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Yıl 2021, , 904 - 919, 28.12.2021


Caryl Phillips’ The Final Passage (1985) is about the Caribbean characters from St.Kitts who immigrated to Britain in 1958 and Bekir Yıldız’s Türkler Almanya’da (1966) depicts the characters who went to Germany in the early 1960s in the first wave of the move of the Turkish guest workers. Although Phillips’ and Yıldız’s novels reflect the lives of individuals from two different cultures and two different countries who had totally different life styles, cuisine, traditions, rituals, flora, fauna, climate and history, there are many parallelisms between the novels. Because the patterns, dynamics, push and pull factors of immigration of people from all the Caribbean countries including St.Kitts and Nevis to Britain which began in the late 1940s and recruitment of guest workers from Turkey to (Federal) Germany which started in the early 1960s were based on economic reasons which turned these passages into a chain migration soon despite the hardships suffered in the host countries. So, the aim of this study is to make a textual and comparative analysis of the flow of the Caribbean people and Turkish people from the standpoint of the ‘economic immigration’ and show that the migration from developing to developed countries was physically, emotionally and mentally demanding, excruciating and challenging whether there was a colonial bond or not. The study concludes that in spite of the differences between the sending countries, living and working in another country for all the ‘economic migrants’ from different parts of the world required perseverance, endurance, flexibility and adaptive skills on the part of the guest workers and immigrants in addition to basic needs of work, shelter, food and respect.


  • Abadan-Unat, N. (2002). Bitmeyen Göç: Konuk Işçilikten Ulus-Ötesi Yurttaşlığa. İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Acar, Ü. (2020). Avrupalı Türklerin Yabancı Düşmanlığına Ve Asimilasyona Karşı Kimlik Mücadelesi. Academic Journal of History and Idea, 7(1), 328-354.
  • Bishop, J. & McLean, D. (2007, August 25). (Re) Rooted: An Interview with Caryl Phillips. Calabash: A Journal of Caribbean Arts and Letters, 4(2), 139-154.
  • Brah, A. (1996). Cartographies of Diaspora: Contesting Identities. London: Routledge.
  • Cross, M. & Entzinger, H. (1988). Caribbean Minorities in Britain and The Netherlands: Comparative Questions. In M. Cross & H. Entzinger (Eds.), Lost illusions Caribbean minorities in Britain and the Netherlands (pp. 1-33). London: Routledge.
  • Cross, M. & Johnson, M. (1988). Mobility Denied: Afro-Caribbean Labour and The British Economy. In M. Cross & H. Entzinger (Eds.), Lost illusions Caribbean minorities in Britain and the Netherlands (pp. 73-105). London: Routledge.
  • Erol, B. (2019). Destination England: Buchi Emecheta’s Second Class Citizen and Caryl Phillips’s The Final Passage. Neohelicon, 46, 591–599.
  • Hennessy, A. (1988). Workers of The Night: West Indians in Britain. In M. Cross & H. Entzinger (Eds.), Lost illusions Caribbean minorities in Britain and the Netherlands (pp. 36-53). London: Routledge.
  • Kutlay, K. Ş. (2017). Almanya’nin Türk Işçileri Kabulünden Günümüze Kadar Olan Süreçte Almanya’da Yaşayan Türklerin Yaşadıkları Kimlik Problemlerinin Değişimi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Turkish Studies International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 12(13), 547-556. DOI:
  • Maier, A.I. (2013). Home and Exile in Caryl Phillips’ The Final Passage. Studia Ubb Philologia, LVIII(3), 127 – 139.
  • Martin, P. L. (1996). Immigration and Integration: Challenges for the 1990s. In J. Tanton et al. (Eds.) Immigration and the social contact: The implosion of Western societies (pp. 27-34). Averbury: Hants.
  • McFarlane, E. (2009). From Guest Workers to Permanent Residents: German History, Citizenship Reform, And Germany’s Turkish Immigrant Population. Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Law Journal, 2, 53-89.
  • McLeod, J. (2000). Beginning Postcolonialism. Manchester: Manchester UP.
  • Modood, T., Berthoud, R., Lakey, J., Nazroo, J., Smith, P., Virdee, S., & Beishon, S. (1997). Ethnic Minorities in Britain. Policy Studies Institute.
  • Mueller, C. (2006). Integrating Turkish Communities: A German Dilemma. Population Research and Policy Review, 25(5/6), 419-441.
  • Oner, S. (2014). Turkish Community in Germany and the Role of Turkish Community Organisations. European Scientific Journal, 10(29), 72-88.
  • Orendt, M. (2010). The Integration of the Turks into German Society: Turks On Their Way to Parallel Societies or To True Integration? Bilge Strateji, 2(3), 165-182.
  • Pangmeshi, A. (2013). Signals of Trauma and Exilic Consciousness in Caryl Phillips’ The Final Passage. Labyrinth, 4(3), 186-193.
  • Pekin, H. (1989). Göç, Dışarda Çalışma, Geri Dönüş, Hakların Örgütlü Korunması Ihtiyacı. In Y. Fincancı (Ed.). 30. Yılında Yurtdışındaki Türkler: Varolma Savaşımının Anatomisi, Zentrum für Turkeistudien – Centre for Turkey studies conference proceedings, 24-25 October 1989 (pp. 56-71). İstanbul: Anadolu Matbaa.
  • Phillips, C. (1985). The Final Passage. London: Faber and Faber.
  • Ratcliffe, P. (1988). Race, Class, And Residence: Afro-Caribbean Households in Britain. In M. Cross & H. Entzinger (Eds.), Lost illusions Caribbean minorities in Britain and the Netherlands (pp. 126-146). London: Routledge.
  • Silku, R. K. (2009). Postcolonial Routes and Diasporic Identities: Belonging and Displacement in Caryl Phillips’s The Final Passage and A Distant Shore. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 45(2), 163–170.
  • Şen, F. (2003). The Historical Situation of Turkish Migrants in Germany, Immigrants & Minorities. Historical Studies in Ethnicity, Migration and Diaspora, 22(2-3), 208-227. DOI: 10.1080/0261928042000244835
  • Yıldız, B. (2002). Türkler Almanya’da. İstanbul: Everest. (Original work published 1966).


