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Örgütsel Yıpranma: Çalışan Yıpranmasına Örgüt Düzeyinde Bir Bakış

Yıl 2020, Sayı: 66, 319 - 334, 26.10.2020


Bu çalışmada, uluslararası literatürde farklı teori ve metodolojik yaklaşımlar kullanılarak tartışılmış olan çalışan yıpranması örgüt düzeyinde ele alınarak örgütsel yıpranma olgusunun önerilmesi ve teorik çerçevesinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda ‘Çalışan yıpranması bir sorun mudur?’, ‘Yıpranmanın örgütsel düzeyde kapsamı nedir?’, ‘Yıpranmanın nedenleri nelerdir?’ ve ‘Türkiye’de örgütsel yıpranmanın genel durumu nedir?’ sorularına cevap aranmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada örgütsel yıpranmanın Türkiye’de ve dünyada örgütler için artarak devam eden önemli bir sorun olduğu ve bu olgunun nedenlerinin bütünleşik bir bakış açısıyla değerlendirilmesi gerektiği vurgulanarak literatüre katkıda bulunulmaya çalışılmıştır.


  • Abelson, M. A., & Baysinger, B. (1984). Optimal and dysfunctional turnover: Toward an organizational level model. Academy of Management Review, 9(2), 331-341.
  • Agarwal, P. (2011). Relationship between psychological contract and organizational commitment in Indian IT industry. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 47(2), 290–305.
  • Akella, S. K. S., Waqif, A., & Venketeswara, R. K. (2017). Organizational factors effecting attrition in Indian ınformation technology industry. Amity Global Business Review, 12, 99-106.
  • Andersen, A. (2000). 2001’e Doğru İnsan Kaynakları Araştırması. İstanbul: Sabah Yayıncılık.
  • Anderson, J. (2006). Managing employees in the service sector: A literature review and conceptual development. Journal of Business and Psychology, 20(4), 501-523.
  • Armstrong, D. J., Riemenschneider, C. K., Allen, M. W., & Reid, M. F. (2007). Advancement, voluntary turnover and women in IT: A cognitive study of work–family conflict. Information & Management, 44(2), 142-153.
  • Bain, P., & Taylor, P. (2000). Entrapped by the electronic panopticon? Worker resistance in the call centre. New Technology, Work and Employment, 15(1), 2-18.
  • Baker-Doyle, K. (2010). Beyond the labor market paradigm: A social network perspective on teacher recruitment and retention, Education Policy Analysis Archives. 18(26), 1-17.
  • Bansal, H. S., Taylor, S. F., & St. James, Y. (2005). Migrating to new service providers: Toward a unifying framework of consumers' switching behaviors. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33(1), 96-115.
  • Barrick, M., & Zimmerman, R. (2005). Reducing voluntary turnover, avoidable turnover through selection. Journal of Applied Psycholog, 90, 159-166.
  • Bookchin, M. (1999). Toplumu Yeniden Kurmak. (K. Şahin, Çev.). İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • Boswell, W. R., Boudreau, J. W., & Tichy, J. (2005). The relationship between employee job change and job satisfaction: the honeymoon-hangover effect. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(5), 882 –892.
  • Boushey, H., & Glynn, S. J. (2012). There are significant business costs to replacing employees. Center for American Progress web sitesinden erişildi:
  • Brown, E. A., Thomas, N. J., & Bosselman, R. H. (2015). Are they leaving or staying: A qualitative analysis of turnover issues for generation Y hospitality employees with a hospitality education. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 46, 130-137.
  • Chang, I. C., Liu, C. C., & Chen, K. (2014). The push, pull and mooring effects in virtual migration for social networking sites. Information Systems Journal, 24(4), 323-346.
  • Coldwell, M. (2016). Career orientations and career cultures: individual and organisational approaches to beginning teachers’ careers. Teachers and Teaching, 22, 610–624.
