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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 58 Sayı: 1, 955 - 972, 01.01.2018


Sıralı Uyumluluk Etkisi SUE uyumlu denemelere kıyasla, uyumsuz denemeleri izleyen uyumluluk etkisinin daha düşük olması olarak tanımlanır. Bağlam tekrarının SUE üzerindeki etkisi iki deneyde incelenmiştir. İki deneyde de dört renkli Stroop görevi kullanılmıştır. Uyarıcılar iki kümeye ayrılmıştır. Birinci kümedeki uyarıcılar için uyarıcı ve bağlam arasında bir izlerlik yoktur. İkinci kümedeki uyarıcılar için ise bu türden bir izlerlik vardır. Bağlamsal özellik olarak, birinci deneyde büyük ve küçük harf, ikinci deneyde ise düz ve italik yazıtipi kullanılmıştır. Deney 1’de izlerliğin olmadığı kümedeki uyarıcılar için SUE gözlemlenmiş fakat bağlam değişiminin SUE üzerinde etkisi gözlemlenmemiştir. Kısaca, SUE hem bağlam tekrarı hem de bağlam değişimi koşullarında gözlemlenmiştir. Diğer bir deyişle, izlerlik farklı bir kümede ikinci kümede de olsa deney içinde izlerliğin bulunması bağlam değişiminin SUE üzerindeki etkisini kaldırmıştır. Deney 2’de ise izlerliğin bulunduğu küme için izlerlik daha güçlü hale getirilmiş ve birinci kümedeki uyarıcılar için sonuçlar tekrarlanmıştır. Bulgular, izlerlik bilgisi başka bir kümede dahi olsa, bağlam tekrarının SUE üzerindeki etkisinin ortadan kalktığını göstermektedir. Bu sonuçlar, uyarıcı, tepki ve bağlam bilgisini ve büyük olasılıkla kontrol parametrelerini de birleştiren olay temsillerinin, dinamik olarak kullanıldığını desteklemektedir.


