Atreya (Prof. Dr. B.L.), Yogavaşistha and Its Philosophy, Second Edition, Published in the Indian Bookshop, Banaras, 1939.
Brown, E.G., Literary History of Persia, Vols. I — I I , London. JHA, Sir Gagannath ( D r ) , The Chandogya Upanişad With Com mentary of Shankara, Published Poona Oriantal Book Agency, Chatterjee and D. Datta, An Introduction To Indian Philosophy, Calcutta, 1950.
Choudhury, Dr. M . L . Roy, Indo-Iranica, Vol. v i i , September, 1954.
Dara. Sbikuh. Majma-ul-Bahrain, Translated into English by M. Mahfuz-ul Haq, Publised by Asiatic Society of Bengal, Cal cutta, 1929.
Dassgupta, Surendranath, A History of I n d i a n Philosophy, Vols. I , I I , I I I , I V . Cambridge, A t The University Press, 1951.
INDO-ISLAM1C RELATIONS 219 Duru, Dr. Muhittin Celâl, Mevlevi, istanbul. Hırıyanna. M. Outlines of Indian Philosophy, London, George Allen and Unwin L t d . Museum Street,'Second Impression, 1951.
Hitti, Philip K., History of the Arabs, Mac Millan New York 1968.
Hitti, Philip K . , islâm Tarihi, Cilt. I - I I , Translated into Turkish by Prof. Sakh Tuğ, Published by Boğaziçi Yayınları, İstanbul Hume, Robert Earnest, The Thirteen Principal Upanişads, Oxford, Second Edition, 1931.
Husain, Dr. S. Abid, The National Culture of India, By Jaico Publi shing House, Bombay-Calcutta-New Delhi-Madras, January 1956.
Indo-Ifanica, The Ouarterly Organ of the I r a n Society, Published under patronage of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi 1. Macdonell, A r t h u r Antony, M.A. Ph. D . , A Vedic Reader For Students, Geoffrey Cumberlege Oxford University Press, Printed in India, Mahfuzs-Ul-Haq, M . , Majma-ul-Bahrain, Published by the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta, 1929.
Nicholson, Reynold, A., The Mystics of Islam, London, G. Bell and Sons L t d . 1914.
Nicholson, Reynold, A . , Mawlana Jalalu'ddin, Masnawi Void. I , I I , I I I , I V , Printed b y the Cambridge University Press for the Trustees of the "E.J.W. Gibb Memorial" and published by Messr. Lucac and Co., London, W . C . I . , 1930.
Nicholson, Reynold, A., Mawlana Jalalu'ddin, Masnawi Voh. V - V I . Printed by the Cambridge University Press for the Trus tees of the "E.J.W. Gibb Memorial" and published by Messr. Lusac and Co., London, W . C . I . , 1934.
Nicholson, Reynold, A . , A Literary History of the Arabs, Cambridge, At the University Press, 1969. 1 . Radhakrişnan, S. Indian Philosophy, I - I I , London 1950. RASİH GÜVEN
Güven, Rasih, Dr. B.A.. M.A., Ph. D. (Doçent), Doğu ve Batı Fel sefelerinde Paraleller, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen ve Ede biyat Fakültesi, Yayın No: 4, Ankara. 1963.
Güven, Rasih, Dr. B.A., M.A., Ph. D. (Doçent). Upanişadic and Qur'anic Philosophy and Schools of Vedanta and Islamic Mysticism, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 1966.
Roer, Dr. E., The Twelve Principal Upanışads, Vols. I - I I — I I I . Pbuslished by Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, Madras, India, 1931.
Sachau, Dr. Edward, Alberuni's India ( A . D . 1030) Vols. I - I I .
Sharma, C D . , Indian Philosophy, Banaras, 1952.
Sarva-Darşana-Samgraha or "Review of the Different Systems of Hindu Philosophy," By Madhava Açarya, translated By E.B; Cowell, M.A., and A . E . Gough, M.A. Popular edition, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner Co. L t d . Brodway House, 68-74, Carter Lane, E.G.
Sind Hind-i-Sagir, E d . Cairo.
Tagore, Rabindranath., Vişva-Bharati and Its Institutions, Şan- tiniketen, India.
Tara Chand, Dr. Influence of Islam on Indian Culture, Published By the Indian Press, L t d . Allahabad, 1946.
