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Mısır’da Âsi Bir Memlük: Bulutkapan Ali Bey El-Kebîr 1768/69-1773

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 53 Sayı: 1, 155 - 182, 01.01.2013


Bu makale 18. yüzyıl ortalarında, merkez-çevre ilişkileri çerçevesinde, Mısır’da bir Memlük beyinin yükseliş ve zevalini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bulutkapan Ali Bey Ali Bey el-Kebir Ö. 1773 ’in Mısır, Hicaz ve Suriye’de yarı otonom bir hükümet tesis etme mücadelesi, 1517 yılında Osmanlı Devleti’nin son verdiği Memlük Devleti’nin başarısız bir yeniden canlandırılması teşebbüsü olarak algılanabilir mi? Bu sorunun cevabı Osmanlı Mısır’ında Memlük hanelerinin durumuna ve özellikle de mezkûr yüzyılda önplana çıkmış Kazdağlı hanesine bakılmasını zorunlu kılmaktadır. Nitekim Bulutkapan Ali Bey Kafkasyalı bir köle olarak Kazdağlı hanesine intisap etmişti. Onun yükselişi, efendisi Đbrahim Kethüda’nın ölümünden sonra Memlük beyleri arasında başlayan mücadele döneminde gerçekleşmiştir. Diğer taraftan bu çalışma Kahire’deki Osmanlı valisinin iktidarının Memlük beylerince fiilen sınırlandırıldığına da iddia etmektedir. Dolayısıyla Bulutkapan Ali Bey’in yükselişi ve düşüşü, Osmanlı merkezi ve Memlük beylerinin ittifak ve çatışma gibi farklı yolları içeren politikalarıyla da belirlenir. Ayrıca Osmanlı-Rus savaşları sebebiyle Osmanlı merkezi Ali Bey’in nüfuzunu kurma sürecini engelleyemedi. Diğer taraftan onun iktidarına yine kendisi gibi bir Memlük olan Ebuzzeheb Mehmet Bey son verecekti.


  • ABOU EL-HAJ, Rifaat Ali.(1974). “The Ottoman Vezir and Paşa Households 1683- 1703: A. Preliminary Report”. Journal of the American Oriental Society. 94 (4):438-447
  • AL-JABARTİ, Abdurrahman ibn el-Hasan. (1994). ‘Abd al-Rahmân al-Jabartî’s History of Egypt ‘Ajâ’ib al-Âthâr fî’l-Tarâjim wa’l-Akhbâr. (Çev. D. Crecelius, B. Abd al-Malik, Ch. Wendell, M. Fishbein). c.1, (Ed. T. Philipp, M. Perlmann), Stuttgart: Steiner .
  • ANDERSON, R. C. (1952). Naval Wars in the Levant 1559-1853. Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • AYALON, David. (1949). “The Circassians in the Mamluk Kingdom”. Journal of the American Oriental Society. 49:135-147.
  • AYALON, David. (1953). “Studies on the Structure of the Mamluk Army II”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 15 (3):448-476.
  • AYALON, David. (1954). “Studies on the Structure of the Mamluk Army III”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 16 (1):57-90.
  • AYALON, David. (1960). “The historian al-Jabarti and his Background”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 23 (2):217-249.
  • AYALON, David. (1960). “Studies in al-Jabarti, I: Notes on the Transformation of Mamluke Society in Egypt under the Ottomans”. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient. 3:148-174.
  • BALDWIN, George. (1801). Political Recollections Relative to Egypt. London .
  • BALDWIN, James E. (2010). “Islamic Law in an Otoman Context: Resolving Disputes in Late 17th/Early 18th-century Cairo”. New York University, Yayınlanmamı Dokrora Tezi.
  • BRUCE, James. (1799). Travels Through Parts of Africa, Syria, Egypt and Arabia into Abyssinia. Edinburgh.
  • BRUCE, James.1(804). Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile in the Years 1768-1773. c.1, Edinburgh .
  • CEZAR, Mustafa. (2011). Mufassal Osmanlı Tarihi. c. 2, Ankara: TTK.