  • Akçay, Çağlar ve Eliot Hazeltine. "Conflict adaptation depends on task structure." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human perception and performance 34.4 (2008): 958.
  • Akçay, Çağlar ve Eliot Hazeltine. "Conflict monitoring and feature overlap: Two sources of sequential modulations." Psychonomic bulletin & review 14.4 (2007): 742-748.
  • Atalay, Nart Bedin ve Mine Mısırlısoy. "ISPC effect is not observed when the word comes too late: a time course analysis." Frontiers in psychology 5 (2014): 1410.
  • Atalay, Nart Bedin ve Aslı Bahar İnan. "Repetition or alternation of context influences sequential congruency effect depending on the presence of contingency." Psychological research 81.2 (2017): 490-507.
  • Botvinick, Matthew M. ve diğerleri. "Conflict monitoring and cognitive control." Psychological review 108.3 (2001): 624.
  • Braem, Senne ve diğerleri. "What determines the specificity of conflict adaptation? A review, critical analysis, and proposed synthesis." Frontiers in psychology 5 (2014): 1134.
  • Bugg, Julie M. "Conflict-triggered top-down control: Default mode, last resort, or no such thing?." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 40.2 (2014): 567.
  • Crump, Matthew JC ve Bruce Milliken. "Short article: The flexibility of context- specific control: Evidence for context-driven generalization of item-specific control settings." Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 62.8 (2009): 1523-1532.
  • Crump, Matthew JC, Joaquín MM Vaquero ve Bruce Milliken. "Context-specific learning and control: The roles of awareness, task relevance, and relative salience." Consciousness and cognition 17.1 (2008): 22-36.
  • Crump, Matthew JC, Zhiyu Gong ve Bruce Milliken. "The context-specific proportion cue." Psychonomic bulletin & review 13.2 (2006): 316-321.
  • Stroop effect: Location as a contextual
  • Duthoo, Wout ve diğerleri. "The congruency sequence effect 3.0: a critical test of conflict adaptation." PloS one 9.10 (2014): e110462.
  • --. "The heterogeneous world of congruency sequence effects: an update." Frontiers in Psychology 5 (2014): 1001.
  • Egner, Tobias. "Creatures of habit (and control): a multi-level learning perspective on the modulation of congruency effects." Frontiers in Psychology 5 (2014): 1247.
  • --. "Congruency sequence effects and cognitive control." Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 7.4 (2007): 380-390.
  • Eriksen, Barbara A. ve Charles W. Eriksen. "Effects of noise letters upon the identification of a target letter in a nonsearch task." Perception & psychophysics 16.1 (1974): 143-149.
  • Gratton, Gabriele, Michael GH Coles ve Emanuel Donchin. "Optimizing the use of information: strategic control of activation of responses." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General121.4 (1992): 480.
  • Hommel, Bernhard. "Event files: Evidence for automatic integration of stimulus- response episodes." Visual Cognition 5.1-2 (1998): 183-216.
  • Hommel, Bernhard, Robert W. Proctor ve Kim-Phuong L. Vu. "A feature-integration account of sequential effects in the Simon task." Psychological research 68.1 (2004): 1-17.
  • Hutcheon, Thomas G. ve Daniel H. Spieler. "Contextual influences on the sequential congruency effect." Psychonomic bulletin & review 21.1 (2014): 155-162.
  • Kerns, John G. ve diğerleri. "Anterior cingulate conflict monitoring and adjustments in control." Science 303.5660 (2004): 1023-1026.
  • Kunde, Wilfried ve Peter Wühr. "Sequential modulations of correspondence effects across spatial dimensions and tasks." Memory & Cognition 34.2 (2006): 356- 367.
  • Logan, Gordon D. "Toward an instance theory of automatization." Psychological review 95.4 (1988): 492.
  • MacLeod, Colin M. "Half a century of research on the Stroop effect: an integrative review." Psychological bulletin 109.2 (1991): 163.
  • Mayr, Ulrich, Edward Awh ve Paul Laurey. "Conflict adaptation effects in the absence of executive control." Nature neuroscience6.5 (2003): 450.
  • Mordkoff, J. Toby. "Observation: Three reasons to avoid having half of the trials be congruent in a four-alternative forced-choice experiment on sequential modulation." Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 19.4 (2012): 750-757.
  • Peter, Wühr. "Evidence for gating of direct response activation in the Simon task." Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 12.2 (2005): 282-288.
  • Schmidt, James R. "Questioning conflict adaptation: proportion congruent and Gratton effects reconsidered." Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 20.4 (2013): 615- 630.
  • Schmidt, James R. ve Derek Besner. "The Stroop effect: why proportion congruent has nothing to do with congruency and everything to do with contingency." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 34.3 (2008): 514.
  • Schmidt, James R. ve Jan De Houwer. "Now you see it, now you don't: Controlling for contingencies and stimulus repetitions eliminates the Gratton effect." Acta psychologica 138.1 (2011): 176-186.
  • Schmidt, James R. ve diğerleri. "Contingency learning without awareness: Evidence for implicit control." Consciousness and cognition 16.2 (2007): 421-435.
  • Spapé, Michiel M. ve Bernhard Hommel. "He said, she said: Episodic retrieval induces conflict adaptation in an auditory Stroop task." Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 15.6 (2008): 1117-1121.
  • Stroop, J. Ridley. "Studies of interference in serial verbal reactions." Journal of experimental psychology 18.6 (1935): 643.
  • Verguts, Tom ve Wim Notebaert. "Adaptation by binding: a learning account of cognitive control." Trends in cognitive sciences 13.6 (2009): 252-257.
  • --."Hebbian learning of cognitive control: dealing with specific and nonspecific adaptation." Psychological review 115.2 (2008): 518.
  • Wendt, Mike, Rainer H. Kluwe ve Alexandra Peters. "Sequential modulations of interference evoked by processing task-irrelevant stimulus features." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 32.3 (2006): 644.


