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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 58 Sayı: 1, 1138 - 1160, 01.01.2018


Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümü BBYB mezunları hem kamu sektöründe hem özel sektörde istihdam olanağına sahiptir. Bu çalışmada BBYB mezunlarının özel sektörde istihdamı ne tür mesleki ve mesleki olmayan becerilere sahip olmaları gerektiği, hangi illerde iş olanaklarına daha fazla sahip oldukları, hangi unvanlarla istihdam edildikleri saptanmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla 2015-2017 zaman diliminde çevrim içi olarak yayımlanan iş ilanlarının nitel içerik analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. İçerik analizinin sonucunda bölüm mezunlarının “özel üniversiteler, özel okullar, hastaneler, bankalar” gibi çeşitli kuruluşlarda “kütüphaneci, kütüphane sorumlusu, kütüphane öğretmeni, arşivci” gibi çeşitli unvanlarla istihdam edildiği saptanmıştır. Ayrıca en fazla istihdam olanağının İstanbul'da olduğu; onu Ankara, İzmir, Kocaeli gibi büyükşehirlerin izlediği belirlenmiştir. İş ilanlarında istenilen mesleki koşulların "bölüm mezunu olmak, arşivcilik ve dokümantasyon konusunda bilgi ve/veya deneyim sahibi olmak; kataloglama ve sınıflama konusunda bilgi ve/veya deneyim sahibi olmak; dolaşım hizmetlerini yürütebilmek için gerekli bilgi ve/veya deneyime sahip olmak; dijitalleştirme bilgisine, becerisine ve deneyimine sahip olmak vb." beceriler üzerine yoğunlaştığı görülmektedir. Bunlara ek olarak ilanlarda istenilen mesleki olmayan becerilerin/koşulların ise çoğu ilanda benzer nitelikle olduğu ve "askerlik hizmetini tamamlamak, iyi düzeyde yabancı bir dil İngilizce, Arapça vb. bilmek, MS Office programlarını iyi düzeyde kullanabilmek, etkin iletişim becerisine sahip olmak, takım çalışmasına yatkın olmak ve esnek çalışma saatlerine uyum göstermek vb." olduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • American Library Association. “ALA’s Core Competences of Librarianship.” Web. 1 Mart 2018.
  • Beile, Penny M., ve Megan M. Adams. “Other Duties as Assigned: Emerging Trends in the Academic Library Job Market.” College and Research Libraries 61.4 (2000): 336–347. Web. 1 Mart 2018.
  • “Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi (BBY) Haber Portalı”. Web. 1 Mart 2018.
  • “Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi İş İlanları”. Web. 12 Mart 2018.
  • Çakın, İrfan. “Bilgi Profesyonellerinin Eğitiminde 40 yıl: Hacettepe Üniversitesinin Lisans Programındaki Değişiklikler.” Türk Kütüphaneciliği 26.2 (2012): 262–290. Web. 12 Mart 2018.
  • Cullen, John. “A Review of Library and Information Service Job Advertisements: What do They Tell Us about Work in the Irish Library Sector?” Journal of Information Science 26.4 (2000): 278–281. Web. 1 Mart 2018.
  • Er-Koçoğlu, Neslihan ve Aynur Ersoy. “Mesleki Yeterlilikler Bağlamında Türkiye’deki Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümleri Eğitim Programlarının Değerlendirilmesi”. I. Uluslararası Kütüphane ve Bilgibilim Felsefesi Sempozyumu: Etik: Kuram ve Uygulama, 3-5 Eylül 2014, Kastamonu. Ed. Hasan Sacit Keseroğlu vd. Hiperlink, 2014. 453–469.
  • Gerolimos, Michalis, Afrodite Malliari, ve Pavlos Iakovidis. “Skills in the Market: An Analysis of Skills and Qualifications for American Librarians.” Library Review 64.1/2 (2015): 21–35. Web. 3 Nisan 2018.
  • Gorman, Michael. “Whither Library Education?” New Library World 105.9/10 (2004): 376–380. Web. 18 Mart 2018.
  • Gökçe, Orhan. İçerik Analizi : Kuramsal ve Pratik Bilgiler. Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi, 2006.
  • Han, Myung-Ja ve Patricia Hswe. “The Evolving Role of the Metadata Librarian Competencies Found in Job Descriptions.” Library Resources & Technical Services 54.3 (2010): 129–141. Web. 12 Nisan 2018.
  • Hee-Yoon, Yoon ve Kim Sin-Young. “A Study on the Job Analysis of Public Libraries in Korea.” Aslib Proceedings 61.6 (2009): 504–541. Web. 1 Mart 2018.