  • CHARLES-ROUX, F. (1906). Le Projet Français de Commerce avec l’Inde par Suez sous le Regne de Louis XVI. Paris.
  • CRECELİUS, Daniel.(1981). The Roots of Modern Egypt: A Study of the Regimes of Ali Bey al-Kabir and Muhammad Bey Abu al-Dhahab, 1760-1775. Routledge, Chicago.
  • CRECELİUS, Daniel. (1988). “Russia’s Relations with the Mamluk Beys of Egypt in the Late Eighteenth Century”. A Way Prepared Essays on Islamic Culture in Honor of Richard Bayly Winder. (Ed. Farhad Kazemi, R. D. McChesney). içinde (55-67). New York University Press, New York.
  • CRECELİUS, Daniel. (1998). “Egypt in the Eighteenth Century”. The Cambridge History of Egypt. c.2, (Ed. M. W. Daly) içinde (59-86).Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • CRECELİUS, Daniel. “Abū l-Dhahab, Muhammad Bey”. EI. Third Edition, Brill Online ( 3/abu-l-dhahab-muhammad-bey-SIM_0285).
  • CRECELİUS, Daniel-Djaparidze, Gotcha. (2002). “Relations of the Georgian Mamluks of Egypt with Their Homeland in the Last Decades of the Eighteenth Century”. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient. 45:320- 411.
  • CUNO, Kenneth M. (1992). The Pasha’s Peasants: Land, Society and Economy in Lower Egypt. 1740-1858, Cambridge.
  • EMECEN, Ferudun. (1989). “Ali Bey, Bulutkapan”. İ.A. 2 İstanbul: TDV Yayınları, 383-384.
  • FAHMY, Khaled. (2010). Paşa’nın Adamları Kavalalı Mehmed Ali Paşa, Ordu ve Modern Mısır. (Çev. Deniz Zarakolu). İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • HANNA, Nelly. (2006). Osmanlı Kahire’sinde Tüccar Olmak, (Çev. Deniz Öktem). İstanbul: Küre Yayınları.
  • HATHAWAY, Jane (1990). “Sultans, Pashas, Taqwims, and Mühimmes: A Reconsideration of Chronicle-Writing in Eighteenth Century Ottoman Egypt”. Eighteenth Century Egypt The Arabic Manuscript Sources. (Ed. Daniel Crecelius). (51-78). Regina Books, Claremont California .
  • HATHAWAY, Jane. (1999). “The Household: An Alternatıve Framework For The Military Society of Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Egypt”. Oriente Moderno.18 (79):57-66.
  • HATHAWAY, Jane. (2002). Osmanlı Mısır’ında Hane Politikaları Kazdağlıların Yükselişi. (Çev. Nalan Özsoy). Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • HATHAWAY, Jane. (2008). The Arab Lands Under Ottoman Rule, 1516-1800. London: Longman.
  • HATHAWAY, Jane. (2009). İki Hizbin Hikâyesi Osmanlı Mısırı ve Yemeni’nde Mit, Bellek ve Kimlik. (Çev. Cemil Boyraz). İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • HATHAWAY, Jane. (2010). “Osmanlı’nın 1730’da Mısır’da Çerkez Mehmet Bey’in İsyanına Gösterdiği Tepki”. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda İsyan ve Ayaklanma. (Çev. Deniz Berktay). (Ed. Jane Hathaway). içinde (165-178). Alkım Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • HEYWORTH-DUNNE, J. (1938). “Arabic Literature in Egypt in the Eighteenth Century”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies.9 (3):675-689.
  • HOLT, P. M. (1961). “The Beylicate in Ottoman Egypt during the Seventeenth Century”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 24 (2):214- 248.
  • HOLT, P. M. (1962). “Al-Jabarti’s Introduction the History of Ottoman Egypt”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 25 (1/3):38-51.
  • HOLT, Peter M. (1966). Egypt and Fertile Crescent, 1516-1922: A Political History. Ithaca, London.
  • KARALI, Butrus. (1928). Al-Sûriyyûn fi Mısr. Kahire.
