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Platon’un Protagoras’ında Haz Anlayışı Üzerine Bir İnceleme

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 54 Sayı: 1, 1 - 20, 01.01.2014


Platon’un Protagoras diyalogunda hazzı ἡδονή ele alış biçimi son yıllarda pek çok önemli araştırmacı tarafından tartışılmış, ancak Platon’un bu diyalogda hazcı mı yoksa hazcılık karşıtı mı olduğu üzerinde bir anlaşmaya varılamamıştır. Platon’un hazzı tartıştığı ilk diyalog Protagoras’tır. Bu diyalogunda hazzı iyi olan ile özdeştirmesinden ötürü Platon’un hazcı bir yanının olduğu düşünülmektedir. Zira, daha sonraki diyaloglarında – Gorgias, Phaidon, Devlet, Philebos ve Timaioshazzı ele alış biçimi hazcılık karşıtı bir tutum olarak karşımıza çıkacaktır. Bu yazıda, Platon’un hazzı tartıştığı ilk diyalogu olan Protagoras’taki ‘hoş olan şey iyidir’ önermesinden yola çıkılarak, Sokrates gerçekten hazcılığı kabul ediyor mu? Eğer kabul ediyorsa, bu onu hangi açıdan hazcılara yaklaştırır? Yok eğer etmiyorsa, hazcılığı diyalog içerisinde hangi bağlamda kullanıyor? sorularına cevap aranmaya çalışılacaktır. Böylece Protagoras diyalogunda hazcılığın Sokrates’in tartışmasındaki rolünün anlaşılması amaçlanmaktadır.