  • Dam, K. (2005). Employee attitudes toward job changes: An application and extension of Rusbult and Farrell's investment model. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 78(2), 253-272.
  • Davis-Blake, A. (2003). Happy together? How using nonstandard workers affects exit, voice, and loyalty among standard employees. Academy of Management Journal, 46(4), 475-485.
  • Demirtaş, Ö., & Akdoğan, A. (2014). The effect of ethical leadership behavior on ethical climate, turnover intention and affective commitment. Journal of Business Ethics, 121,1-9.
  • Den Brok, P., Wubbels, T., & Van Tartwijk, J. (2017). Exploring beginning teachers’ attrition in the Netherlands. Teachers and Teaching, 23(8), 881-895.
  • Firth, L., Mellor, D. J., Moore, K. A., & Loquet, C. (2004). How can managers reduce employee intention to quit?. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 19(2), 170-187.
  • Frye, A., Boomhower, C., Smith, M., Vitovsky, L., & Fabricant, S. (2018). Employee attrition: What makes an employee quit?. SMU Data Science Review, 1(1), 1-28.
  • Fu, J. R. (2011). Understanding career commitment of IT professionals: Perspectives of push–pull–mooring framework and investment model. International Journal of Information Management, 31(3), 279-293.
  • Gupta, S. (2010). Employee attrition and retention: Exploring the dimensions in the urban centric BPO industry. Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, India.
  • Haldorai, K. (2019). Factors affecting hotel employees’ attrition and turnover: Application of pull-push-mooring framework. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 83, 46-55.
  • Hinkin, T. R., & Tracey, J. B. (2000). The cost of turnover: Putting a price on the learning curve. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 41(3), 14-21.
  • Ho, J. S. Y., Downe, A. G., & Loke, S. P. (2010). Employee attrition in the Malaysian service industry: Push and pull factors. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 9(1/2), 16-31.
  • Hou, A. C. Y., Chern, C. C., Chen, H. G., & Chen, Y. C. (2011). Migrating to a new virtual world: Exploring MMORPG switching through human migration theory. Computer in Human Behavior, 27(5), 1892-1903.
  • Hwang, I., & Kuo, J. (2006). Effects of job satisfaction and perceived alternative employment opportunities on turnover intention: An examination of public sector organizations. Journal of American Academy of Business, 8(2), 254–259.
  • Ingersoll, R. (2001). Teacher turnover and teacher shortages: An organizational analysis. American Educational Research Journal, 38, 499–534.
  • Iverson, R., & Deery, M. (1997). Turnover culture in the hospitality industry, Human Resource Management Journal, 7(4), 71-82.
  • Jung, J., Han, H., & Oh, M. (2017). Travelers' switching behavior in the airline industry from the perspective of the push-pull-mooring framework. Tourism Management, 59, 139-153.
  • Kelchtermans, G. (2017). Should I stay or should I go?: Unpacking teacher attrition/retention as an educational issue. Teachers and Teaching, 23(8), 961-977.
  • Lambert, E. G., Hogan, N. L., & Barton, S. M. (2001). The impact of job satisfaction on turnover intent: a test of a structural measurement model using a national sample of workers. The Social Science Journal, 38(2), 233-250.
  • Latha, L. (2013). A study on employee attrition and retention in manufacturing industries. BVIMSR’s Journal of Management Research, 5(1), 1-23.
  • Lee, E. (1966). A theory of migration, Demography. 3(1), 47-57.
  • Lee, T. H., Gerhart, B., Weller, I., & Trevor, C. O. (2008). Understanding voluntary turnover: Path-specific job satisfaction effects and the importance of unsolicited job offers. Academy of Management Journal, 51(4), 651-671.