  • JOUDAH, Ahmad Hasan. (1971). “A History of the Movement of Shaykh Zahir al- ‘Umar al-Zaydani (1690?-1775)”. Michigan University, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • KESBÎ, Mustafa. (2002). İbretnümâ-yı Devlet (Tahlil ve Tenkitli Metin). (Haz. Mehmet Öğreten). Ankara: TTK.
  • KIMCHE, David. (1972). “The Opening of the Red Sea to European Ships in the Late Eighteenth Century”. Middle Eastern Studies. 8 (1):63-71.
  • KOENİG, N. A. (1978). “Ali Bey”. İ.A. 1 İstanbul: MEB Yayınları, 316-318.
  • LIVINGSTON, John W. (1968). “Ali Bey al-Kabîr and the Memlûk Resurgence in Ottoman Egypt”.Doktora Tezi.
  • LIVINGSTON, John W.- AL-JABARTİ. (1970). “The Rise of Shaykh al-Balad ‘Ali Bey al-Kabir: A Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 35 (2):283-294.
  • LIVINGSTON, John W. (1971). “Ali Bey Al-Kabîr and the Jews”. Middle Eastern Studies. 7 (2):221-228.
  • LUSIGNAN, S. K. (1784). A History of the Revolt of Ali Bey. Paine and Son, London.
  • MARSOT, Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid. (1990). “A Comparative Study of ‘Abd al-Rahman Al-Jabarti and NiqulaAl-Turk”. Eighteenth Century Egypt The Arabic Manuscript Sources. (Ed. DanielCrecelius). (115-126). Regina Books, Claremont California.
  • MARSOT, Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid. (2010). Mısır Tarihi Arapların Fethinden Bugüne. (Çev. Gül Çağalı Güven). İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları.
  • MASSON, Paul. (1911). Histoire du Commerce Français dans le Levant au XVIIIe Siecle. Paris .
  • MASTERS, Bruce. (1994). “The View from the Province: Syrian Chronicles of the Eighteenth Century”. Journal of the American Oriental Society.114 (3):353- 362 . MCGOWAN, Bruce. (2004). “Ayanlar Çağı 1699-1812”. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Ekonomik ve Sosyal Tarihi. (Çev. Ayşe Bertay). (Ed. H. İnalcık, D. Quataert). İçinde (759-884). c.2, İstanbul: Eren Yayıncılık
  • MELOY, John Lash. (1998). “Mamluk Authority, Meccan Autonomy and Red Sea Trade, 797- 859/1395-1455”. University of Chicago, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • ÖZTUNA, Yılmaz. (2005). Devletler ve Hânedanlar Türkiye (1074-1990). c.2, Ankara: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Yayınları.
  • PATON, A. A. (1863). A History of the Egyptian Revolution, from thr Period of the Mamelukes to the Death of Muhammed Ali. c.1, London: Trübner and Co.
  • PITERBERG, Gabriel. (1990). “The Formation of an Ottoman Egyptian Elite in the 18th Century”.International Journal of Middle East Studies. 22 (3):275-289.
  • RAFEQ, Abdul-Karim. (1990). “Syrian Manuscript Sources for the History of Eighteenth Century Ottoman Egypt”, Eighteenth Century Egypt The Arabic Manuscript Sources. (Ed. Daniel Crecelius). (103-114). Regina Books, Claremont California.
  • RAYMOND, Andre. (1991). “Soldiers in Trade: the Case of Ottoman Cairo”. British Society for Middle Eastern Studies Bulletin.18:16-37.
  • RAYMOND, André. (1995). Osmanlı Döneminde Arap Kentleri. (Çev. Ali Berktay). İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları .
  • SHAW, Stanford J. (1962a). The Financial and Administrative Organization and Development of Ottoman Egypt, 1517-1798. Princeton.
  • SHAW, Stanford J. (1962b). Ottoman Egypt in the Eighteenth Century. Cambridge.
  • SHAW, Stanford J. (1963). “The Ottoman Archives as a Sources for Egyptian History”. Journal of the American Oriental Society. 83 (4):447-452.
