Yıl 1998 ,
Cilt: 38 Sayı: 1-2, 405 - 424, 01.01.1998
Yavuz Unat
Barani, Syed Hasan, "Muslim Researches in Geodesy," Al-Birüni Commemoration
Volume, Calcuta 1951.
Brockelmann, Carl, Geschihte der Arabischen Litteratur, Leiden 1937-1949.
Carmody, F.J., Arabic Astronomical and Astrological References in Latin Translations, A
Critical Bibliography, Berkeley-Los Angeles 1959. \
Cohen, Morris R..& Drabkin, I.E., 'A Source Book in Greek Science, Massachussets 1966.
Delambre, J.B.J., Historie de l'astronomie du moyen-age, New York and London 1965.
Dreyer, J.L.E., History of the Planetary Systemfrom Thales to Kepler, New York 1953.
Duhem, Pierre, Le sysıeme du monde, Histoire des doctrines cosmologiques de Platon a
Copernic, Paris 1958.
Ebu el-Farac, Tôrih Muhtasar el-Duval, Beyrut 1890.
El-Farghani, Jawômi' 'İlm al-Nujüm wa-Usül al-Harakôi al-Samôwiya, Latinceye çeviren; Jacob Golius, Frankfurt 1986.
-----, Kitôb Cevômi' 'İlm el-Nücüm ve Usül el-Harekôi, (yazma), İstanbul, Carullah,
1279/30 (384a - 393a).
-----, Kitôb el-Fusül el-Mudhôl fl Mecistt, (yazma), İstanbul, Ayasofyş, 2843/2 (61a -
102a, 772 H.).
EI-Yakubı, Kittlb el-Buldtin, Leiden 1892.
Heath, Thomas, A History of Greek Mathematics, Oxford 1921.
İbn al-Qıfti, Tarih al-Hukamü', Leipzig 1903.
İbn el-Nedim, el-Fihrisı, c. I, Leibzig 1348.
İbn Khallikan, Wafaytit al-a'yôn, c. L Kahire 1882.
Kahya, Esin, Modern Kimyanın Kurucusu Côbir b. Hayyan, Ankara 1995.
Kramers, J. H., "Nil," İA, c. 9, İstanbul 1950.
Lippert, Julies, ıbn al-Qıfti's Ta'rüı al-Hukamô', Leipzig 1903.
Nallino, C.A., ArabianAstronomy [ts During the Mediaevel Times, Roma 1911.
Barani, Syed Hasan, "Muslim Researches in Geodesy," Al-Birüni Commemoration
Volume, Calcuta 1951.
Brockelmann, Carl, Geschihte der Arabischen Litteratur, Leiden 1937-1949.
Carmody, F.J., Arabic Astronomical and Astrological References in Latin Translations, A
Critical Bibliography, Berkeley-Los Angeles 1959. \
Cohen, Morris R..& Drabkin, I.E., 'A Source Book in Greek Science, Massachussets 1966.
Delambre, J.B.J., Historie de l'astronomie du moyen-age, New York and London 1965.
Dreyer, J.L.E., History of the Planetary Systemfrom Thales to Kepler, New York 1953.
Duhem, Pierre, Le sysıeme du monde, Histoire des doctrines cosmologiques de Platon a
Copernic, Paris 1958.
Ebu el-Farac, Tôrih Muhtasar el-Duval, Beyrut 1890.
El-Farghani, Jawômi' 'İlm al-Nujüm wa-Usül al-Harakôi al-Samôwiya, Latinceye çeviren; Jacob Golius, Frankfurt 1986.
-----, Kitôb Cevômi' 'İlm el-Nücüm ve Usül el-Harekôi, (yazma), İstanbul, Carullah,
1279/30 (384a - 393a).
-----, Kitôb el-Fusül el-Mudhôl fl Mecistt, (yazma), İstanbul, Ayasofyş, 2843/2 (61a -
102a, 772 H.).
EI-Yakubı, Kittlb el-Buldtin, Leiden 1892.
Heath, Thomas, A History of Greek Mathematics, Oxford 1921.
İbn al-Qıfti, Tarih al-Hukamü', Leipzig 1903.
İbn el-Nedim, el-Fihrisı, c. I, Leibzig 1348.
İbn Khallikan, Wafaytit al-a'yôn, c. L Kahire 1882.
Kahya, Esin, Modern Kimyanın Kurucusu Côbir b. Hayyan, Ankara 1995.
Kramers, J. H., "Nil," İA, c. 9, İstanbul 1950.
Lippert, Julies, ıbn al-Qıfti's Ta'rüı al-Hukamô', Leipzig 1903.
Nallino, C.A., ArabianAstronomy [ts During the Mediaevel Times, Roma 1911.
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