Yıl 2021, , 904 - 919, 28.12.2021


Caryl Phillips’in The Final Passage (1985) adlı romanı, 1958’de St.Kitts’den Britanya’ya göç eden Karayipli karakterleri anlatır ve Bekir Yıldız’ın Türkler Almanya’da (1966) romanı ise 1960’ların başlarında Almanya’ya yönelen ilk dalga Türk misafir işçi hareketliliğindeki karakterleri betimler. Phillips’in ve Yıldız’ın romanlarında tamamen farklı hayat tarzları, mutfakları, gelenekleri, adetleri, bitki örtüsü, hayvanları, iklimi ve tarihi olan iki farklı kültürden ve iki farklı ülkeden gelen bireyleri yansıtmalarına iki roman arasında pek çok paralellik bulunmaktadır. Çünkü hem 1940’ların sonlarında St.Kitts and Nevis dahil tüm Karayip adaları ülkelerinden Britanya’ya başlayan göçün hem de 1960’ların başında Türkiye’den (Federal) Almanya’ya başlayan misafir işçi istihdamının tarzları, dinamikleri ile itme ve çekme sebepleri göç edilen ülkelerde çekilen zorluklara rağmen kısa zamanda bu hareketliliği zincirleme göçe dönüştüren ekonomik sebeplere dayanmakta idi. Dolayısıyla bu çalışmanın amacı ‘ekonomi göçü’ bakış açısıyla Karayiplilerin ve Türklerin hareketliliklerinin metinsel ve karşılaştırmalı analizini yapmak ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerden gelişmiş ülkelere göçün sömürgecilik bağı olsa da olmasa da fiziksel, duygusal ve zihinsel olarak çok zor, yıpratıcı ve yorucu olduğunu göstermektir. Gönderen ülkeler arasındaki farklılıklara rağmen, bir başka ülkede yaşamanın ve çalışmanın dünyanın farklı yerlerinden gelen ‘ekonomi göçmenlerinin’ çoğu için iş, barınak, yiyecek ve saygı temel ihtiyaçlarının yanı sıra azim, dayanıklılık, esneklik ve uyum becerilerini de gerektirdiği sonucuna varılır.