Yıl 1990,
Cilt: 33 Sayı: 1-2, 207 - 220, 01.01.1990
Atreya (Prof. Dr. B.L.), Yogavaşistha and Its Philosophy, Second Edition, Published in the Indian Bookshop, Banaras, 1939.
Brown, E.G., Literary History of Persia, Vols. I — I I , London. JHA, Sir Gagannath ( D r ) , The Chandogya Upanişad With Com mentary of Shankara, Published Poona Oriantal Book Agency, Chatterjee and D. Datta, An Introduction To Indian Philosophy, Calcutta, 1950.
Choudhury, Dr. M . L . Roy, Indo-Iranica, Vol. v i i , September, 1954.
Dara. Sbikuh. Majma-ul-Bahrain, Translated into English by M. Mahfuz-ul Haq, Publised by Asiatic Society of Bengal, Cal cutta, 1929.
Dassgupta, Surendranath, A History of I n d i a n Philosophy, Vols. I , I I , I I I , I V . Cambridge, A t The University Press, 1951.
INDO-ISLAM1C RELATIONS 219 Duru, Dr. Muhittin Celâl, Mevlevi, istanbul. Hırıyanna. M. Outlines of Indian Philosophy, London, George Allen and Unwin L t d . Museum Street,'Second Impression, 1951.
Hitti, Philip K., History of the Arabs, Mac Millan New York 1968.
Hitti, Philip K . , islâm Tarihi, Cilt. I - I I , Translated into Turkish by Prof. Sakh Tuğ, Published by Boğaziçi Yayınları, İstanbul Hume, Robert Earnest, The Thirteen Principal Upanişads, Oxford, Second Edition, 1931.
Husain, Dr. S. Abid, The National Culture of India, By Jaico Publi shing House, Bombay-Calcutta-New Delhi-Madras, January 1956.
Indo-Ifanica, The Ouarterly Organ of the I r a n Society, Published under patronage of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi 1. Macdonell, A r t h u r Antony, M.A. Ph. D . , A Vedic Reader For Students, Geoffrey Cumberlege Oxford University Press, Printed in India, Mahfuzs-Ul-Haq, M . , Majma-ul-Bahrain, Published by the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta, 1929.
Nicholson, Reynold, A., The Mystics of Islam, London, G. Bell and Sons L t d . 1914.
Nicholson, Reynold, A . , Mawlana Jalalu'ddin, Masnawi Void. I , I I , I I I , I V , Printed b y the Cambridge University Press for the Trustees of the "E.J.W. Gibb Memorial" and published by Messr. Lucac and Co., London, W . C . I . , 1930.
Nicholson, Reynold, A., Mawlana Jalalu'ddin, Masnawi Voh. V - V I . Printed by the Cambridge University Press for the Trus tees of the "E.J.W. Gibb Memorial" and published by Messr. Lusac and Co., London, W . C . I . , 1934.
Nicholson, Reynold, A . , A Literary History of the Arabs, Cambridge, At the University Press, 1969. 1 . Radhakrişnan, S. Indian Philosophy, I - I I , London 1950. RASİH GÜVEN
Güven, Rasih, Dr. B.A.. M.A., Ph. D. (Doçent), Doğu ve Batı Fel sefelerinde Paraleller, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen ve Ede biyat Fakültesi, Yayın No: 4, Ankara. 1963.
Güven, Rasih, Dr. B.A., M.A., Ph. D. (Doçent). Upanişadic and Qur'anic Philosophy and Schools of Vedanta and Islamic Mysticism, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 1966.
Roer, Dr. E., The Twelve Principal Upanışads, Vols. I - I I — I I I . Pbuslished by Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, Madras, India, 1931.
Sachau, Dr. Edward, Alberuni's India ( A . D . 1030) Vols. I - I I .
Sharma, C D . , Indian Philosophy, Banaras, 1952.
Sarva-Darşana-Samgraha or "Review of the Different Systems of Hindu Philosophy," By Madhava Açarya, translated By E.B; Cowell, M.A., and A . E . Gough, M.A. Popular edition, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner Co. L t d . Brodway House, 68-74, Carter Lane, E.G.
Sind Hind-i-Sagir, E d . Cairo.
Tagore, Rabindranath., Vişva-Bharati and Its Institutions, Şan- tiniketen, India.
Tara Chand, Dr. Influence of Islam on Indian Culture, Published By the Indian Press, L t d . Allahabad, 1946.