  • Longo, W. (2007). Attrition: our biggest continuing challenge. The American Journal of Surgery, 194(5), 567-575.
  • Lu, L., Lu, A. C. C., Gursoy, D., & Neale, N. R (2016). Work engagement, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(4), 737–761.
  • March, J. G., & Simon, H. A. (1958). Organizations. New York: John Wiley.
  • McGinley, S., O’Neill, J., Damaske, S., & Mattila, A. S. (2014). A grounded theoryapproach to developing a career change model in hospitality. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 38, 89-98.
  • Mobley, W. H. (1977). Intermediate linkages in the relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover. Journal of Applied Psychology, 62, 237-240.
  • Mobley, W. H. (1982). Employee turnover: causes, consequences, and control. Philippines: Addison-Wesley Publishing.
  • Moon, B. (1995). Paradigms in migration research: Exploring moorings as a schema, Progress in Human Geography, 19(4), 504-524.
  • Neuman, W. L. (2008). Toplumsal araştırma yöntemleri: Nitel ve nicel yaklaşımlar: 2. Cilt. (S. Özge Çev.). İstanbul: Yayınodası.
  • Ngugi, A. K., Nyaga, L. W., Lakhani, A., Agoi, F., Hanselman, M., Lugogo, G., & Mehta, K. M. (2018). Prevalence, incidence and predictors of volunteer community health worker attrition in Kwale County, Kenya. BMJ Global Health, 3(4), 1-15.
  • Patterson, P., & Smith, T. (2003). A cross-cultural study of switching barriers and propensity to stay with service providers. Journal of Retailing, 79, 107–120.
  • Pfeffer, J. (2005). Changing mental models: HR's most important task, Human Resource Management. 44(2), 123-128.
  • Price, J. (2001). Reflections on the determinants of voluntary turnover. International Journal of Manpower, 22(7), 600-624.
  • Rappaport, A., Bancroft, E., & Okum, L. (2003). The aging workforce raises new talent management issues for employers. Journal of Organizational Excellence, 23(1), 55-66.
  • Rots, I., Kelchtermans, G., & Aelterman, A. (2012). Learning (not) to become a teacher. A qualitative analysis of the job entrance issue. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28, 1–10.
  • Sargut, S. (2019). Örgütsel davranış alanının ontolojisi ve epistemolojisi üzerine bir tartışma. S. Yürür (Ed.), Örgütsel davranış kuramları içinde (ss.1-21). İstanbul: Beta.
  • Schneider, B. (1983), Interactional psychology and organizational behavior, L. L. Cummings & B. M. Staw (Ed.), Research in organizational behavior içinde (ss. 1-31). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
  • Schneider, B. (1987). The people make the place. Personnel Psychology, 40(3), 437-453.
  • Seyrek, İ. H., & İnal, O. (2017). İşten ayrılma niyeti ile ilişkili faktörler: bilgi teknolojisi çalışanları üzerine bir araştırma. Doğu Anadolu Sosyal Bilimlerde Eğilimler Dergisi, 1(1), 63-74.
  • Shaw, J. D., Gupta, N., & Delery, J. E. (2005). Alternative conceptualizations of the relationship between voluntary turnover and organizational performance. Academy of Management Journal, 48(1), 50-68.
  • Torre, M. (2017). Attrition from male-dominated occupations: Variation among occupations and women. Sociological Perspectives, 60(4), 665-684.
  • Türkiye İnsan Yönetimi Derneği (2018). Çalışan devir oranı araştırması sonuç raporu. adresinden erişildi.
  • Wai,. T. W. C., & Robinson, C. D. (1998). Reducing staff turnover: A case study of dialysis facilities. Health Care Management Review, 23(4), 21-42.
  • Weisberg, J., & Kirschenbaum, A. (1993). Gender and turnover: A re-examination of the impact of sextons intent and actual job changes. Human Relations, 46(8), 987-1006.
  • Wolf, S. (2019). Are your employees staying or leaving? Trends in turnover from the 2019 HR metrics survey. Employers Council web sitesinden erişildi:

A Theoretical Review of Organizational Attrition

Yıl 2020, Sayı: 66, 319 - 334, 26.10.2020



  • Abelson, M. A., & Baysinger, B. (1984). Optimal and dysfunctional turnover: Toward an organizational level model. Academy of Management Review, 9(2), 331-341.
  • Agarwal, P. (2011). Relationship between psychological contract and organizational commitment in Indian IT industry. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 47(2), 290–305.
  • Akella, S. K. S., Waqif, A., & Venketeswara, R. K. (2017). Organizational factors effecting attrition in Indian ınformation technology industry. Amity Global Business Review, 12, 99-106.
  • Andersen, A. (2000). 2001’e Doğru İnsan Kaynakları Araştırması. İstanbul: Sabah Yayıncılık.
  • Anderson, J. (2006). Managing employees in the service sector: A literature review and conceptual development. Journal of Business and Psychology, 20(4), 501-523.
  • Armstrong, D. J., Riemenschneider, C. K., Allen, M. W., & Reid, M. F. (2007). Advancement, voluntary turnover and women in IT: A cognitive study of work–family conflict. Information & Management, 44(2), 142-153.
  • Bain, P., & Taylor, P. (2000). Entrapped by the electronic panopticon? Worker resistance in the call centre. New Technology, Work and Employment, 15(1), 2-18.
  • Baker-Doyle, K. (2010). Beyond the labor market paradigm: A social network perspective on teacher recruitment and retention, Education Policy Analysis Archives. 18(26), 1-17.
  • Bansal, H. S., Taylor, S. F., & St. James, Y. (2005). Migrating to new service providers: Toward a unifying framework of consumers' switching behaviors. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 33(1), 96-115.
  • Barrick, M., & Zimmerman, R. (2005). Reducing voluntary turnover, avoidable turnover through selection. Journal of Applied Psycholog, 90, 159-166.
  • Bookchin, M. (1999). Toplumu Yeniden Kurmak. (K. Şahin, Çev.). İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
  • Boswell, W. R., Boudreau, J. W., & Tichy, J. (2005). The relationship between employee job change and job satisfaction: the honeymoon-hangover effect. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(5), 882 –892.
  • Boushey, H., & Glynn, S. J. (2012). There are significant business costs to replacing employees. Center for American Progress web sitesinden erişildi:
  • Brown, E. A., Thomas, N. J., & Bosselman, R. H. (2015). Are they leaving or staying: A qualitative analysis of turnover issues for generation Y hospitality employees with a hospitality education. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 46, 130-137.
  • Chang, I. C., Liu, C. C., & Chen, K. (2014). The push, pull and mooring effects in virtual migration for social networking sites. Information Systems Journal, 24(4), 323-346.
  • Coldwell, M. (2016). Career orientations and career cultures: individual and organisational approaches to beginning teachers’ careers. Teachers and Teaching, 22, 610–624.
  • Dam, K. (2005). Employee attitudes toward job changes: An application and extension of Rusbult and Farrell's investment model. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 78(2), 253-272.
  • Davis-Blake, A. (2003). Happy together? How using nonstandard workers affects exit, voice, and loyalty among standard employees. Academy of Management Journal, 46(4), 475-485.
  • Demirtaş, Ö., & Akdoğan, A. (2014). The effect of ethical leadership behavior on ethical climate, turnover intention and affective commitment. Journal of Business Ethics, 121,1-9.
  • Den Brok, P., Wubbels, T., & Van Tartwijk, J. (2017). Exploring beginning teachers’ attrition in the Netherlands. Teachers and Teaching, 23(8), 881-895.
  • Firth, L., Mellor, D. J., Moore, K. A., & Loquet, C. (2004). How can managers reduce employee intention to quit?. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 19(2), 170-187.
  • Frye, A., Boomhower, C., Smith, M., Vitovsky, L., & Fabricant, S. (2018). Employee attrition: What makes an employee quit?. SMU Data Science Review, 1(1), 1-28.
  • Fu, J. R. (2011). Understanding career commitment of IT professionals: Perspectives of push–pull–mooring framework and investment model. International Journal of Information Management, 31(3), 279-293.
  • Gupta, S. (2010). Employee attrition and retention: Exploring the dimensions in the urban centric BPO industry. Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, India.
  • Haldorai, K. (2019). Factors affecting hotel employees’ attrition and turnover: Application of pull-push-mooring framework. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 83, 46-55.
  • Hinkin, T. R., & Tracey, J. B. (2000). The cost of turnover: Putting a price on the learning curve. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 41(3), 14-21.
  • Ho, J. S. Y., Downe, A. G., & Loke, S. P. (2010). Employee attrition in the Malaysian service industry: Push and pull factors. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 9(1/2), 16-31.
  • Hou, A. C. Y., Chern, C. C., Chen, H. G., & Chen, Y. C. (2011). Migrating to a new virtual world: Exploring MMORPG switching through human migration theory. Computer in Human Behavior, 27(5), 1892-1903.