  • Kaba, Abdoulaye. “Online Library Job Advertisement in United Arab Emirates: A Content Analysis of Online Sources.” Library Management 38.2/3 (2017): 131– 141. Web. 20 Mart 2018.
  • Karadeniz, Şenol. “Halk Kütüphanelerinde Kariyer.” Türk Kütüphaneciliği 27.4 (2013): 654–660. Web. 20 Mart 2018.
  • Kim, Jeonghyun, Edward Warga ve William Moen. “Competencies Required for Digital Curation: An Analysis of Job Advertisements.” International Journal of Digital Curation 8.1 (2013): 66–83. Web. 12 Nisan 2018.
  • Kim, S.-Y. ve J.-Y. Lee. “A Study on the Development of Korean Academic Libraries’ Duty Model Based on the Job Analysis.” Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives 63.1 (2011): 76–100. Web. 2 Nisan 2018.
  • Kumar, Bharat. “Employability of Library and Information Science Graduates: Competencies Expected versus Taught: A Case Study.” DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology 30.5 (2010): 74–82. Web. 12 Mart 2018.
  • Mouza, Anna Maria ve Sofia P. Grigoriadou. “Job Analysis of Academic Librarians in Greece: Investigating Differences among Institutions regarding Obligations and Responsibilities.” Library Management 37.1/2 (2016): 29–54. Web. 19 Mart 2018.
  • Mustafa, Ghulam ve Munira Nasreen Ansari. “Job Openings for Library Professionals in Pakistan: A Content Analysis.” Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) (2012): n. pag. Web. 19 Mart 2018.
  • Ocholla, Dennis ve Mzwandile Shongwe. “An Analysis of the Library and Information Science (LIS) Job Market in South Africa.” South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science 79.1 (2013): 35–43. Web. 5 Mart 2018.
  • Palmer, Joseph W. “Changes in Medical Librarianship: A Content Analysis of Job Advertisements in the MLA News, 1961-1977.” Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 66.4 (1978): 464–466. Web. 5 Mart 2018.
  • Pember, Margaret. “Content Analysis of Recordkeeping Job Advertisements in Western Australia: Knowledge and Skills Required by Employers.” AARL Australian Academic & Research Libraries 34.3 (2003): 194–210. Web. 30 Mart 2018.
  • Reeves, Robert K. ve Trudi Bellardo Hahn. “Job Advertisements for Recent Graduates: Advising, Curriculum, and Job-seeking Implications.” Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 51.2 (2010): 103–109. Web. 23 Nisan 2018.
  • Reser, David W. ve Anita P. Schuneman. “The Academic Library Job Market: A Content Analysis Comparing Public and Technical Services.” College and Research Libraries 53.1 (1992): 49–59. Web. 19 Mart 2018.
  • Schmidt, Dean ve James Swanton. “Qualifications Sought by Employers of Health Sciences Librarians, 1977-1978.” Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 68.1 (1980): 58–63. Web. 11 Nisan 2018.
  • Special Libraries Association. “Competencies for Information Professionals Special Libraries Association.” Web. 11 Nisan 2018.
  • Stanton, Jeffrey M. ve diğerleri. “Education for eScience Professionals: Job Analysis, Curriculum Guidance, and Program Considerations.” Journal of Education for Library & Information Science 52.2 (2011): 79–94. Web. 30 Mart 2018.
  • Stroyan, Sue. “Qualifications Sought by Employers of Health Sciences Librarians, 1986.” Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 75.3 (1987): 209–213. Web. 12 Mart 2018.
  • Triumph, Therese F. ve Penny M. Beile. “The Trending Academic Library Job Market: An Analysis of Library Position Announcements from 2011 with Comparisons to 1996 and 1988.” College & Research Libraries 76.6 (2015): 716–739. Web. 22 Mart 2018.
  • Wang, Hanrong, Yingqi Tang ve Carley Knight. “Contemporary Development of Academic Reference Librarianship in the United States: A 44-Year Content Analysis.” Journal of Academic Librarianship 36.6 (2010): 489–494. Web. 25 Mart 2018.
  • Wells, Mary Baier. “Requirements and Benefits for Academic Librarians: 1959-1979”. College & Research Libraries 43.6 (1980): 450–458. Web. 26 Nisan 2018.
  • White, Gary W. “Head of Reference Positions in Academic Libraries - A Survey of Job Announcements from 1990 through 1999.” Reference & User Services Quarterly 39.3 (2000): 265–272.
  • Wise, Sharyn, Maureen Henninger ve Mary Anne Kennan. “Changing Trends in LIS Job Advertisements.” Australian Academic and Research Libraries 42.4 (2011): 268–295. Web. 21 Mart 2018.
