fagan, Jeffrey, (1993), "Interactions among drugs, alcohol, and violence", Health Affairs C.12,S.4, pp. 65-79.
  • Grinols, Earl, (2004), Gambling in America: Costs and BeneŞts, New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Grinols, Earl.L. ve Mustard, David.B, (2001), Measuring industry externalities: The curious case of casinos and crime,Working paper, pp.1-35.
  • Goldstein, Paul.J.,(1985), “The drugs/violence nexus: A tripartite conceptual framework”, Journal of Drug Issues, C.15,S.4,pp.493-506.
  • Goldstein, Paul.J., Brownstein, H.H., Ryan, P.J., ve Bellucci, P.A., (1989), “Crack and homicide in New York City 1988: a conceptually based event analysis”, Contemporary Drug Problems, C.16,S.4, pp.651-687.
  • Hamm, Richard F., (1995), Shaping the Eighteenth Amendment: Temperance Reform, Legal Culture, and the Polity, 1880-1920:
  • Temperance Reform, Legal Culture, and the Polity, 1880-1920. Univ of North Carolina Press, 1995.
  • Harcourt, Bernard E., (1990), “The collapse of the harm principle”, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, C.90,S.1, pp.109- 1
  • Harcourt, Bernard E., (2004), “Foreword: “You are entering a gay and lesbian free zone”: On the radical dissents of Justice
  • Scalia and other (post-) queers”, The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, C.94,S.3, pp.503-550. Harris, Donald P., (1972), “The concept of state power under the twenty-first amendment”, Tennessee Law Review, C.40, pp.465- 4
  • Hart, Herbert Lionel A., (1963), Law, liberty, morality., Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Kutchinsky, Berl., (1991), “Pornography, sex crime and public policy”, En: Gerull, SA y Halsted, B. (Ed.). Sex industry and public policy. (ss. 41-54). Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.
  • Langevin, Ron. ve Suzanne Curnoe., (2004), "The use of pornography during the commission of sexual offenses." International
  • Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, C.48,S.5, pp.572-586. Martin, Susan E., Maxwell, Christopher D., ve White, Helene R., (2004), “Trends in alcohol use, cocaine use, and crime: 1989- 1998”, Journal of Drug Issues, C.34,S.2, pp.333-359.
  • May, Tiggey, Mark Edmunds, ve J. M. Hough., (1999), Street Business: The links between sex and drug markets, London:
  • Research, Development and Statistics Directorate, U.K. Home. Mill, John S., (1859) 1892. On Liberty. London: Longmans, Green.
  • Miller, Ted R., Levy, David T., Spicer, Rebecca.S., ve Taylor, Dexter M., (2006), “Societal costs of underage drinking”, Journal of Studies on Alcohol, C.67,S.4, pp.519-528.
  • Miller, William J. ve Schwartz, Martin D., (1998), “Casino gambling and street crime”, Annals of the American Academy of
  • Political and Social Science, C.556, pp.124-137. Murphy, Alexandra K. ve Sudhir Alladi Venkatesh (2006), “Vice careers: The changing contours of sex work in New York
  • City”, Qualitative Sociology, C.29,S.2, pp.129-154. Natarjan, Mangai, ve Hough, Mike., (Ed.) (2000), “Illegal drug markets: From research to prevention policy”, Crime Prevention
  • Studies, Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press. Office of National Drug Control Policy (2001), The Economic Costs of Drug Abuse in the United States, 1992-1998,
  • Washington, DC: Executive Office of the President (Publication No. NCJ-190636).
  • Parker, Robert Nash, and Kathleen Auerhahn., (1998), "Alcohol, drugs, and violence."Annual review of sociology, C.24, pp.291- 3
  • Potterat, John J., Brewer, Devon D., Muth, Stephen Q., Rothenberg, Richard B., Woodhouse, Donald E., Muth, John B., Stites, Heather K. ve Brody, Stuart., (2004), “Mortality in a long-term open cohort of prostitute women”, American Journal of Epidemiology, C.159,S.8, pp.778-785.
  • Procida, Richard., ve Smon, Rita James., (2003), Global perspectives on social issues: Pornography, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
  • Romero-Daza, Nancy., Week, Margaret., Singer, Merrill., (2003), “Nobody gives a damn if I live or die: Violence, drugs, and street-level prostitution in inner-city Hartford”, Connecticut. Medical Anthropology, C.22,S.3, pp.233-259.
  • Sanders, Teela., (2008), Paying for pleasure: Men who buy sex, Cullompton, UK: Willan Publishing.
  • Schwer, R. Keith, William N. Thompson, ve Daryl Nakamuro, (2003),"Beyond the limits of recreation: Social costs of gambling in southern Nevada", Annual Meeting of the Far West and American Popular Culture Association.
  • Shadish, William R., Cook, Thomas D., ve Campbell, Donald T., (2002), Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for generalized causal inference, Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Skolnick, Jerome H., (1988), “The social transformation of vice”, Law and Contemporary Problems, C.51,S.1, pp.9-29.
  • Stitt, B. Grant, Mark Nichols, ve David Giacopassi., (2003), “Does the presence of casinos increase crime? An examination of casino and control communities”, Crime & Delinquency, C.49,S.2,pp.253-284.
  • Stitt, B. Grant, Mark Nichols, and David Giacopassi., (2005), "Perception of casinos as disruptive influences in USA communities." International Journal of Tourism Research, C.7.S.4‐5, pp. 187-200.
  • The Wolfenden Report, (1963), Report of the Committee on Homosexual Offences and Prostitution, New York: Stein and Day.
  • Walker, Douglas M. (2007), "Problems in quantifying the social costs and benefits of gambling." American Journal of
  • Economics and Sociology, C.66,S.3, pp.609-645.