  • ŞEM’DÂNÎ-ZÂDE FINDIKLILI SÜLEYMAN EFENDİ. (1978). Şem’dânî-zâde Fındıklılı Süleyman Efendi Târihi Aktepe). c.2/A, İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi.
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A Mamluk Rebel in Egypt: Bulutkapan Ali Bey El-Kebîr 1768/69-1773

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 53 Sayı: 1, 155 - 182, 01.01.2013


This article aims to examine, within the framework of center-periphery relations, the rise and fall of a Mamluk leader in Egypt in the middle of the 18th century. Bulutkapan Ali Bey el-Kabir D.1773 ’s struggle to establish a semiautonomous government in Egypt, the Hijaz and Biladu’ş-Şam can be considered as an attemp to unsuccessful revitalization of Mamluks eliminated by the Ottoman Empire in 1517? The answer to this question requires to examine of the stiatution of Mamluk households and especially Kazdaglis gained importance in this century. Indeed as a Caucasian slave Bulutkapan Ali Bey became affiliated with Kazdaglı Household. Ali Bey began to rise after the death of his master Đbrahim Kathuda, the struggle period between Mamluk Bays. In this work also claim that the rule of Ottoman governor of Cairo actually limited by Mamluk Bays in this period. Therefore, the rise and fall of Bulutkapan Ali Bey was determined by the policies of Ottoman center and Mamluk Bays containing different ways such as alliance and conflict. Moreover because of the Ottoman-Russian wars, Ottoman center could not prevent the process of setting up his power. On the other hand Ebuzzeheb Mehmed Bay, a Mamluk just like Ali Bay, put an end to his adventure.


  • ABOU EL-HAJ, Rifaat Ali.(1974). “The Ottoman Vezir and Paşa Households 1683- 1703: A. Preliminary Report”. Journal of the American Oriental Society. 94 (4):438-447
  • AL-JABARTİ, Abdurrahman ibn el-Hasan. (1994). ‘Abd al-Rahmân al-Jabartî’s History of Egypt ‘Ajâ’ib al-Âthâr fî’l-Tarâjim wa’l-Akhbâr. (Çev. D. Crecelius, B. Abd al-Malik, Ch. Wendell, M. Fishbein). c.1, (Ed. T. Philipp, M. Perlmann), Stuttgart: Steiner .
  • ANDERSON, R. C. (1952). Naval Wars in the Levant 1559-1853. Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • AYALON, David. (1949). “The Circassians in the Mamluk Kingdom”. Journal of the American Oriental Society. 49:135-147.
  • AYALON, David. (1953). “Studies on the Structure of the Mamluk Army II”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 15 (3):448-476.
  • AYALON, David. (1954). “Studies on the Structure of the Mamluk Army III”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 16 (1):57-90.
  • AYALON, David. (1960). “The historian al-Jabarti and his Background”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 23 (2):217-249.
  • AYALON, David. (1960). “Studies in al-Jabarti, I: Notes on the Transformation of Mamluke Society in Egypt under the Ottomans”. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient. 3:148-174.
  • BALDWIN, George. (1801). Political Recollections Relative to Egypt. London .
  • BALDWIN, James E. (2010). “Islamic Law in an Otoman Context: Resolving Disputes in Late 17th/Early 18th-century Cairo”. New York University, Yayınlanmamı Dokrora Tezi.
  • BRUCE, James. (1799). Travels Through Parts of Africa, Syria, Egypt and Arabia into Abyssinia. Edinburgh.
  • BRUCE, James.1(804). Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile in the Years 1768-1773. c.1, Edinburgh .
  • CEZAR, Mustafa. (2011). Mufassal Osmanlı Tarihi. c. 2, Ankara: TTK.
  • CHARLES-ROUX, F. (1906). Le Projet Français de Commerce avec l’Inde par Suez sous le Regne de Louis XVI. Paris.
  • CRECELİUS, Daniel.(1981). The Roots of Modern Egypt: A Study of the Regimes of Ali Bey al-Kabir and Muhammad Bey Abu al-Dhahab, 1760-1775. Routledge, Chicago.
