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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 58 Sayı: 2, 1751 - 1767, 01.01.2018


Haset ve kıskançlık, birbirinden önemli noktalarda ayrışan; fakat günlük hayatta sıkça birbiriyle karıştırılan karmaşık duygulardır. Haset, bir başkasının sahip olduğu ve bizde olmayan bir şey ya da özellik karşısında hissettiğimiz duygu iken; kıskançlık, bizim için önemli bir ilişkinin üçüncü bir kişinin varlığı sebebiyle tehdit altında olduğunu düşündüğümüzde ortaya çıkan duygudur. Dolayısıyla, hasette iki kişilik, kıskançlıkta ise üç kişilik bir yapı mevcuttur. Melanie Klein'a göre haset doğumdan sonra bebeğin meme ile kurduğu sevgi ve nefret ilişkisinde temellenir; kıskançlık ise gelişimsel olarak hasetten sonra gelir ve hasetin çözümlenmesinde rol oynar. Haset ve kıskançlık, temelde işlevsel duygular olsa da, kişinin ve ilişkilerin işlevselliğini bozarak patolojik boyuta ulaşabilirler. Bu makalede haset ve kıskançlık tanımlanmış, birbirleriyle benzer ve farklı yanları ortaya konulmuş ve hangi durumlarda işlevselliklerini yitirerek psikopatolojinin bir parçası oldukları incelenmiştir.


  • Allphin, Claire. "Envy in the transference and countertransference." Clinical Social Work Journal 10.3 (1982): 151-164.
  • American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). 5. Baskı. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2013.
  • Bedeian, Arthur G. "Workplace Envy." Organizational Dynamics 23.4 (1995): 49-56.
  • Ben-Ze’ev, Aaron. “Jealousy and Romantic Love”. Handbook of Jealousy: Theory, Research, and Multidisciplinary Approaches. Ed. Sybil L. Hart ve Maria Legerstee. West Sussex, U.K.: John Wiley & Sons, 2010. 40-54.
  • Buss, David M. ve Todd K. Shackelford. "From Vigilance to Violence: Mate Retention Tactics in Married Couples." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 72.2 (1997): 346-361.
  • Buss, David M. ve diğerleri. "Sex Differences in Jealousy: Evolution, Physiology, and Psychology." Psychological Dcience 3.4 (1992): 251-256.
  • Buunk, Bram P. ve diğerleri. "Sex Differences in Jealousy in Evolutionary and Cultural Perspective: Tests from the Netherlands, Germany, and the United States." Psychological Science 7.6 (1996): 359-363.
  • Cipriani, Gabriele ve diğerleri. "Dangerous Passion: Othello Syndrome and Dementia." Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences 66.6 (2012): 467-473.
  • Clanton, Gordon. “Envy and Jealousy.” Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions. Ed. Jan. E. Stets ve Jonathan H. Turner. New York: Springer, 2007. 410–442.
  • Daly, Martin, Margo Wilson ve Suzanne J. Weghorst. "Male Sexual Jealousy." Ethology and Sociobiology 3.1 (1982): 11-27.
  • Dijkstra, Pieternel ve Bram P. Buunk. "Sex Differences in the Jealousy‐Evoking Effect of Rival Characteristics." European Journal of Social Psychology 32.6 (2002): 829-852.
  • Dutton, Donald G., Cynthia van Ginkel ve Monica A. Landolt. "Jealousy, Intimate Abusiveness, and Intrusiveness." Journal of Family Violence 11.4 (1996): 411- 423.
  • Dutton, Donald G. ve diğerleri. "Intimacy‐Anger and Insecure Attachment as Precursors of Abuse in Intimate Relationships." Journal of Applied Social Psychology 24.15 (1994): 1367-1386.
  • Easton, Judith A. ve Todd K. Shackelford. "Morbid Jealousy and Sex Differences in Partner-Directed Violence." Human Nature 20.3 (2009): 342-350.
  • Easton, Judith A., Lucas D. Schipper ve Todd K. Shackelford. "Morbid Jealousy from an Evolutionary Psychological Perspective." Evolution and Human Behavior 28.6 (2007): 399-402.