Yıl 2018, Cilt: 58 Sayı: 1, 955 - 972, 01.01.2018


The sequential congruency effect SCE is defined as the decrease in the congruency effect following incongruent trials compared to congruent trials. The effect of context repetition on SCE was investigated with two experiments. In both experiments, a four-color Stroop task was used, and stimuli were divided into two sets. For the first set of items, there was not a contingency between the stimulus and the context; however, for the second set there was a contingency between the stimulus and the context. Context was manipulated in Experiment 1 by using upper-case and lower-case letters, and in Experiment 2 by using regular and italic font. In Experiment 1, a significant SCE was observed with the non-contingent set, however there was no effect of context change on the SCE. In brief, the SCE was observed both when the context changed or when it remained the same. In other words, even if the contingency was in a different set the second set , the fact that contingency existed in the experiment was enough to eliminate the effect of context-change on the SCE. In Experiment 2, the contingency manipulation was strengthened for the set that contained contingency and results were replicated for the first set, which did not contain contingency. The results showed that even though contingency is manipulated in a different set, it is enough to eliminate the effect of context repetition on the SCE. These results, support the notion that event representations, which contain stimulus, response and context information and most probably control parameters, are used dynamically.


  • Akçay, Çağlar ve Eliot Hazeltine. "Conflict adaptation depends on task structure." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human perception and performance 34.4 (2008): 958.
  • Akçay, Çağlar ve Eliot Hazeltine. "Conflict monitoring and feature overlap: Two sources of sequential modulations." Psychonomic bulletin & review 14.4 (2007): 742-748.
  • Atalay, Nart Bedin ve Mine Mısırlısoy. "ISPC effect is not observed when the word comes too late: a time course analysis." Frontiers in psychology 5 (2014): 1410.
  • Atalay, Nart Bedin ve Aslı Bahar İnan. "Repetition or alternation of context influences sequential congruency effect depending on the presence of contingency." Psychological research 81.2 (2017): 490-507.
  • Botvinick, Matthew M. ve diğerleri. "Conflict monitoring and cognitive control." Psychological review 108.3 (2001): 624.
  • Braem, Senne ve diğerleri. "What determines the specificity of conflict adaptation? A review, critical analysis, and proposed synthesis." Frontiers in psychology 5 (2014): 1134.
  • Bugg, Julie M. "Conflict-triggered top-down control: Default mode, last resort, or no such thing?." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 40.2 (2014): 567.
  • Crump, Matthew JC ve Bruce Milliken. "Short article: The flexibility of context- specific control: Evidence for context-driven generalization of item-specific control settings." Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 62.8 (2009): 1523-1532.
  • Crump, Matthew JC, Joaquín MM Vaquero ve Bruce Milliken. "Context-specific learning and control: The roles of awareness, task relevance, and relative salience." Consciousness and cognition 17.1 (2008): 22-36.
  • Crump, Matthew JC, Zhiyu Gong ve Bruce Milliken. "The context-specific proportion cue." Psychonomic bulletin & review 13.2 (2006): 316-321.
  • Stroop effect: Location as a contextual
  • Duthoo, Wout ve diğerleri. "The congruency sequence effect 3.0: a critical test of conflict adaptation." PloS one 9.10 (2014): e110462.
  • --. "The heterogeneous world of congruency sequence effects: an update." Frontiers in Psychology 5 (2014): 1001.
  • Egner, Tobias. "Creatures of habit (and control): a multi-level learning perspective on the modulation of congruency effects." Frontiers in Psychology 5 (2014): 1247.
  • --. "Congruency sequence effects and cognitive control." Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 7.4 (2007): 380-390.