  • ARISTOTELES. Nikomakhos’a Etik. Çev. Saffet Babür. Ankara: Bilgesu Yayıncılık, 2009.
  • BRICKHOUSE, Thomas, C. ve Smith, Nicholas D., “The Socratic Paradoxes”. Companion to Plato. Ed. Hugh H. Benson. Blackwell Publishing, 2006.
  • DENYER, Nicholas. Plato: Protagoras. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
  • DIMAS, Panos. “Good and Pleasure in the Protagoras”. Ancient Philosophy 28 (2008), s.253-284.
  • DYSON, Michael. “Knowledge and Hedonism in Plato’s Protagoras”. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. 96 (1976), s.32-45.
  • EURIPIDES. Children of Heracles- Hippolytus- Andromache- Hecuba. Trans. David Kovacs. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.2, Harvard University Press, 1999.
  • --------------, Cyclops- Alcestis- Medea. Trans. David Kovacs. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.1, Harvard University Press, 1999.
  • GALLOP, David. “The Socratic Paradox in The Protagoras”. Phronesis 9 (1964), s. 117-129.
  • GRUBE, G.M.A. “The Structural Unity of the Protagoras”. Classical Quarterly, Vol.27 (1933), s.203-207.
  • GOSLING, Justin Cyril Bertrand & TAYLOR, Christopher Charles Whiston. Plato on Pleasure. Oxford University Press, 1982.
  • GUTHRIE, W.K.C., “Introduction” to Plato: Protagoras and Meno. Harmondsworth, Midlesex: Penguin Books, 1956.
  • -------------------------- A History Greek Philosophy, IV.Plato, the Man and his dialogues: Earlier Period. Cambridge University Press, 1975.
  • HACKFORTH, Reginald. “Hedonism in Plato’s Protagoras”. The Classical Quarterly 22.1 (1928), s. 39-42.
  • HARE, Richard Mervyn. The Language of Morals. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1952.
  • HOMEROS. İlyada. Çev. Azra Erhat-A.Kadir. İstanbul: Can Yayınları, 2005.
  • IRWIN, Terence. Plato’s Moral Philosophy. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1977.
  • ---------------------Plato’s Ethics. Oxford University Press, 1995.
  • KLOSKO, George. “On the Analysis of Protagoras 351b-360e”. Phoenix 34 (1980), s. 307-322.
  • MCTIGHE, Kevin. “Socrates on the Desire for Good and the Involuntariness of Wrongdoing: Gorgias 466a-468e”. Phronesis 29 (1984), s. 193-236.
  • MOSS, Jessica. “Pleasure and Illusion in Plato”. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol.72, No.3 (2006), s. 503-535.
  • ------------------ “Hedonism and The Divided Soul in Plato’s Protagoras”. Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophie (yayınlanmak üzere), 2013.
  • NUSSBAUM, Martha. The Fragility of Goodness: Luck and Ethics in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy. Cambridge University Press, 1986.
  • PENNER, Terry. “Desire and Power in Socrates”. Apeiron 24 (1991), s. 147-202.
  • ------------------ “Socrates on the strength of knowledge in the Protagoras 351b- 357e. Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 79 (1997), s. 117-149.
  • PLATO. Cratylus- Parmenides- Greater Hippias- Lesser Hippias. Trans. H.N. Fowler. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.4, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2006.
  • -----------------. Euthyphro- Apology- Crito- Phaedo- Phaedrus. Trans. H.N. Fowler. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.1, Harvard University Press, 2006.
  • -----------------. Laches- Protagoras- Meno- Euthydemus. Trans. W.R.M. Lamb. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.2, Harvard University Press, 2006.
  • ------------------ Lysis- Symposium- Gorgias. Trans. W.R.M. Lamb. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.3, Harvard University Press, 2006.
  • -----------------. Republic. Trans. Paul Shorey. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.6, Harvard University Press, 2006.
  • ------------------. Theaetetus- Sophist. Trans. H.N. Fowler. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.7, Harvard University Press, 2006.
  • -----------------. The Satesman- Philebus. Trans. H.N. Fowler. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.8, Harvard University Press, 2006.
  • ----------------. Timaeus- Critias- Cleitophon- Menexenus- Epistles. Trans. R.G. Bury. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.9, Harvard University Press, 2006.
  • PLATON. Devlet. Çev. Hüseyin Demirhan. Palme Yayıncılık, 2007.
  • ---------------. Gorgias. Çev. Methmet Rıfat-Sema Rıfat. İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları, 2011.
  • -----------------. Protagoras, Çev. Nurettin Şazi Kösemihal, İstanbul: Sosyal Yayınlar, 2001.
  • ------------------. Şölen. Çev. Sabahattin Eyüboğlu- Azra Erhat. İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları, 2006.
  • ------------------- Yasalar. Çev. Candan Şentuna-Saffet Babür. İstanbul: Kabalcı Yayınevi, 2007.
  • RUDEBUSCH, George. Socrates, Pleasure and Value. Oxford University Press, 1999.
  • RUSSELL, Daniel, C. Plato on Pleasure and the Good Life. Oxford University Press, 2005.
  • SANTAS, Gerasimos. “Plato on Pleasure as the Human Good”. Companion to Plato. Ed. Hugh H. Benson. Blackwell Publishing, 2006.
  • ------------------- “Plato’s Protagoras and Explanations of Weakness”. Philosophical Review 75 (1966), s. 3-33.
  • SHOREY, Paul. The Unity of Plato’s Thought. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1903.
  • SULLIVAN, J. P., "The Hedonism in Plato's Protagoras". Phronesis 6 (1961), s. 10- 28.
  • TAYLOR, Christopher Charles Whiston. Plato: Protagoras. Clarendon Press, 2002.
  • WEISS, Roslyn. “Courage, Confidence and Wisdom in the Protagoras”. Ancient Philosophy 5 (1985), s. 11-24.
  • ----------------------. “Hedonism in the Protagoras and the Sophist’s Guarantee”. Ancient Philosophy 10 (1990), s. 17-39.
  • VERSENYI, Laszlo. Sokrates ve İnsan Sevgisi. Çev. Ahmet Cevizci. Ankara: Gündoğan Yayınları, 1995.
  • VLASTOS, Gregory. “Socrates on Acrasia”. Phoenix, Vol. 23, No. 1 (1969), s. 71- 88.
  • -----------------------. Socrates: Ironist and Moral Philosopher. Cambridge University Press, 1991.
  • WOLFSDORF, David. “Courage and Knowledge in Protagoras 349e1-352b2”. Classical Quarterly 56 (2006), s.436-444.
  • WOOLF, Raphael. “Consistency and Akrasia in Plato’s Protagoras”. Phronesis 47 (2002), s. 224-252.
  • XENOPHON. Memorabilia, Oeconomicus. Trans. E.C.Marchant. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.4, Harvard University Press, 2003.
  • ZEYL, Donald. “Socrates and Hedonism: Protagoras 351b-358d”. Phronesis 25 (1980), s. 250-269.