Yıl 2015, Sayı: 46, 44 - 55, 14.10.2015


Ahlak suçları ile diğer suçlar arasındaki tanım, kavram ve ilişkiler hem karmaşık hem de sürekli değişen bir niteliktedir. Ahlak suçlarının gelişimi, kriminoloji, sosyoloji psikoloji, siyaset bilimi ve hukuk dâhil olmak üzere pek çok akademik alandan gelen faktörlerin etkileşimi ile olmuştur. Ahlakın tanımlanması ve sınıflandırılması büyük ölçüde kapsayıcı sosyal bağlam ve kamuoyuna dayanır. Bu makale, iki temel kavram üzerinde yoğunlaşacaktır. Öncelikle ahlak suçları ile diğer suçları birbirinden ayıran temel hususlar tartışılacak, daha sonra da kuramsal çerçeveler, deneysel bulgular ve araştırma zorlukları kapsamında ahlak suçlarının kendi arasında ve diğer suçlarla olan ilişkilerine değinilecektir. Sonuç kısmında ise literatürde var olan bulgulardan hareketle saptamalarda bulunulmaya, ayrıca gelecekte yapılması planlanan çalışmalara da yol gösterilmeye çalışmıştır.


  • Albanese, Jay, S. (1985). “The effect of casino gambling on crime”, Federal Probation, C.49,S.2, pp.39-44.
  • Allen, Chris. (2005). "The Links between Heroin, Crack Cocaine and Crime Where Does Street Crime Fit In?." British Journal of Criminology,C.45,S.3, pp.355-372.
  • Baumer, E., Lauritsen, J. L., Rosenfeld, R., ve Wright, R. (1998), “The influence of crack cocaine on robbery, burglary, and homicide rates: A cross-city, longitudinal analysis”, Journal of research in crime and delinquency, C.45,S.3, pp.316-340.
  • Boyum, David. ve Kleiman, Mark.A.R. (2003), “Breaking the drug-crime link”, The Public Interest, S.152, pp.19-38.
  • Cohen, Lawrence E., and Marcus Felson. (1979), "Social change and crime rate trends: A routine activity approach", American sociological review, C.4,S.44, pp.588-608.
  • Cook, Philip.J, (1988), “An introduction to vice”, Law and Contemporary Problems, C.51,S.1, pp.1-8.
  • Cornish, Derek B., and Ronald V. Clarke (Ed) (2013), The reasoning criminal: Rational choice perspectives on offending,
  • Transaction Publishers, New York: Springer-Verlag. Dalla, Rochelle L, (2002), "Night moves: A qualitative investigation of street-level sex work." Psychology of Women Quarterly, C.26,S.1, pp.63-73.
  • Devlin, Patrick, (1965), The enforcement of morals. Liberty Fund Edition, London: Oxford University Press.
  • Fagan, Jeffrey, (1993), "Interactions among drugs, alcohol, and violence", Health Affairs C.12,S.4, pp. 65-79.
  • Grinols, Earl, (2004), Gambling in America: Costs and BeneŞts, New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Grinols, Earl.L. ve Mustard, David.B, (2001), Measuring industry externalities: The curious case of casinos and crime,Working paper, pp.1-35.
  • Goldstein, Paul.J.,(1985), “The drugs/violence nexus: A tripartite conceptual framework”, Journal of Drug Issues, C.15,S.4,pp.493-506.
  • Goldstein, Paul.J., Brownstein, H.H., Ryan, P.J., ve Bellucci, P.A., (1989), “Crack and homicide in New York City 1988: a conceptually based event analysis”, Contemporary Drug Problems, C.16,S.4, pp.651-687.
  • Hamm, Richard F., (1995), Shaping the Eighteenth Amendment: Temperance Reform, Legal Culture, and the Polity, 1880-1920:
  • Temperance Reform, Legal Culture, and the Polity, 1880-1920. Univ of North Carolina Press, 1995.
  • Harcourt, Bernard E., (1990), “The collapse of the harm principle”, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, C.90,S.1, pp.109- 1
  • Harcourt, Bernard E., (2004), “Foreword: “You are entering a gay and lesbian free zone”: On the radical dissents of Justice
  • Scalia and other (post-) queers”, The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, C.94,S.3, pp.503-550. Harris, Donald P., (1972), “The concept of state power under the twenty-first amendment”, Tennessee Law Review, C.40, pp.465- 4
  • Hart, Herbert Lionel A., (1963), Law, liberty, morality., Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Kutchinsky, Berl., (1991), “Pornography, sex crime and public policy”, En: Gerull, SA y Halsted, B. (Ed.). Sex industry and public policy. (ss. 41-54). Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.