  • Foster, George M. ve diğerleri. "The Anatomy of Envy: A Study in Symbolic Behavior [and comments and reply]." Current Anthropology 13.2 (1972): 165- 202.
  • Freud, Sigmund. "Some Neurotic Mechanisms in Jealousy, Paranoia and Homosexuality." The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Volume XVIII (1920-1922): Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Group Psychology and Other Works. London: Vintage, 1955. 221-232.
  • Georgiev, Dejan ve diğerleri. "Othello Syndrome in Patients with Parkinson's Disease." Psychiatria Danubina 22.1 (2010): 94-98.
  • Greenberg, Jeff ve Tom Pyszczynski. "Proneness to Romantic Jealousy and Responses to Jealousy in Others." Journal of Personality 53.3 (1985): 468-79.
  • Habimana, Emmanuel ve Line Massé. "Envy Manifestations and Personality Disorders." European Psychiatry 15 (2000): 15-21.
  • Harris, Christine R. "A Review of Sex Differences in Sexual Jealousy, including Self- Report Data, Psychophysiological Responses, Interpersonal Violence, and Morbid Jealousy." Personality and Social Psychology Review 7.2 (2003): 102- 128.
  • Hiles, Dave. "Envy, Jealousy, Greed: A Kleinian Approach." Londra: Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy Education, 2012. Web. 1 Ağustos 2018.
  • Hill, Sarah E. ve David M. Buss. “The Evolutionary Psychology of Envy.” Envy: Theory and Research. Ed. Richard Smith. New York: Guilford, 2008. 60-70.
  • Kernberg, Otto F. "Aggression and Transference in Severe Personality Disorders." Psychiatric Times 12.2 (1995): 16-17.
  • Klein, Melanie. Haset ve Şükran. Çev. Orhan Koçak ve Yavuz Erten. İstanbul: Metis, 1999.
  • Kingham, Michael ve Harvey Gordon. "Aspects of Morbid Jealousy." Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 10.3 (2004): 207-15.
  • Kilborne, Benjamin. Utanç ve Haset: Görünüm Kaygısı ve Kem Göz. Çev. Burçak Erdal. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2014.
  • Maner, Jon K. ve Todd K. Shackelford. "The Basic Cognition of Jealousy: An Evolutionary Perspective." European Journal of Personality 22.1 (2008): 31- 36.
  • MacKinnon, Roger A., Robert Michels ve Peter J. Buckley. The Psychiatric Interview in Clinical Practice. American Psychiatric Pub, 2015.
  • Marazziti, Donatella ve diğerleri. "Normal and obsessional jealousy: a study of a population of young adults." European Psychiatry 18.3 (2003): 106-111.
  • McWilliams, Nancy. Psikanalitik Tanı: Klinik Süreç İçinde Kişilik Yapısını Anlamak. Çev. Erkan Kalem. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2014.
  • Navaro, Leyla. “Snow Whites, Stepmothers, and Hunters: Gender Dynamics in Envy and Competition in the Family.” Envy, Competition and Gender: Theory, Clinical Applications and Group Work. Ed. Leyla Navaro ve Sharan L. Schwartzberg. East Sussex: Routledge, 2007. 68-82.
  • Ninivaggi, Frank John. Envy Theory: Perspectives on the Psychology of Envy. Lanham, MD: Roman & Littlefield, 2010.
  • Parrott, W. Gerrod. “The Emotional Experience of Envy and Jealousy”. The Psychology of Envy and Jealousy. Ed. Peter Salovey. New York: The Guilford Press, 1991. 3-28.
  • Parrott, W. Gerrod ve Richard. H Smith. "Distinguishing the Experiences of Envy and Jealousy." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 64.6 (1993): 906- 920.
  • Power, Mick ve Tim Dalgleish. Cognition and Emotion: From Order to Disorder. Hove, U.K.: Taylor Francis, 2007.
  • Protasi, Sara. "Varieties of Envy." Philosophical Psychology 29.4 (2016): 535-549.
  • Richardson, Emily D., Paul F. Malloy ve Janet Grace. "Othello Syndrome Secondary to Right Cerebrovascular Infarction." Topics in geriatrics 4.3 (1991): 160-165.