  • CRECELİUS, Daniel. (1988). “Russia’s Relations with the Mamluk Beys of Egypt in the Late Eighteenth Century”. A Way Prepared Essays on Islamic Culture in Honor of Richard Bayly Winder. (Ed. Farhad Kazemi, R. D. McChesney). içinde (55-67). New York University Press, New York.
  • CRECELİUS, Daniel. (1998). “Egypt in the Eighteenth Century”. The Cambridge History of Egypt. c.2, (Ed. M. W. Daly) içinde (59-86).Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • CRECELİUS, Daniel. “Abū l-Dhahab, Muhammad Bey”. EI. Third Edition, Brill Online ( 3/abu-l-dhahab-muhammad-bey-SIM_0285).
  • CRECELİUS, Daniel-Djaparidze, Gotcha. (2002). “Relations of the Georgian Mamluks of Egypt with Their Homeland in the Last Decades of the Eighteenth Century”. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient. 45:320- 411.
  • CUNO, Kenneth M. (1992). The Pasha’s Peasants: Land, Society and Economy in Lower Egypt. 1740-1858, Cambridge.
  • EMECEN, Ferudun. (1989). “Ali Bey, Bulutkapan”. İ.A. 2 İstanbul: TDV Yayınları, 383-384.
  • FAHMY, Khaled. (2010). Paşa’nın Adamları Kavalalı Mehmed Ali Paşa, Ordu ve Modern Mısır. (Çev. Deniz Zarakolu). İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • HANNA, Nelly. (2006). Osmanlı Kahire’sinde Tüccar Olmak, (Çev. Deniz Öktem). İstanbul: Küre Yayınları.
  • HATHAWAY, Jane (1990). “Sultans, Pashas, Taqwims, and Mühimmes: A Reconsideration of Chronicle-Writing in Eighteenth Century Ottoman Egypt”. Eighteenth Century Egypt The Arabic Manuscript Sources. (Ed. Daniel Crecelius). (51-78). Regina Books, Claremont California .
  • HATHAWAY, Jane. (1999). “The Household: An Alternatıve Framework For The Military Society of Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Egypt”. Oriente Moderno.18 (79):57-66.
  • HATHAWAY, Jane. (2002). Osmanlı Mısır’ında Hane Politikaları Kazdağlıların Yükselişi. (Çev. Nalan Özsoy). Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • HATHAWAY, Jane. (2008). The Arab Lands Under Ottoman Rule, 1516-1800. London: Longman.
  • HATHAWAY, Jane. (2009). İki Hizbin Hikâyesi Osmanlı Mısırı ve Yemeni’nde Mit, Bellek ve Kimlik. (Çev. Cemil Boyraz). İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • HATHAWAY, Jane. (2010). “Osmanlı’nın 1730’da Mısır’da Çerkez Mehmet Bey’in İsyanına Gösterdiği Tepki”. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda İsyan ve Ayaklanma. (Çev. Deniz Berktay). (Ed. Jane Hathaway). içinde (165-178). Alkım Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • HEYWORTH-DUNNE, J. (1938). “Arabic Literature in Egypt in the Eighteenth Century”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies.9 (3):675-689.
  • HOLT, P. M. (1961). “The Beylicate in Ottoman Egypt during the Seventeenth Century”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 24 (2):214- 248.
  • HOLT, P. M. (1962). “Al-Jabarti’s Introduction the History of Ottoman Egypt”. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 25 (1/3):38-51.
  • HOLT, Peter M. (1966). Egypt and Fertile Crescent, 1516-1922: A Political History. Ithaca, London.
  • KARALI, Butrus. (1928). Al-Sûriyyûn fi Mısr. Kahire.
  • JOUDAH, Ahmad Hasan. (1971). “A History of the Movement of Shaykh Zahir al- ‘Umar al-Zaydani (1690?-1775)”. Michigan University, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • KESBÎ, Mustafa. (2002). İbretnümâ-yı Devlet (Tahlil ve Tenkitli Metin). (Haz. Mehmet Öğreten). Ankara: TTK.
