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Yıl 2015, Cilt: 55 Sayı: 1, 243 - 262, 01.01.2015


Trafik, öfke duygusunun ifadesine sıklıkla rastladığımız bir ortamdır. Bireylerin yaşadıkları öfke duygusunun trafikteki olumsuz yansımaları da göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, sürücü öfkesine ilişkin farklı bileşenlerin değerlendirilmesi ve bunların ölçümü büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmanın ana amacı, öfke düşüncelerine ilişkin olarak geliştirilmiş olan “Sürücü Öfke Düşünceleri Ölçeği”nin SÖDÖ Türkçe uyarlamasını yaparak, geçerlik ve güvenirlik bulgularını elde etmektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda 20-62 yaş arasında, sürücü ehliyeti bulunan ve en az bir yıldır araç kullanan 127 kadın %42.8 ve 170 erkek %57.2 olmak üzere toplam 297 kişi örneklem grubunu oluşturmuştur. Çalışmada Sürücü Öfke Düşünce Ölçeği’nin yanısıra, Sürücü Öfke İfadesi Envanteri ve Sürücü Öfke Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Yapılan faktör analizi sonucunda “Yargılayıcı Düşünceler”, “İntikam Düşünceleri”, “Olumlu Başaçıkma Düşünceleri”, “Saldırgan Düşünceler” ve “Aşağılayıcı Düşünceler” olmak üzere beş faktörlü bir yapı elde edilmiştir. Bu faktör alt ölçeklerinin Cronbach alfa güvenirlik katsayıları .86 ile .95 arasında değişmektedir. Ölçeğin madde toplam korelasyonları ve yarıya bölme güvenirlik katsayıları da yüksek bulunmuştur. Elde edilen tüm bulgular literatür ışığında tartışılmıştır.


  • ARON, A &, E.N. Aron. “Making sense of advanced statistical procedures in research articles”. Statistics for Psychology, Prentice Hall (2003): 599-637.
  • AVERILL, J. R. “Studies on anger and aggression: Implications for theories of emotion”. American Psychologist 38 (1983): 1145-1160
  • BALKAYA, F. “Çok boyutlu öfke envanterinin geliştirilmesi ve bazı semptom grubundaki etkisi” (2001). Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • BAILEY, K.D. “Methods of Social Research”. 3rd Ed. New York. The Free Press, (1987): 95-96
  • BECK, K.H., M.Q. Wang, and M. M. Mitchell,.“Concerns, dis-positions and behaviors of aggressive drivers: What do self-identified aggressive drivers believe about traffic safety?” Journal of Safety Research 37 (2006):159-165.
  • BERKOWITZ, L. “On the formation and regulation of anger and aggression: a cognitive-neoassociationistic analysis. American Psychologist, 45(1990): 494– 503.
  • COZBY, P.C. “Methods in Behavioral Research”, 5th Ed. London. Mayfield Publishing Company, (1993):58-59.
  • DEFFENBACHER, J.L, E.R. Oetting, R. S. Lynch. “Development of A Driving Anger Scale”. Psychological Reports; 74(1994):83-91.
  • DEFFENBACHER, J.L. “Cognitive-behavioral conceptualization and treatment of anger”. Psychotherapy in Practice, 55.3 (1999): 295–309.