  • Eriksen, Barbara A. ve Charles W. Eriksen. "Effects of noise letters upon the identification of a target letter in a nonsearch task." Perception & psychophysics 16.1 (1974): 143-149.
  • Gratton, Gabriele, Michael GH Coles ve Emanuel Donchin. "Optimizing the use of information: strategic control of activation of responses." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General121.4 (1992): 480.
  • Hommel, Bernhard. "Event files: Evidence for automatic integration of stimulus- response episodes." Visual Cognition 5.1-2 (1998): 183-216.
  • Hommel, Bernhard, Robert W. Proctor ve Kim-Phuong L. Vu. "A feature-integration account of sequential effects in the Simon task." Psychological research 68.1 (2004): 1-17.
  • Hutcheon, Thomas G. ve Daniel H. Spieler. "Contextual influences on the sequential congruency effect." Psychonomic bulletin & review 21.1 (2014): 155-162.
  • Kerns, John G. ve diğerleri. "Anterior cingulate conflict monitoring and adjustments in control." Science 303.5660 (2004): 1023-1026.
  • Kunde, Wilfried ve Peter Wühr. "Sequential modulations of correspondence effects across spatial dimensions and tasks." Memory & Cognition 34.2 (2006): 356- 367.
  • Logan, Gordon D. "Toward an instance theory of automatization." Psychological review 95.4 (1988): 492.
  • MacLeod, Colin M. "Half a century of research on the Stroop effect: an integrative review." Psychological bulletin 109.2 (1991): 163.
  • Mayr, Ulrich, Edward Awh ve Paul Laurey. "Conflict adaptation effects in the absence of executive control." Nature neuroscience6.5 (2003): 450.
  • Mordkoff, J. Toby. "Observation: Three reasons to avoid having half of the trials be congruent in a four-alternative forced-choice experiment on sequential modulation." Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 19.4 (2012): 750-757.
  • Peter, Wühr. "Evidence for gating of direct response activation in the Simon task." Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 12.2 (2005): 282-288.
  • Schmidt, James R. "Questioning conflict adaptation: proportion congruent and Gratton effects reconsidered." Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 20.4 (2013): 615- 630.
  • Schmidt, James R. ve Derek Besner. "The Stroop effect: why proportion congruent has nothing to do with congruency and everything to do with contingency." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 34.3 (2008): 514.
  • Schmidt, James R. ve Jan De Houwer. "Now you see it, now you don't: Controlling for contingencies and stimulus repetitions eliminates the Gratton effect." Acta psychologica 138.1 (2011): 176-186.
  • Schmidt, James R. ve diğerleri. "Contingency learning without awareness: Evidence for implicit control." Consciousness and cognition 16.2 (2007): 421-435.
  • Spapé, Michiel M. ve Bernhard Hommel. "He said, she said: Episodic retrieval induces conflict adaptation in an auditory Stroop task." Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 15.6 (2008): 1117-1121.
  • Stroop, J. Ridley. "Studies of interference in serial verbal reactions." Journal of experimental psychology 18.6 (1935): 643.
  • Verguts, Tom ve Wim Notebaert. "Adaptation by binding: a learning account of cognitive control." Trends in cognitive sciences 13.6 (2009): 252-257.
  • --."Hebbian learning of cognitive control: dealing with specific and nonspecific adaptation." Psychological review 115.2 (2008): 518.
  • Wendt, Mike, Rainer H. Kluwe ve Alexandra Peters. "Sequential modulations of interference evoked by processing task-irrelevant stimulus features." Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 32.3 (2006): 644.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Aslı Bahar İnan Bu kişi benim

Nart Bedin Atalay Bu kişi benim

Mine Mısırlısoy Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 58 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA İnan, A. B., Atalay, N. B., & Mısırlısoy, M. (2018). UYARICI-TEPKİ İZLERLİĞİ BULUNDUĞUNDA BAĞLAM TEKRARI SIRALI UYUMLULUK ETKİSİNİ DEĞİŞTİRMEZ. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil Ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, 58(1), 955-972.

Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi -

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