  • Xia, Jingfeng ve Minglu Wang. “Competencies and Responsibilities of Social Science Data Librarians: An Analysis of Job Descriptions.” College & Research Libraries 75.3 (2014): 362–388. Web. 21 Mart 2018.
  • Yadav, Akhilesh K. S. ve Prerana Deepak Bankar. “Employment Opportunities in LIS Field in India: A Content Analysis of Positions Advertised." Annals of Library and Information Studies 63.1 (2016): 53–58. Web. 2 Nisan 2018.


Yıl 2018, Cilt: 58 Sayı: 1, 1138 - 1160, 01.01.2018


The graduates of Information and Records Management Departments IRMD have employment in both the public and private sectors. This study attempts to determine what professional and non-professional skills IRMD graduates should have for employment in the private sector, which ones have more possibilities for employment and which titles to employ. For this purpose, qualitative content analysis of job advertisements published online during the period of 2015-2017 was carried out. As a result of content analysis, the graduates are employed with various titles such as "librarian, library manager, library teacher, archivist" in various institutions such as “special universities, special schools, hospitals, banks.” In addition, it is determined that the highest employment is in Istanbul; followed by big cities such as Ankara, İzmir and Kocaeli. Professional skills in job advertisements seem to concentrate on "being a graduate of LIS, having knowledge and/or experience about archiving and documentation, having knowledge and/or experience about cataloging and classication, having the necessary knowledge and/or experience to carry out circulation services, having the necessary knowledge and/or experience about digitalization, etc." conditions. In addition to these, the non-professional skills/conditions required in the advertisements are similar in most of it and that "completing military service, knowing good command of a foreign language English, Arabic etc. , using MS Ofce programs at a good level, having effective communication skills, having teamwork skills and to adapt to flexible working hours, etc.".


  • American Library Association. “ALA’s Core Competences of Librarianship.” Web. 1 Mart 2018.
  • Beile, Penny M., ve Megan M. Adams. “Other Duties as Assigned: Emerging Trends in the Academic Library Job Market.” College and Research Libraries 61.4 (2000): 336–347. Web. 1 Mart 2018.
  • “Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi (BBY) Haber Portalı”. Web. 1 Mart 2018.
  • “Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi İş İlanları”. Web. 12 Mart 2018.
  • Çakın, İrfan. “Bilgi Profesyonellerinin Eğitiminde 40 yıl: Hacettepe Üniversitesinin Lisans Programındaki Değişiklikler.” Türk Kütüphaneciliği 26.2 (2012): 262–290. Web. 12 Mart 2018.
  • Cullen, John. “A Review of Library and Information Service Job Advertisements: What do They Tell Us about Work in the Irish Library Sector?” Journal of Information Science 26.4 (2000): 278–281. Web. 1 Mart 2018.
  • Er-Koçoğlu, Neslihan ve Aynur Ersoy. “Mesleki Yeterlilikler Bağlamında Türkiye’deki Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümleri Eğitim Programlarının Değerlendirilmesi”. I. Uluslararası Kütüphane ve Bilgibilim Felsefesi Sempozyumu: Etik: Kuram ve Uygulama, 3-5 Eylül 2014, Kastamonu. Ed. Hasan Sacit Keseroğlu vd. Hiperlink, 2014. 453–469.
  • Gerolimos, Michalis, Afrodite Malliari, ve Pavlos Iakovidis. “Skills in the Market: An Analysis of Skills and Qualifications for American Librarians.” Library Review 64.1/2 (2015): 21–35. Web. 3 Nisan 2018.
  • Gorman, Michael. “Whither Library Education?” New Library World 105.9/10 (2004): 376–380. Web. 18 Mart 2018.
  • Gökçe, Orhan. İçerik Analizi : Kuramsal ve Pratik Bilgiler. Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi, 2006.
  • Han, Myung-Ja ve Patricia Hswe. “The Evolving Role of the Metadata Librarian Competencies Found in Job Descriptions.” Library Resources & Technical Services 54.3 (2010): 129–141. Web. 12 Nisan 2018.
  • Hee-Yoon, Yoon ve Kim Sin-Young. “A Study on the Job Analysis of Public Libraries in Korea.” Aslib Proceedings 61.6 (2009): 504–541. Web. 1 Mart 2018.
  • Kaba, Abdoulaye. “Online Library Job Advertisement in United Arab Emirates: A Content Analysis of Online Sources.” Library Management 38.2/3 (2017): 131– 141. Web. 20 Mart 2018.
  • Karadeniz, Şenol. “Halk Kütüphanelerinde Kariyer.” Türk Kütüphaneciliği 27.4 (2013): 654–660. Web. 20 Mart 2018.
  • Kim, Jeonghyun, Edward Warga ve William Moen. “Competencies Required for Digital Curation: An Analysis of Job Advertisements.” International Journal of Digital Curation 8.1 (2013): 66–83. Web. 12 Nisan 2018.