A Research on The Hedonism in Plato’s Protagoras

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 54 Sayı: 1, 1 - 20, 01.01.2014


Plato’s method of treating the pleasure theme in Protatogas recently has been discussed by various significant researchers, neverthless they couldn’t have been reached an agreement whether Plato is a hedonist or anti-hedonist in this dialogue. The earliest dialogue which Plato discussed pleasure, is Protagoras. Due to the identification pleasure with the good one, it has been thought that Plato had a hedonist side. Then, his method of treating the pleasure in later dialogues –Gorgias, Phaedo, Republic, Philebus and Timaeus- will appear as an attitude of antihedonist. In this paper, starting from the premise ‘pleasure is good’, we will scrutinize these questions: Does Socrates really accept hedonism? If he accepts, which way it brings him hedonists? If not, which context he uses the pleasure in this dialogue?By this way, intended to be understood the role of pleasure in Socrates’ debate.


  • ARISTOTELES. Nikomakhos’a Etik. Çev. Saffet Babür. Ankara: Bilgesu Yayıncılık, 2009.
  • BRICKHOUSE, Thomas, C. ve Smith, Nicholas D., “The Socratic Paradoxes”. Companion to Plato. Ed. Hugh H. Benson. Blackwell Publishing, 2006.
  • DENYER, Nicholas. Plato: Protagoras. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
  • DIMAS, Panos. “Good and Pleasure in the Protagoras”. Ancient Philosophy 28 (2008), s.253-284.
  • DYSON, Michael. “Knowledge and Hedonism in Plato’s Protagoras”. The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. 96 (1976), s.32-45.
  • EURIPIDES. Children of Heracles- Hippolytus- Andromache- Hecuba. Trans. David Kovacs. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.2, Harvard University Press, 1999.
  • --------------, Cyclops- Alcestis- Medea. Trans. David Kovacs. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.1, Harvard University Press, 1999.
  • GALLOP, David. “The Socratic Paradox in The Protagoras”. Phronesis 9 (1964), s. 117-129.
  • GRUBE, G.M.A. “The Structural Unity of the Protagoras”. Classical Quarterly, Vol.27 (1933), s.203-207.
  • GOSLING, Justin Cyril Bertrand & TAYLOR, Christopher Charles Whiston. Plato on Pleasure. Oxford University Press, 1982.
  • GUTHRIE, W.K.C., “Introduction” to Plato: Protagoras and Meno. Harmondsworth, Midlesex: Penguin Books, 1956.
  • -------------------------- A History Greek Philosophy, IV.Plato, the Man and his dialogues: Earlier Period. Cambridge University Press, 1975.
  • HACKFORTH, Reginald. “Hedonism in Plato’s Protagoras”. The Classical Quarterly 22.1 (1928), s. 39-42.
  • HARE, Richard Mervyn. The Language of Morals. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1952.
  • HOMEROS. İlyada. Çev. Azra Erhat-A.Kadir. İstanbul: Can Yayınları, 2005.
  • IRWIN, Terence. Plato’s Moral Philosophy. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1977.
  • ---------------------Plato’s Ethics. Oxford University Press, 1995.
  • KLOSKO, George. “On the Analysis of Protagoras 351b-360e”. Phoenix 34 (1980), s. 307-322.
  • MCTIGHE, Kevin. “Socrates on the Desire for Good and the Involuntariness of Wrongdoing: Gorgias 466a-468e”. Phronesis 29 (1984), s. 193-236.
  • MOSS, Jessica. “Pleasure and Illusion in Plato”. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol.72, No.3 (2006), s. 503-535.
  • ------------------ “Hedonism and The Divided Soul in Plato’s Protagoras”. Archiv fur Geschichte der Philosophie (yayınlanmak üzere), 2013.
  • NUSSBAUM, Martha. The Fragility of Goodness: Luck and Ethics in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy. Cambridge University Press, 1986.
  • PENNER, Terry. “Desire and Power in Socrates”. Apeiron 24 (1991), s. 147-202.
  • ------------------ “Socrates on the strength of knowledge in the Protagoras 351b- 357e. Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 79 (1997), s. 117-149.