  • Roberts, Karl A. "Women’s Experience of Violence during Stalking by Former Romantic Partners: Factors Predictive of Stalking Violence." Violence Against Women 11.1 (2005): 89-114.
  • Russell, Bertrand. The Conquest of Happiness. London, England: Allen and Unwin, 1930.
  • Segal, Hanna. "Some Clinical Implications of Melanie Klein's Work." The International Journal of Psycho-analysis 64 (1983): 269-280.
  • Smith, Richard H. “Assimilative and Contrastive Emotional Reactions to Upward and Downward Social Comparisons.” Ed. Jerry Suls ve Ladd Wheeler. Handbook of Social Comparison. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2000. 173–200.
  • Soyka, Michael ve Peggy Schmidt. "Prevalence of Delusional Jealousy in Psychiatric Disorders." Journal of Forensic Sciences 56.2 (2011): 450-452.
  • Spielman, Philip M. "Envy and Jealousy: An Attempt at Clarification." The Psychoanalytic Quarterly 40.1 (1971): 59-82.
  • Stockdale, Laura A. ve diğerleri. "Borderline Personality Disorder Features, Jealousy, and Cyberbullying in Adolescence." Personality and Individual Differences 83 (2015): 148-153.
  • Strongman, Kenneth T. The Psychology of Emotion. John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
  • Takahashi, Hidehiko ve diğerleri. "When Your Gain is My Pain and Your Pain is My Gain: Neural Correlates of Envy and Schadenfreude." Science 323.5916 (2009): 937-939.
  • Van Dijk, Wilco W. ve diğerleri. "“So you wanna be a pop star?”: Schadenfreude following another's misfortune on TV." Basic and Applied Social Psychology 34.2 (2012): 168-174.
  • Van de Ven, Niels, Marcel Zeelenberg ve Rik Pieters. "Appraisal Patterns of Envy and Related Emotions." Motivation and Emotion 36.2 (2012): 195-204.
  • Yong, Jose C. ve Norman P. Li. “The Adaptive Functions of Jealousy.” The Function of Emotions: When and Why Emotions Help Us. Ed. Heather C. Lench. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2018. 121-140.


Yıl 2018, Cilt: 58 Sayı: 2, 1751 - 1767, 01.01.2018


Envy and jealousy are complex emotions which differ from each other in important aspects; yet, in daily life, they are often used interchangeably. Envy occurs when a person does not have what another has and either wants it or hopes that the other did not have it. On the other hand, jealousy appears when a person either fears losing or already has lost an important relationship to a rival. Accordingly, envy involves a two-person situation whereas jealousy involves a three-person relationship. Melanie Klein argued that envy traces back to the first months of infancy and is inherent in the infant's love and hate relationship with the mother's breast. Jealousy appears later in the development and plays a role in the resolution of envy. Although envy and jealousy are emotions with functional benefits, they have a potential to disrupt a person's functioning and relationships; and may indeed become pathological. The present paper defines envy and jealousy, explore their similarities and differences, and dwell on how they may become dysfunctional and be a part of psychopathology.


  • Allphin, Claire. "Envy in the transference and countertransference." Clinical Social Work Journal 10.3 (1982): 151-164.
  • American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). 5. Baskı. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2013.
  • Bedeian, Arthur G. "Workplace Envy." Organizational Dynamics 23.4 (1995): 49-56.
  • Ben-Ze’ev, Aaron. “Jealousy and Romantic Love”. Handbook of Jealousy: Theory, Research, and Multidisciplinary Approaches. Ed. Sybil L. Hart ve Maria Legerstee. West Sussex, U.K.: John Wiley & Sons, 2010. 40-54.
  • Buss, David M. ve Todd K. Shackelford. "From Vigilance to Violence: Mate Retention Tactics in Married Couples." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 72.2 (1997): 346-361.
  • Buss, David M. ve diğerleri. "Sex Differences in Jealousy: Evolution, Physiology, and Psychology." Psychological Dcience 3.4 (1992): 251-256.