  • Kim, S.-Y. ve J.-Y. Lee. “A Study on the Development of Korean Academic Libraries’ Duty Model Based on the Job Analysis.” Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives 63.1 (2011): 76–100. Web. 2 Nisan 2018.
  • Kumar, Bharat. “Employability of Library and Information Science Graduates: Competencies Expected versus Taught: A Case Study.” DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology 30.5 (2010): 74–82. Web. 12 Mart 2018.
  • Mouza, Anna Maria ve Sofia P. Grigoriadou. “Job Analysis of Academic Librarians in Greece: Investigating Differences among Institutions regarding Obligations and Responsibilities.” Library Management 37.1/2 (2016): 29–54. Web. 19 Mart 2018.
  • Mustafa, Ghulam ve Munira Nasreen Ansari. “Job Openings for Library Professionals in Pakistan: A Content Analysis.” Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) (2012): n. pag. Web. 19 Mart 2018.
  • Ocholla, Dennis ve Mzwandile Shongwe. “An Analysis of the Library and Information Science (LIS) Job Market in South Africa.” South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science 79.1 (2013): 35–43. Web. 5 Mart 2018.
  • Palmer, Joseph W. “Changes in Medical Librarianship: A Content Analysis of Job Advertisements in the MLA News, 1961-1977.” Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 66.4 (1978): 464–466. Web. 5 Mart 2018.
  • Pember, Margaret. “Content Analysis of Recordkeeping Job Advertisements in Western Australia: Knowledge and Skills Required by Employers.” AARL Australian Academic & Research Libraries 34.3 (2003): 194–210. Web. 30 Mart 2018.
  • Reeves, Robert K. ve Trudi Bellardo Hahn. “Job Advertisements for Recent Graduates: Advising, Curriculum, and Job-seeking Implications.” Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 51.2 (2010): 103–109. Web. 23 Nisan 2018.
  • Reser, David W. ve Anita P. Schuneman. “The Academic Library Job Market: A Content Analysis Comparing Public and Technical Services.” College and Research Libraries 53.1 (1992): 49–59. Web. 19 Mart 2018.
  • Schmidt, Dean ve James Swanton. “Qualifications Sought by Employers of Health Sciences Librarians, 1977-1978.” Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 68.1 (1980): 58–63. Web. 11 Nisan 2018.
  • Special Libraries Association. “Competencies for Information Professionals Special Libraries Association.” Web. 11 Nisan 2018.
  • Stanton, Jeffrey M. ve diğerleri. “Education for eScience Professionals: Job Analysis, Curriculum Guidance, and Program Considerations.” Journal of Education for Library & Information Science 52.2 (2011): 79–94. Web. 30 Mart 2018.
  • Stroyan, Sue. “Qualifications Sought by Employers of Health Sciences Librarians, 1986.” Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 75.3 (1987): 209–213. Web. 12 Mart 2018.
  • Triumph, Therese F. ve Penny M. Beile. “The Trending Academic Library Job Market: An Analysis of Library Position Announcements from 2011 with Comparisons to 1996 and 1988.” College & Research Libraries 76.6 (2015): 716–739. Web. 22 Mart 2018.
  • Wang, Hanrong, Yingqi Tang ve Carley Knight. “Contemporary Development of Academic Reference Librarianship in the United States: A 44-Year Content Analysis.” Journal of Academic Librarianship 36.6 (2010): 489–494. Web. 25 Mart 2018.
  • Wells, Mary Baier. “Requirements and Benefits for Academic Librarians: 1959-1979”. College & Research Libraries 43.6 (1980): 450–458. Web. 26 Nisan 2018.
  • White, Gary W. “Head of Reference Positions in Academic Libraries - A Survey of Job Announcements from 1990 through 1999.” Reference & User Services Quarterly 39.3 (2000): 265–272.
  • Wise, Sharyn, Maureen Henninger ve Mary Anne Kennan. “Changing Trends in LIS Job Advertisements.” Australian Academic and Research Libraries 42.4 (2011): 268–295. Web. 21 Mart 2018.
  • Xia, Jingfeng ve Minglu Wang. “Competencies and Responsibilities of Social Science Data Librarians: An Analysis of Job Descriptions.” College & Research Libraries 75.3 (2014): 362–388. Web. 21 Mart 2018.
  • Yadav, Akhilesh K. S. ve Prerana Deepak Bankar. “Employment Opportunities in LIS Field in India: A Content Analysis of Positions Advertised." Annals of Library and Information Studies 63.1 (2016): 53–58. Web. 2 Nisan 2018.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Neslihan Er-koçoğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 58 Sayı: 1

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