  • Langevin, Ron. ve Suzanne Curnoe., (2004), "The use of pornography during the commission of sexual offenses." International
  • Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, C.48,S.5, pp.572-586. Martin, Susan E., Maxwell, Christopher D., ve White, Helene R., (2004), “Trends in alcohol use, cocaine use, and crime: 1989- 1998”, Journal of Drug Issues, C.34,S.2, pp.333-359.
  • May, Tiggey, Mark Edmunds, ve J. M. Hough., (1999), Street Business: The links between sex and drug markets, London:
  • Research, Development and Statistics Directorate, U.K. Home. Mill, John S., (1859) 1892. On Liberty. London: Longmans, Green.
  • Miller, Ted R., Levy, David T., Spicer, Rebecca.S., ve Taylor, Dexter M., (2006), “Societal costs of underage drinking”, Journal of Studies on Alcohol, C.67,S.4, pp.519-528.
  • Miller, William J. ve Schwartz, Martin D., (1998), “Casino gambling and street crime”, Annals of the American Academy of
  • Political and Social Science, C.556, pp.124-137. Murphy, Alexandra K. ve Sudhir Alladi Venkatesh (2006), “Vice careers: The changing contours of sex work in New York
  • City”, Qualitative Sociology, C.29,S.2, pp.129-154. Natarjan, Mangai, ve Hough, Mike., (Ed.) (2000), “Illegal drug markets: From research to prevention policy”, Crime Prevention
  • Studies, Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press. Office of National Drug Control Policy (2001), The Economic Costs of Drug Abuse in the United States, 1992-1998,
  • Washington, DC: Executive Office of the President (Publication No. NCJ-190636).
  • Parker, Robert Nash, and Kathleen Auerhahn., (1998), "Alcohol, drugs, and violence."Annual review of sociology, C.24, pp.291- 3
  • Potterat, John J., Brewer, Devon D., Muth, Stephen Q., Rothenberg, Richard B., Woodhouse, Donald E., Muth, John B., Stites, Heather K. ve Brody, Stuart., (2004), “Mortality in a long-term open cohort of prostitute women”, American Journal of Epidemiology, C.159,S.8, pp.778-785.
  • Procida, Richard., ve Smon, Rita James., (2003), Global perspectives on social issues: Pornography, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
  • Romero-Daza, Nancy., Week, Margaret., Singer, Merrill., (2003), “Nobody gives a damn if I live or die: Violence, drugs, and street-level prostitution in inner-city Hartford”, Connecticut. Medical Anthropology, C.22,S.3, pp.233-259.
  • Sanders, Teela., (2008), Paying for pleasure: Men who buy sex, Cullompton, UK: Willan Publishing.
  • Schwer, R. Keith, William N. Thompson, ve Daryl Nakamuro, (2003),"Beyond the limits of recreation: Social costs of gambling in southern Nevada", Annual Meeting of the Far West and American Popular Culture Association.
  • Shadish, William R., Cook, Thomas D., ve Campbell, Donald T., (2002), Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for generalized causal inference, Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Skolnick, Jerome H., (1988), “The social transformation of vice”, Law and Contemporary Problems, C.51,S.1, pp.9-29.
  • Stitt, B. Grant, Mark Nichols, ve David Giacopassi., (2003), “Does the presence of casinos increase crime? An examination of casino and control communities”, Crime & Delinquency, C.49,S.2,pp.253-284.
  • Stitt, B. Grant, Mark Nichols, and David Giacopassi., (2005), "Perception of casinos as disruptive influences in USA communities." International Journal of Tourism Research, C.7.S.4‐5, pp. 187-200.
  • The Wolfenden Report, (1963), Report of the Committee on Homosexual Offences and Prostitution, New York: Stein and Day.
  • Walker, Douglas M. (2007), "Problems in quantifying the social costs and benefits of gambling." American Journal of
  • Economics and Sociology, C.66,S.3, pp.609-645.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