  • PLATO. Cratylus- Parmenides- Greater Hippias- Lesser Hippias. Trans. H.N. Fowler. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.4, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2006.
  • -----------------. Euthyphro- Apology- Crito- Phaedo- Phaedrus. Trans. H.N. Fowler. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.1, Harvard University Press, 2006.
  • -----------------. Laches- Protagoras- Meno- Euthydemus. Trans. W.R.M. Lamb. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.2, Harvard University Press, 2006.
  • ------------------ Lysis- Symposium- Gorgias. Trans. W.R.M. Lamb. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.3, Harvard University Press, 2006.
  • -----------------. Republic. Trans. Paul Shorey. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.6, Harvard University Press, 2006.
  • ------------------. Theaetetus- Sophist. Trans. H.N. Fowler. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.7, Harvard University Press, 2006.
  • -----------------. The Satesman- Philebus. Trans. H.N. Fowler. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.8, Harvard University Press, 2006.
  • ----------------. Timaeus- Critias- Cleitophon- Menexenus- Epistles. Trans. R.G. Bury. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.9, Harvard University Press, 2006.
  • PLATON. Devlet. Çev. Hüseyin Demirhan. Palme Yayıncılık, 2007.
  • ---------------. Gorgias. Çev. Methmet Rıfat-Sema Rıfat. İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları, 2011.
  • -----------------. Protagoras, Çev. Nurettin Şazi Kösemihal, İstanbul: Sosyal Yayınlar, 2001.
  • ------------------. Şölen. Çev. Sabahattin Eyüboğlu- Azra Erhat. İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları, 2006.
  • ------------------- Yasalar. Çev. Candan Şentuna-Saffet Babür. İstanbul: Kabalcı Yayınevi, 2007.
  • RUDEBUSCH, George. Socrates, Pleasure and Value. Oxford University Press, 1999.
  • RUSSELL, Daniel, C. Plato on Pleasure and the Good Life. Oxford University Press, 2005.
  • SANTAS, Gerasimos. “Plato on Pleasure as the Human Good”. Companion to Plato. Ed. Hugh H. Benson. Blackwell Publishing, 2006.
  • ------------------- “Plato’s Protagoras and Explanations of Weakness”. Philosophical Review 75 (1966), s. 3-33.
  • SHOREY, Paul. The Unity of Plato’s Thought. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1903.
  • SULLIVAN, J. P., "The Hedonism in Plato's Protagoras". Phronesis 6 (1961), s. 10- 28.
  • TAYLOR, Christopher Charles Whiston. Plato: Protagoras. Clarendon Press, 2002.
  • WEISS, Roslyn. “Courage, Confidence and Wisdom in the Protagoras”. Ancient Philosophy 5 (1985), s. 11-24.
  • ----------------------. “Hedonism in the Protagoras and the Sophist’s Guarantee”. Ancient Philosophy 10 (1990), s. 17-39.
  • VERSENYI, Laszlo. Sokrates ve İnsan Sevgisi. Çev. Ahmet Cevizci. Ankara: Gündoğan Yayınları, 1995.
  • VLASTOS, Gregory. “Socrates on Acrasia”. Phoenix, Vol. 23, No. 1 (1969), s. 71- 88.
  • -----------------------. Socrates: Ironist and Moral Philosopher. Cambridge University Press, 1991.
  • WOLFSDORF, David. “Courage and Knowledge in Protagoras 349e1-352b2”. Classical Quarterly 56 (2006), s.436-444.
  • WOOLF, Raphael. “Consistency and Akrasia in Plato’s Protagoras”. Phronesis 47 (2002), s. 224-252.
  • XENOPHON. Memorabilia, Oeconomicus. Trans. E.C.Marchant. Loeb Classical Library, Vol.4, Harvard University Press, 2003.
  • ZEYL, Donald. “Socrates and Hedonism: Protagoras 351b-358d”. Phronesis 25 (1980), s. 250-269.
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Ayşe Sönmez Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 54 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Sönmez, A. (2014). Platon’un Protagoras’ında Haz Anlayışı Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 54(1), 1-20.

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