  • Abadan-Unat, N. (2002). Bitmeyen Göç: Konuk Işçilikten Ulus-Ötesi Yurttaşlığa. İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Acar, Ü. (2020). Avrupalı Türklerin Yabancı Düşmanlığına Ve Asimilasyona Karşı Kimlik Mücadelesi. Academic Journal of History and Idea, 7(1), 328-354.
  • Bishop, J. & McLean, D. (2007, August 25). (Re) Rooted: An Interview with Caryl Phillips. Calabash: A Journal of Caribbean Arts and Letters, 4(2), 139-154.
  • Brah, A. (1996). Cartographies of Diaspora: Contesting Identities. London: Routledge.
  • Cross, M. & Entzinger, H. (1988). Caribbean Minorities in Britain and The Netherlands: Comparative Questions. In M. Cross & H. Entzinger (Eds.), Lost illusions Caribbean minorities in Britain and the Netherlands (pp. 1-33). London: Routledge.
  • Cross, M. & Johnson, M. (1988). Mobility Denied: Afro-Caribbean Labour and The British Economy. In M. Cross & H. Entzinger (Eds.), Lost illusions Caribbean minorities in Britain and the Netherlands (pp. 73-105). London: Routledge.
  • Erol, B. (2019). Destination England: Buchi Emecheta’s Second Class Citizen and Caryl Phillips’s The Final Passage. Neohelicon, 46, 591–599.
  • Hennessy, A. (1988). Workers of The Night: West Indians in Britain. In M. Cross & H. Entzinger (Eds.), Lost illusions Caribbean minorities in Britain and the Netherlands (pp. 36-53). London: Routledge.
  • Kutlay, K. Ş. (2017). Almanya’nin Türk Işçileri Kabulünden Günümüze Kadar Olan Süreçte Almanya’da Yaşayan Türklerin Yaşadıkları Kimlik Problemlerinin Değişimi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Turkish Studies International Periodical for the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 12(13), 547-556. DOI:
  • Maier, A.I. (2013). Home and Exile in Caryl Phillips’ The Final Passage. Studia Ubb Philologia, LVIII(3), 127 – 139.
  • Martin, P. L. (1996). Immigration and Integration: Challenges for the 1990s. In J. Tanton et al. (Eds.) Immigration and the social contact: The implosion of Western societies (pp. 27-34). Averbury: Hants.
  • McFarlane, E. (2009). From Guest Workers to Permanent Residents: German History, Citizenship Reform, And Germany’s Turkish Immigrant Population. Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Law Journal, 2, 53-89.
  • McLeod, J. (2000). Beginning Postcolonialism. Manchester: Manchester UP.
  • Modood, T., Berthoud, R., Lakey, J., Nazroo, J., Smith, P., Virdee, S., & Beishon, S. (1997). Ethnic Minorities in Britain. Policy Studies Institute.
  • Mueller, C. (2006). Integrating Turkish Communities: A German Dilemma. Population Research and Policy Review, 25(5/6), 419-441.
  • Oner, S. (2014). Turkish Community in Germany and the Role of Turkish Community Organisations. European Scientific Journal, 10(29), 72-88.
  • Orendt, M. (2010). The Integration of the Turks into German Society: Turks On Their Way to Parallel Societies or To True Integration? Bilge Strateji, 2(3), 165-182.
  • Pangmeshi, A. (2013). Signals of Trauma and Exilic Consciousness in Caryl Phillips’ The Final Passage. Labyrinth, 4(3), 186-193.
  • Pekin, H. (1989). Göç, Dışarda Çalışma, Geri Dönüş, Hakların Örgütlü Korunması Ihtiyacı. In Y. Fincancı (Ed.). 30. Yılında Yurtdışındaki Türkler: Varolma Savaşımının Anatomisi, Zentrum für Turkeistudien – Centre for Turkey studies conference proceedings, 24-25 October 1989 (pp. 56-71). İstanbul: Anadolu Matbaa.
  • Phillips, C. (1985). The Final Passage. London: Faber and Faber.
  • Ratcliffe, P. (1988). Race, Class, And Residence: Afro-Caribbean Households in Britain. In M. Cross & H. Entzinger (Eds.), Lost illusions Caribbean minorities in Britain and the Netherlands (pp. 126-146). London: Routledge.
  • Silku, R. K. (2009). Postcolonial Routes and Diasporic Identities: Belonging and Displacement in Caryl Phillips’s The Final Passage and A Distant Shore. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 45(2), 163–170.
  • Şen, F. (2003). The Historical Situation of Turkish Migrants in Germany, Immigrants & Minorities. Historical Studies in Ethnicity, Migration and Diaspora, 22(2-3), 208-227. DOI: 10.1080/0261928042000244835
  • Yıldız, B. (2002). Türkler Almanya’da. İstanbul: Everest. (Original work published 1966).
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sanat ve Edebiyat
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Abdullah Nejat Töngür 0000-0002-1204-4399

Yıldıray Çevik 0000-0003-2967-6517

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Aralık 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Eylül 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Töngür, A. N., & Çevik, Y. (2021). PASSAGES OF ECONOMIC MIGRANTS IN CARYL PHILLIPS’ THE FINAL PASSAGE AND TÜRKLER ALMANYA’DA BY BEKIR YILDIZ. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 61(2), 904-919.

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