  • DEFFENBACHER J.L., R.S. Lynch, , E.R. Oetting, &, D.A. Yingling. “Driving anger: Correlates and a Test of State-Trait Theory”. Personality and Individuals Differences, 31(2001): 1321-1331.
  • DEFFENBACHER, J.L., R.S. Lynch, , E.R. Oetting, &, R.C. Swaim.“The Driving Anger Expression Inventory: A Measure of How People Express Their Anger on the Road”. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 40(2002): 717-737.
  • DEFFENBACHER, J.L., R.T. Petrilli, R.S. Lynch, , E.R. Oetting, &, R.C. Swaim. “The Driver’s Angry Thoughts Questionnaire: A measure of angry cognitions when driving”. Cognitive Theraphy and Reseach, 27.4 (2003): 383-402.
  • DOBSON, K.S. & K.D. Craig. “Advances in cognitive-behavioral therapy” (1996): London: Sage Publications, Inc
  • EŞİYOK, B., Y. Yasak, ve İ. Korkusuz. “Trafikte öfke ifadesi: Sürücü Öfke İfadesi Envanteri’nin geçerlik ve güvenirliği”. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 18(2007): 231- 243.
  • EVERS, C., A. H. Fischer, P. M. Rodriguez Mosquera, & A. S. R. Manstead. “Anger and social appraisal: A spicy sex difference”. Emotion, 5.3 (2005): 258-266.
  • FIELD, A. “Discovering Statistics Using SPSS”. (2009): Third Edition, London: SAGE
  • GREGERSEN, N.P. “Prevention of road accidents among young novice drivers. Linköping University Medical Dissertations. (1995): No: 44.
  • KASSINOVE, H., D.G. Sukhodolsky. “Anger disorders: Basic science and practical issues”. In H. Kassinove (Ed.), Anger disorders: Definition, diagnosis, and treatment (1995):1-26. Washington, DC: Taylor & Francis.
  • MARTIN, R. & D. Watson. “Style of anger expression and its relation to daily experience”. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 23.3 (1997): 284- 294.
  • NUNNALLY, J.C. & I. H. Bernstein. “Psychometric Theory” (Third Ed.). (1994): New York: McGraw Hill Inc.
  • PHILLIPS, L.H., J.D. Henry, J.A. Hosie, & A.B. Milne. “Age, anger regulation and well-being”. Aging & Mental Health, 10. (2006): 250–256.
  • RAMIREZ, J. M., C. Santisteban, T. Fujihara,., & S. Van Goozen,. “Differences between experience of anger and readiness to angry action: a study of japanese and spanish students”. Aggressive Behavior, 28(2002): 429-438.
  • SHARKIN, B. S. “Anger and Gender: Theory, Research, and Implications”. Journal of Counseling & Development, 71.4 (1993): 386-389.
  • SUMER N. “Personality and behavioral predictors of traffic accidents: testing a contextual mediated model”. Accidental Analysis Preview; 35. (2003): 949- 964.
  • TÜİK (2014). Ulaştırma ve haberleşme istatistikleri,, www.tü
  • YASAK, Y. ve B. Eşiyok. “Anger amongst Turkish drivers: Driving Anger Scale and its adapted, long and short version”. Safety Science, 47 (2007): 138-144.