  • Hwang, I., & Kuo, J. (2006). Effects of job satisfaction and perceived alternative employment opportunities on turnover intention: An examination of public sector organizations. Journal of American Academy of Business, 8(2), 254–259.
  • Ingersoll, R. (2001). Teacher turnover and teacher shortages: An organizational analysis. American Educational Research Journal, 38, 499–534.
  • Iverson, R., & Deery, M. (1997). Turnover culture in the hospitality industry, Human Resource Management Journal, 7(4), 71-82.
  • Jung, J., Han, H., & Oh, M. (2017). Travelers' switching behavior in the airline industry from the perspective of the push-pull-mooring framework. Tourism Management, 59, 139-153.
  • Kelchtermans, G. (2017). Should I stay or should I go?: Unpacking teacher attrition/retention as an educational issue. Teachers and Teaching, 23(8), 961-977.
  • Lambert, E. G., Hogan, N. L., & Barton, S. M. (2001). The impact of job satisfaction on turnover intent: a test of a structural measurement model using a national sample of workers. The Social Science Journal, 38(2), 233-250.
  • Latha, L. (2013). A study on employee attrition and retention in manufacturing industries. BVIMSR’s Journal of Management Research, 5(1), 1-23.
  • Lee, E. (1966). A theory of migration, Demography. 3(1), 47-57.
  • Lee, T. H., Gerhart, B., Weller, I., & Trevor, C. O. (2008). Understanding voluntary turnover: Path-specific job satisfaction effects and the importance of unsolicited job offers. Academy of Management Journal, 51(4), 651-671.
  • Longo, W. (2007). Attrition: our biggest continuing challenge. The American Journal of Surgery, 194(5), 567-575.
  • Lu, L., Lu, A. C. C., Gursoy, D., & Neale, N. R (2016). Work engagement, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(4), 737–761.
  • March, J. G., & Simon, H. A. (1958). Organizations. New York: John Wiley.
  • McGinley, S., O’Neill, J., Damaske, S., & Mattila, A. S. (2014). A grounded theoryapproach to developing a career change model in hospitality. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 38, 89-98.
  • Mobley, W. H. (1977). Intermediate linkages in the relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover. Journal of Applied Psychology, 62, 237-240.
  • Mobley, W. H. (1982). Employee turnover: causes, consequences, and control. Philippines: Addison-Wesley Publishing.
  • Moon, B. (1995). Paradigms in migration research: Exploring moorings as a schema, Progress in Human Geography, 19(4), 504-524.
  • Neuman, W. L. (2008). Toplumsal araştırma yöntemleri: Nitel ve nicel yaklaşımlar: 2. Cilt. (S. Özge Çev.). İstanbul: Yayınodası.
  • Ngugi, A. K., Nyaga, L. W., Lakhani, A., Agoi, F., Hanselman, M., Lugogo, G., & Mehta, K. M. (2018). Prevalence, incidence and predictors of volunteer community health worker attrition in Kwale County, Kenya. BMJ Global Health, 3(4), 1-15.
  • Patterson, P., & Smith, T. (2003). A cross-cultural study of switching barriers and propensity to stay with service providers. Journal of Retailing, 79, 107–120.
  • Pfeffer, J. (2005). Changing mental models: HR's most important task, Human Resource Management. 44(2), 123-128.
  • Price, J. (2001). Reflections on the determinants of voluntary turnover. International Journal of Manpower, 22(7), 600-624.
  • Rappaport, A., Bancroft, E., & Okum, L. (2003). The aging workforce raises new talent management issues for employers. Journal of Organizational Excellence, 23(1), 55-66.
  • Rots, I., Kelchtermans, G., & Aelterman, A. (2012). Learning (not) to become a teacher. A qualitative analysis of the job entrance issue. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28, 1–10.
  • Sargut, S. (2019). Örgütsel davranış alanının ontolojisi ve epistemolojisi üzerine bir tartışma. S. Yürür (Ed.), Örgütsel davranış kuramları içinde (ss.1-21). İstanbul: Beta.
  • Schneider, B. (1983), Interactional psychology and organizational behavior, L. L. Cummings & B. M. Staw (Ed.), Research in organizational behavior içinde (ss. 1-31). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
  • Schneider, B. (1987). The people make the place. Personnel Psychology, 40(3), 437-453.
  • Seyrek, İ. H., & İnal, O. (2017). İşten ayrılma niyeti ile ilişkili faktörler: bilgi teknolojisi çalışanları üzerine bir araştırma. Doğu Anadolu Sosyal Bilimlerde Eğilimler Dergisi, 1(1), 63-74.
  • Shaw, J. D., Gupta, N., & Delery, J. E. (2005). Alternative conceptualizations of the relationship between voluntary turnover and organizational performance. Academy of Management Journal, 48(1), 50-68.
  • Torre, M. (2017). Attrition from male-dominated occupations: Variation among occupations and women. Sociological Perspectives, 60(4), 665-684.
  • Türkiye İnsan Yönetimi Derneği (2018). Çalışan devir oranı araştırması sonuç raporu. adresinden erişildi.
  • Wai,. T. W. C., & Robinson, C. D. (1998). Reducing staff turnover: A case study of dialysis facilities. Health Care Management Review, 23(4), 21-42.
  • Weisberg, J., & Kirschenbaum, A. (1993). Gender and turnover: A re-examination of the impact of sextons intent and actual job changes. Human Relations, 46(8), 987-1006.
  • Wolf, S. (2019). Are your employees staying or leaving? Trends in turnover from the 2019 HR metrics survey. Employers Council web sitesinden erişildi:
Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe

Emre Oruç 0000-0002-9372-2912

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Ekim 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Sayı: 66

Kaynak Göster

APA Oruç, E. (2020). Örgütsel Yıpranma: Çalışan Yıpranmasına Örgüt Düzeyinde Bir Bakış. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi(66), 319-334.
AMA Oruç E. Örgütsel Yıpranma: Çalışan Yıpranmasına Örgüt Düzeyinde Bir Bakış. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Ekim 2020;(66):319-334.
Chicago Oruç, Emre. “Örgütsel Yıpranma: Çalışan Yıpranmasına Örgüt Düzeyinde Bir Bakış”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 66 (Ekim 2020): 319-34.
EndNote Oruç E (01 Ekim 2020) Örgütsel Yıpranma: Çalışan Yıpranmasına Örgüt Düzeyinde Bir Bakış. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 66 319–334.
IEEE E. Oruç, “Örgütsel Yıpranma: Çalışan Yıpranmasına Örgüt Düzeyinde Bir Bakış”, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 66, ss. 319–334, Ekim 2020.
ISNAD Oruç, Emre. “Örgütsel Yıpranma: Çalışan Yıpranmasına Örgüt Düzeyinde Bir Bakış”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 66 (Ekim 2020), 319-334.
JAMA Oruç E. Örgütsel Yıpranma: Çalışan Yıpranmasına Örgüt Düzeyinde Bir Bakış. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2020;:319–334.
MLA Oruç, Emre. “Örgütsel Yıpranma: Çalışan Yıpranmasına Örgüt Düzeyinde Bir Bakış”. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 66, 2020, ss. 319-34.
Vancouver Oruç E. Örgütsel Yıpranma: Çalışan Yıpranmasına Örgüt Düzeyinde Bir Bakış. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2020(66):319-34.

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