  • KIMCHE, David. (1972). “The Opening of the Red Sea to European Ships in the Late Eighteenth Century”. Middle Eastern Studies. 8 (1):63-71.
  • KOENİG, N. A. (1978). “Ali Bey”. İ.A. 1 İstanbul: MEB Yayınları, 316-318.
  • LIVINGSTON, John W. (1968). “Ali Bey al-Kabîr and the Memlûk Resurgence in Ottoman Egypt”.Doktora Tezi.
  • LIVINGSTON, John W.- AL-JABARTİ. (1970). “The Rise of Shaykh al-Balad ‘Ali Bey al-Kabir: A Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. 35 (2):283-294.
  • LIVINGSTON, John W. (1971). “Ali Bey Al-Kabîr and the Jews”. Middle Eastern Studies. 7 (2):221-228.
  • LUSIGNAN, S. K. (1784). A History of the Revolt of Ali Bey. Paine and Son, London.
  • MARSOT, Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid. (1990). “A Comparative Study of ‘Abd al-Rahman Al-Jabarti and NiqulaAl-Turk”. Eighteenth Century Egypt The Arabic Manuscript Sources. (Ed. DanielCrecelius). (115-126). Regina Books, Claremont California.
  • MARSOT, Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid. (2010). Mısır Tarihi Arapların Fethinden Bugüne. (Çev. Gül Çağalı Güven). İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları.
  • MASSON, Paul. (1911). Histoire du Commerce Français dans le Levant au XVIIIe Siecle. Paris .
  • MASTERS, Bruce. (1994). “The View from the Province: Syrian Chronicles of the Eighteenth Century”. Journal of the American Oriental Society.114 (3):353- 362 . MCGOWAN, Bruce. (2004). “Ayanlar Çağı 1699-1812”. Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Ekonomik ve Sosyal Tarihi. (Çev. Ayşe Bertay). (Ed. H. İnalcık, D. Quataert). İçinde (759-884). c.2, İstanbul: Eren Yayıncılık
  • MELOY, John Lash. (1998). “Mamluk Authority, Meccan Autonomy and Red Sea Trade, 797- 859/1395-1455”. University of Chicago, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • ÖZTUNA, Yılmaz. (2005). Devletler ve Hânedanlar Türkiye (1074-1990). c.2, Ankara: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Yayınları.
  • PATON, A. A. (1863). A History of the Egyptian Revolution, from thr Period of the Mamelukes to the Death of Muhammed Ali. c.1, London: Trübner and Co.
  • PITERBERG, Gabriel. (1990). “The Formation of an Ottoman Egyptian Elite in the 18th Century”.International Journal of Middle East Studies. 22 (3):275-289.
  • RAFEQ, Abdul-Karim. (1990). “Syrian Manuscript Sources for the History of Eighteenth Century Ottoman Egypt”, Eighteenth Century Egypt The Arabic Manuscript Sources. (Ed. Daniel Crecelius). (103-114). Regina Books, Claremont California.
  • RAYMOND, Andre. (1991). “Soldiers in Trade: the Case of Ottoman Cairo”. British Society for Middle Eastern Studies Bulletin.18:16-37.
  • RAYMOND, André. (1995). Osmanlı Döneminde Arap Kentleri. (Çev. Ali Berktay). İstanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları .
  • SHAW, Stanford J. (1962a). The Financial and Administrative Organization and Development of Ottoman Egypt, 1517-1798. Princeton.
  • SHAW, Stanford J. (1962b). Ottoman Egypt in the Eighteenth Century. Cambridge.
  • SHAW, Stanford J. (1963). “The Ottoman Archives as a Sources for Egyptian History”. Journal of the American Oriental Society. 83 (4):447-452.
  • ŞEM’DÂNÎ-ZÂDE FINDIKLILI SÜLEYMAN EFENDİ. (1978). Şem’dânî-zâde Fındıklılı Süleyman Efendi Târihi Aktepe). c.2/A, İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi.
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Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Selda Güner Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 53 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Güner, S. (2013). Mısır’da Âsi Bir Memlük: Bulutkapan Ali Bey El-Kebîr 1768/69-1773. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 53(1), 155-182.

Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi

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