  • Buunk, Bram P. ve diğerleri. "Sex Differences in Jealousy in Evolutionary and Cultural Perspective: Tests from the Netherlands, Germany, and the United States." Psychological Science 7.6 (1996): 359-363.
  • Cipriani, Gabriele ve diğerleri. "Dangerous Passion: Othello Syndrome and Dementia." Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences 66.6 (2012): 467-473.
  • Clanton, Gordon. “Envy and Jealousy.” Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions. Ed. Jan. E. Stets ve Jonathan H. Turner. New York: Springer, 2007. 410–442.
  • Daly, Martin, Margo Wilson ve Suzanne J. Weghorst. "Male Sexual Jealousy." Ethology and Sociobiology 3.1 (1982): 11-27.
  • Dijkstra, Pieternel ve Bram P. Buunk. "Sex Differences in the Jealousy‐Evoking Effect of Rival Characteristics." European Journal of Social Psychology 32.6 (2002): 829-852.
  • Dutton, Donald G., Cynthia van Ginkel ve Monica A. Landolt. "Jealousy, Intimate Abusiveness, and Intrusiveness." Journal of Family Violence 11.4 (1996): 411- 423.
  • Dutton, Donald G. ve diğerleri. "Intimacy‐Anger and Insecure Attachment as Precursors of Abuse in Intimate Relationships." Journal of Applied Social Psychology 24.15 (1994): 1367-1386.
  • Easton, Judith A. ve Todd K. Shackelford. "Morbid Jealousy and Sex Differences in Partner-Directed Violence." Human Nature 20.3 (2009): 342-350.
  • Easton, Judith A., Lucas D. Schipper ve Todd K. Shackelford. "Morbid Jealousy from an Evolutionary Psychological Perspective." Evolution and Human Behavior 28.6 (2007): 399-402.
  • Foster, George M. ve diğerleri. "The Anatomy of Envy: A Study in Symbolic Behavior [and comments and reply]." Current Anthropology 13.2 (1972): 165- 202.
  • Freud, Sigmund. "Some Neurotic Mechanisms in Jealousy, Paranoia and Homosexuality." The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Volume XVIII (1920-1922): Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Group Psychology and Other Works. London: Vintage, 1955. 221-232.
  • Georgiev, Dejan ve diğerleri. "Othello Syndrome in Patients with Parkinson's Disease." Psychiatria Danubina 22.1 (2010): 94-98.
  • Greenberg, Jeff ve Tom Pyszczynski. "Proneness to Romantic Jealousy and Responses to Jealousy in Others." Journal of Personality 53.3 (1985): 468-79.
  • Habimana, Emmanuel ve Line Massé. "Envy Manifestations and Personality Disorders." European Psychiatry 15 (2000): 15-21.
  • Harris, Christine R. "A Review of Sex Differences in Sexual Jealousy, including Self- Report Data, Psychophysiological Responses, Interpersonal Violence, and Morbid Jealousy." Personality and Social Psychology Review 7.2 (2003): 102- 128.
  • Hiles, Dave. "Envy, Jealousy, Greed: A Kleinian Approach." Londra: Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy Education, 2012. Web. 1 Ağustos 2018.
  • Hill, Sarah E. ve David M. Buss. “The Evolutionary Psychology of Envy.” Envy: Theory and Research. Ed. Richard Smith. New York: Guilford, 2008. 60-70.
  • Kernberg, Otto F. "Aggression and Transference in Severe Personality Disorders." Psychiatric Times 12.2 (1995): 16-17.
  • Klein, Melanie. Haset ve Şükran. Çev. Orhan Koçak ve Yavuz Erten. İstanbul: Metis, 1999.
  • Kingham, Michael ve Harvey Gordon. "Aspects of Morbid Jealousy." Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 10.3 (2004): 207-15.
  • Kilborne, Benjamin. Utanç ve Haset: Görünüm Kaygısı ve Kem Göz. Çev. Burçak Erdal. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2014.
  • Maner, Jon K. ve Todd K. Shackelford. "The Basic Cognition of Jealousy: An Evolutionary Perspective." European Journal of Personality 22.1 (2008): 31- 36.