Turkish Adaptation of Driver’s Angry Thoughts Questionnaire

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 55 Sayı: 1, 243 - 262, 01.01.2015


Traffic, the expression of anger is often an environment that we come across. When the anger of the individual to consider the negative impact they have on traffic, the evaluation of the different components related to the driver anger and their measurement is of utmost importance. The main purpose of this study, which has been developed in relation to anger thinking in traffic "Driver’s Angry Thoughts Questionnaire" DATQ by the Turkish version is to achieve the reliability and validity findings. For this purpose between 20-62 years old, with a driver's license and drive a vehicle at least one year 127 women 42.8% and 170 men 57.2% accounted for a total of 297 people, including sample. In this study, it was used Driver’s Angry Thoughts Questionnaire DATQ as well as Driving Anger Expression Inventory DAX and Driving Anger Scale DAS as an instruments. As a result of factor analysis "judgmental thinking," "revenge thinking" "positive coping thinking", "aggressive thinking" and "pejorative labeling thinking" were obtained, including a five-factor structure. Cronbach alpha reliability coefficients of this factor subscales ranged from .86 to .95. Scale item-total correlations and split-half reliability coefficients were also high. All results obtained are discussed in the light of the literature.


  • ARON, A &, E.N. Aron. “Making sense of advanced statistical procedures in research articles”. Statistics for Psychology, Prentice Hall (2003): 599-637.
  • AVERILL, J. R. “Studies on anger and aggression: Implications for theories of emotion”. American Psychologist 38 (1983): 1145-1160
  • BALKAYA, F. “Çok boyutlu öfke envanterinin geliştirilmesi ve bazı semptom grubundaki etkisi” (2001). Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • BAILEY, K.D. “Methods of Social Research”. 3rd Ed. New York. The Free Press, (1987): 95-96
  • BECK, K.H., M.Q. Wang, and M. M. Mitchell,.“Concerns, dis-positions and behaviors of aggressive drivers: What do self-identified aggressive drivers believe about traffic safety?” Journal of Safety Research 37 (2006):159-165.
  • BERKOWITZ, L. “On the formation and regulation of anger and aggression: a cognitive-neoassociationistic analysis. American Psychologist, 45(1990): 494– 503.
  • COZBY, P.C. “Methods in Behavioral Research”, 5th Ed. London. Mayfield Publishing Company, (1993):58-59.
  • DEFFENBACHER, J.L, E.R. Oetting, R. S. Lynch. “Development of A Driving Anger Scale”. Psychological Reports; 74(1994):83-91.
  • DEFFENBACHER, J.L. “Cognitive-behavioral conceptualization and treatment of anger”. Psychotherapy in Practice, 55.3 (1999): 295–309.
  • DEFFENBACHER J.L., R.S. Lynch, , E.R. Oetting, &, D.A. Yingling. “Driving anger: Correlates and a Test of State-Trait Theory”. Personality and Individuals Differences, 31(2001): 1321-1331.
  • DEFFENBACHER, J.L., R.S. Lynch, , E.R. Oetting, &, R.C. Swaim.“The Driving Anger Expression Inventory: A Measure of How People Express Their Anger on the Road”. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 40(2002): 717-737.
  • DEFFENBACHER, J.L., R.T. Petrilli, R.S. Lynch, , E.R. Oetting, &, R.C. Swaim. “The Driver’s Angry Thoughts Questionnaire: A measure of angry cognitions when driving”. Cognitive Theraphy and Reseach, 27.4 (2003): 383-402.
  • DOBSON, K.S. & K.D. Craig. “Advances in cognitive-behavioral therapy” (1996): London: Sage Publications, Inc
  • EŞİYOK, B., Y. Yasak, ve İ. Korkusuz. “Trafikte öfke ifadesi: Sürücü Öfke İfadesi Envanteri’nin geçerlik ve güvenirliği”. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 18(2007): 231- 243.
  • EVERS, C., A. H. Fischer, P. M. Rodriguez Mosquera, & A. S. R. Manstead. “Anger and social appraisal: A spicy sex difference”. Emotion, 5.3 (2005): 258-266.
  • FIELD, A. “Discovering Statistics Using SPSS”. (2009): Third Edition, London: SAGE
  • GREGERSEN, N.P. “Prevention of road accidents among young novice drivers. Linköping University Medical Dissertations. (1995): No: 44.
  • KASSINOVE, H., D.G. Sukhodolsky. “Anger disorders: Basic science and practical issues”. In H. Kassinove (Ed.), Anger disorders: Definition, diagnosis, and treatment (1995):1-26. Washington, DC: Taylor & Francis.
  • MARTIN, R. & D. Watson. “Style of anger expression and its relation to daily experience”. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 23.3 (1997): 284- 294.
  • NUNNALLY, J.C. & I. H. Bernstein. “Psychometric Theory” (Third Ed.). (1994): New York: McGraw Hill Inc.
  • PHILLIPS, L.H., J.D. Henry, J.A. Hosie, & A.B. Milne. “Age, anger regulation and well-being”. Aging & Mental Health, 10. (2006): 250–256.
  • RAMIREZ, J. M., C. Santisteban, T. Fujihara,., & S. Van Goozen,. “Differences between experience of anger and readiness to angry action: a study of japanese and spanish students”. Aggressive Behavior, 28(2002): 429-438.
  • SHARKIN, B. S. “Anger and Gender: Theory, Research, and Implications”. Journal of Counseling & Development, 71.4 (1993): 386-389.
  • SUMER N. “Personality and behavioral predictors of traffic accidents: testing a contextual mediated model”. Accidental Analysis Preview; 35. (2003): 949- 964.
  • TÜİK (2014). Ulaştırma ve haberleşme istatistikleri,, www.tü
  • YASAK, Y. ve B. Eşiyok. “Anger amongst Turkish drivers: Driving Anger Scale and its adapted, long and short version”. Safety Science, 47 (2007): 138-144.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Ayşegül Durak Batıgün Bu kişi benim

Yeşim Yasak Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 55 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Durak Batıgün, A., & Yasak, Y. (2015). ÜRÜCÜ ÖFKE DÜŞÜNCELERİ ÖLÇEĞİ’NİN TÜRKÇE’YE UYARLANMASI. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 55(1), 243-262.

Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi -

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