Emirhan Darcan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Ekim 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Sayı: 46

Kaynak Göster

APA Darcan, E. (2015). AHLAK SUÇLARI VE DİĞER SUÇLAR ARASNDAKİ İLİŞKİ. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(46), 44-55.
AMA Darcan E. AHLAK SUÇLARI VE DİĞER SUÇLAR ARASNDAKİ İLİŞKİ. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Ekim 2015;(46):44-55.
Chicago Darcan, Emirhan. “AHLAK SUÇLARI VE DİĞER SUÇLAR ARASNDAKİ İLİŞKİ”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 46 (Ekim 2015): 44-55.
EndNote Darcan E (01 Ekim 2015) AHLAK SUÇLARI VE DİĞER SUÇLAR ARASNDAKİ İLİŞKİ. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 46 44–55.
IEEE E. Darcan, “AHLAK SUÇLARI VE DİĞER SUÇLAR ARASNDAKİ İLİŞKİ”, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 46, ss. 44–55, Ekim 2015.
ISNAD Darcan, Emirhan. “AHLAK SUÇLARI VE DİĞER SUÇLAR ARASNDAKİ İLİŞKİ”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 46 (Ekim 2015), 44-55.
JAMA Darcan E. AHLAK SUÇLARI VE DİĞER SUÇLAR ARASNDAKİ İLİŞKİ. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2015;:44–55.
MLA Darcan, Emirhan. “AHLAK SUÇLARI VE DİĞER SUÇLAR ARASNDAKİ İLİŞKİ”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 46, 2015, ss. 44-55.
Vancouver Darcan E. AHLAK SUÇLARI VE DİĞER SUÇLAR ARASNDAKİ İLİŞKİ. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2015(46):44-55.

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