  • MacKinnon, Roger A., Robert Michels ve Peter J. Buckley. The Psychiatric Interview in Clinical Practice. American Psychiatric Pub, 2015.
  • Marazziti, Donatella ve diğerleri. "Normal and obsessional jealousy: a study of a population of young adults." European Psychiatry 18.3 (2003): 106-111.
  • McWilliams, Nancy. Psikanalitik Tanı: Klinik Süreç İçinde Kişilik Yapısını Anlamak. Çev. Erkan Kalem. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, 2014.
  • Navaro, Leyla. “Snow Whites, Stepmothers, and Hunters: Gender Dynamics in Envy and Competition in the Family.” Envy, Competition and Gender: Theory, Clinical Applications and Group Work. Ed. Leyla Navaro ve Sharan L. Schwartzberg. East Sussex: Routledge, 2007. 68-82.
  • Ninivaggi, Frank John. Envy Theory: Perspectives on the Psychology of Envy. Lanham, MD: Roman & Littlefield, 2010.
  • Parrott, W. Gerrod. “The Emotional Experience of Envy and Jealousy”. The Psychology of Envy and Jealousy. Ed. Peter Salovey. New York: The Guilford Press, 1991. 3-28.
  • Parrott, W. Gerrod ve Richard. H Smith. "Distinguishing the Experiences of Envy and Jealousy." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 64.6 (1993): 906- 920.
  • Power, Mick ve Tim Dalgleish. Cognition and Emotion: From Order to Disorder. Hove, U.K.: Taylor Francis, 2007.
  • Protasi, Sara. "Varieties of Envy." Philosophical Psychology 29.4 (2016): 535-549.
  • Richardson, Emily D., Paul F. Malloy ve Janet Grace. "Othello Syndrome Secondary to Right Cerebrovascular Infarction." Topics in geriatrics 4.3 (1991): 160-165.
  • Roberts, Karl A. "Women’s Experience of Violence during Stalking by Former Romantic Partners: Factors Predictive of Stalking Violence." Violence Against Women 11.1 (2005): 89-114.
  • Russell, Bertrand. The Conquest of Happiness. London, England: Allen and Unwin, 1930.
  • Segal, Hanna. "Some Clinical Implications of Melanie Klein's Work." The International Journal of Psycho-analysis 64 (1983): 269-280.
  • Smith, Richard H. “Assimilative and Contrastive Emotional Reactions to Upward and Downward Social Comparisons.” Ed. Jerry Suls ve Ladd Wheeler. Handbook of Social Comparison. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2000. 173–200.
  • Soyka, Michael ve Peggy Schmidt. "Prevalence of Delusional Jealousy in Psychiatric Disorders." Journal of Forensic Sciences 56.2 (2011): 450-452.
  • Spielman, Philip M. "Envy and Jealousy: An Attempt at Clarification." The Psychoanalytic Quarterly 40.1 (1971): 59-82.
  • Stockdale, Laura A. ve diğerleri. "Borderline Personality Disorder Features, Jealousy, and Cyberbullying in Adolescence." Personality and Individual Differences 83 (2015): 148-153.
  • Strongman, Kenneth T. The Psychology of Emotion. John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
  • Takahashi, Hidehiko ve diğerleri. "When Your Gain is My Pain and Your Pain is My Gain: Neural Correlates of Envy and Schadenfreude." Science 323.5916 (2009): 937-939.
  • Van Dijk, Wilco W. ve diğerleri. "“So you wanna be a pop star?”: Schadenfreude following another's misfortune on TV." Basic and Applied Social Psychology 34.2 (2012): 168-174.
  • Van de Ven, Niels, Marcel Zeelenberg ve Rik Pieters. "Appraisal Patterns of Envy and Related Emotions." Motivation and Emotion 36.2 (2012): 195-204.
  • Yong, Jose C. ve Norman P. Li. “The Adaptive Functions of Jealousy.” The Function of Emotions: When and Why Emotions Help Us. Ed. Heather C. Lench. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2018. 121-140.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 58 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Tuna, E. (2018). HASET VE KISKANÇLIĞIN TANIMLANMASI VE KLİNİK GÖRÜNÜMÜ. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 58(2), 1751-1767.

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